195 research outputs found

    Multi-target action of β-alanine protects cerebellar tissue from ischemic damage

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    Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Prof. Lora Heisler (University of Aberdeen, UK) for valuable suggestions on the research strategy and to the personnel of the military unit 7420 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their service and support. Funding This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust Principal Fellowship (212251_Z_18_Z), Medical Research Council (MR/W019752/1), and European Commission NEUROTWIN grant (857562) to DR.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Zinc oxide-nickel cermet selective coatings obtained by sequential electrodeposition

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    The investigation of pulse electrodepositing modes influence on crystal structure, morphology and optical properties of ZnO has revealed the conditions in which quasi-one-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanorod arrays are formed as separate nanorods. Due to a sufficiently high resistance of zinc oxide, the electrodeposition of nickel on the fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO)/ZnO surfaces carried out in space between the ZnO nanorods. An incomplete filling of the gaps between nanorods by the nickel nanoparticles through subsequent Ni electrodeposition ensured the creation of ZnO–Ni graded cermets. The cermets, in which electrochemical filling of the spaces between ZnO nanorods by Ni, was performed in the pulse mode. It provided higher absorption of visible and near IR light. It was shown that the manufactured ZnO–Ni graded cermets have high light absorption combined with comparatively low thermal losses, so these cermets are promising cheap and affordable selective coatings for solar heat collectors

    Functional Characterization of Lamina X Neurons in ex-Vivo Spinal Cord Preparation

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    Functional properties of lamina X neurons in the spinal cord remain unknown despite the established role of this area for somatosensory integration, visceral nociception, autonomic regulation and motoneuron output modulation. Investigations of neuronal functioning in the lamina X have been hampered by technical challenges. Here we introduce an ex-vivo spinal cord preparation with both dorsal and ventral roots still attached for functional studies of the lamina X neurons and their connectivity using an oblique LED illumination for resolved visualization of lamina X neurons in a thick tissue. With the elaborated approach, we demonstrate electrophysiological characteristics of lamina X neurons by their membrane properties, firing pattern discharge and fiber innervation (either afferent or efferent). The tissue preparation has been also probed using Ca2+ imaging with fluorescent Ca2+ dyes (membrane-impermeable or -permeable) to demonstrate the depolarization-induced changes in intracellular calcium concentration in lamina X neurons. Finally, we performed visualization of subpopulations of lamina X neurons stained by retrograde labeling with aminostilbamidine dye to identify sympathetic preganglionic and projection neurons in the lamina X. Thus, the elaborated approach provides a reliable tool for investigation of functional properties and connectivity in specific neuronal subpopulations, boosting research of lamina X of the spinal cord

    Opposite, bidirectional shifts in excitation and inhibition in specific types of dorsal horn interneurons are associated with spasticity and pain post-SCI

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    Spasticity, a common complication after spinal cord injury (SCI), is frequently accompanied by chronic pain. The physiological origin of this pain (critical to its treatment) remains unknown, although spastic motor dysfunction has been related to the hyperexcitability of motoneurons and to changes in spinal sensory processing. Here we show that the pain mechanism involves changes in sensory circuits of the dorsal horn (DH) where nociceptive inputs integrate for pain processing. Spasticity is associated with the DH hyperexcitability resulting from an increase in excitation and disinhibition occurring in two respective types of sensory interneurons. In the tonic-firing inhibitory lamina II interneurons, glutamatergic drive was reduced while glycinergic inhibition was potentiated. In contrast, excitatory drive was boosted to the adapting-firing excitatory lamina II interneurons while GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition were reduced. Thus, increased activity of excitatory DH interneurons coupled with the reduced excitability of inhibitory DH interneurons post-SCI could provide a neurophysiological mechanism of central sensitization and chronic pain associated with spasticity

