153 research outputs found

    Impact of Gender on Separation-Reunification Experiences of Latino Adolescent Immigrants

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    Many Latino immigrants who enter the US in late childhood or adolescence are reunifying with parents after lengthy separations, and yet there is limited research on this process from their point of view. This article discusses the impact of gender relations on family re-engagement and immigrant adaptation of young men and young women. Young people were interviewed as part of a grounded theory study exploring the process of family separation and reunification for Latino immigrant adolescents who have been separated from their parents for at least four years during immigration. Focus groups, individual interviews and participant observation were used to gather data from 20 Mexican and Central American immigrant adolescents, 12 young men and 8 young women. Participants reported a range of personal and family beliefs about gender roles and their impact on separation and reunification, Young men reported greater exposure to violence, generally had less access to health care, and reported more emotional isolation from families and peers than young women. Fathers and adult male role models were missing from most of their lives, and this absence was particularly difficult for young men. Young women reported greater skills and persistence in emotional re-engagement with their families in the United States.Beaucoup d'immigrés latinos entrés aux Etats-Unis à la fin de l'enfance ou au début de l'adolescence retrouvent leurs parents après une longue période de séparation, et pourtant il n'existe que très peu d'études sur ce sujet relatant leur point de vue. Cet article traite de l'impact des rapports de genre sur le regroupement familial et l'adaptation des jeunes hommes et femmes immigrés. Des jeunes ont été interrogés dans le cadre d'une étude basée sur la théorie ancrée qui analysait le processus de séparation et de regroupement familial chez les adolescents immigrés latinos qui avaient été séparés de leurs parents pendant au moins quatre ans durant la période d'immigration. Des groupes cibles, des entretiens individuels et l'observation des participants ont permis de recueillir des données auprès de 20 adolescents immigrés originaires du Mexique et d'Amérique Centrale, dont 12 jeunes hommes et 8 jeunes femmes. Les participants ont décrit un ensemble de croyances personnelles et familiales sur les rôles sexuels, et leur impact sur la séparation et le regroupement familial. Les jeunes hommes ont ainsi déclaré être plus exposés à la violence, avoir généralement un accès aux soins plus limité, et souffrir d'une plus grande isolation émotionnelle vis-à-vis de leurs familles et de leurs pairs que les jeunes femmes. Les pères et les modèles adultes masculins étaient pour la plupart absents de leur vie, et cette absence était particulièrement difficile à vivre pour les jeunes hommes. Les jeunes femmes ont quant à elles montré plus de capacités et de persévérance dans le réengagement émotionnel avec leurs familles aux Etats-Unis.Muchos inmigrantes latinos que entran en Estados Unidos al final de su infancia o en su adolescencia  se reunifican con sus padres después de largos periodos de separación. Sin embargo, existen muy pocos estudios sobre este proceso desde su punto de vista. Este artículo analiza el impacto de las relaciones de género en la reunificación familiar y la adaptación como inmigrantes de hombres y mujeres jóvenes. Se entrevistó a chicos y chicas en el marco de un estudio de teoría fundamentada que explora el proceso de la separación familiar y su posterior reunificación en el caso de inmigrantes latinos adolescentes que han sido separados de sus padres durante al menos cuatro años en el transcurso de la inmigración. Se utilizaron reuniones de grupo, entrevistas individuales y observaciones para recabar datos de 20 inmigrantes adolescentes mexicanos y centroamericanos, 12 chicos y 8 chicas. Los participantes reflejaban diversas creencias personales y familiares sobre los roles de género y su impacto en la separación y reunificación. Los chicos reflejaron una mayor exposición a la violencia, un acceso más limitado en general a la asistencia sanitaria y un mayor aislamiento emocional de sus familias y compañeros que las chicas. En sus familias no había referencias paternas o de adultos masculinos y esta ausencia resultaba especialmente difícil para los chicos. Las chicas, en cambio, mostraron mayores habilidades y persistencia en la reunificación emocional con sus familias en suelo estadounidense

    Impact of Gender on Separation-Reunification Experiences of Latino Adolescent Immigrants

