
Analysis of long-term extensometric data of Sopron and Budapest geodynamical observatories


Long quartz-tube extensometric measurement systems are monitoring rock deformations in two geodynamical observatories in Hungary. The bservatory (SGO) is situated in Sopron, at the border of the Alps, in metamorphic (gneiss)environment. The iscreated in-Hill in W-Budapest. The 8 year-long time series of continuous measurements are processed and examined, attending to geologic and topographic features of the measurement sites. Tidal and coherence analysis were performed to determine the tidal deformation parameters as well as to study the sensitivity at both locations. The stability of the geodynamical measurement places was investigated by means of signal to noise values derived from the processing of higher frequency variations in both observatories. The long-term deformation rates measured by the extensometers are compared with the strain rates inferred from GPS measurements of the Hungarian GPS Geodynamic Reference Network (HGRN)

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