599 research outputs found

    The concept of engagement

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    In this paper, we illuminate the basic features of the concept of engagement, which has only become possible in the secular world, with the emergence of the modem individual deprived of any stable, eternal order or hierarchy of values. Still, engagement is not only individual but also collective, as the lack of certainty about the truth affects not only the community and society but also motivates them to follow the same paradigm as the individual - themselves at stake, without knowing where it could possibly lead, but with the intention to produce some tangible and stable sociocosmic structures that could alleviate man's uncertainty and thus insecurity. The necessity of engagement stems from the circumstance that man lives in a context saturated with meanings that call him out in advance and influence him. Therefore, engagement means actually acting back to the being-exposed to meanings and structures that have already affected man and his situation. One section of the text deals with an understanding of engagement in the contemporary, "postmodern" era

    Filosofsko-politički nacrt

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    The goal of our contribution is to provide a programmatic foundations of a binding political paradigm. The outline has two main parts, where the first one gives philosophical principles justifying a few most fundamental ('metaphysical') positions (1. Only that which is organized as a system can be sustainable. 2. The sustention of the entirety of being is a value in itself. 3. The system can be sustained because the totality of being is always orientated to a pre-given model, whose sustention does not depend on the current condition of everything that enters (or should enter) the whole of the system. 3a: The inherently assembled whole is different from the totality of a random variety as much as its 'ingredients' are pervaded by the internal substantive form emerging from the principle of the whole), while the second part lays out practical, both individually ethical and generally political implications of the postulates given above. The text also has three appendices in which, in accordance with the programmatic part of the contribution, we attempt to anticipate and initiate a dialogue with possible objections and dilemmas over our principal theses or their consequences. In an effort to avoid an ideological type of language, the contribution fundamentally and systematically abstains from classifications, alternatives and affiliations intrinsic to traditional ideologies.Namjera našega priloga je da na programski način izloži osnovne postave jedne obavezujuće političke paradigme. Nacrt ima dva glavna dijela od kojih prvi obuhvata načelno-filosofski dio u kojem se navode i obrazlaže nekoliko najnačelnijih ('metafizičkih') stavova (1. Samo ono što je ustrojeno kao poredak može biti održivo; 2. Održavanje u biću cjeline bivstvujućega predstavlja samostalnu vrijednost; 3. Cjelina poretka svega bivstvujućega se održava zahvaljujući ugledanju na neki uzor, 3a. Cjelina bivstvujućega posjeduje unutrašnju formu koja je održava u biću), dok drugi izlaže praktične, dakle i individualno-etičke i skupno-političke implikacije prethodno izloženih stavova. Tekst je snabdjeven i trima dodacima u kojima, u dosluhu sa programskim dijelom priloga, nastojimo da anticipiramo i uđemo u dijalog sa mogućim prigovorima i nedoumicama oko nekih naših glavnih teza ili pak njihovih posljedica. U prilogu se, u nastojanju da se izbjegne ideološki govor, načelno i sistematski apstrahuje od podjela, alternativa i afilijacija koje su svojstvene tradicionalnim ideologijama

    Srbi i istorija - kriza i nacionalni program

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    Intention of this article is to review and summarize main indicators of crisis in which Serbian nation exists, and also to point out possible guidelines for finding way out of the crisis. General denominator of diagnosis of such crisis is inability for reproduction of national identity. It can be distinguished into three general negative segments: inability for economic survival; inability for biological self-reproduction and inability for spiritual and cultural self-confirmation. Failure of the three main indicators points out that the crisis of Serbian nation is general, that all three indicators are mutually closely connected, and that, finally, it is possible get out of the crisis by integral solution of main troubling issues. The article, in accord with the wideness of the topic of this discourse, and with development of its diagnostic part, has offered also some general indicators for finding the way out of current crisis.Namjera ovoga priloga je da ponudi, sažeti, opšti pregled glavnih pokazatelja (čvorišta) kriznog stanja u kome se nalazi srpska nacija i da se praćenjem dijagnoze paralelno naznačuju smjernice mogućeg prevazilaženja nepovoljnoga stanja. Opšti imenitelj dijagnoze bi se mogao prepoznati u nesposobnosti za reprodukciju identiteta, što se zakonomjerno grana u tri najopštija negativna segmenta stanja nacije: nesposobnost za (ekonomsko) samoodržanje nesposobnost za (biološko) samoproizvođenje i nesposobnost za (duhovno-kulturno) samopotvrđivanje. Neuspješnost u tri glavna pokazatelja stanja jedne nacije ukazuje da je kriza srpske nacije sveopšta, da su ova tri momenta međusobno tijesno povezana, pa da je, konačno, iz krize moguće izaći samo sveobuhvatnim, dakle integralnim rješavanjem glavnih žarišnih pitanja. Članak, srazmjerno obimu ovog diskursa, a i razvijenosti dijagnostičkog dijela, nudi i određene, svakako uopštene smjernice za izlazak iz krize