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    Many Latino immigrants who enter the US in late childhood or adolescence are reunifying with parents after lengthy separations, and yet there is limited research on this process from their point of view. This article discusses the impact of gender relations on family re-engagement and immigrant adaptation of young men and young women. Young people were interviewed as part of a grounded theory study exploring the process of family separation and reunification for Latino immigrant adolescents who have been separated from their parents for at least four years during immigration. Focus groups, individual interviews and participant observation were used to gather data from 20 Mexican and Central American immigrant adolescents, 12 young men and 8 young women. Participants reported a range of personal and family beliefs about gender roles and their impact on separation and reunification, Young men reported greater exposure to violence, generally had less access to health care, and reported more emotional isolation from families and peers than young women. Fathers and adult male role models were missing from most of their lives, and this absence was particularly difficult for young men. Young women reported greater skills and persistence in emotional re-engagement with their families in the United States.Beaucoup d'immigrés latinos entrés aux Etats-Unis à la fin de l'enfance ou au début de l'adolescence retrouvent leurs parents après une longue période de séparation, et pourtant il n'existe que très peu d'études sur ce sujet relatant leur point de vue. Cet article traite de l'impact des rapports de genre sur le regroupement familial et l'adaptation des jeunes hommes et femmes immigrés. Des jeunes ont été interrogés dans le cadre d'une étude basée sur la théorie ancrée qui analysait le processus de séparation et de regroupement familial chez les adolescents immigrés latinos qui avaient été séparés de leurs parents pendant au moins quatre ans durant la période d'immigration. Des groupes cibles, des entretiens individuels et l'observation des participants ont permis de recueillir des données auprès de 20 adolescents immigrés originaires du Mexique et d'Amérique Centrale, dont 12 jeunes hommes et 8 jeunes femmes. Les participants ont décrit un ensemble de croyances personnelles et familiales sur les rôles sexuels, et leur impact sur la séparation et le regroupement familial. Les jeunes hommes ont ainsi déclaré être plus exposés à la violence, avoir généralement un accès aux soins plus limité, et souffrir d'une plus grande isolation émotionnelle vis-à-vis de leurs familles et de leurs pairs que les jeunes femmes. Les pères et les modèles adultes masculins étaient pour la plupart absents de leur vie, et cette absence était particulièrement difficile à vivre pour les jeunes hommes. Les jeunes femmes ont quant à elles montré plus de capacités et de persévérance dans le réengagement émotionnel avec leurs familles aux Etats-Unis.Muchos inmigrantes latinos que entran en Estados Unidos al final de su infancia o en su adolescencia  se reunifican con sus padres después de largos periodos de separación. Sin embargo, existen muy pocos estudios sobre este proceso desde su punto de vista. Este artículo analiza el impacto de las relaciones de género en la reunificación familiar y la adaptación como inmigrantes de hombres y mujeres jóvenes. Se entrevistó a chicos y chicas en el marco de un estudio de teoría fundamentada que explora el proceso de la separación familiar y su posterior reunificación en el caso de inmigrantes latinos adolescentes que han sido separados de sus padres durante al menos cuatro años en el transcurso de la inmigración. Se utilizaron reuniones de grupo, entrevistas individuales y observaciones para recabar datos de 20 inmigrantes adolescentes mexicanos y centroamericanos, 12 chicos y 8 chicas. Los participantes reflejaban diversas creencias personales y familiares sobre los roles de género y su impacto en la separación y reunificación. Los chicos reflejaron una mayor exposición a la violencia, un acceso más limitado en general a la asistencia sanitaria y un mayor aislamiento emocional de sus familias y compañeros que las chicas. En sus familias no había referencias paternas o de adultos masculinos y esta ausencia resultaba especialmente difícil para los chicos. Las chicas, en cambio, mostraron mayores habilidades y persistencia en la reunificación emocional con sus familias en suelo estadounidense

    Aging and passivation of magnetic properties in Co/Gd bilayers

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    Synthetic ferrimagnets based on Co and Gd bear promise for directly bridging the gap between volatile information in the photonic domain and non-volatile information in the magnetic domain, without the need for any intermediary electronic conversion. Specifically, these systems exhibit strong spin-orbit torque effects, fast domain wall motion and single-pulse all-optical switching of the magnetization. An important open challenge to bring these materials to the brink of applications is to achieve long-term stability of their magnetic properties. In this work, we address the time-evolution of the magnetic moment and compensation temperature of magnetron sputter grown Pt/Co/Gd trilayers with various capping layers. Over the course of three months, the net magnetic moment and compensation temperature change significantly, which we attribute to quenching of the Gd magnetization. We identify that intermixing of the capping layer and Gd is primarily responsible for this effect, which can be alleviated by choosing nitrides for capping as long as reduction of nitride to oxide is properly addressed. In short, this work provides an overview of the relevant aging effects that should be taken into account when designing synthetic ferrimagnets based on Co and Gd for spintronic applications.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Ultra-fast searching assists in evaluating sub-ppm mass accuracy enhancement in U-HPLC/Orbitrap MS data

