32 research outputs found

    Sensory analysis of pet foods

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    Pet food palatability depends on first and foremost on the pet and is related to the pet food sensory properties such as aroma, texture, and flavor. Sensory analysis of pet foods may be conducted by humans via descriptive or hedonic analysis, pets via acceptance or preference tests, and through a number of instrumental analysis methods. Sensory analysis of pet foods provides additional information on reasons behind palatable and unpalatable foods as pets lack linguistic capabilities. Furthermore, sensory analysis may be combined with other types of information such as personality and environment factors to increase understanding of acceptable pet foods. Most pet food flavor research is proprietary and, thus, there are a limited number of publications available. Funding opportunities for pet food studies would increase research and publications and this would help raise public awareness of pet food related issues. This mini-review addresses current pet food sensory analysis literature and discusses future challenges and possibilities

    Explain It: How Scientists Sniff Out What\u27s in a Smell

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    Chromatograph: How scientists sniff out what’s in a smell. Kadri Koppel, assistant professor of food, nutrition, dietetics and health, explains, in under 100 words, what a gas chromatograph is and how researchers at Kansas State University’s Sensory Analysis Center use this key piece of equipment

    Pet food palatability evaluation: A review of standard assay techniques and interpretation of results with a primary focus on limitations

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    Citation: Aldrich, G. C., & Koppel, K. (2015). Pet food palatability evaluation: A review of standard assay techniques and interpretation of results with a primary focus on limitations. Animals, 5(1), 43-55. doi:10.3390/ani5010043The pet food industry continues to grow steadily as a result of new innovative products. Quality control and product development tests for pet foods are typically conducted through palatability testing with dogs and cats. Palatability is the measure of intake of a food that indicates acceptance or the measure of preference of one food over another. Pet food palatability is most commonly measured using a single-bowl or a two-bowl assay. While these tests answer some questions about the animals’ perception of the food, there are many limitations as well. This review addresses some of these limitations and indicates opportunities for future research. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerlan

    The impact of rendered protein meal oxidation level on shelf-life, sensory characteristics, and acceptability in extruded pet food

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    Citation: Chanadang, S., Koppel, K., & Aldrich, G. (2016). The impact of rendered protein meal oxidation level on shelf-life, sensory characteristics, and acceptability in extruded pet food. Animals, 6(8). doi:10.3390/ani6080044Pet foods are expected to have a shelf-life for 12 months or more. Sensory analysis can be used to determine changes in products and to estimate products’ shelf-life. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate how increasing levels of oxidation in rendered protein meals used to produce extruded pet food affected the sensory properties and (2) determine the effect of shelf-life on pet owners’ acceptability of extruded pet food diet formulated without the use of preservative. Pet food diets contained beef meat bone meal (BMBM) and chicken byproduct meal (CBPM) in which the oxidation was retarded with ethoxyquin, mixed tocopherols, or none at all, and then extruded into dry pet foods. These samples represented low, medium, and high oxidation levels, respectively. Samples were stored for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months at ambient temperature. Each time point, samples were evaluated by six highly trained descriptive panelists for sensory attributes related to oxidation. Samples without preservatives were chosen for the acceptability test, since the differences in sensory characteristics over storage time were more distinguishable in those samples. Pet owners evaluated samples for aroma, appearance and overall liking. Descriptive sensory analysis detected significant changes in oxidized-related sensory characteristics over storage time. However, the differences for CBPM samples were more pronounced and directional. The consumer study showed no differences in pet owners’ acceptability for BMBM samples. However, the noticeable increase in aroma characteristics (rancid aroma 0.33-4.21) in CBPM samples over storage time did have a negative effect on consumer’s liking (overall liking 5.52-4.95). © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Consumer acceptance of dry dog food variations

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    The objectives of this study were to compare the acceptance of different dry dog food products by consumers, determine consumer clusters for acceptance, and identify the characteristics of dog food that drive consumer acceptance. Eight dry dog food samples available in the US market were evaluated by pet owners. In this study, consumers evaluated overall liking, aroma, and appearance liking of the products. Consumers were also asked to predict their purchase intent, their dog’s liking, and cost of the samples. The results indicated that appearance of the sample, especially the color, influenced pet owner’s overall liking more than the aroma of the product. Overall liking clusters were not related to income, age, gender, or education, indicating that general consumer demographics do not appear to play a main role in individual consumer acceptance of dog food products

    The effects of fiber inclusion on pet food sensory characteristics and palatability

