103 research outputs found

    Conditional deletion reveals a cell-autonomous requirement of SLP-76 for thymocyte selection

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    The SH2 domain containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kD (SLP-76) is critical for pre-TCR–mediated maturation to the CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) stage in the thymus. The absolute block in SLP-76null mice at the CD4−CD8−CD44−CD25+ (double-negative 3, DN3) stage has hindered our understanding of the role of this adaptor in αβ TCR-mediated signal transduction in primary thymocytes and peripheral T lymphocytes. To evaluate the requirements for SLP-76 in these events, we used a cre-loxP approach to generate mice that conditionally delete SLP-76 after the DN3 checkpoint. These mice develop DP thymocytes that express the αβ TCR on the surface, but lack SLP-76 at the genomic DNA and protein levels. The DP compartment has reduced cellularity in young mice and fails to undergo positive selection to CD4+ or CD8+ single positive (SP) cells in vivo or activation-induced cell death in vitro. A small number of CD4+SP thymocytes are generated, but these cells fail to flux calcium in response to an αβ TCR-generated signal. Peripheral T cells are reduced in number, lack SLP-76 protein, and have an abnormal surface phenotype. These studies show for the first time that SLP-76 is required for signal transduction through the mature αβ TCR in primary cells of the T lineage

    Impaired degranulation but enhanced cytokine production after FcɛRI stimulation of diacylglycerol kinase ζ–deficient mast cells

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    Calcium and diacylglycerol are critical second messengers that together effect mast cell degranulation after allergen cross-linking of immunoglobulin (Ig)E-bound FcɛRI. Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK)ζ is a negative regulator of diacylglycerol-dependent signaling that acts by converting diacylglycerol to phosphatidic acid. We reported previously that DGKζ−/− mice have enhanced in vivo T cell function. Here, we demonstrate that these mice have diminished in vivo mast cell function, as revealed by impaired local anaphylactic responses. Concordantly, DGKζ−/− bone marrow–derived mast cells (BMMCs) demonstrate impaired degranulation after FcɛRI cross-linking, associated with diminished phospholipase Cγ activity, calcium flux, and protein kinase C–βII membrane recruitment. In contrast, Ras-Erk signals and interleukin-6 production are enhanced, both during IgE sensitization and after antigen cross-linking of FcɛRI. Our data demonstrate dissociation between cytokine production and degranulation in mast cells and reveal the importance of DGK activity during IgE sensitization for proper attenuation of FcɛRI signals

    Requirements of SLP76 tyrosines in ITAM and integrin receptor signaling and in platelet function in vivo

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    Src homology 2 domain–containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kD (SLP76), an adaptor that plays a critical role in platelet activation in vitro, contains three N-terminal tyrosine residues that are essential for its function. We demonstrate that mice containing complementary tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations in Y145 (Y145F) and Y112 and Y128 (Y112/128F) differentially regulate integrin and collagen receptor signaling. We show that mutation of Y145 leads to severe impairment of glycoprotein VI (GPVI)–mediated responses while preserving outside-in integrin signaling. Platelets from Y112/128F mice, although having mild defects in GPVI signaling, exhibit defective actin reorganization after GPVI or αIIbβ3 engagement. The in vivo consequences of these signaling defects correlate with the mild protection from thrombosis seen in Y112/128F mice and the near complete protection observed in Y145F mice. Using genetic complementation, we further demonstrate that all three phosphorylatable tyrosines are required within the same SLP76 molecule to support platelet activation by GPVI

    Inactivation of c-Cbl Reverses Neonatal Lethality and T Cell Developmental Arrest of SLP-76–deficient Mice

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    c-Cbl is an adaptor protein that negatively regulates signal transduction events involved in thymic-positive selection. To further characterize the function of c-Cbl in T cell development, we analyzed the effect of c-Cbl inactivation in mice deficient in the scaffolding molecule SLP-76. SLP-76–deficient mice show a high frequency of neonatal lethality; and in surviving mice, T cell development is blocked at the DN3 stage. Inactivation of c-cbl completely reversed the neonatal lethality seen in SLP-76–deficient mice and partially reversed the T cell development arrest in these mice. SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− mice exhibited marked expansion of polarized T helper type (Th)1 and Th2 cell peripheral CD4+ T cells, lymphoid infiltrates of parenchymal organs, and premature death. This rescue of T cell development is T cell receptor dependent because it does not occur in recombination activating gene 2−/− SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− triple knockout mice. Analysis of the signal transduction properties of SLP-76−/− Cbl−/− T cells reveals a novel SLP-76– and linker for activation of T cells–independent pathway of extracellular signal–regulated kinase activation, which is normally down-regulated by c-Cbl