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    A strategy, detailed methodology description and software are given with which the mass accuracy of U-HPLC-Orbitrap data (resolving power 50,000 FWHM) can be enhanced by an order of magnitude to sub-ppm levels. After mass accuracy enhancement all 211 reference masses have mass errors within 0.5 ppm; only 14 of these are outside the 0.2 ppm error margin. Further demonstration of mass accuracy enhancement is shown on a pre-concentrated urine sample in which evidence for 89 (342 ions) potential hydroxylated and glucuronated DHEA-metabolites is found. Although most DHEA metabolites have low-intensity mass signals, only 11 out of 342 are outside the ±1 ppm error envelop; 272 mass signals have errors below 0.5 ppm (142 below 0.2 ppm). The methodology consists of: (a) a multiple internal lock correction (here ten masses; no identity of internal lock masses is required) to avoid suppression problems of a single internal lock mass as well as to increase lock precision, (b) a multiple external mass correction (here 211 masses) to correct for calibration errors, (c) intensity dependant mass correction, (d) file averaging. The strategy is supported by ultra-fast file searching of baseline corrected, noise-reduced metAlign output. The output and efficiency of ultra-fast searching is essential in obtaining the required information to visualize the distribution of mass errors and isotope ratio deviations as a function of mass and intensity

    Oral ribose supplementation in dystroglycanopathy:A single case study

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    Three forms of muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathies are linked to the ribitol pathway. These include mutations in the isoprenoid synthase domain-containing protein (ISPD), fukutin-related protein (FKRP), and fukutin (FKTN) genes. The aforementioned enzymes are required for generation of the ribitol phosphate linkage in the O-glycan of alpha-dystroglycan. Mild cases of dystroglycanopathy present with slowly progressive muscle weakness, while in severe cases the eyes and brain are also involved. Previous research showed that ribose increased the intracellular concentrations of cytidine diphosphate-ribitol (CDP-ribitol) and had a therapeutic effect. Here, we report the safety and effects of oral ribose supplementation during 6 months in a patient with limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I (LGMD2I) due to a homozygous FKRP mutation. Ribose was well tolerated in doses of 9 g or 18 g/day. Supplementation with 18 g of ribose resulted in a decrease of creatine kinase levels of 70%. Moreover, metabolomics showed a significant increase in CDP-ribitol levels with 18 g of ribose supplementation (p &lt; 0.001). Although objective improvement in clinical and patient-reported outcome measures was not observed, the patient reported subjective improvement of muscle strength, fatigue, and pain. This case study indicates that ribose supplementation in patients with dystroglycanopathy is safe and highlights the importance for future studies regarding its potential effects.</p

    Oral ribose supplementation in dystroglycanopathy:A single case study

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    Three forms of muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathies are linked to the ribitol pathway. These include mutations in the isoprenoid synthase domain-containing protein (ISPD), fukutin-related protein (FKRP), and fukutin (FKTN) genes. The aforementioned enzymes are required for generation of the ribitol phosphate linkage in the O-glycan of alpha-dystroglycan. Mild cases of dystroglycanopathy present with slowly progressive muscle weakness, while in severe cases the eyes and brain are also involved. Previous research showed that ribose increased the intracellular concentrations of cytidine diphosphate-ribitol (CDP-ribitol) and had a therapeutic effect. Here, we report the safety and effects of oral ribose supplementation during 6 months in a patient with limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I (LGMD2I) due to a homozygous FKRP mutation. Ribose was well tolerated in doses of 9 g or 18 g/day. Supplementation with 18 g of ribose resulted in a decrease of creatine kinase levels of 70%. Moreover, metabolomics showed a significant increase in CDP-ribitol levels with 18 g of ribose supplementation (p &lt; 0.001). Although objective improvement in clinical and patient-reported outcome measures was not observed, the patient reported subjective improvement of muscle strength, fatigue, and pain. This case study indicates that ribose supplementation in patients with dystroglycanopathy is safe and highlights the importance for future studies regarding its potential effects.</p

