39 research outputs found

    ClassBench-ng: Benchmarking Packet Classification Algorithms in the OpenFlow Era

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    Aim: to investigate cardiovascular stress-reactivity in association with individual preconscious affective biases to threatening and appetitive facial stimuli. Patients and methods: preconscious affective biases were assessed in healthy individuals (n =38, mean age M =28,10 years, 1SD =8,64) using a modified (masked) version of a pictorial emotional Stroop task (backward masking of the angry, fearful and joyful faces). Results: it was revealed that individual preconscious bias to speeded up perception of angry faces correlates significantly with heightened anxiety, lowered platelet serotonin (5-HT) levels, sustained central overactivation of at rest (as indexed by lowered delta, theta, and beta-1 EEG power over frontal, central and posterior cortical areas) and exaggerated arterial blood pressure stress-reactivity during re-experiencing of personally relevant anger. Conclusions: considering uncovered associations, individuals with preconscious bias to speeded up perception of angry faces may be regarded as having enhanced risk to fall sick with essential hypertension, yet this perceptive bias could be seen as a putative neurobehavioral predictor of the risk. Л.И. Афтанас, С.В. Павлов, И.В. Брак, В.В. КоренекЦель исследования: изучить кардиоваскулярную стресс-реактивность в зависимости от индивидуальной предиспозиции к неосознаваемому восприятию мотивационно значимых стимулов угрозы и положительного подкрепления. Пациенты и методы: в модифицированном эмоциональном тесте Stroop с обратной зрительной маскировкой у здоровых индивидов (n =38, средний возраст M =28,10 года, 1SD =8,64) проведен анализ индивидуальных предиспозиций неосознаваемого восприятия эмоционально значимых лиц с выражениями гнева, страха и радости. Результаты: установлено, что индивидуальная предиспозиция к ускоренному восприятию гнева достоверно коррелирует с высокой личностной тревожностью, сниженными фоновыми концентрациями тромбоцитов плазмы крови, повышенной тонической активированностью коры головного мозга (по данным сниженной δ-, θ- и β1-мощности ЭЭГ в передней, центральной и задней коре больших полушарий), а также ассоциирована с более высокой стресс-реактивностью артериального давления в условиях конфронтации с осознаваемой угрозой. Выводы: с учетом установленных ассоциаций индивидов с ускоренным захватом неосознаваемой угрозы можно рассматривать как потенциальную группу риска развития индуцированной эмоциональным стрессом артериальной гипертонии, а соответствующую перцептивную предиспозицию — в качестве возможного персонифицированного поведенческого предиктора предиктора такого риска

    A Fine-grained Multilingual Analysis Based on the Appraisal Theory: Application to Arabic and English Videos

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    International audienceThe objective of this paper is to compare the opinions of two videos in two different languages. To do so, a fine-grained approach inspired from the appraisal theory is used to analyze the content of the videos that concern the same topic. In general, the methods devoted to sentiment analysis concern the study of the polarity of a text or an utterance. The appraisal approach goes further than the basic polarity sentiments and consider more detailed sentiments by covering additional attributes of opinions such as: Attitude, Graduation and Engagement. In order to achieve such a comparison, in AMIS (Chist-Era project), we collected a corpus of 1503 Arabic and 1874 English videos. These videos need to be aligned in order to compare their contents, that is why we propose several methods to make them comparable. Then the best one is selected to align them and to constitute the data-set necessary for the fine-grained sentiment analysis

    The criminal liability of legal persons

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob, která byla zavedena do právního řádu České republiky zákonem č. 418/2011 Sb., o trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob a řízení proti nim, ze dne 27. října 2011 s účinnosti od 1. ledna 2012. Diplomová práce je dělena do pěti hlavních kapitol, které jsou rozděleny na podkapitoly. První kapitola se věnuje vymezení základních pojmů, ve druhé jsou důvody a historický úvod, ve třetí je rozebírána trestní odpovědnost právnických osob v rámci českého právního řádu, ve čtvrté kapitole je komparace institutu trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob v právními řády Slovenské republiky, Spolkové republiky Německo a Rakouské republiky a v poslední páté kapitole jsou připravované novely zákona a úvahy de lege ferenda.ObhájenoThis thesis deals with the criminal liability of legal persons, which was introduced into the legal order of the Czech Republic by the Act no. 418/2011 Coll., on criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, dated October 27th, 2011, effective from January 1st, 2012. The thesis is divided into five main chapters, which are divided into subsections. The first chapter is devoted to basic concepts. The second chapter consists of the reasons and historical introduction. The third chapter discusses the criminal liability of legal persons under the Czech legal order. The fourth chapter includes comparison of the institute of criminal liability of legal persons with the legal orders of the Slovak Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Austria. The final chapter comprises the forthcoming amendments of the Act and a reflection de lege ferenda

    Software defined monitoring of application protocols

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    With the ongoing shift of network services to the application layer also the monitoring systems focus more on the data from the application layer. The increasing speed of the network links, together with the increased complexity of application protocol processing, require a new way of hardware acceleration. We propose a new concept of hardware acceleration for flexible flow-based application level traffic monitoring which we call Software Defined Monitoring. Application layer processing is performed by monitoring tasks implemented in the software in conjunction with a configurable hardware accelerator. The accelerator is a high-speed application-specific processor tailored to stateful flow processing. The software monitoring tasks control the level of detail retained by the hardware for each flow in such a way that the usable information is always retained, while the remaining data is processed by simpler methods. Flexibility of the concept is provided by a plugin-based design of both hardware and software, which ensures adaptability in the evolving world of network monitoring. Our high-speed implementation using FPGA acceleration board in a commodity server is able to perform a 100 Gb/s flow traffic measurement augmented by a selected application-level protocol analysis

    ClassBench-ng: Benchmarking Packet Classification Algorithms in the OpenFlow Era

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    Packet classification, i.e., the process of categorizing packets into flows, is a first-class citizen in any networking device. Every time a new packet has to be processed, one or more header fields need to be compared against a set of pre-installed rules. This is done for basic forwarding operations, to apply security policies, application-specific processing, or quality-of-service guarantees. A lot of research efforts have identified better lookup techniques, i.e., finding the best match between packet headers and rules, by capitalizing on the rule sets characteristics. Here, ClassBench has greatly served the community by enabling the generation of IPv4 rule sets. In this paper, we present a new tool, ClassBench-ng, that creates synthetic IPv4, IPv6, and OpenFlow rules. We start from an analysis of classification rules deployed in-the-wild and we use the findings to craft our solution. ClassBench-ng can generate a user-defined number of rules as well as an associated header trace matching them. Compared to state-of-the-art solutions, the rule set generation process is usually more accurate and it is able to produce rules matching a number of different use cases, i.e., from an IPv4 router to an OpenFlow switch, which is unique among current rule set generation tools

    Software Defined Monitoring of Application Protocols

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