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    Citation: Koppel, K., Monti, M., Gibson, M., Alavi, S., Di Donfrancesco, B., & Carciofi, A. C. (2015). The effects of fiber inclusion on pet food sensory characteristics and palatability. Animals, 5(1), 110-125. doi:10.3390/ani5010110The objectives of this study were to determine (a) the influence of fiber on the sensory characteristics of dry dog foods; (b) differences of coated and uncoated kibbles for aroma and flavor characteristics; (c) palatability of these dry dog foods; and (d) potential associations between palatability and sensory attributes. A total of eight fiber treatments were manufactured: a control (no fiber addition), guava fiber (3%, 6%, and 12%), sugar cane fiber (9%; large and small particle size), and wheat bran fiber (32%; large and small particle size). The results indicated significant effects of fibers on both flavor and texture properties of the samples. Bitter taste and iron and stale aftertaste were examples of flavor attributes that differed with treatment, with highest intensity observed for 12% guava fiber and small particle size sugar cane fiber treatments. Fracturability and initial crispness attributes were lowest for the sugar cane fiber treatments. Flavor of all treatments changed after coating with a palatant, increasing in toasted, brothy, and grainy attributes. The coating also had a masking effect on aroma attributes such as stale, flavor attributes such as iron and bitter taste, and appearance attributes such as porosity. Palatability testing results indicated that the control treatment was preferred over the sugar cane or the wheat bran treatment. The treatment with large sugarcane fiber particles was preferred over the treatment with small particles, while both of the wheat bran treatments were eaten at a similar level. Descriptive sensory analysis data, especially textural attributes, were useful in pinpointing the underlying characteristics and were considered to be reasons that may influence palatability of dog foods manufactured with inclusion of different fibers. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Prácticas de consumo acerca de la compra, almacenaje y preparación de aves de corral y huevos en países seleccionados del Norte y de Sur America: un estudio piloto

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    Antecedentes: Aves de corral, huevos, y sus productos representan un potencial peligro en la seguridad alimentaria. Prácticas de consumo relacionadas con estos alimentos han sido estudiadas en varios países, pero pocos datos existen de Latinoamérica. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio piloto fue proveer información de manera de caracterizar la compra, almacenaje, y preparación de aves de corral y huevos entres países: Argentina, Colombia, y Estados Unidos. Métodos: Consumidores (n=425 en total) en cada locación, completaron cuestionarios acerca del comercio de compra de aves de corral y huevos, condiciones de almacenamiento (e.j. refrigerador o freezer), preparación y prácticas de manipulación, y manipulación de sobras. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que en Estados Unidos, la mayoría de los consumidores encuestados adquiere huevos almacenados en refrigeración, mientras que en Argentina (91%) y Colombia(84%) los huevos adquiridos estaban almacenados a temperatura ambiente. Asimismo, casi la totalidad delos consumidores en Estados Unidos almacenan los huevos en refrigeración, mientras que un 23% y un 45.9% de consumidores Argentinos y Colombianos, respectivamente almacenan huevos a temperatura ambiente, lo cual potencialmente significa una práctica no segura. Algunas prácticas sostienen posible contaminación cruzada, por ejemplo el lavado de aves y huevos previos a la cocción. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran una primera comparación entre países de América sobre las prácticas de consumo de aves de corral y huevos, que servirán como base para futuras investigaciones y desarrollos de mensajes educacionales sobre seguridad alimentaria.Background: Poultry, eggs, and their products represent a potential food safety hazard. Although consumer practices related to these foods have been studied in various countries, little data exists from Latin America. Objective: The objective of this pilot study was to provide initial data to characterize consumers’ purchase, storage, handling, and preparation of poultry products and eggs in three countries: Argentina, Colombia, and USA. Methods: Consumers (n = 425 total) in each location completed a questionnaire about poultry products and egg purchase locations, storage conditions (i.e. refrigerator or freezer), preparation and handling practices, and managing leftovers. Results: The results indicated that in the USA most surveyed consumers purchased refrigerated eggs, whereas in Argentina (91%) and Colombia (84%) eggs typically were purchased at room temperature. Furthermore, almost all consumers in the USA stored eggs in the refrigerator, but 23% of Argentinian and 45.9% of Colombian consumers stored eggs at room temperature, which is potentially an unsafe practice. Some practices supported possible cross-contamination, for example washing raw eggs and poultry prior to cooking. Conclusions: These results are a first comparison across countries in the Americas of consumer poultry and egg practices and can serve as the basis for further research and development of food safety educational messages.Fil: Koppel, Kadri. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Sosa, Miriam Patricia. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dirección General de Cultura y Educación. Instituto Superior Experimental de Tecnología Alimentaria. Departamento de Evaluación Sensorial de Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gutierrez Gusman, Nelson. Universidad Surcolombiana; ColombiaFil: Cardinal, Paula. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dirección General de Cultura y Educación. Instituto Superior Experimental de Tecnología Alimentaria. Departamento de Evaluación Sensorial de Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Godwin, Sandra L.. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Cates, Sheryl C.. No especifíca;Fil: Chambers, Edgar. Kansas State University; Estados Unido