    Ecologische effecten van metaalverontreiniging in het overstromingsgebied van de Dommel. Triade onderzoek, ecologische risico's en mogelijkheden voor inrichting en beheer

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    De rivier de Dommel is sterk verontreinigd met cadmium en zink als gevolg van historische activiteiten van de zinkindustrie. Bij overstroming worden deze metalen, gebonden aan organisch stof en kleideeltjes, afgezet op de bodem in het overstromingsgebied. Als gevolg hiervan is ook het overstromingsgebied van de Dommel plaatselijk sterk verontreinigd. De overheid heeft voor een belangrijk deel van het Dommeldal natuurdoelstellingen opgesteld, waaronder het realiseren van de Ecologische Hoofd Structuur. Onduidelijkheid over de invloed van de metaalverontreiniging op de ecologie en natuurontwikkeling heeft geleid tot stagnatie van grondaankopen om deze EHS te kunnen realiseren. Om deze stagnatie op te heffen heeft het projectbureau Actief Bodembeheer de Kempen nader onderzoek laten uitvoeren. Het onderzoek heeft zich gericht op de vraag wat de locatiespecifieke ecologische risico’s zijn van de cadmium- en zinkverontreinigingen bij verschillende natuur(doel)typen die in het Dommeldal aanwezig zijn of ontwikkeld gaan worden. Het betreft hier de natuur(doel)typen die zich in een gebied bevinden dat gemiddeld één of meerdere keren per tien jaar overstroomd wordt. Deze natuur(doel)typen zijn voornamelijk bloemrijk grasland, nat schraalgrasland, moeras en elzenbroekbos. Het onderzoek is stapsgewijs uitgevoerd en wordt TRIADE genoemd vanwege de drie componenten waaruit het is opgebouwd te weten chemie, toxicologie en veldmetinge

    The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate! [Commentary]

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    The Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC) is currently under development as a joint research and innovation programme to strengthen the scientific basis for chemical risk assessment in the EU. The plan is to bring chemical risk assessors and managers together with scientists to accelerate method development and the production of necessary data and knowledge, and to facilitate the transition to next-generation evidence-based risk assessment, a non-toxic environment and the European Green Deal. The NORMAN Network is an independent, well-established and competent network of more than 80 organisations in the field of emerging substances and has enormous potential to contribute to the implementation of the PARC partnership. NORMAN stands ready to provide expert advice to PARC, drawing on its long experience in the development, harmonisation and testing of advanced tools in relation to chemicals of emerging concern and in support of a European Early Warning System to unravel the risks of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and close the gap between research and innovation and regulatory processes. In this commentary we highlight the tools developed by NORMAN that we consider most relevant to supporting the PARC initiative: (i) joint data space and cutting-edge research tools for risk assessment of contaminants of emerging concern; (ii) collaborative European framework to improve data quality and comparability; (iii) advanced data analysis tools for a European early warning system and (iv) support to national and European chemical risk assessment thanks to harnessing, combining and sharing evidence and expertise on CECs. By combining the extensive knowledge and experience of the NORMAN network with the financial and policy-related strengths of the PARC initiative, a large step towards the goal of a non-toxic environment can be taken

    Effects of the Veterinary Pharmaceutical Ivermectin in Indoor Aquatic Microcosms

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    The effects of the parasiticide ivermectin were assessed in plankton-dominated indoor microcosms. Ivermectin was applied once at concentrations of 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, and 10,000 ng/l. The half-life (dissipation time 50%; DT50) of ivermectin in the water phase ranged from 1.1 to 8.3 days. The lowest NOECcommunity that could be derived on an isolated sampling from the microcosm study by means of multivariate techniques was 100 ng/l. The most sensitive species in the microcosm study were the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia sp. (no observed effect concentration, NOEC = 30 ng/l) and Chydorus sphaericus (NOEC = 100 ng/l). The amphipod Gammarus pulex was less sensitive to ivermectin, showing consistent statistically significant reductions at the 1000-ng/l treatment level. Copepoda taxa decreased directly after application of ivermectin in the highest treatment but had already recovered at day 20 posttreatment. Indirect effects (e.g., increase of rotifers, increased primary production) were observed at the highest treatment level starting only on day 13 of the exposure phase. Cladocera showed the highest sensitivity to ivermectin in both standard laboratory toxicity tests as well as in the microcosm study. This study demonstrates that simple plankton-dominated test systems for assessing the effects of ivermectin can produce results similar to those obtained with large complex outdoor systems