    Non-Party Access to Court Documents and the Open Justice Principle : The UK Supreme Court Judgment in Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd v Dring

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    The article analyses the eagerly awaited, unanimous judgement in the case of Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd v Dring which was delivered on the 29th July 2019 by the UK Supreme Court. Broadly speaking, the case concerned the scope and operation of the constitutional principle of open justice. More precisely, the questions before the Court were how much of the written material placed before a court in a civil action should be accessible to persons other than the parties to the proceedings, and how such access should be facilitated. The judgment is significant for at least two reasons. On the one hand, it provides an extensive analysis of the court’s power to allow third parties access to court documents under the constitutional principle of open justice. In so doing, the judgment revisits the contents of the open justice principle and its application in the context of modern, predominantly written-based, civil proceedings. On the other, the judgment provides certain guidance on the circumstances in which a third party may obtain access to court documents and, to some extent, clarifies the type of documents that may in principle be obtained. As a result, the judgment largely opens third party access to the court files that have been under the exclusive purview of the court and the parties

    Resonant tunneling in graphene-ferroelectric-graphene junctions

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    We study tunnel junctions consisting of a two-dimensional ferroelectric (FE) material sandwiched between graphene electrodes. We formulate a theory for the interplay of the FE polarization and induced free charges in such devices, taking into account quantum capacitance effects. We predict a gate-sensitive FE voltage difference across the device, which can be measured using electrostatic force microscopy. Incorporating this electrostatic theory in the tunneling current-voltage characteristics, we identify a resonance peak associated with aligned Dirac cones as a highly sensitive probe of the FE polarization of the junction. This opens the way for device applications with few atom-thick FE layers acting as readable ultra-high-density memory.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Stanislav Krakov - fenomenologija unutrašnje svijesti borbe

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    In this text, the work of Serbian writer Stanislav Krakov, between the two world wars, the famous, and later, due to ideological divisions, repressed and forgotten figure, is ovserverd through the lens of philosophy of existence and phenomenology. The 'philosophical' significance of Krakov's autobiographical war prose, which in the aesthetic, especially formal- innovative aspect, represented the pinnacle of the genre of that time Serbian literature, is that it can be viewed as a first-class document of phenomenological introspection of a man in situation of mortal combat; and the ragne his prose of his prose is, in some respects, without exaggeration, comparable to war prose of Ernst Jünger. But besides his authentic documentality, Krakov's writing is characterized by brilliant insights. So, on the one hand, Krakov can be viewed as a thinker of war and corporeality avant lettre, and, on the other hand, the interpretative contextualization of his prose within the aforementioned philosophical tradition helps us to better understand his literature.U ovom tekstu djelo srpskog književnika Stanislava Krakova, između dva rata znamenite, a kasnije, zbog ideoloških podjela, potisnute i zaboravljene figure, posmatramo kroz prizmu filosofije egzistencije i fenomenologije. 'Filosofski' značaj Krakovljeve autobiografske, ratne proze, koja je u estetskom, naročito formalnom-inovativnom pogledu, predstavljala vrhunac tog žanra srpske književnosti, jeste u tome što se ona može posmatrati kao prvorazredni dokument fenomenološke introspekcije čovjeka koji se nalazi u životnoj situaciji borbe, a po izvjesnim dometima, bez pretjerivanja, uporediv sa Jingerom. No povrh autentične dokumentarnosti, Krakovljevo pisanje odlikuju brilijantni uvidi, koje od filosofski dokučenih istina ponekad razlikuje maltene samo drugačiji žanrovski kontekst. Zato se, s jedne strane, Krakov može posmatrati kao mislilac rata i tjelesnosti avant lettre, kao što, na drugoj strani, interpretativno kontekstualizovanje njegove proze unutar pomenute filosofske tradicije pomaže da se bolje razumije njegova književnost


