24 research outputs found

    Effect of positional inaccuracies on multielectrode results

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    This paper investigates the effect of electrode positioning errors on the inverted pseudosection. Instead of random spacing errors (as usually assumed in geoelectrics) we exactly measured this effect among field conditions. In the field, in spite of the greatest possible care, the electrode positions contain some inaccuracy: either in case of dense undergrowth, or varied topography, or very rocky field. In all these cases, it is not possible to put the electrodes in their theoretical position. As a consequence, the position data will contain some error. The inaccuracies were exactly determined by using a laser distance meter. The geometrical data from real field conditions and by using Wenner-α, Wenner-β, pole-dipole and pole-pole arrays were then considered over homogeneous half space. As we have found, the positioning errors can be regarded as insignificant, even in case of relatively uncomfortable field conditions. However, in case of very rocky surface the distortions are more significant, but it is still possible to make some corrections: either by neglecting a few electrode positions with the greatest positioning error, or to minimize the inline errors, even on the price that offline deviations are high

    Analysis of long-term extensometric data of Sopron and Budapest geodynamical observatories

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    Long quartz-tube extensometric measurement systems are monitoring rock deformations in two geodynamical observatories in Hungary. The bservatory (SGO) is situated in Sopron, at the border of the Alps, in metamorphic (gneiss)environment. The iscreated in-Hill in W-Budapest. The 8 year-long time series of continuous measurements are processed and examined, attending to geologic and topographic features of the measurement sites. Tidal and coherence analysis were performed to determine the tidal deformation parameters as well as to study the sensitivity at both locations. The stability of the geodynamical measurement places was investigated by means of signal to noise values derived from the processing of higher frequency variations in both observatories. The long-term deformation rates measured by the extensometers are compared with the strain rates inferred from GPS measurements of the Hungarian GPS Geodynamic Reference Network (HGRN)


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    Evaluation of electrical signals in pine trees in a mediterranean forest ecosystem

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Plant Signaling and Behaviour on 2020, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/15592324.2020.1795580[EN] Electric potential differences in living plants are explained by theories based on sap flow. In order to acquire more advanced knowledge about the spatial distribution of these electric potential measures in trees, this research aims to analyze electrical signals in a population of Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensisMill.) in a representative Mediterranean forest ecosystem. The specific research objective is to assess some of the most significant factors that influence the distribution pattern of those electric signals: tree age, measurement type and electrode placement. The research has been conducted in representative forest stands, obtaining measurements of different representative trees. After a statistical evaluation of the obtained results, the main conclusions of our research are: A.Tree maturity influences directly on electric potential. B.Maximum electrical signals can be measured in young pines showing values of 0.6 V and 0.6 mu A for voltage and current, respectively. C.The distribution patterns of both voltage and short-circuit current depending on electrode placement are uniform.Zapata, R.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Luzuriaga, JE.; Mateo Pla, MÁ.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF. (2020). Evaluation of electrical signals in pine trees in a mediterranean forest ecosystem. Plant Signaling and Behaviour (Online). 15(10):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2020.1795580S191510I. Further experiments on the more important physiological changes induced in the human economy by change of climate. (1873). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 21(139-147), 1-10. doi:10.1098/rspl.1872.0002Darwin, C. (1875). 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A., & Vodeneev, V. A. (2008). Signaling role of action potential in higher plants. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 55(2), 285-291. doi:10.1134/s1021443708020179Brenner, E. D., Stahlberg, R., Mancuso, S., Vivanco, J., Baluška, F., & Van Volkenburgh, E. (2006). Plant neurobiology: an integrated view of plant signaling. Trends in Plant Science, 11(8), 413-419. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2006.06.009Zimmermann, M. R., Maischak, H., Mithöfer, A., Boland, W., & Felle, H. H. (2009). System Potentials, a Novel Electrical Long-Distance Apoplastic Signal in Plants, Induced by Wounding. Plant Physiology, 149(3), 1593-1600. doi:10.1104/pp.108.133884Schaller, A., & Oecking, C. (1999). Modulation of Plasma Membrane H + -ATPase Activity Differentially Activates Wound and Pathogen Defense Responses in Tomato Plants. The Plant Cell, 11(2), 263. doi:10.2307/3870855FROMM, J., & LAUTNER, S. (2006). Electrical signals and their physiological significance in plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 30(3), 249-257. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2006.01614.xGelli, A., Higgins, V. J., & Blumwald, E. (1997). Activation of Plant Plasma Membrane Ca2+-Permeable Channels by Race-Specific Fungal Elicitors. Plant Physiology, 113(1), 269-279. doi:10.1104/pp.113.1.269Stankovic, B., Zawadzki, T., & Davies, E. (1997). Characterization of the Variation Potential in Sunflower. Plant Physiology, 115(3), 1083-1088. doi:10.1104/pp.115.3.1083Mwesigwa, J., Collins, D. J., & Volkov, A. G. (2000). Electrochemical signaling in green plants: effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol on variation and action potentials in soybean. Bioelectrochemistry, 51(2), 201-205. doi:10.1016/s0302-4598(00)00075-1Sukhova, E., Akinchits, E., & Sukhov, V. (2017). Mathematical Models of Electrical Activity in Plants. The Journal of Membrane Biology, 250(5), 407-423. doi:10.1007/s00232-017-9969-7Love, C. J., Zhang, S., & Mershin, A. (2008). Source of Sustained Voltage Difference between the Xylem of a Potted Ficus benjamina Tree and Its Soil. PLoS ONE, 3(8), e2963. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002963Gora, E. M., & Yanoviak, S. P. (2015). Electrical properties of temperate forest trees: a review and quantitative comparison with vines. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(3), 236-245. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2014-0380Horwitz, W. (1939). The theory of electrokinetic phenomena. Journal of Chemical Education, 16(11), 519. doi:10.1021/ed016p519Gibert, D., Le Mouël, J.-L., Lambs, L., Nicollin, F., & Perrier, F. (2006). Sap flow and daily electric potential variations in a tree trunk. Plant Science, 171(5), 572-584. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2006.06.012Gil, P. M., Gurovich, L., & Schaffer, B. (2008). The electrical response of fruit trees to soil water availability and diurnal light-dark cycles. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 3(11), 1026-1029. doi:10.4161/psb.6786Gil, P. M., Gurovich, L., Schaffer, B., García, N., & Iturriaga, R. (2009). Electrical signaling, stomatal conductance, ABA and Ethylene content in avocado trees in response to root hypoxia. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4(2), 100-108. doi:10.4161/psb.4.2.7872Ríos-Rojas, L., Morales-Moraga, D., Alcalde, J. A., & Gurovich, L. A. (2015). Use of plant woody species electrical potential for irrigation scheduling. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 10(2), e976487. doi:10.4161/15592324.2014.976487Cardoso SS, Carrondo LB, Marques JM, Narciso PN, Rocha MJ, Rodrigues IN, Soares A. (2004). Monitorization of the electrical signal generated by a tree. February 2004 – 4th luso-spanish assembly on geodesy and geophysics.Le Mouël, J.-L., Gibert, D., & Poirier, J.-P. (2010). On transient electric potential variations in a standing tree and atmospheric electricity. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342(2), 95-99. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2009.12.001Koppan A (2004). Variations of the natural electric potential differences occurring on tree trunks and their relationship with the xylem sap flow. PhD Thesis. University of West Hungary. Sopron, Hungary.Volkov, A. G., & Ranatunga, D. R. A. (2006). Plants as Environmental Biosensors. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 1(3), 105-115. doi:10.4161/psb.1.3.3000AAVV. (2008). Distribution map of aleppo pine. EUFORGEN 2009,[Retrieved 2020 July 16]. www.euforgen.orgDe Luis, M., Čufar, K., Di Filippo, A., Novak, K., Papadopoulos, A., Piovesan, G., … Smith, K. T. (2013). Plasticity in Dendroclimatic Response across the Distribution Range of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis). PLoS ONE, 8(12), e83550. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083550Fadi B, Semerci H, Vendramin GG. 2003. EUROFORGEN technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and brutia pine (Pinus brutia).  IPGRI, International plant genetic resources institute. Rome (Italy). p. 6. ISBN 92-9043-571-2.Mauri A, Di Leo M, de Rigo D, Caudullo G. 2016. Pinus halepensis and Pinus brutia in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. 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    Analysis of an earthquake based on extensometric and seismological measurements

