274 research outputs found


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging wooden ball, aromatized with vanilla fluid hanging wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the aromatized wooden ball

    Effect of Rhizobium inoculation of seeds and foliar fertilization on productivity of Pisum sativum L.

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    Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume crop in the world which has a wide array of uses for human food and fodder. One of the major factors that determines the use of field pea is the yield potential of cultivars. Presently, pre-sowing inoculation of pea seeds and foliar application of microelement fertilizers are prospective solutions and may be reasonable agrotechnical options. This research was undertaken because of the potentially high productivity of the 'afila' morphotype in good wheat complex soils. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization on yield of the afila pea variety. The research was based on a two-year (2009–2010) controlled field experiment, conducted in four replicates and carried out on the experimental field of the Bayer company located in Modzurów, Silesian region. experimental field soil was Umbrisol – slightly degraded chernozem, formed from loess. Nitragina inoculant, as a source of symbiotic bacteria, was applied before sowing seeds. Green area index (GAI) of the canopy, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were determined at characteristic growth stages. The presented results of this study on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants show that the combined application of Nitragina and Photrel was the best combination for productivity. Remote measurements of the pea canopy indexes indicated the formation of the optimum leaf area which effectively used photosynthetically active radiation. The use of Nitragina as a donor of effective Rhizobium for pea plants resulted in slightly higher GAI values and the optimization of PAR and NDVI. It is not recommended to use foliar fertilizers or Nitragina separately due to the slowing of pea productivity


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    The behaviour of weaners after mixing housed in pens equipped with hanging wooden ball, aromatized with vanilla fluid hanging wooden ball and without enrichment was evaluated. It was found that both enrichments reduced aggression, however the most interesting for weaners was the aromatized wooden ball.Przeprowadzono obserwacje zachowania warchlaków utrzymywanych po odsadzeniu w kojcach wyposażonych w podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę, aromatyzowaną aromatem waniliowym podwieszaną drewnianą piłkę oraz bez elementów dodatkowych. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wzbogacenie środowiska chowu w postaci aromatyzowanej drewnianej piłki spowodowało statystycznie istotne (P<0,05) obniżenie poziomu agresji w porównaniu do grupy bez elementów dodatkowych, jednak obecność nie aromatyzowanej drewnianej piłki również spowodowała skrócenie czasu spędzanego na walkach i obniżenie ich częstotliwości występowania, jakkolwiek nie zostało to potwierdzone statystycznie

    Low energy (0–10 eV) electron driven reactions in the halogenated organic acids CCl3COOH, CClF2COOH, and CF3CHNH2COOH (trifluoroalanine)

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    Negative ion formation following resonant electron attachment to the three title molecules is studied by means of a beam experiment with mass spectrometric detection of the anions. All three molecules exhibit a pronounced resonance in the energy range around 1 eV which decomposes by the loss of a neutral hydrogen atom thereby generating the closed shell anion (M–H)− (or RCOO−), a reaction which is also a common feature in the non- substituted organic acids. The two chlorine containing molecules CCl3COOH and CClF2COOH exhibit an additional strong and narrow resonance at very low energy (close to 0 eV) which decomposes by the cleavage of the C–Cl bond with the excess charge finally localised on either of the two fragments Cl− and (M–Cl)−. This reaction is by two to three orders of magnitude more effective than hydrogen loss. Apart from these direct bond cleavages (C–Cl, O–H) resonant attachment of subexcitation electrons trigger additional remarkably complex unimolecular decompositions leading, e.g., to the formation of the bihalide ions ClHCl− and ClHF− from CCl3COOH and CClF2COOH, respectively, or the loss of a neutral CF2 unit from trifluoroalanine thereby generating the fluoroglycine radical anion. These reactions require substantial rearrangement in the transitory negative ion, i.e., the cleavage of different bonds and formation of new bonds. F− from both chlorodifluoroacetic acid and trifluoroalanine is formed at comparatively low intensity (more than three orders of magnitude less than Cl− from the chlorine containing molecules) and predominantly within a broad resonant feature around 7–8 eV characterised as core excited resonance

