63 research outputs found

    "From ad hoc to a planned way of working": Use of processes and process models in corporate communication

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    Objectives of the Study This study focuses on the use of communication processes in corporate communication and aims to show how international business communication as a discipline could benefit from process thinking. The main research question is: How can process thinking be utilized in corporate communication? Therefore, the study had two objectives. The first objective was to find out how corporate communication function can benefit from process thinking, and identification, and documentation of the core communication processes. The second objective was to identify the main communication processes in corporate communication. Summary Corporate communication is often seen as a hectic, ad hoc natured function, but the present study argues that by managing communication processes more effectively, a more systematic and planned way of working could be achieved. Previous research on the use of processes and process models in corporate communication was very limited. The literature review introduced Business Process Management (BPM), and discussed process models, their documentation and reported outcomes of processing. Finally, business communication was integrated to BPM by identifying the main corporate communication activities. The theoretical framework was constructed on the basis of Harrington’s (1995) framework for BPM and Ungan’s (2006a) framework for standardization. Empirical data was collected through two qualitative data collection methods: semi-structured interviews conducted in 14 Finnish companies and public organizations, and an online survey with open-ended questions with 82 respondents. Findings and conclusions The findings showed that processes do exist in corporate communication. Based on the data, the main communication processes in organizations could be identified. The main reason for documenting business communication processes seemed to be inconsistency in performing processes. Also, the reported benefits of process thinking in corporate communication were identified, as well as the possible risks involved. However, process improvement in corporate communication was not a widely spread practice. The main reason for this could be that processes had not been used for long in corporate communication, and thus they were not yet outdated. Business communication could benefit substantially from process thinking just as many other business disciplines have. Literature reviewed on business processes supported the use of processing in corporate communication. Effective communication is critical to organization’s success, and process thinking would improve overall efficiency and quality of communication processes. Keywords International business communication, corporate communication, ad hoc, business process management (BPM), process, process documentation, process model, process improvement, communication process, standardizatio

    Liikennetarpeen arviointi maankäytön suunnittelussa

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    Tähän julkaisuun on koottu tietoja erilaisten maankäytön toimintojen – kuten asumisen, kaupan toimipaikkojen ja työpaikkojen – tuottamasta liikenteestä. Liikennetarvetta koskevia matkatuotostietoja voidaan hyödyntää maankäytön ja liikenteen suunnittelutilanteissa, joissa on tarpeen arvioida ratkaisujen liikenteellisiä vaikutuksia tai vertailla vaihtoehtoisia sijaintikohteita toisiinsa. Liikennetarvetta koskevat tiedot on esitetty kuntaryhmittäin, sillä matkatuotokset ja erityisesti kulkutapajakauma ovat eri alueilla erilaisia. Tiedot on esitetty yhdyskuntarakenteen eri vyöhykkeille, joissa kaupunkimaiset seutukunnat on jaettu jalankulku-, joukkoliikenne- ja autovyöhykkeisiin joukkoliikennetarjonnan ja yhdyskuntarakenteellisen sijainnin perusteella. Erilaisten toimintojen tuottamien matkojen määrä on yleisimmin esitetty kävijöiden määränä kerrosalaa, asukasta tai työntekijää kohti tai vuorokauden kokonaiskävijämääränä

    Simulated temperature evolution of large BTES - case study from Finland

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    The largest borehole thermal energy storage system in Finland (also one of the largest systems in Europe) is located in Sipoo, Southern Finland. The system produces heating and cooling energy for a large logistics centre and consists of 157 vertical borehole heat exchangers that are grouped into 10 blocks. The temperature of the heat carrier fluid circulated in each block has been monitored since the operation was started. A numerical model of the system was created using the finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics® in order to simulate the temperature evolution of the system and the surrounding rock mass using the monitoring data as input. Simulation results indicate that the temperature within the rock mass embodying the system has decreased as the system is imbalanced but the decrease is moderate. The temperature disturbance created by the system was found to extend 50 metres from the borehole field. Based on the simulation the shallow geothermal reservoir will suffice for the designed lifetime of the system

    Prevalence and evolution of snoring and the associated factors in two-year-old children