    Nano-engineered microcapsules boost the treatment of persistent pain

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    <p>Persistent pain remains a major health issue: common treatments relying on either repeated local injections or systemic drug administration are prone to concomitant side-effects. It is thought that an alternative could be a multifunctional cargo system to deliver medicine to the target site and release it over a prolonged time window. We nano-engineered microcapsules equipped with adjustable cargo release properties and encapsulated the sodium-channel blocker QX-314 using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technology. First, we employed single-cell electrophysiology to establish <i>in vitro</i> that microcapsule application can dampen neuronal excitability in a controlled fashion. Secondly, we used two-photon excitation imaging to monitor and adjust long-lasting release of encapsulated cargo in target tissue <i>in situ</i>. Finally, we explored an established peripheral inflammation model in rodents to find that a single local injection of QX-314-containing microcapsules could provide robust pain relief lasting for over a week. This was accompanied by a recovery of the locomotive deficit and the amelioration of anxiety in animals with persistent inflammation. <i>Post hoc</i> immunohistology confirmed biodegradation of microcapsules over a period of several weeks. The overall remedial effect lasted 10–20 times longer than that of a single focal drug injection. It depended on the QX-314 encapsulation levels, involved TRPV1-channel-dependent cell permeability of QX-314, and showed no detectable side-effects. Our data suggest that nano-engineered encapsulation provides local drug delivery suitable for prolonged pain relief, which could be highly advantageous compared to existing treatments.</p

    Polylactic acid-based patterned matrixes for site-specific delivery of neuropeptides on-demand: functional NGF effects on human neuronal cells

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    The patterned microchamber arrays based on biocompatible polymers are a versatile cargo delivery system for drug storage and site- and time specific drug release on demand. However, functional evidence of their action on nerve cells, in particular their potential for enabling patterned neuronal morphogenesis, remains unclear. Recently, we have established that the polylactic acid (PLA)-based microchamber arrays are biocompatible with human cells of neuronal phenotype and provide safe loading for hydrophilic substances of low molecular weight, with successive site-specific cargo release on-demand to trigger local cell responses. Here, we load the nerve growth factor (NGF) inside microchambers and grow N2A cells on the surface of patterned microchamber arrays. We find that the neurite outgrowth in local N2A cells can be preferentially directed towards opened microchambers (site-specific NGF release). These results suggest the PLA-microchambers can be an efficient drug delivery system for the site- and time-specific delivery of neuropeptides, potentially suitable for guidance of human nerve cells

    Structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of solution-processed Li-doped NiO films grown by SILAR

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    The article presents a new facial synthesis of Li-doped NiO films (NiO:Li) via an easy and cost-effective method Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) with the processing of the obtained NiO films in a lithium-containing aqueous solution for their transformation after annealing into NiO:Li layers. Comparative analysis of crystal structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of the obtained NiO and NiO:Li 420-1050 nm thick films have reveiled a cubic rock-salt NiO structure, at that, NiO:Li samples are nanocrystalline single phased Li-NiO solid solutions. The fabricated NiO and NiO:Li films are p-type semiconductors with activation energy Ea = 0.1 eV and Ea = 0.25‒0.31 eV, respectively. The obtained in-plane Seebeck coefficients Z are in the range 0.20–0.33 mV/К. Notwithstanding the fact that the maximum values of the thermoelectric power factors P=2.2 μW/K2·m, are rather small, they were achieved if the hot end of the NiO:Li film was heated only to 115 °C. Thus, the produced in this work new low cost thermoelectric thin film material is suitable for a production of electrical energy for low-power devices due to absorption of low-potential heat


