26 research outputs found

    Молчание в структуре агрессивного речевого поведения (на материале бытового общения)

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    Modern linguistics pays more than ever attention to the study of verbal aggression in various types of discourse. Day-to-day discourse is of special interest: on the one hand, communicants disclose their individual features in it; on the other hand, it most fully reflects the cultural and national specificity of communication. Speech aggression in day-to-day communication has a number of differences. So, both verbalized voiced elements and unvoiced ones - zero communication sign ‘silence’ - serve as a marker of this type of speech behavior. Silence is polyfunctional. This research studies silence as a speech act, as an elementary unit of speech interaction in an everyday life. The method of linguistic observation recorded dialogues where silence was included in the structure of speech behavior of participants. The analysis of functioning of this zero marker made it possible to identify the specifics of verbal aggression in day-to-day communication.Современная лингвистика все больше внимания уделяет изучению речевой агрессии в различных типах дискурса. Бытовой дискурс представляет особый интерес: с одной стороны, в нем проявляются индивидуальные особенности коммуникантов, с другой – максимально полно отражается культурно-национальная специфика общения. Речевая агрессия в бытовой коммуникации имеет ряд отличий. Так, маркером данного типа речевого поведения являются как вербализованные вокализованные элементы, так и невокализованные – нулевой коммуникативный знак ‘молчание’. Молчание полифункционально. В данном исследовании изучается молчание как речевой поступок, как элементарная единица речевого взаимодействия в бытовой сфере. Методом лингвистического наблюдения были зафиксированы диалоги, где молчание входит в структуру речевого поведения участников. Анализ функционирования данного нулевого маркера позволил обозначить специфику речевой агрессии в бытовом общении

    The Silence in the Eastern Slavic Model of the World: As a Concept and As a Communicative Category (Based on the Russian and Ukrainian Language Representation)

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    Silence as a special subject of linguistic research has been attracting the attention of scientists since the middle of the 20th century. Silence as a value, as a concept and silence as a communication designate two areas of research in modern Linguistics. However, the identification of specific features in the silent behavior of communicants in different cultures, the recipient possibility to interpret the silent sender of the null text, the language ability to capture this behavior indicate the interdependence of communication and concept.This article deals with the peculiarities of the formation and development of the concept of silence in the Eastern Slavic model of the world and its influence on the formation of modern Russian and Ukrainian communicative behavior.In Eastern Slavic linguoculture silence is influenced by Orthodox religious and philosophical system, which coincides with the establishment of the formation of the Eastern Slavic written language system. This fact causes the interest to the representation of the idea of ​​silence in the Old Russian language and to the development of tendencies in the modern Ukrainian and Russian languages. Using historical and contemporary dictionaries shows the way how  silence as a spiritual and religious rite transformed into a contemplative silence as a feature of the Russian and Ukrainian national characters; how silence as a dialogue with God turned into the dialogue with oneself, into a special type of communication where the sender and the recipient are united in one person, in I;  how silence as the capacity to express something without words changed into the ability to understand and be understood without words. The abundant representation of the idea of silence, polyprefixion which characterizes the Slavic languages in general and the Eastern Slavic languages in particular allow native speakers of Russian and Ukrainian languages to interpret and define the interlocutor´s silent behavior more precisely

    Дискурсивные стратегии в политическом дискурсе Ксении Собчак, кандидата в президенты Российской Федерации

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    The article examines the main strategies of Ksenia Sobchak’s personal discourse and their linguistic implementation. The study is based on the texts from the electoral programme for her presidential candidacy, posted on the official “Civic Initiative” party website, appearances in debates on various Russian TV channels, and posts on social media accounts during the 2018 Russian presidential election campaign. We develop a corpus that presents communicative, pragmatic, gender-based and linguocultural features of the public speeches of an oppositional female politician. Critical discourse analysis and the linguopragmatic method are applied. The linguistic method she uses to create identity is also analysed. The work explores the discursive strategies and techniques, as well as the linguistic and rhetorical resources, used by the candidate to influence the electorate. The analysis proves that Ksenia Sobchak’s discursive activity is based on word play, which is determined by the communicative objective of her electoral campaignВ статье рассматриваются основные стратегии персонального дискурса Ксении Собчак и их языковая реализация. Материалом исследования послужили тексты предвыборной программы кандидата в президенты, размещенные на официальном сайте партии “Гражданская инициатива”, выступления в дебатах на различных российских телеканалах, а также публикации в социальных сетях во время президентской избирательной кампании 2018 года в России. Составлен корпус, выделены коммуникативные, прагматические, гендерные и лингвокультурные особенности публичных оппозиционных выступлений женщины-политика. Применяются методы дискурс-анализа, лингвопрагматический, описательный, позволяющие воссоздать языковую личность политика. Выделены дискурсивные стратегии и тактики, лингвистические и риторические ресурсы, используемые кандидатом для воздействия на электорат. Анализ доказывает, что дискурсивная деятельность Ксении Собчак основана на языковой игре, имеющей коммуникативную обусловленност