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    Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence and persistence of snoring during the first two years of life in two Finnish birth cohorts and to assess the associated factors. Study design: The study population comprised 947 children from the CHILD-SLEEP (CS) and 1393 children from the FinnBrain (FB) birth cohorts. Questionnaires were provided to both parents when the child was 24 months of age. The questionnaire consisted of parts concerning the child's sleep and environmental factors. Results: The combined prevalence of habitual snoring in the two birth cohorts at the age of 24 months was 2.3% (95% CI 1.5-3.1), which is markedly lower than reported previously. Children suffering from recurrent infections (CS odds ratio (OR) 3.9, 95% CI 1.2-12.5) or asthma (FB OR 4.3, 1.4-13.5) snored habitually more often. Both the mother's (CS OR 3.2, 1.2-9.0) and father's (CS OR 3.4, 1.4-8.0) snoring every night added to the risk of the child snoring. In the multivariate models, parental snoring (CS adjusted odds ratio (ORa) 2.8, 1.1-6.8), the mother's lower level of education (CS ORa 2.9, 1.2-7.5, FB ORa 2.1, 1.0-4.5), and the mother's lower monthly income (FB ORa 2.9, 1.3-6.3) associated with the child's habitual snoring. Conclusions: The prevalence of habitual snoring in two Finnish birth cohorts is lower than reported previously. The independent risk factors for habitual snoring at the age of two years were the parents' snoring and the mother's low income and low education.Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence and persistence of snoring during the first two years of life in two Finnish birth cohorts and to assess the associated factors. Study design: The study population comprised 947 children from the CHILD-SLEEP (CS) and 1393 children from the FinnBrain (FB) birth cohorts. Questionnaires were provided to both parents when the child was 24 months of age. The questionnaire consisted of parts concerning the child's sleep and environmental factors. Results: The combined prevalence of habitual snoring in the two birth cohorts at the age of 24 months was 2.3% (95% CI 1.5-3.1), which is markedly lower than reported previously. Children suffering from recurrent infections (CS odds ratio (OR) 3.9, 95% CI 1.2-12.5) or asthma (FB OR 4.3, 1.4-13.5) snored habitually more often. Both the mother's (CS OR 3.2, 1.2-9.0) and father's (CS OR 3.4, 1.4-8.0) snoring every night added to the risk of the child snoring. In the multivariate models, parental snoring (CS adjusted odds ratio (ORa) 2.8, 1.1-6.8), the mother's lower level of education (CS ORa 2.9, 1.2-7.5, FB ORa 2.1, 1.0-4.5), and the mother's lower monthly income (FB ORa 2.9, 1.3-6.3) associated with the child's habitual snoring. Conclusions: The prevalence of habitual snoring in two Finnish birth cohorts is lower than reported previously. The independent risk factors for habitual snoring at the age of two years were the parents' snoring and the mother's low income and low education. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Nyttjandet av nya genomredigeringstekniker i Finland

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    Syftet med utredningen är att producera information om nuläget och framtiden för nya genomredigeringstekniker. Materialet samlades in från litteraturen, genom intervjuer med experter och med en företagsundersökning. I projektet ordnades två möten för intressenter. Dessutom användes statistiskt material och scenariometoden. Med nya genomredigeringstekniker kan man göra riktade förändringar med hög precision hos en organism genom att lägga till, ta bort eller förändra specifika egenskaper hos organismen. I Finland tillämpas teknikerna främst inom växtforskning, grundforskning i djurfysiologi samt medicinsk forskning och utveckling där man producerar försöksdjurs- och cellmodeller genom geneditering. Nya genomredigeringstekniker skulle kunna användas bland annat för att anpassa växter till de nya förhållandena som klimatförändringen medför. Inom den medicinska sektorn skapar teknikerna möjligheter för läkemedelsprövning och potential att utveckla genterapeutiska behandlingar. Inom husdjursaveln är målen inställda på att förbättra djurhälsan. Produktionen av tillämpningar fördröjs av tolkningen av den europeiska lagstiftningen, som jämställer nya genomredigeringstekniker med genmodifiering. Tolkningen innebär höga kostnader för riskbedömning. Dessutom har konsumenterna en negativ inställning till genmodifiering och därför anses marknaden för genomredigerade produkter osäker.Den här publikation är en del i genomförandet av statsrådets utrednings- och forskningsplan. (tietokayttoon.fi) De som producerar informationen ansvarar för innehållet i publikationen. Textinnehållet återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis statsrådets ståndpunk