    Low energy (0–10 eV) electron driven reactions in the halogenated organic acids CCl3COOH, CClF2COOH, and CF3CHNH2COOH (trifluoroalanine)

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    Negative ion formation following resonant electron attachment to the three title molecules is studied by means of a beam experiment with mass spectrometric detection of the anions. All three molecules exhibit a pronounced resonance in the energy range around 1 eV which decomposes by the loss of a neutral hydrogen atom thereby generating the closed shell anion (M–H)− (or RCOO−), a reaction which is also a common feature in the non- substituted organic acids. The two chlorine containing molecules CCl3COOH and CClF2COOH exhibit an additional strong and narrow resonance at very low energy (close to 0 eV) which decomposes by the cleavage of the C–Cl bond with the excess charge finally localised on either of the two fragments Cl− and (M–Cl)−. This reaction is by two to three orders of magnitude more effective than hydrogen loss. Apart from these direct bond cleavages (C–Cl, O–H) resonant attachment of subexcitation electrons trigger additional remarkably complex unimolecular decompositions leading, e.g., to the formation of the bihalide ions ClHCl− and ClHF− from CCl3COOH and CClF2COOH, respectively, or the loss of a neutral CF2 unit from trifluoroalanine thereby generating the fluoroglycine radical anion. These reactions require substantial rearrangement in the transitory negative ion, i.e., the cleavage of different bonds and formation of new bonds. F− from both chlorodifluoroacetic acid and trifluoroalanine is formed at comparatively low intensity (more than three orders of magnitude less than Cl− from the chlorine containing molecules) and predominantly within a broad resonant feature around 7–8 eV characterised as core excited resonance

    Departure from farming in Polish metropolitan areas – assessment of the scale and spatial differentiation