    On relativization of the Sommerfeld-Gamow-Sakharov factor

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    The Sommerfeld-Gamow-Sakharov factor is considered for the general case of arbitrary masses and energies. It is shown that the scalar triangular one-loop diagram gives the Coulomb singularity in radiative corrections at the threshold. The singular part of the correction is factorized at the complete Born cross section regardless of its partial wave decomposition. Different approaches to generalize the factor are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; references and discussion are extende

    Investigation of the influence of antioxidant compositions on development of microbiological spoilage in storage of fruits

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    The studies are devoted to the scientific grounding of expedience of after-harvest processing by antioxidant compositions for preventing the development of pathogenic microflora on fruit surfaces during a long storage. For the studies were used apple fruits of the varieties Aidared, Golden Dushesse, Renet Simirenka, pear fruits of the varieties Victoria, Crimea Raisin and Cure, plum fruits of the varieties Voloshka, Stanley and Italian Ugorka. Fruits were processed by immersion in the following antioxidant compositions: ACM is a mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and polyethylene glycols; AARL – mixture of ascorbic acid, routin and lecithin; DL – mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and lecithin. Fruits, processed by water, were used as a control. Exposition – 10 seconds. Storage was carried out at the temperature 0±1 ºС, relative air humidity 90–95 %. It was established that in the period of fruits laying for storage, the mean amount of epiphyte microflora was fixed on surfaces of plump and pear fruits of the mean ripening term. In the variety composition of epiphyte microflora prevailed spores of mesophyl aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms. Their mean number on apple fruits surface was 9,6·103 CCU/g, pear fruits – 10,6 103 CCU/g, plump fruits – 18·103C CCU/g. AOC processing of all types of fruits essentially decreased the speed of both MAFAnM and micromycetes growth. It was demonstrated that the used compositions in 2…3,5 times decreased the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage during the whole storage period. The most positive effect was received at using compositions, based on dystinol and lecithin. Multifactor analysis determined that the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage was mainly influenced by factors of raw material variety features (factor A) and antioxidant compositions processing (factor D). The shares of influence are 24 and 21 % respectively. Keywords: apple fruits, pear fruits, plump fruits, dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol, polyethylene glycols, after-harvest processing, fungal molds

    Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV

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    Collection of papers “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV” is devoted to issues of methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, to issues of linguistics and literary science and includes papers related to the use of online tools and resources in teaching Russian. This collection of papers is a result of the international scientific conference “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV”, which was scheduled for 8–10 May 2020, but due to the pandemic COVID-19 took place remotely

    Investigation of the influence of antioxidant compositions on development of microbiological spoilage in storage of fruits

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    The studies are devoted to the scientific grounding of expedience of after-harvest processing by antioxidant compositions for preventing the development of pathogenic microflora on fruit surfaces during a long storage. For the studies were used apple fruits of the varieties Aidared, Golden Dushesse, Renet Simirenka, pear fruits of the varieties Victoria, Crimea Raisin and Cure, plum fruits of the varieties Voloshka, Stanley and Italian Ugorka. Fruits were processed by immersion in the following antioxidant compositions: ACM is a mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and polyethylene glycols; AARL – mixture of ascorbic acid, routin and lecithin; DL – mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and lecithin. Fruits, processed by water, were used as a control. Exposition – 10 seconds. Storage was carried out at the temperature 0±1 ºС, relative air humidity 90–95 %. It was established that in the period of fruits laying for storage, the mean amount of epiphyte microflora was fixed on surfaces of plump and pear fruits of the mean ripening term. In the variety composition of epiphyte microflora prevailed spores of mesophyl aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms. Their mean number on apple fruits surface was 9,6·103 CCU/g, pear fruits – 10,6 103 CCU/g, plump fruits – 18·103C CCU/g. AOC processing of all types of fruits essentially decreased the speed of both MAFAnM and micromycetes growth. It was demonstrated that the used compositions in 2…3,5 times decreased the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage during the whole storage period. The most positive effect was received at using compositions, based on dystinol and lecithin. Multifactor analysis determined that the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage was mainly influenced by factors of raw material variety features (factor A) and antioxidant compositions processing (factor D). The shares of influence are 24 and 21 % respectively

    Seed propagation technology of the representatives of genus <i>Pyracantha</i> </i>M. Roem. in conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine

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    Experimental data as for the seed propagation of the four species of genus Pyracantha: P. coccinea M. Roem., P. crenatoserrata (Hance) Rehd., P. crenulata(D.Don) Roem., P.koidzumii(Hayata) Rehd. are given. Observations were carried out in the years 2013-2015. Various methods of preplant treatment and the terms of seed sowing were determined. It was established that autumnal sowing with the help of fresh gathered seeds and scarification method turned to be effective for all the species with the ultimate seedlings efficiency