15 research outputs found

    Method of luminescent analysis of the state of photosynthetic apparatus of plants

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    Photosynthetic apparatus and its reaction to changes in external conditions carry information about the state of the plant. Thus, under different lighting conditions, as well as with changes in nutrition and microclimate conditions, the amount and composition of chlorophyll in plant cells changes, which will lead to changes in the optical parameters of plant chlorophyll. You can track the state of the plant by changing the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence. To monitor the state of the photosynthetic apparatus, the method of analysis of induction curves of variable fluorescence is used. The purpose of this article is to design a research facility for testing the technique of fluorescent analysis and further accumulation of statistical data on the dependence of fluorescence characteristics on lighting parameters

    Modelling Decision Making under Uncertainty for Strategic Forecasting

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    In current market conditions, the key to productive economic activity is the ability to provide a high-quality forecast, even in situations of insufficient information. Strategic forecasting refers to this type of activity, errors in which the actions of any company can have a detrimental effect on the fundamental level. The justification and selection of specific management decisions can often be carried out in conditions of uncertainty due to the inability to clearly predict the values of the final results of these decisions. The decision-making system within the framework of the strategic forecasting task should help maintain the effectiveness of actions by simplifying the picture of the real world by modelling it. While allowing to reduce the influence of the subjectivity of the personality of the decision-maker on the decision-making process itself

    Energy-efficient LED irradiator for greenhouse cropping

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    The paper presents the results of modeling and calculation of highly directional optimal light intensity curve (LIC). The authors proved the effectiveness of using the calculated LIC for lighting of greenhouse plants. A method for placing fixtures with LIC in a typical greenhouse was recommended

    Ground states of Heisenberg evolution operator in discrete three-dimensional space-time and quantum discrete BKP equations

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    In this paper we consider three-dimensional quantum q-oscillator field theory without spectral parameters. We construct an essentially big set of eigenstates of evolution with unity eigenvalue of discrete time evolution operator. All these eigenstates belong to a subspace of total Hilbert space where an action of evolution operator can be identified with quantized discrete BKP equations (synonym Miwa equations). The key ingredients of our construction are specific eigenstates of a single three-dimensional R-matrix. These eigenstates are boundary states for hidden three-dimensional structures of U_q(B_n^1) and U_q(D_n^1)$.Comment: 13 page

    Evaluation of the effect of led irradiator spectral content on the development of greenhouse plants

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    The work presents the results of an experiment studying the effect of radiation spectral content (considering its equal intensity in terms of photosynthetically active radiation) on the growth and development of greenhouse model plants. The results demonstrate that the effective development of model subjects requires the adaptation of radiation spectral content according to the growth period and plant type, unlike the illumination level. The obtained results demonstrate the necessity of the creation of adaptive irradiation unit

    Use of Creeping Speed Mode in Discrete Control and Measuring Equipment with Digital-Program Control

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    The creeping speed mode is studied with calculation of the resultant vector of the flux linkage [psi]0 of the double-fed machine. It is shown that use of the double-fed machine as the actuating motor in the creeping speed mode increases the working off accuracy of the motion law. A mathematical model of the double-fed machine to study various modes of the CNC machine including the creeping speed mode is developed. The method to estimate the load parameters of the double-fed machine is presented. Practical implication of the study is confirmed by the results obtained in the evaluation of the influence of load parameters on the dynamic indicators of actuating electromotor

    Quantum geometry of 3-dimensional lattices

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    We study geometric consistency relations between angles on 3-dimensional (3D) circular quadrilateral lattices -- lattices whose faces are planar quadrilaterals inscribable into a circle. We show that these relations generate canonical transformations of a remarkable ``ultra-local'' Poisson bracket algebra defined on discrete 2D surfaces consisting of circular quadrilaterals. Quantization of this structure leads to new solutions of the tetrahedron equation (the 3D analog of the Yang-Baxter equation). These solutions generate an infinite number of non-trivial solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and also define integrable 3D models of statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. The latter can be thought of as describing quantum fluctuations of lattice geometry. The classical geometry of the 3D circular lattices arises as a stationary configuration giving the leading contribution to the partition function in the quasi-classical limit.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Minor corrections, references adde

    Crowdsourcing Fungal Biodiversity : Revision of Inaturalist Observations in Northwestern Siberia

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    The paper presents the first analysis of crowdsourcing data of all observations of fungi (including lichens) and myxomycetes in Northwestern Siberia uploaded to iNaturalist.org to date (24.02.2022). The Introduction presents an analysis of fungal diversity crowdsourcing globally, in Russia, and in the region of interest. Materials and methods describe the protocol of uploading data to iNaturalist.org, the structure of the crowdsourcing community. initiative to revise the accumulated data. procedures of data analysis, and compilation of a dataset of revised crowdsourced data. The Results present the analysis of accumulated data by several parameters: temporal, geographical and taxonomical scope, observation and identification efforts, identifiability of various taxa, species novelty and Red Data Book categories and the protection status of registered observations. The Discussion provides data on usability of crowdsourcing data for biodiversity research and conservation of fungi, including pros and contras. The Electronic Supplements to the paper include an annotated checklist of observations of protected species with information on Red Data Book categories and the protection status, and an annotated checklist of regional records of new taxa. The paper is supplemented with a dataset of about 15 000 revised and annotated records available through Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The tradition of crowdsourcing is rooted in mycological societies around the world, including Russia. In Northwestern Siberia, a regional mycological club was established in 2018, encouraging its members to contribute observations of fungi on iNaturalist.org. A total of about 15 000 observations of fungi and myxomycetes were uploaded so far, by about 200 observers, from three administrative regions (Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and Tyumen Region). The geographical coverage of crowdsourcing observations remains low. However. the observation activity has increased in the last four years. The goal of this study consisted of a collaborative effort of professional mycologists invited to help with the identification of these observations and analysis of the accumulated data. As a result, all observations were reviewed by at least one expert. About half of all the observations have been identified reliably to the species level and received Research Grade status. Of those, 90 species (195 records) represented records of taxa new to their respective regions: 876 records of 53 species of protected species provide important data for conservation programmes. The other half of the observations consists of records still under-identified for various reasons: poor quality photographs, complex taxa (impossible to identify without microscopic or molecular study). or lack of experts in a particular taxonomic group. The Discussion section summarises the pros and cons of the use of crowdsourcing for the study and conservation of regional fungal diversity, and summarises the dispute on this subject among mycologists. Further research initiatives involving crowdsourcing data must focus on an increase in the quality of observations and strive to introduce the habit of collecting voucher specimens among the community of amateurs. The timely feedback from experts is also important to provide quality and the increase of personal involvement.Peer reviewe

    The term structure of Russian interest rates

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    Using the series of Moscow Interbank Offer Rates, this paper estimates a flexible parametrization of the diffusion process following the approach of Ait-Sahalia (1996) of matching parametric and nonparametric estimates of the marginal density. On the basis of the estimated model, the implied term structure using simulations is computed.

    Use of Creeping Speed Mode in Discrete Control and Measuring Equipment with Digital-Program Control

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    The creeping speed mode is studied with calculation of the resultant vector of the flux linkage ψ0 of the double-fed machine. It is shown that use of the double-fed machine as the actuating motor in the creeping speed mode increases the working off accuracy of the motion law. A mathematical model of the double-fed machine to study various modes of the CNC machine including the creeping speed mode is developed. The method to estimate the load parameters of the double-fed machine is presented. Practical implication of the study is confirmed by the results obtained in the evaluation of the influence of load parameters on the dynamic indicators of actuating electromotor