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    Cardiogenic shock has a high mortality rate (up to 60%). Different respiratory and mechanical circulatory support (MCS) is sometimes needed in treating these critically ill patients. We present a young patient with severe acute myocarditis and cardiogenic shock successfully treated to full recovery which required different extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) configurations and a percutaneous left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

    Autobus ni ne treba gurati. Analiza Berger-Lukmanove filosofije bez filosofije

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    This paper examines the theoretical decision of Berger and Luckmann to place and develope the question of social constructionism on the other side of philosophy. By the immanent textual analysis, within the relevant epistemological environment, it is shown that their position is rich in philosophical assumptions and consequences, and the most problematic is the abolition of the autonomy of the intentional objectivity. Both the exclusion of philosophy and the unreflective "dealing" with her exposed Berger-Luckman's social constructionism to serious, in this paper raised objections.U ovom članku preispituje se temeljna teorijska odluka Bergera i Lukmana da pitanje socijalnog konstrukcionizma drže i razvijaju s one strane filosofije. Imanentnom tekstualnom analizom, unutar relevantnog epistemološkog okruženja, pokazuje se da je njihova postavka bogata i filosofskim pretpostavkama i konsekvencijama, a najproblematičnije je ukidanje smisaone samostalnosti intencionalne predmetnosti. I isključenje filosofije i nereflektovano "bavljenje" njome Berger-Lukmanov socijalni konstrukcionizam izlažu ozbiljnim, u ovom radu iznesenim prigovorima

    Application of Generalized Taper Model of Norway Spruce Tree in Forestry Practice

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    U radu je prikazan jedinstveni model oblika debla smreke, razvijen primjenom modificirane Brinkove funkcije, za područje Bosne i zapadne Srbije. Cilj istraživanja je izvršiti prilagođavanje jedinstvenih modela (Model 1 i Model 2) oblika debla prikazanih u radu Matovića, i dr.(2007) za jednostavnu praktičnu primjenu u šumarstvu. Jedinstveni model dobiven u ovome radu (Model 3) pokazuje nešto manju preciznost procjene promjera duž debla i volumena stabla od jedinstvenih Modela 1 i 2, ali je još uvijek dovoljno precizan, pa se uspješno može rabiti u šumarskoj praksi. U radu je izvršeno i uspoređenje jedinstvenih modela oblika debla s klasičnim dvoulaznim volumnim tablicama. Model 3 ima značajnu praktičnu primjenu i može se koristiti za procjenu volumena cijelog ili dijelova debla, promjera na bilo kojemu dijelu debla i neposredno visina stabla na kojima se nalaze karakteristični (traženi) promjeri.By applying modified Brink’s function, this paper presents the unique generalized taper model of Norway spruce tree, developed for the area of Bosnia and west Serbia. The objective of this research is adapt generalized taper models (Models 1 and 2) for trees presented in the paper Matović, et al. (2007), for practical use in forestry. The significant quality of the modified Brink’s function is the correlation of the characteristics of individual trees and stands and the function parameters, so in this way generalized taper models can be calculated for the use in a definite geographic region. The study of Norway spruce taper is based on the data collected from 86 even-aged stands in the region of Bosnia and west Serbia, which is adjacent to Bosnia. The total number of model trees is 156, and the number of data pairs (diameter-height) is 2028. The original parameters i, p and q of the modified Brink’s function were first calculated for all model trees by the optimisation method - equations (1). By applying the multiple regression method, a link has been established between original values of parameters i, p and q, and characteristics of individual trees (diameter at breast height and tree height), i.e. Model 3 has been obtained. Model 3 is consisted of three functions used for determining the parameters of generalized taper model i, p and q. Unknown parameters of the three functions a1, a2, a3,...,.a15 are determined on the basis of available data, by applying multiple regression – equations (2), (3) and (4). In order to test the estimation of taper volume, on the material used for the development of generalized taper models of spruce trees by applying multiple regression, dual input volume tables were created. For that purpose Näslund and Schumacher-Hall functions were used – equations (6) and (7). This research confirms that Model 3 shows less accuracy in estimating the diameter along the taper and volume than Models 1 and 2, which besides using the diameter at breast height and tree height, also require using the stand quadratic mean diameter. However, such difference, from the aspect of practical use, is not important, so Model 3 that applies only the diameter at breast height and tree height (in fact, reduced to the level of dual input volume tables) can be successfully used in forestry practice. Obtained Model 3 is the superior substitute for conventional dual input volume tables, because besides the total volume it enables the volume estimation for particular parts of the standing tree, and also estimation of the diameter along the taper. Model 3 indirectly enables the calculation of tree heights with some diameters characteristic for forestry practice. Model 3, with all above mentioned practical possibilities, can be very simply used by applying one EXCEL application. Because of the dimensions of trees used for Model 3 design, it can be reliably used in practice for Norway spruce trees with diameters at breast height of 10 to 60 cm and height of 6 to 37 m