    SAP Regulates TH2 Differentiation and PKC-θ-Mediated Activation of NF-κB1

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    AbstractXLP is caused by mutations affecting SAP, an adaptor that recruits Fyn to SLAM family receptors. SAP-deficient mice recapitulate features of XLP, including increased T cell activation and decreased humoral responses post-infection. SAP-deficient T cells also show increased TCR-induced IFN-γ and decreased TH2 cytokine production. We demonstrate that the defect in IL-4 secretion in SAP-deficient T cells is independent of increased IFN-γ production. SAP-deficient cells respond normally to polarizing cytokines, yet show impaired TCR-mediated induction of GATA-3 and IL-4. Examination of TCR signaling revealed normal Ca2+ mobilization and ERK activation in SAP-deficient cells, but decreased PKC-θ recruitment, Bcl-10 phosphorylation, IκB-α degradation, and nuclear NF-κB1/p50 levels. Similar defects were observed in Fyn-deficient cells. SLAM engagement amplified PKC-θ recruitment in wt but not SAP- or Fyn-deficient cells, arguing that a SAP/Fyn-mediated pathway enhances PKC-θ/NF-κB1 activation and suggesting a role for this pathway in TH2 regulation

    Differential Requirement for SLP-76 Domains in T Cell Development and Function

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    AbstractThe hematopoietic cell-specific adaptor protein, SLP-76, is critical for T cell development and mature T cell receptor (TCR) signaling; however, the structural requirements of SLP-76 for mediating thymopoiesis and mature T cell function remain largely unknown. In this study, transgenic mice were generated to examine the requirements for specific domains of SLP-76 in thymocytes and peripheral T cells in vivo. Examination of mice expressing various mutants of SLP-76 on the null background demonstrates a differential requirement for specific domains of SLP-76 in thymocytes and T cells and provides new insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying SLP-76 function

    Differential Requirement for LAT and SLP-76 in GPVI versus T Cell Receptor Signaling

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    Mice deficient in the adaptor Src homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kD (SLP-76) exhibit a bleeding disorder and lack T cells. Linker for activation of T cells (LAT)-deficient mice exhibit a similar T cell phenotype, but show no signs of hemorrhage. Both SLP-76 and LAT are important for optimal platelet activation downstream of the collagen receptor, GPVI. In addition, SLP-76 is involved in signaling mediated by integrin αIIbβ3. Because SLP-76 and LAT function coordinately in T cell signal transduction, yet their roles appear to differ in hemostasis, we investigated in detail the functional consequences of SLP-76 and LAT deficiencies in platelets. Previously we have shown that LAT−/− platelets exhibit defective responses to the GPVI-specific agonist, collagen-related peptide (CRP). Consistent with this, we find that surface expression of P-selectin in response to high concentrations of GPVI ligands is reduced in both LAT- and SLP-76–deficient platelets. However, platelets from LAT−/− mice, but not SLP-76−/− mice, aggregate normally in response to high concentrations of collagen and convulxin. Additionally, unlike SLP-76, LAT is not tyrosine phosphorylated after fibrinogen binding to integrin αIIbβ3, and collagen-stimulated platelets deficient in LAT spread normally on fibrinogen-coated surfaces. Together, these findings indicate that while LAT and SLP-76 are equally required for signaling via the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pre-TCR, platelet activation downstream of GPVI and αIIbβ3 shows a much greater dependency on SLP-76 than LAT

    The requirements for natural Th17 cell development are distinct from those of conventional Th17 cells

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    A distinct population of Th17 cells develops in the thymus with innate immune cell characteristics, different selection requirements, and skewed TCR gene usage compared with peripheral Th17 cells