78 research outputs found

    A Strategic Environmental Management Model: Salt Lake Case

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    Strategic Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) is the most important tool used to determine how to protect, to use, to develop and to manage regions. SEMP is prepared for the identification of natural and cultural resources, identifying threats to those resources, and the long term protection of the region and it also provides development of strategies and implementation plans. Within SEMP is based on the current state of the region and it shows the most efficient and equitable way to be achieved in the future. The article aims to correctly analyse Salt Lake's unique environmental conditions and protect its biological endogenous and exogenous factors that may arise in the future. In this paper, it is also developed creative and innovative approaches to use and to protect existing stocks by establishing a major paradigm to carry these approaches into future. The model includes four dimensions. First the problems of Salt Lake is determined in consideration of four dimensions such as environment, agriculture and livestock, business world and management issues then a scale is developed according to results obtained from focus group meetings. Stakeholders of Salt Lake evaluate each component of the region -economic condition, biological, ecological and social values, protection of environment, and regional management issues -. Finally, a strategic environmental management model is developed special to Salt Lake. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published b

    Physical and chemical degradation of grassland soils in semi-arid regions: A case from Central Anatolia, Turkey

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    WOS: 000389388700001The aim of this study is to determine some hydro-physical and chemical characteristics of soils on the grassland areas under semi-arid conditions in terms of soil degradation processes. Three sampling plots of 20 x 20 m size were selected from the Emen Plain as Locations-I, II and III basing on the area covered with vegetation and visual soil properties; and total 108 soil samples from 2 points and 3 depth levels (0 20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm) of each sampling plot. Soils of the research area are in degradation process in terms of some physical and chemical characteristics. It was observed that soil properties (i.e. bulk density, total porosity, organic matter, pH, electrical conductivity and saturated hydraulic conductivity) in Location-II and Location-Ill changed negatively in comparison to Location-I almost at all depths. In the Location-Ill grassland, bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity and Na + values are higher than those in Location-I, whereas the organic matter, total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity values are low. Grassland area is vulnerable to erosion. High Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) values in Locations-II and III indicates the sodicity problem in these areas. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Effects of floods and torrents on human life

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    Taşkın ve seller geçmişten beri önemli miktarda maddi ve manevi zararlara neden olmaktadır. Yaygın bir doğal afet olmasına karşın sel ve taşkınların insan sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri özellikle ülkemizde yeterli şekilde değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu doğal afetlerin neden olduğu zararlarla ilgili sağlıklı veri eksikliği söz konusudur. Sel ve taşkınları insan hayatı üzerindeki en önemli etkileri ölüm, yaralanmalar, sel sonrası meydana gelen hastalıklar vb. şeklinde kendini göstermektedir. Bu zararların azaltılması için sel öncesinde, sırasında ve sonrasında birtakım yapısal ve yapısal olmayan önlemler alınması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada sel ve taşkın olaylarının insan hayatı üzerindeki etkileri ve bu etkileri azaltmak için neler yapılması gerektiği irdelenmiştir.Floods and torrents are common natural disasters and cause important economic damages in the environment and create very serious health problems in human life. Despite these problems, effects of flood and torrents on human health have not been assessed adequately, especially in Turkey. Accurate data related with these natural disasters from the beginning of the floods and torrents to the end of these events are needed to determine their effect on human life including deaths, injures, diseases, etc. Some structural and non-structural measures should be taken into account to prevent and/or reduce these hazards. In this study, effects of floods and torrents on human life and what should be done to reduce flood hazards are discussed

    Effects of floods and torrents on human life

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    Taşkın ve seller geçmişten beri önemli miktarda maddi ve manevi zararlara neden olmaktadır. Yaygın bir doğal afet olmasına karşın sel ve taşkınların insan sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri özellikle ülkemizde yeterli şekilde değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu doğal afetlerin neden olduğu zararlarla ilgili sağlıklı veri eksikliği söz konusudur. Sel ve taşkınları insan hayatı üzerindeki en önemli etkileri ölüm, yaralanmalar, sel sonrası meydana gelen hastalıklar vb. şeklinde kendini göstermektedir. Bu zararların azaltılması için sel öncesinde, sırasında ve sonrasında birtakım yapısal ve yapısal olmayan önlemler alınması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada sel ve taşkın olaylarının insan hayatı üzerindeki etkileri ve bu etkileri azaltmak için neler yapılması gerektiği irdelenmiştir.Floods and torrents are common natural disasters and cause important economic damages in the environment and create very serious health problems in human life. Despite these problems, effects of flood and torrents on human health have not been assessed adequately, especially in Turkey. Accurate data related with these natural disasters from the beginning of the floods and torrents to the end of these events are needed to determine their effect on human life including deaths, injures, diseases, etc. Some structural and non-structural measures should be taken into account to prevent and/or reduce these hazards. In this study, effects of floods and torrents on human life and what should be done to reduce flood hazards are discussed

    Effects of the land use/cover on the surface runoff and soil loss in the Niğde-Akkaya Dam Watershed, Turkey