    Food Leftover Practices among Consumers in Selected Countries in Europe, South and North America

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    Citation: Koppel, K., Higa, F., Godwin, S., Gutierrez, N., Shalimov, R., Cardinal, P., . . . Chambers, E. (2016). Food Leftover Practices among Consumers in Selected Countries in Europe, South and North America. Foods, 5(3), 14. doi:10.3390/foods5030066Foodborne illnesses may be related to many food production factors with home practices of consumers playing an important role in food safety. Consumer behavior for handling food leftovers has been studied, however little work on comparisons among countries has been published. The objective of this study was to investigate home food leftover practices of people from North American, South American, and European countries. Surveys were conducted with approximately 100 or more consumers in Argentina, Colombia, the United States, Estonia, Italy, Russia, and Spain. The participants responded to questions related to the length of time different types of food leftovers; such as meat, fresh salads, or restaurant dishes would be kept refrigerated or would be left at room temperature before refrigeration. Researchers also investigated how consumers would determine if the food was still safe for consumption. Potentially risky behaviors were observed in all seven countries. For instance, 55.8% of Estonians, 25% of Russians and 25.8% of Argentinean participants left food out at room temperature for several hours before storing in the refrigerator. Furthermore, 25%-29% of Colombian, Estonian, and Spanish consumers would look, smell, and taste leftovers to determine its probable safety. Correct handling of leftovers is an important aspect of consumer food safety. Although the surveys cannot be representative of all consumers in each country, they do provide an initial overview of comparative practices for handling leftovers among different countries. This provides government and educators with information on potential universal and unique consumer food safety issues related to handling leftover foods among various countries

    Food Leftover Practices among Consumers in Selected Countries in Europe, South and North America

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    Foodborne illnesses may be related to many food production factors with home practices of consumers playing an important role in food safety. Consumer behavior for handling food leftovers has been studied, however little work on comparisons among countries has been published. The objective of this study was to investigate home food leftover practices of people from North American, South American, and European countries. Surveys were conducted with approximately 100 or more consumers in Argentina, Colombia, the United States, Estonia, Italy, Russia, and Spain. The participants responded to questions related to the length of time different types of food leftovers; such as meat, fresh salads, or restaurant dishes would be kept refrigerated or would be left at room temperature before refrigeration. Researchers also investigated how consumers would determine if the food was still safe for consumption. Potentially risky behaviors were observed in all seven countries. For instance, 55.8% of Estonians, 25% of Russians and 25.8% of Argentinean participants left food out at room temperature for several hours before storing in the refrigerator. Furthermore, 25%–29% of Colombian, Estonian, and Spanish consumers would look, smell, and taste leftovers to determine its probable safety. Correct handling of leftovers is an important aspect of consumer food safety. Although the surveys cannot be representative of all consumers in each country, they do provide an initial overview of comparative practices for handling leftovers among different countries. This provides government and educators with information on potential universal and unique consumer food safety issues related to handling leftover foods among various countries

    The Effects of Cooking Process and Meat Inclusion on Pet Food Flavor and Texture Characteristics

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    The pet food industry is an important portion of the food and feed industries in the US. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine cooking method (baking or extrusion), meat inclusion (0 or 20%), and extrusion thermal to mechanical energy ratios (low, medium, and high) effects on sensory and volatile properties of pet foods, and (2) to determine associations among sensory and volatile characteristics of baked and extruded pet foods. Descriptive sensory analysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to analyze the pet food samples. It was found that baked samples were lighter in color (2.0–2.6 baked vs. 3.5–4.3 extruded, color intensity scale 0–15), and had lower levels of attributes that indicated rancidity (i.e., fishy flavor; 0.3–0.6 baked, 0.6–1.5 extruded, scale 0–15), whereas extruded pet foods were more cohesive in mass, more friable, hard, and crisp, but less powdery than baked samples. Fresh meat inclusion tended to decrease bitterness and increase fishy flavor and cohesiveness of pet foods. High thermal to mechanical energy ratio during extrusion resulted in less musty and more porous kibbles. The main volatile compounds included aldehydes, such as hexanal and heptanal, ketones, and alcohols. Extruded samples did not contain methylpyrazine, while baked samples did not contain 2-butyl furan. Future studies should consider evaluating the relationship between sensory results and animal palatability for these types of foods