    Uusien genominmuokkaustekniikoiden hyödyntäminen Suomessa

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    Tämän selvityksen tarkoitus on tuottaa tietoa uusien genominmuokkaustekniikoiden nykytilasta ja tulevaisuudesta. Selvityksen aineisto kerättiin kirjallisuudesta, asiantuntijahaastatteluin sekä yrityskyselyn avulla. Hankkeessa järjestettiin kaksi sidosryhmätilaisuutta. Lisäksi hyödynnettiin tilastoaineistoa ja skenaariomenetelmää. Uusilla genominmuokkaustekniikoilla on mahdollista lisätä, poistaa tai muokata organismin haluttuja ominaisuuksia hyvin tarkasti ja kohdennetusti. Niitä sovelletaan tällä hetkellä Suomessa pääasiassa kasvintutkimuksen ja eläinfysiologian perustutkimuksessa sekä lääketieteellisessä tutkimuksessa ja kehityksessä tuottamalla geenieditoinnilla koe-eläin- ja solumalleja. Uusia genominmuokkaustekniikoita voitaisiin soveltaa mm.kasvien säänkestävyyden parantamiseen ilmastonmuutoksen muuttamissa kasvuolosuhteissa. Lääketieteessä lääketutkimuksen lisäksi uudet genominmuokkaustekniikat mahdollistavat geeniterapeuttisten hoitojen kehittämisen. Eläinjalostuksessa toiveet kohdistuvat eläinten terveyden hyvinvoinnin parantamiseen. Sovellusten tuottamisen kasvua estävät eurooppalainen lainsäädännön tulkinta, joka rinnastaa uudet genominmuokkaustekniikat geenimuunteluun. Tämä pitää vaaditun riskinarvioinnin kustannukset korkeina. Lisäksi kuluttajien asenne geenimuuntelua kohtaan on negatiivinen, jolloin myös genominmuokattujen tuotteiden markkinat koeteen epävarmoiksi.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Utilisation of New Genome Editing Techniques in Finland

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    The objective of this report is to produce information on the current state and future of the new genome editing techniques. The report material was collected from the literature, supported by expert interviews and business surveys. In addition, two stakeholder meetings were organised. Furthermore, statistics and the scenario method were utilised in the project. The new genome editing techniques enable one to add, remove or edit the desired qualities of an organism very accurately and in a targeted way. In Finland, these techniques are mainly applied in basic research on plants and in animal physiology, as well as in medical research and development to produce test animal and cell models. Genome editing techniques could be applied for improving the climate resilience of plants as growing conditions become altered by climate change. In addition to medical trials, the techniques enable development of gene therapeutic treatments. In animal breeding, the expectations centre on improving health and wellbeing of animals. The development of applications is hindered by the interpretation of European legislation that equates the new genome editing techniques with genetic modification. This keeps the costs of the required risk evaluation high. In addition, the consumer stance towards gene modification is negative, which means that the market of genome edited products is viewed as unstable.This publication is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research. (tietokayttoon.fi) The content is the responsibility of the producers of the information and does not necessarily represent the view of the Government

    Prevalence and evolution of snoring and the associated factors in two-year-old children

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    AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate the prevalence and persistence of snoring during the first two years of life in two Finnish birth cohorts and to assess the associated factors.Study designThe study population comprised 947 children from the CHILD-SLEEP (CS) and 1393 children from the FinnBrain (FB) birth cohorts. Questionnaires were provided to both parents when the child was 24 months of age. The questionnaire consisted of parts concerning the child's sleep and environmental factors.ResultsThe combined prevalence of habitual snoring in the two birth cohorts at the age of 24 months was 2.3% (95% CI 1.5–3.1), which is markedly lower than reported previously.Children suffering from recurrent infections (CS odds ratio (OR) 3.9, 95% CI 1.2–12.5) or asthma (FB OR 4.3, 1.4–13.5) snored habitually more often. Both the mother's (CS OR 3.2, 1.2–9.0) and father's (CS OR 3.4, 1.4–8.0) snoring every night added to the risk of the child snoring. In the multivariate models, parental snoring (CS adjusted odds ratio (ORa) 2.8, 1.1–6.8), the mother's lower level of education (CS ORa 2.9, 1.2–7.5, FB ORa 2.1, 1.0–4.5), and the mother's lower monthly income (FB ORa 2.9, 1.3–6.3) associated with the child's habitual snoring.ConclusionsThe prevalence of habitual snoring in two Finnish birth cohorts is lower than reported previously. The independent risk factors for habitual snoring at the age of two years were the parents' snoring and the mother's low income and low education.</p
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