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    The rock-deformation data series collected by extensometers provide an opportunity for studying various changes in the geological, rock-physical environment, caused by earthquakes (e.g.,displacement, deformation of rock mass). Hereby further information can be achieved about the nature of these effects, complementing the analysis of seismograms (as e.g. the frequency range embraced by extensometers can record changes with much higher time of periods). In order to investigate the appearance of effects of earthquakes in extensometric data, authors chose a registratum which was collected in the Matyashegy Gravity and Geodynamical Observatory in Budapest in the time of a significant M7.2 earthquake occurred in Turkey, and started its spectral analysis. Results of the examinations were compared to the spectrum of records of a typical, undisturbed lapse of time, as well as to the spectrum calculated from seismogram of Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory in Budapest, nearby the gravity observatory

    Leaf Shapes and Venation Patterns

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    We present an analysis of leaf shapes and venation patterns based on a new assumption of the way how water flows in plants, together with the assumption that leaf shapes and leaf venation patterns have evolved in time such as to provide easier and easier access to its internal currents (Constructal Law). Then, by minimizing the global resistance to flow we anticipate the number of veins in relation to leaf shape (slenderness and vein insertion angle) and prevalent environmental conditions (represented by the potential for leaf water intake from the atmosphere). We also anticipate that leaves in dry climates will be slender and shorter, and with more veins as compared with those of plants adapted to wet environments. We finish by showing some cases in which the theory describes the characteristic of real leaves closely

    Long period electromagnetic induction vectors in a sedimentary back-arc basin (Carpatho-Pannonian Basin)

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    Two effects have been studied concerning the former Wiese arrows and the newly determined complex induction vectors in the Pannonian backarc basin (Hungary): the remote effect of the curved Carpathian Conductivity Anomaly (CA) on the direction of the long period vectors, the local effect of the thickness (or conductance) of the conductive sediments on the induction vectors. The curvature of the Carpathian CA is clearly seen in the direction of the induction vectors as a remote effect dividing the Pannonian Basin into two great parts from this point of view. Following Zhang et al. (1993) who stated that the length (absolute value) of the induction vector becomes also constant in the “S-interval” as the magnetotelluric (MT) impedance which is related to the conductance of the sedimentary cover, it has been studied whether there is also any relation between the length of the induction vectors and the conductance of the same sedimentary cover (or thickness of sediment if its resistivity is constant). Due to the structural inhomogeneities to which the induction vectors are very sensitive, and to their great remote (side) effect, only a weak statistical relation has been found, nevertheless, its trend could be approximated by Ritter and Banks' (1998) theory. Exceptional cases are demonstrated