171 research outputs found

    Quadratic Cones and AutoCAD

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    Raspravlja se o kosim kružnim stošcima i stošcima 2. stupnja, uglavnom s obzirom na izvedbu u računalnim algebarskim i CAD sistemima, posebno AutoCAD-u.Oblique circular cones and quadratic cones are discussed mainly with respect to implementations in Computer Algebra systems and CAD systems especially AutoCAD

    A Conceptual replication of the differential price framing effect in the field

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    Across a series of 10 laboratory and online studies, Allard, Hardisty, and Griffin (2019) demonstrated an increased preference for premium, higher-priced products over standard products when consumers were presented with the additional cost of the higher-priced option (i.e., differential price framing; e.g., “for 20more)ratherthanwithitstotalprice(i.e.,inclusivepriceframing;e.g.,for20 more”) rather than with its total price (i.e., inclusive price framing; e.g., “for 60 total”); a phenomenon referred to as the differential price framing effect. In this paper, we conceptually replicate this effect in a field experiment that focuses on the application of a differential price framing strategy to a specific product format; namely, multipacks of identical products. Consistent with the differential price framing effect, the present study shows—based on 45,626 add-to-cart events and 30,426 completed product purchases on an online retailer’s website—that the choice shares of higher-priced options increase when a differential price framing strategy is used. However, compared to non-consequential add-to-cart activities, this bias is considerably less pronounced in actual purchase patterns

    From Matrices to Knowledge: Using Semantic Networks to Annotate the Connectome

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    The connectome is regarded as the key to brain function in health and disease. Structural and functional neuroimaging enables us to measure brain connectivity in the living human brain. The field of connectomics describes the connectome as a mathematical graph with its connection strengths being represented by connectivity matrices. Graph theory algorithms are used to assess the integrity of the graph as a whole and to reveal brain network biomarkers for brain diseases; however, the faulty wiring of single connections or subnetworks as the structural correlate for neurological or mental diseases remains elusive. We describe a novel approach to represent the knowledge of human brain connectivity by a semantic network – a formalism frequently used in knowledge management to describe the semantic relations between objects. In our novel approach, objects are brain areas and connectivity is modeled as semantic relations among them. The semantic network turns the graph of the connectome into an explicit knowledge base about which brain areas are interconnected. Moreover, this approach can semantically enrich the measured connectivity of an individual subject by the semantic context from ontologies, brain atlases and molecular biological databases. Integrating all measurements and facts into one unified feature space enables cross-modal comparisons and analyses. We used a query mechanism for semantic networks to extract functional, structural and transcriptome networks. We found that in general higher structural and functional connectivity go along with a lower differential gene expression among connected brain areas; however, subcortical motor areas and limbic structures turned out to have a localized high differential gene expression while being strongly connected. In an additional explorative use case, we could show a localized high availability of fkbp5, gmeb1, and gmeb2 genes at a connection hub of temporo-limbic brain networks. Fkbp5 is known for having a role in stress-related psychiatric disorders, while gmeb1 and gmeb2 encode for modulator proteins of the glucocorticoid receptor, a key receptor in the hormonal stress system. Semantic networks tremendously ease working with multimodal neuroimaging and neurogenetics data and may reveal relevant coincidences between transcriptome and connectome networks

    Connectivity within regions characterizes epilepsy duration and treatment outcome

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    Finding clear connectome biomarkers for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients, in particular at early disease stages, remains a challenge. Currently, the whole-brain structural connectomes are analyzed based on coarse parcellations (up to 1,000 nodes). However, such global parcellation-based connectomes may be unsuitable for detecting more localized changes in patients. Here, we use a high-resolution network (~50,000-nodes overall) to identify changes at the local level (within brain regions) and test its relation with duration and surgical outcome. Patients with TLE (n = 33) and age-, sex-matched healthy subjects (n = 36) underwent high-resolution (~50,000 nodes) structural network construction based on deterministic tracking of diffusion tensor imaging. Nodes were allocated to 68 cortical regions according to the Desikan–Killany atlas. The connectivity within regions was then used to predict surgical outcome. MRI processing, network reconstruction, and visualization of network changes were integrated into the NICARA (https://nicara.eu). Lower clustering coefficient and higher edge density were found for local connectivity within regions in patients, but were absent for the global network between regions (68 cortical regions). Local connectivity changes, in terms of the number of changed regions and the magnitude of changes, increased with disease duration. Local connectivity yielded a better surgical outcome prediction (Mean value: 95.39% accuracy, 92.76% sensitivity, and 100% specificity) than global connectivity. Connectivity within regions, compared to structural connectivity between brain regions, can be a more efficient biomarker for epilepsy assessment and surgery outcome prediction of medically intractable TLE

    Natural formation of chloro- and bromoacetone in salt lakes of Western Australia

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    Western Australia is a semi-/arid region known for saline lakes with a wide range of geochemical parameters (pH 2.5-7.1, Cl- 10-200 g L-1. This study reports on the haloacetones chloro- and bromoacetone in air over 6 salt lake shorelines. Significant emissions of chloroacetone (up to 0.2 µmol m-2 h-1) and bromoacetone (up to 1. 5 µmol m-2 h-1) were detected, and a photochemical box model was employed to evaluate the contribution of their atmospheric formation from the olefinic hydrocarbons propene and methacrolein in the gas phase. The measured concentrations could not explain the photochemical halogenation reaction, indicating a strong hitherto unknown source of haloacetones. Aqueous-phase reactions of haloacetones, investigated in the laboratory using humic acid in concentrated salt solutions, were identified as alternative formation pathway by liquid-phase reactions, acid catalyzed enolization of ketones, and subsequent halogenation. In order to verify this mechanism, we made measurements of the Henry's law constants, rate constants for hydrolysis and nucleophilic exchange with chloride, UV-spectra and quantum yields for the photolysis of bromoacetone and 1,1-dibromoacetone in the aqueous phase. We suggest that heterogeneous processes induced by humic substances in the quasi-liquid layer of the salt crust, particle surfaces and the lake water are the predominating pathways for the formation of the observed haloacetones

    Umweltinformationen: Beschaffung - Verarbeitung - Nutzung

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    Laufende und umfassende Informationen über den Zustand und die Entwicklung der Umwelt sind unabdingbare Voraussetzungen für einen vorsorglichen Umgang mit unseren natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen. In Baden-Württemberg wurden und werden im Bereich der Umweltverwaltung täglich eine große Menge von Meßdaten, Analysedaten, Verwaltungsdokumenten, statistischen Erhebungen und Berechnungen erzeugt. Diese Informationen zu sammeln, zu sichten, zu bewerten und bedarfsgerecht aufzuarbeiten, ist mit den herkömmlichen Methoden der Verwaltungsarbeit nicht mehr möglich, sondern erfordert neue Methoden insbesondere auch der Informationstechnik. In Baden-Württemberg wird auf Beschluß der Landesregierung seit 1986 (jetzt unter Federführung des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Verkehr - UVM) ein Konzept für ein ressortübergreifendes Umweltinformationssystem des Landes Baden-Württemberg entwickelt und umgesetzt