    Uticaj izvora inokuluma Tilletia spp. i uslova sredine na učestalost zaraženih klasova

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    The influence of inoculum source on the incidence of common bunt, caused by fungi from the genus Tilletia, was estimated based on the frequency of bunt infected wheat spikes in our agroecological conditions. The cultivar Novosadska rana 5 was sown in a random split plot design with four replicates at Rimski Šančevi on three sawing dates in 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. The following variables were evaluated: I - control, II - soilborne inoculum (4 g teliospores/1 l soil), III - seedborne inoculum (2 g teliospores/1 kg seeds), IV - seedborne inoculum + soilborne inoculum (4 g teliospores/1 l soil + 2 g teliospores/1 kg seeds). Correlation and regression analysis were used to evaluate the effect of temperature and precipitation on the frequency of infected spikes. The frequency of bunt infected spikes depended on the source of Tilletia spp. inoculum, and difference in infection frequencies between variables II and III, as well as III and IV, were determined for the assessed infection parameters. When teliospores are the only source of inoculum in soil, 60 days after sawing (r>+0.52) is a critical period in which temperature influences the development of infection. The highest number of plants was infected in the first, while less were infected in the second ten days (decade) after sawing (r>0.41), when temperature was the optimal 5.0-6.0ºC. The initial 60 days after sawing were also critical for disease development when teliospores on seeds were the only source of inoculum (r>+0.50). The highest number of plants was infected in the third and fewer in the fifth decade after sawing (r>0.41), when temperature was the optimal 5.0-6.0ºC. When infection was caused by teliospores on seeds and in soil, the critical period lasted 120 days after sawing (r>0.42), with a maximum frequency of infection found at the optimal temperatures for the period of 4.0- 5.0ºC.Uticaj izvora inokuluma na pojavu glavnice pšenice koju prouzrokuju gljive roda Tilletia u našim agroekološkim uslovima praćen je, između ostalih, ispitivanjem parametra infekcije: stepen zaraženosti klasova. Sorta Novosadska rana 5 je sejana po split plot metodu u tri roka setve sa 4 ponavljanja na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi tokom 1999/2000. i 2000/2001. godine. Ispitivane su sledeće varijante: I - apsolutna kontrola, II - zemlja infestirana teleutosporama (4 g teleutospora/1 l zemlje), III - seme infestirano teleutosporama (2 g teleutospora/1 kg semena) i IV - zemlja infestirana teleutosporama + seme infestirano teleutosporama (4 g teleutospora/1 l zemlje + 2 g teleutospora/1 kg semena). Izvršena je korelaciona i regresiona analiza ispitivanog parametara infekcije u odnosu na temperaturu i padavine. Stepen zaraženosti klasova je zavisio od izvora inokuluma Tilletia spp., a uočene su razlike u nivou infekcije između varijanti II i III, kao i III i IV. Kasniji rokovi setve (drugi i treći) su uticali značajno na ispitivani parametar infekcije, ali između njih nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Kritični period u kom temperature utiču na ostvarivanje infekcije u uslovima kad su teleutospore u zemlji jedini izvor inokuluma traje 60 dana nakon setve (r>+0,52). Najveći broj biljaka je zaražen u prvoj i nešto manje u drugoj dekadi posle setve (r>0,41), pri čemu je optimalna temperatura u tom periodu iznosila 5,0-6,0ºC. Prvih 60 dana nakon setve je, takođe, kritičan period za ostvarivanje infekcije u uslovima kad su teleutospore na semenu jedini izvor inokuluma (r>+0,50). Najveći broj biljaka je zaražen u trećoj i nešto manje u petoj dekadi posle setve (r lt -0,45), pri čemu je optimalna temperatura u tim dekadama iznosila 6,0-7,0ºC. U uslovima kad infekciju pšenice ostvaruju teleutospore prisutne na semenu i u zemlji kritičan period traje 120 dana posle setve (r>+0,42), pri čemu je maksimalna infekcija ostvarena pri optimalnoj temperaturi 4,0-5,0ºC