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    Purpose – The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the location of farms, the quality of natural conditions and fragmentation of agricultural holdings on the rate of landowners’ departure from agricultural activity, including cattle and pig farming. Research method – The study covered six provinces: Dolnośląskie, Małopolskie, Lubelskie, Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie. The considerations carried out were conducted in the system of districts for the years 2004-2016. Results – The largest decrease in the number of direct payment beneficiaries in the years 2004-2016 was recorded in the districts located on the outskirts of metropolitan areas. It was observed that in territorial units which obtained a higher evaluation of the quality of agricultural production space the regression in terms of the number of farms involved in animal production was significantly smaller, and the decrease in the number of single area payment beneficiaries was also smaller. In districts with relatively good natural conditions, faster departue from cattle and pig rearing was facilitated by the fragmentation of the area structure of farms. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – So far,the lack of detailed analyses of changes taking place in agriculture in Polish metropolitan areas has been noted, while this issue has been an important field of interest for researchers in the world for several decades. Therefore itmeans that work should be considered innovative. The results of the undertaken considerations constitute a significant contribution to explaining the reasons for the deagrarianisation of rural areas.Tomasz WOJEWODZIC: [email protected] SROKA: [email protected] Krzysztof KOPYRA: [email protected] WOJEWODZIC, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówWojciech SROKA, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówMarcin Krzysztof KOPYRA, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in KrakówCiaian P., Kancs D., 2012, The capitalization of area payments into farmland rents: micro evidence from the new EU member states, “Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics”, vol. 60(4), pp. 517-540, DOI: j.1744-7976.2012.01256.x.Czyżewski B., 2009, The Land Rent Category in Mainstream Economics and Its Contemporary Applications, “Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development”, vol. 1(11), pp. 27-37.Czyżewski B., 2013, Renty ekonomiczne w gospodarce żywnościowej w Polsce, PWE, Warszawa.Czyżewski B., Brelik A., 2014, Political rents in the European Union’s agriculture, “Management”, vol.18, no. 2, pp. 191-203, DOI: 10.2478/manment-2014-0051.Dargiewicz A., 2018, Administracyjne, środowiskowe i organizacyjne bariery (uwarunkowania) rozwoju chowu trzody chlewnej w Polsce na tle analogicznych wymogów w Niemczech, Danii, Holandii i Hiszpanii, Maszynopis IERiGŻ-PIB, Warszawa.Kilian S., Salhofer K., 2008, Single payments of the CAP. Where do the rents go?, “Agricultural Economics Review”, vol. 9, pp. 96-106, DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ. 178238.Kleinhanss W., 2015, Competitiveness of the major types of agricultural holdings in Germany, “Agricultural Economics”, vol. 342(1), pp. 25-411, DOI: 10.5604/00441600. 1147622.Krueger A.O., 1974, The political economy of the rent-seeking society, “The American Economic Review”, vol. 64 (3), pp. 291-303.Marcysiak T., Prus P., 2017, Life strategies of rural inhabitants of unfixed economic function, “Agrarian Perspectives XXVI. Competitiveness of European Agriculture and Food Sectors, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference, 13-15 September 2017 Prague, Czech Republic”, pp. 212-218.Marks-Bielska R., 2010, Rynek ziemi rolniczej w Polsce – uwarunkowania i tendencje rozwoju, UWM w Olsztynie, Olsztyn.Molnár A., Vandenbroucke P., 2010, Structural and land use change of farms in the periurban area of Budapest – case study of Veresegyház subregion, “Studies in Agricultural Economics”, no. 112, pp. 83-96.Musiał W., Wojewodzic T., 2014, Innowacyjność w zakresie gospodarowania ziemią rolniczą w regionach rozdrobnionych agrarnie, „Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu”, nr 361, s. 162-168, DOI: 10.15611/pn.2014.361.16.Satola L., Wojewodzic T., Sroka W., 2018, Barriers to exit encountered by small farms in light of the theory of new institutional economics, “Agricultural Economics”, vol. 64(6), pp. 277-290, DOI: 10.17221/233/2016-AGRICECON.Sinclair R., 1967, Von Thunen and Urban Sprawl, “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”, vol. 57(1), pp. 72-87.Sroka W., 2018, Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes in selected Polish metropolitan areas, “Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia”, nr 17(2), s. 97-107, DOI: 10.22630/ASPE.2018.17.2.25.Tullock G., 1988, Efficient rent-seeking revisited. The political economy of rent-seeking, Springer, Boston.Wojewodzic T., 2017, Procesy dywestycji i dezagraryzacji w rolnictwie na obszarach o rozdrobnionej strukturze agrarnej, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rolniczego im. H. Kołłątaja w Krakowie”, nr 535, z. 412, ss. 287.Ziętara W., Mirkowska Z., 2018, Konkurencyjność polskich gospodarstw trzodowych a tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej, „Przedsiębiorstwo i gospodarstwo rolne wobec zmian klimatu i polityki rolnej”, nr 76(4).Ziętara W., 2019, Production of live pigs in Poland conditions and prospects, “Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economist”, vol. XXI, no. 1, pp. 101-110, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.0859.www 1, www.arimr.gov.pl/pomoc-krajowa/srednia-powierzchnia-gospodarstwa.html [date of entry: 17.01.2019].www 2, www.bdl.stat.gov.pl/BDL/dane/podgrup/temat [date of entry: 18.01.2019].1(99)17418

    Application of biostimulants influences shoot and root characteristics of seedlings of winter pea (Pisum sativum L.)

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    In the cooler regions of Europe, the success of winter pea cultivation depends strongly on proper plant development before winter. Previous research has suggested that plants need to develop short internodes and at least their first two leaves before the arrival of frost. However, this stage of growth is sometimes not reached in the event of late sowing, due to factors such as unpredictable weather conditions or the delayed harvest of a previous crop. An effective solution may be the application of plant growth regulators before the sowing of seeds. The aim of this study was to assess the seedling developmental characteristics of winter pea dependent on biostimulator applications in low temperature conditions (4°C). Seven different winter pea cultivars were treated with three biostimulants: Asahi SL, Kelpak SL, and Primus B. After 21 days of seedling development, basic biometrical characteristics were measured (length and weight of shoots and roots). It was found that ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’ showed greatest root development, regardless of the applied biostimulants. The highest germination was achieved by ‘Aviron’. The efficiency of biostimulators on the cultivars tested was low, although slightly better results were found for Asahi SL in combination with ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’

    Impact of inoculant and foliar fertilization on root system parameters of pea (Pisum sativum l.)