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    Erosion, flood, and overflow events are frequently experienced due to changes in the land use in watersheds where human impacts are intensive. It is important to understand the effects of land use types on erosion at a watershed scale. This knowledge can then be used to manage soil and water resources in watersheds better. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of different land uses/covers on the surface runoff and soil loss by using a rainfall simulator in natural land conditions in the Niğde Akkaya Dam watershed with semi-arid conditions. For this purpose, 5 cultivated lands with different product patterns with similar conditions (apple orchard (A), potato cultivation area (P), bean cultivation area (B), clover cultivated land (CL), abandoned cultivated land (AB), plantation areas (cedar (C) and almond (AL)), and pasturelands covered with Thymus sp. (T), Agropyron sp. (AG) and Stipa sp. (S) were selected for the applications. The applications were carried out in two repetitions on circular test parcels of 0.28 m2 established in these lands. During the land applications, the characteristics of surface runoff (ponding time, surface runoff start time, average surface runoff rate, runoff coefficient) and the average sediment concentration in the surface runoff water were determined. The data obtained were evaluated by using the ANOVA, Duncan's test, and Pearson correlation analysis test and SPSS statistical program. The results of the study revealed that the surface runoff occurred in the abandoned cultivation area, bean cultivation area, potato cultivation area, and thyme-covered pastureland in a short time. The runoff coefficient values by the land cover are sorted from high to low as B > T > P > A > AB > AL > C > CL > S > AG. The sediment concentration in the runoff water is sorted from high to low as T > P > B > AB > AL > A > C > S. When the situation was evaluated in terms of the soil loss (erosion), it was concluded that the sorting is as P > T > A > AB > B > AL > C > S > CL. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.This study was financially supported by Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Scientific Research Institute . Project Number is FEB2013/21

    The effect of geomechanical properties of ignimbrites on their usage as building stone: Nevşehir stone [İgnimbiritlerin jeomekanik özelliklerinin yapi taşi olarak kullanimina etkisi: Nevşehir taşi]

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    For this study; different colored pyroclastics belong to Kavak ignimbrite that widely spreads around Nevşehir were choosen. These rocks were widely used as building stone in low storeyed buildings and especially in historical building in the past. Nowadays, they have an increasing usage in outer surface covering of the buildings, stairs, floorings, banisters, pools and their surroundings, arches, columns, fireplaces, balcony decorations and restoration applications because of having decorative properties. Sampling was carried out in 6 different areas in the field because they have different color and texture characteristics that change frequently in close areas. At first petrographical and chemical properties of these samples were determined and then standard rock mechanic experiments were carried out in order to determine their geomechanical properties. According to the results, it is exposed that investigated pyroclastics are non-welded ignimbrite and there are important relationships between their geological, chemical, petrographical properties and geomechanical properties. Especially, the samples having opaque minerals, fine grained rock fragments and higher matrix ratio than grain ratio, have lower porosity and higher density and compressive strength

    The effect of geomechanical properties of ignimbrites on their usage as building stone: Nevşehir stone

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    Araştırmalar için Nevşehir dolayında geniş alanlarda yüzeylenen Kavak ignimbiritlerine ait farklı renklerdeki piroklastikler seçilmiştir. Söz konusu birimlerden çıkarılan taşlar önceleri özellikle tarihi yapılarda ve düşük katlı binalarda yapı taşı olarak yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmıştır. Günümüzde ise daha çok dekoratif özelliklerinden dolayı bina dış yüzey kaplamasında, merdiven, yer döşemesi, korkuluk, havuz ve kenarları, kemer, sütun, şömine balkon süslemeleri ve restorasyon uygulamalarındaki kullanımı giderek artmaktadır. Yakın alanlarda renk ve dokusal özellikleri çok sık değişim göstermelerinden dolayı 6 farklı alanda örnekleme yapılmıştır. Derlenen bu örneklerin öncelikle petrografik ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiş olup, jeomekanik özelliklerini belirlenmek amacıyla da standart kaya mekaniği deneyleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre, incelenen piroklastiklerin iyi kaynaşmamış ignimbirit özelliğinde olduğu, bunların jeolojik, kimyasal ve petrografik özellikleri ile jeomekanik özellikleri arasında önemli ilişkilerin olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Özellikle opak mineral, ince taneli kayaç parçası içeriği ile matriks oranı-tane oranından yüksek olan örneklerin porozitesinin daha düşük, yoğunluklarının ve basınç dayanımlarının da nispeten daha yüksek değerler gösterdikleri belirlenmiştir.For this study; different colored pyroclastics belong to Kavak ignimbrite that widely spreads around Nevşehir were choosen. These rocks were widely used as building stone in low storeyed buildings and especially in historical building in the past. Nowadays, they have an increasing usage in outer surface covering of the buildings, stairs, floorings, banisters, pools and their surroundings, arches, columns, fireplaces, balcony decorations and restoration applications because of having decorative properties. Sampling was carried out in 6 different areas in the field because they have different color and texture characteristics that change frequently in close areas. At first petrographical and chemical properties of these samples were determined and then standard rock mechanic experiments were carried out in order to determine their geomechanical properties. According to the results, it is exposed that investigated pyroclastics are non-welded ignimbrite and there are important relationships between their geological, chemical, petrographical properties and geomechanical properties. Especially, the samples having opaque minerals, fine grained rock fragments and higher matrix ratio than grain ratio, have lower porosity and higher density and compressive strength

    Evaluation of selected basalts from Nigde, Turkey, as source of concrete aggregate

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    Basaltic rocks have been widely used as aggregate for various purposes. They show a variety of textural and mineralogical characteristics that may affect their physico-mechanical properties as well as their use as construction material. The study presented in this paper was carried out on basalts that are widespread in the Middle Anatolian Region of Turkey and that comprise the major source of local crushed rock aggregates. To determine the suitability of the basalts as alternative aggregate resource, Early Quaternary Melendiz Volcanites, Quaternary Karatas volcanites and Igredak basalts were selected around the Nigde Region. The experimental studies were conducted on these rocks. The samples were collected as being representative of 11 different types of basalt. The physico-mechanical properties of the basalts of different compositions and textures, and the properties of their aggregates were determined. The results were then compared with the typical acceptance limits in international usage. Although olivine basalts have better aggregate quality compared to other basalts, most of the basalts were found to be suitable for production of crushed rock aggregates for concrete production. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved