225 research outputs found

    Synchronization of weakly perturbed Markov chain oscillators

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    Rate processes are simple and analytically tractable models for many dynamical systems which switch stochastically between a discrete set of quasi stationary states but they may also approximate continuous processes by coarse grained, symbolic dynamics. In contrast to limit cycle oscillators which are weakly perturbed by noise, the stochasticity in such systems may be strong and more complicated system topologies than the circle can be considered. Here we employ second order, time dependent perturbation theory to derive expressions for the mean frequency and phase diffusion constant of discrete state oscillators coupled or driven through weakly time dependent transition rates. We also describe a method of global control to optimize the response of the mean frequency in complex transition networks.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Noise-Induced Synchronization of a Large Population of Globally Coupled Nonidentical Oscillators

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    We study a large population of globally coupled phase oscillators subject to common white Gaussian noise and find analytically that the critical coupling strength between oscillators for synchronization transition decreases with an increase in the intensity of common noise. Thus, common noise promotes the onset of synchronization. Our prediction is confirmed by numerical simulations of the phase oscillators as well as of limit-cycle oscillators

    Collective fluctuations in networks of noisy components

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    Collective dynamics result from interactions among noisy dynamical components. Examples include heartbeats, circadian rhythms, and various pattern formations. Because of noise in each component, collective dynamics inevitably involve fluctuations, which may crucially affect functioning of the system. However, the relation between the fluctuations in isolated individual components and those in collective dynamics is unclear. Here we study a linear dynamical system of networked components subjected to independent Gaussian noise and analytically show that the connectivity of networks determines the intensity of fluctuations in the collective dynamics. Remarkably, in general directed networks including scale-free networks, the fluctuations decrease more slowly with the system size than the standard law stated by the central limit theorem. They even remain finite for a large system size when global directionality of the network exists. Moreover, such nontrivial behavior appears even in undirected networks when nonlinear dynamical systems are considered. We demonstrate it with a coupled oscillator system.Comment: 5 figure

    Dynamics-based centrality for general directed networks

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    Determining the relative importance of nodes in directed networks is important in, for example, ranking websites, publications, and sports teams, and for understanding signal flows in systems biology. A prevailing centrality measure in this respect is the PageRank. In this work, we focus on another class of centrality derived from the Laplacian of the network. We extend the Laplacian-based centrality, which has mainly been applied to strongly connected networks, to the case of general directed networks such that we can quantitatively compare arbitrary nodes. Toward this end, we adopt the idea used in the PageRank to introduce global connectivity between all the pairs of nodes with a certain strength. Numerical simulations are carried out on some networks. We also offer interpretations of the Laplacian-based centrality for general directed networks in terms of various dynamical and structural properties of networks. Importantly, the Laplacian-based centrality defined as the stationary density of the continuous-time random walk with random jumps is shown to be equivalent to the absorption probability of the random walk with sinks at each node but without random jumps. Similarly, the proposed centrality represents the importance of nodes in dynamics on the original network supplied with sinks but not with random jumps.Comment: 7 figure

    Strong Effects of Network Architecture in the Entrainment of Coupled Oscillator Systems

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    Entrainment of randomly coupled oscillator networks by periodic external forcing applied to a subset of elements is numerically and analytically investigated. For a large class of interaction functions, we find that the entrainment window with a tongue shape becomes exponentially narrow for networks with higher hierarchical organization. However, the entrainment is significantly facilitated if the networks are directionally biased, i.e., closer to the feedforward networks. Furthermore, we show that the networks with high entrainment ability can be constructed by evolutionary optimization processes. The neural network structure of the master clock of the circadian rhythm in mammals is discussed from the viewpoint of our results.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, RevTe

    Estimated population access to acute stroke and telestroke centers in the US, 2019

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    This cross-sectional study assesses US population access to emergency departments with acute stroke capabilities and telestroke capacity in 2019

    Acute Oral Toxicity Test of Nicotiana tabacum L. Bio-Oil Against Female Winstar Rats

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    Tobacco plants are notably known for its pesticidal properties, particularly due to its nicotine content. In this study, Nicotiana tabacum L. bio-oil was obtained using pyrolysis technique. The safety of the bio-oil to be used as bioinsecticide was analyzed through acute oral toxicity test by administering 5000 mg bio-oil/kg body weight of female winstar rats that were analogous to humans. It was concluded that the bio-oil was not toxic due to absence of mortality and no significant change in the body weight and behavior of the rats

    Formation of feedforward networks and frequency synchrony by spike-timing-dependent plasticity

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    Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) with asymmetric learning windows is commonly found in the brain and useful for a variety of spike-based computations such as input filtering and associative memory. A natural consequence of STDP is establishment of causality in the sense that a neuron learns to fire with a lag after specific presynaptic neurons have fired. The effect of STDP on synchrony is elusive because spike synchrony implies unitary spike events of different neurons rather than a causal delayed relationship between neurons. We explore how synchrony can be facilitated by STDP in oscillator networks with a pacemaker. We show that STDP with asymmetric learning windows leads to self-organization of feedforward networks starting from the pacemaker. As a result, STDP drastically facilitates frequency synchrony. Even though differences in spike times are lessened as a result of synaptic plasticity, the finite time lag remains so that perfect spike synchrony is not realized. In contrast to traditional mechanisms of large-scale synchrony based on mutual interaction of coupled neurons, the route to synchrony discovered here is enslavement of downstream neurons by upstream ones. Facilitation of such feedforward synchrony does not occur for STDP with symmetric learning windows.Comment: 9 figure

    Prevalence of unstable attractors in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators

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    We present and analyze the first example of a dynamical system that naturally exhibits attracting periodic orbits that are \textit{unstable}. These unstable attractors occur in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators where they prevail for large networks and a wide range of parameters. They are enclosed by basins of attraction of other attractors but are remote from their own basin volume such that arbitrarily small noise leads to a switching among attractors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    2018 Robotic Scene Segmentation Challenge

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    In 2015 we began a sub-challenge at the EndoVis workshop at MICCAI in Munich using endoscope images of ex-vivo tissue with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics and instrument CAD models. However, the limited background variation and simple motion rendered the dataset uninformative in learning about which techniques would be suitable for segmentation in real surgery. In 2017, at the same workshop in Quebec we introduced the robotic instrument segmentation dataset with 10 teams participating in the challenge to perform binary, articulating parts and type segmentation of da Vinci instruments. This challenge included realistic instrument motion and more complex porcine tissue as background and was widely addressed with modifications on U-Nets and other popular CNN architectures. In 2018 we added to the complexity by introducing a set of anatomical objects and medical devices to the segmented classes. To avoid over-complicating the challenge, we continued with porcine data which is dramatically simpler than human tissue due to the lack of fatty tissue occluding many organs