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    In recent years, sustainable crop development has played a key role in current strategies to improve roots activity, which increase nutrients uptake in pulse crop. Our study presents the relationship between root system morphology, inoculant application with and without foliar fertilization and nitrogen accumulation in soil and plants. Two inoculants: Nitragina and IUNG, foliar fertilizer (Photrel), as well as two pea cultivars were studied in three years (2009–2011) period. The research has shown that bacterial inoculants have signifiant inflence on the selected parameters of pea root systems. Gel inoculant signifiantly increased mean root diameter (0.44 mm), compared to control (0.33 mm), whereas combination of Nitragina inoculant with micronutrient fertilization signifiantly increased root length density (1.05 cm·cm-3), compared to control (0.85 cm·cm-3). Additionally, the bacterial inoculant IUNG has signifiantly decreased the root length density in roots classes between 0.2–0.5 mm in the most humid year. The impact of inoculants on roots parameters was strongly related to weather conditions. In a dry year, a signifiant decrease of mean root diameter, specifi root length and increase of root dry mass were observed. Nitrogen accumulation in seeds signifiantly increased after gel inoculant application. A higher N content was proven in the fodder cultivar, but the edible cultivar was observed to accumulate more N in the seeds, which caused a Nitrogen Harvest index for this plant (80.0%)

    Being a good enough mother: an autoethnography on my experience of motherhood in the times of Covid-19 pandemic

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    In this thesis I embark on the explorations of my personal journey, I will pick up on Winnicott’s concept of the “good enough” mother and explore what this means during the pandemic. I examine those concepts through the use of autoethnography. I outline the existing literature on the topic, highlighting some gaps in the current sources. Next, I talk about my epistemology, ontology, and methodological approach. I bring in the cultural aspects and gender related debates in relation to Polish society. I then move on to my autoethnographic exploration of my own experiences. The goal of this thesis is to broaden understanding on the experience of motherhood during the global pandemic, looking through the lenses of the Winnicott’s concept of “good enough” mother. Such understanding is highly relevant to the field of psychotherapy. Through my own stories and reflections, I strive to understand and convey the complexities and demands of what it means to be a mother today, especially considering the extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic. It is my hope to contribute my work to the therapeutic body of knowledge as well as offer new viewpoints and perspective on the issue of motherly feelings of deficiency, specifically during the time of the global pandemic

    Morphological-developmental reaction and productivity of plants and canopy of semileafless pea (Pisum sativum L.) after seed vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization

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    The determinants of semileafless peas (Pisum sativum&gt; L., cv. Tarchalska) crop productivity were studied during two vegetative seasons: cool 2010 and warm 2011 in south part of Poland (Modzurów 50°09’N 18°07’E; 274 m. a.s.l.. Peas was treated either with seed vaccine (NitraginaTM) containing Rhizobium bacteria or foliar micronutrient fertilizer (PhotrelTM) or both of them. The range of peas response to treatments included biometrical measurements and also the measurements of vegetation indices namely, green area index (GAI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and relative chlorophyll content (SPAD), carried out in the specific stages of development, which for the compared objects were generally insignifi cant. In the warmer growing season, pea plants grew better, what resulted in a very high yield of seeds per plant, determined by a greater number of large seeds. It was shown that the length and weight of pea pod and the number of seeds formed in the pod depends on its position on the particular node. The longest pods, characterized by the greatest weight and number of seeds, developed on the lower nodes: 1st and 2nd one. The pea pods forming on higher nodes, from the 3rd, had reduced number of fruits and the weight of a single seed. The shortest pods were growing out of the 5th and 6th nodes, at the top of the stem. Analysis of the single pea seed mass shows a highly significant effect of its position in the fruit on pod productivity. Seeds located in the central part of the pod had the greatest mass, and this accuracy, as highly significant, was found for the pods containing from 3 to 8 seeds. The tested agrochemical treatments did not differentiate the chemical composition of seeds