4 research outputs found

    Efficacy of combination of antihistaminic agents and blocker of leukotriene receptors in the treatment of pollinosis exacerbation with bronchial asthma attacks.

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    We have been observing 60 pollinosis patients at the age of 19 to 64 years with clinical manifestations of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma. The study was conducted in the design of parallel groups. All patients were divided into 2 clinical groups (main and control), depending on the treatment regimen. The main group included 40 patients who received a combined drug Glencet Advance 1 tab. in the evening for 1 month. 20 patients included in the control group received symptomatic local therapy (eye drops, IGCC), β2-short-acting agonists. Results: integral assessment of symptoms in the main group before treatment was 11.50±0.13 and significantly decreased after treatment to 0.68±0.14 (p<0.001). In the control group differences were much less expressed from 11.15±0.22 before treatment to 3.05±0.29 (p<0.001) after treatment. FEV1 (%) in the main group has been improving more intensively (from 55.5±1.14 to 90.7±1.31 (p<0.01). PEF has been improving from 187.5±4.34 l/sec to 406.3±10.73 (p<0.001). In the control group these changes are less expressed for FEV1 (%) from 56.2±1.72 to 78.5±2.18 (p<0.001). PEF l/sec – (from 195.0±6.75 to 320.0±12.50 (p<0.01)). The histamine level decrease (ng/ml) in the main group was reliable – from 4.29±0.52 to 1.40±0.3 (p<0.5). In the control group – from 3.00±0.33 to 2.82±0.31 (there is no veracious data). Change of the total IgE level in serum: veracious decrease from 487.2 to 367.8 in the main group, no veracious decrease in the control group. Conclusions: the use of combined therapy with antihistamines and antileukotriene drugs in patients with pollinosis gives a good clinical effect, which is confirmed by a veracious decrease of histamine and total IgE levels in blood serum, as well as by veracious improvement in FEV1 and PEF


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    Purpose: to determine the presence of cognitive impairment and factors of possible influence on the cognitive function among HIV patients who are under the outpatient follow-up.Materials and Methods. The study involved 95 patients of age with confirmed HIV infection without clinical signs of CNS diseases. The assessment of the mental status was carried out on the basis of two tests: MMSE and “drawing of the clock”.Results. It was found that the decrease in the frequency of cognitive disorders correlated with the duration of ART - the correlation coefficient for the score on the MMSE scale was rs=+0.27, p <0.01, for the “clock drawing” test - rs=+0.22, p <0.05. There was a tendency to increase of the incidence of cognitive impairment at the use of efavirenz. It has been established that the use of substitution maintenance therapy (methadone) in drug users reduced the relative risk of developing cognitive impairment (p <0.01). The presence of a probable connection with the viral load in dynamics (rs=-0.20, p <0.05 for the MMSE test) has been determined.Conclusions. Disturbances of cognitive function occur in patients with HIV infection at an early stage of HIV infection.Мета: визначити наявність когнітивних порушень та фактори можливого впливу на когнітивну функцію серед пацієнтів із ВІЛ, які перебувають під амбулаторним наглядом.Матеріали і методи. До дослідження залучено 95 пацієнтів із підтвердженою ВІЛ-інфекцією без клінічних ознак захворювань ЦНС. Оцінку ментального статусу проводили за результатами проходження 2 тестів: MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination) та «малювання годинника».Результати. Виявлено, що зменшення частоти когнітивних розладів корелювало із тривалістю антиретровірусної терапії – коефіцієнт кореляції для бальної оцінки за шкалою MMSЕ становив rs=+0,27, p<0,01, для тесту «малювання годинника» – rs=+0,22, p<0,05. Визначено тенденцію до збільшення частоти когнітивних порушень при застосуванні ефавірензу. Встановлено, що застосування замісної підтримувальної терапії (метадон) у споживачів наркотиків зменшувало відносний ризик розвитку когнітивних розладів (p<0,01). Визначено наявність вірогідного зв’язку когнітивних розладів із вірусним навантаженням у динаміці спостереження (rs=-0,20, p<0,05 для тесту MMSE).Висновки. Порушення когнітивної функції мають місце у ВІЛ-позитивних пацієнтів вже на ранній стадії ВІЛ-інфекції

    Efficacy of combination of antihistaminic agents and blocker of leukotriene receptors in the treatment of pollinosis exacerbation with bronchial asthma attacks

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    We have been observing 60 pollinosis patients at the age of 19 to 64 years with clinical manifestations of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma. The study was conducted in the design of parallel groups. All patients were divided into 2 clinical groups (main and control), depending on the treatment regimen. The main group included 40 patients who received a combined drug Glencet Advance 1 tab. in the evening for 1 month. 20 patients included in the control group received symptomatic local therapy (eye drops, IGCC), β2-short-acting agonists. Results: integral assessment of symptoms in the main group before treatment was 11.50±0.13 and significantly decreased after treatment to 0.68±0.14 (p<0.001). In the control group differences were much less expressed from 11.15±0.22 before treatment to 3.05±0.29 (p<0.001) after treatment. FEV1 (%) in the main group has been improving more intensively (from 55.5±1.14 to 90.7±1.31 (p<0.01). PEF has been improving from 187.5±4.34 l/sec to 406.3±10.73 (p<0.001). In the control group these changes are less expressed for FEV1(%) from 56.2±1.72 to 78.5±2.18 (p<0.001). PEF l/sec – (from 195.0±6.75 to 320.0±12.50 (p<0.01)). The histamine level decrease (ng/ml) in the main group was reliable – from 4.29±0.52 to 1.40±0.3 (p<0.5). In the control group – from 3.00±0.33 to 2.82±0.31 (there is no veracious data). Change of the total IgE level in serum: veracious decrease from 487.2 to 367.8 in the main group, no veracious decrease in the control group. Conclusions: the use of combined therapy with antihistamines and antileukotriene drugs in patients with pollinosis gives a good clinical effect, which is confirmed by a veracious decrease of histamine and total IgE levels in blood serum, as well as by veracious improvement in FEV1 and PEF