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    Purpose: study during the school year at the autonomic nervous system  functional state primary school children from iodine deficiency.Materials and methods. The study involved 239 children aged 6–10 years. We determined the iodine in urine and heart rate variability.Results. At the end of the school year, compared to the beginning, children of class 1 secured iodine index decreased adequacy regulation processes by 11% (p&lt;0,05), relationship stress index in the sample to the index in the background stress test at 38% (p&lt;0,05). Children in class 2 with iodine deficiency observed increase amplitude of fashion for 21% (p&lt;0,05), an indicator of the adequacy of regulation processes by 26% (p&lt;0,05), stress index by 56% (p&lt;0,05). In fourth-observed performance index increase tension by 28% (p&lt;0,05) and reduction of the standard deviation of 37% (p&lt;0,05).Conclusions. Found that in children with iodine deficiency prevails sympatyc effect autonomic nervous system.Мета – вивчення впродовж навчального року функціонального стану автономної нервової системи у дітей молодшого шкільного віку з йододефіцитом.Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 239 дітей віком 6–10 років. Визначали йод в сечі та варіабельність серцевого ритму.Результати. У кінці навчального року, порівняно із початком, в учнів 1-го класу, забезпечених йодом, спостерігалося зниження показник адекватності процесів регуляції на 11% (p&lt;0,05), відношення індексу напруження в пробі до індексу напруження в фоновій пробі ‑ на 38% (p&lt;0,05). В учнів 2-го класу з йододефіцитом спостерігалося підвищення амплітуди моди на 21% (p&lt;0,05), показник адекватності процесів регуляції ‑ на 26% (p&lt;0,05), індекс напруження ‑ на 56% (p&lt;0,05). У четвертокласників спостерігалось підвищення показників індексу напруження на 28% (p&lt;0,05) та зниження середньоквадратичного відхилення на 37% (p&lt;0,05).Висновки. Встановлено, що у дітей з дефіцитом йоду переважає симпатичний вплив автономної нервової системи


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    Among the most toxic substances in the human body, lead and its compounds are widely used in industry. When they come into contact with waste water in the reservoir, lead compounds may come into contact with surface-active substances, including anionic surfactants, such as sodium and potassium stearates, which can affect both the toxicity and the permeability of heavy metals to the body of warm-blooded animals.Одним из самых токсичных для человеческого организма веществ является свинец и его соединения, которые широко используются в промышленности. Попадая со сточными водами в водоемы, соединения свинца могут контактировать с поверхностно-активными веществами, в том числе анионными ПАВ, типа стеаратов натрия и калия, которые способны влиять как на токсичность, так и на проницаемость тяжелых металлов в организм теплокровных животных.Однією із найтоксичніших для людського організму речовин є свинець та його сполуки. Сполуки свинцю, що потрапляють зі стічними водами у водойми, можуть контактувати з поверхнево-активними речовинами (ПАР), типу стеаратів натрію і калію, та здатні впливати як на токсичність, так і на проникність важких металів в організм теплокровних тварин.Мета – вивчити вплив ацетату свинцю в комбінації зі стеаратами натрію і калію на показники периферійної крові піддослідних тварин.Матеріал і методи. Було проведено досліди на 4 групах білих щурів, яким перорально вводили ацетат свинцю на фоні споживання тваринами вод із вмістом стеаратів натрію та калію. Після 40-денного вживання цих вод тваринам перорально вводили ацетат свинцю, а через три доби робили мазки крові.Результати. При комбінованому надходженні сполук свинцю в організм піддослідних тварин відмічалося збільшення кількості паличкоядерних нейтрофілів та еозинофілів і, водночас, зменшення сегментоядерних нейтрофілів.Висновок. Встановлено, що при комбінованій дії ацетату свинцю в поєднанні зі стеаратами у крові піддослідних тварин збільшується кількість паличкоядерних нейтрофілів і еозинофілів, порівняно з контролем, та зменшується кількість сегментоядерних нейтрофілів


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    Trauma of various degree of severity is accompanied by severe endotoxicosis, which increases with the severity of the injury. Excessive ion exchange of copper and zinc also causes an increase in the level of molecules of middle mass.Травма различной степени тяжести сопровождается выраженным эндотоксикозом, который с ростом тяжести травмы становится больше. Избыточное поступление ионов меди и цинка тоже вызывает рост уровней МСМ250 та МСМ280.Травма різного ступеня тяжкості супроводжується вираженим ендотоксикозом, який із зростанням тяжкості травми стає більшим. Надмірне надходження йонів міді та цинку теж викликає зростання рівня МСМ250 та МСМ280