142 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of development of innovative enterprises in Kazakhstan

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    In modern conditions of development of the national economy, one of the main priorities, for an increasingly conscious Kazakhstan society, is the need to follow the course of innovation policy, since the level of competitiveness of domestic enterprises depends on innovative activity in the scale of the global economy, the share in different types of markets and the effectiveness of innovation. In this article, a literature review of domestic and foreign reseach is conducted, which carried out the regularities and the features of the development of innovation and innovation action, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of the conducted study, the theoretical and the methodological aspects of researching the development of innovation policy are systematized, on the basis of which the corresponding conclusions are drawn.peer-reviewe

    E-learning courses to increase the motivation for learning activities

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    Low learning outcomes of students are most often associated with the lack or insufficient motivation of students to study. Also, they usually do not sufficiently developed independent cognitive activity. The solution of this problem, in our opinion, isНизкие результаты обучения студентов чаще всего связаны с отсутствием или недостаточной мотивацией обучаемых к учебной деятельности. Также у них, как правило, недостаточно развита самостоятельная познавательная деятельность. Решение данной проблемы, на наш взгляд, возможно путем применения в учебном процессе компетентностно ориентированных учебных курсо


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    The authors, using the example of the USA, assess the existing approaches towards organization of railway passenger traffic. The main revealed trends are balance of interests of carriers and passengers and the priority of customer focused strategy. Such management credo determines the choice of train routes and their categories, which both should suit customers’ demand.На основе опыта США дается оценка существующих подходов к организации железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок. Главным при этом признаются достижение баланса интересов перевозчиков и пассажиров, приоритет клиентоориентированной стратегии. Наличие такого управленческого кредо определяет, как свидетельствует статья, и выбор  маршрутов следования поездов, и их категориальную принадлежность, которые призваны отвечать вместе с тем и реальному потребительскому спросу

    PCSK9 Inhibitors in Clinical Practice: Experience of a Specialized Lipid Center

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    Aim. To characterize patients receiving PCSK9 inhibitors, and assess the efficiency of their treatment in a specialized lipid center.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients who visited the Lipid clinic of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine (Moscow, Russia), receiving PCSK9 inhibitor and having lipid profile in dynamics, was carried out (n=77). Cardiovascular risk (CVR) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) target levels were evaluated in accordance with the Russian guidelines for the diagnostics and correction of dyslipidemias 2020.Results. Of 77 patients taking PCSK9 inhibitors (44.2% males, the median of age 56 [47; 66] years), the majority (64.0%) had a probable or definite familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). The proportion of other lipid metabolism disorders, pure hypercholesterolemia and combined hyperlipidemia was 21% and 15%. More than half of the patients (68.8%) had a very high CVR, mainly due to the presence of coronary heart disease (84.9%). The proportion of patients receiving PCSK9 inhibitors as monotherapy was 7.8%, in combination with high-intensity statin therapy – 33.8%, as part of triple lipid-lowering therapy (high-intensity statin, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors) – 50.6%. Addition of PCSK9 inhibitors to combined lipid-lowering therapy enabled to reduce the LDL-C level to 1.02 [0.62; 1.39] mmol/l with its total decrease from the baseline by 87.3%. While taking PCSK9 inhibitors, LDL-C <1.8 mmol/l and <1.4 mmol/l achieved at 78.3% and 57.7% FH patients with high and very high CVR, respectively. Among patients with other hyperlipidemias, 74.1% of patients with very high CVR was achieved the target LDL-C level <1.4 mmol/l.Conclusion: In a specialized lipid center, PCSK9 inhibitors are prescribed to patients with high or very high CVR, most of whom are FH patients. The effectiveness of the use of PCSK9 inhibitors in real-world practice is comparable to the results of clinical trials


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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication after heart transplantation (HT). For the identification of risk factors of AKI and optimal modes of renal replacement therapy (RRT) 86 HT data was analyzed. AKI was observed in 37 cases. The main risk factors were renal failure before HT, heart transplant dysfunction and requirement in mechanical support. Continuous RRT was preferable due to the best control of patient’s volumes. The widening of indications for RRT was associated with better survival. In the cases of AKI occurrence the long-term (>10 years) prognosis was worsening significantly


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    Acute renal failure is one of the most frequent and life-threatening complications after cardiac surgery, which determines the outcome. The priority is the development of preventive measures and best treatments, in the first place – renal replacement therapy (RRT). To date, any medicines with proven nephroprotective properties is unknown. According to some reports, the use of prophylactic dialysis reduces the need for postoperative RRT. Continuous and intermittent methods of RRT are complementary. Early or even prophylactic use of RRT with increasing effectiveness are the current trends. However, it is unclear where is the limit of extended indications for RRT and what it`s optimal dose


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    The in-depth review is dedicated to the acute kidney injury. This conception is wider than acute renal failure. Even minor decline of renal function bias outcomes, so early diagnosis of acute renal injury is exceedingly important. The new markers of kidney injury are actively investigated. RIFLE criteria provide universal approach to a problem at first, and allow comparison of study results at second

    Study of the joint action of coenzyme Q10 and royal jelly on the hematological and spirometric indicators in the elite athletes

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    Objective: to study the effects of royal jelly and coenzyme Q10 administered with food on the number of hematological and spirometric indicators in elite swimmers in precompetitive period. Materials and methods: 16 highly qualified athletes at the age of 19,8±0,6 years participated in the study. Content of erythrocytes and different white blood cells and level of hemoglobin in the blood of the athletes were measured using hematology analyzer «Abacus Junior 30». The measurement of respiratory volume, respiratory minute volume, respiratory frequency, рO2 and рCO2 in expired air, alveolar рO2 and рCO2 in the subjects was made using anesthesia breathing apparatus «Capnomac Ultima». Results: the administration of the above mix by the athletes stimulates the immune system and the oxygen-transporting function of blood, activates the functional state of pulmonary tissue, increases the oxygen consumption and improves physical performance. Conclusions: the effect of preventive therapy on the analyzed parameters in highly qualified swimmers determine the feasibility of the competent intake of composition «royal jelly-ubiquinone-10-honey» before and during major competitions when the requirements are high