39 research outputs found

    From Competence to self-efficacy: measuring student progress in translation company simulations

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    This dissertation investigates how the professional abilities of translation students can be monitored in translation company simulation courses. Translation company simulation is a pedagogical approach in which students carry out translation projects in self-organising teams. A broad set of translation production workflow activities is explored from two angles: 1) students’ understanding of the activities and 2) theoretical conceptualisations of the abilities required for performing them. For measuring progress, the construct of self-efficacy is proposed to complement the construct of competence. A translation service provision self-efficacy model is designed as a theoretical framework and operationalised as a survey instrument for monitoring student progress. The dissertation comprises five previously published articles and a thesis summary. The first article presents the simulation course and introduces a multicomponent competence model for identifying students’ abilities. The second article explores translation students’ understanding of workflow from a competence perspective through content analysis of essays. The third article introduces a meta-level model of revision and post-editing competence and defines their place within the simulation and the translator education curriculum. The fourth article shifts the perspective from competence to self-efficacy and constructs a translation service provision model based on a translation service provision standard and a business process model of a translating organisation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis is used to operationalise the model as a survey scale. The fifth article tests the scale using longitudinal multilevel modelling. A theoretical contribution is the translation service provision model that organises various business processes and workflow activities into a coherent whole. A methodological result is the translation service provision self-efficacy scale and the method for analysing self-efficacy through multilevel modelling. The findings support that translation company simulations enhance students’ self-efficacy in translation management and translation-related tasks. The results may have theoretical and practical implications for the pedagogy of translation company simulations.Tutkin väitöskirjassani, miten kääntämisen opiskelijoiden ammatillisten valmiuksien kehittymistä voidaan seurata käännösyrityssimulaatiokursseilla. Käännösyrityssimulaatio on pedagoginen menetelmä, jossa opiskelijat toteuttavat käännösprojekteja itseorganisoituvissa tiimeissä. Tutkin käännöstuotannon työnkulun toimintoja kahdesta näkökulmasta: 1) opiskelijoiden käsitystä toiminnoista ja 2) valmiuksien käsitteellistämistä. Tutkimukseni päätyy ehdottamaan minäpystyvyyttä täydentäväksi vaihtoehdoksi kompetenssiin perustuville mittauksille. Mittausten teoreettiseksi viitekehykseksi kehitän käännöspalveluiden tuottamisen minäpystyvyysmallin. Operationalisoin mallin kyselyinstrumentiksi ja testaan käännösyrityssimulaatiossa mallin soveltuvuutta opiskelijoiden edistymisen kuvaamiseen. Väitöskirja sisältää viisi aiemmin julkaistua artikkelia sekä yhteenvedon. Ensimmäinen artikkeli esittelee simulaatiokurssin ja luo monikomponenttisen kompetenssimallin opiskelijoiden valmiuksien kuvaamiseen. Toinen artikkeli tutkii sisällönanalyysin avulla kääntämisen opiskelijoiden käsityksiä käännösprojektin työnkulusta. Kolmas artikkeli esittelee metatason mallin käännöksentarkistuksen ja jälkieditoinnin kompetenssien kuvaamiseen ja määrittelee näiden toimintojen aseman simulaatiokurssilla sekä kääntäjänkoulutuksen opetussuunnitelmassa. Neljäs artikkeli rakentaa käännöspalvelujen minäpystyvyysmallin ja operationalisoi sen minäpystyvyyskyselyksi. Viides artikkeli testaa minäpystyvyyskyselyä käännösyrityssimulaatiossa. Väitöskirjan teoreettinen tulos on käännöspalvelujen tarjoamisen malli, joka jäsentää käännösorganisaation erilaiset liiketoimintaprosessit ja työnkulun toiminnot yhtenäiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Menetelmien osalta keskeinen tulos on käännöspalvelujen tarjoamisen minäpystyvyyskysely sekä menetelmä minäpystyvyyden analysoimiseksi monitasomallinnuksen avulla. Käytännön tulokset viittaavat siihen, että käännösyrityssimulaatiot lisäävät opiskelijoiden alakohtaista minäpystyvyyttä käännösprojektinhallinnassa ja kääntämiseen liittyvissä tehtävissä. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää teoreettisesti ja käytännössä käännösyrityssimulaatioiden pedagogiikassa

    A self-efficacy scale for measuring student progress in translation company simulations

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    AbstractApplying factor analysis on survey data, this paper develops a concise scale of translation service provision self-efficacy aimed for diagnosing learning needs and assessing progress in pedagogical translation company simulations. First, a model of translation service provision activities based on the translation service provision standard ISO 17100 and a business process model of translation service is constructed and operationalized as a draft scale. The draft scale is then tested in an international survey (n = 380) conducted in connection with translation company simulation courses in university-level translator education. Exploratory factor analysis is used to identify dimensions and adequate items for a concise scale that comprises two four-item subscales: a project management self-efficacy subscale and a translation-production self-efficacy subscale. The scale is validated through confirmatory factor analysis. It is expected to be useful as a light-weight measurement instrument for frequent testing or as a compact part of more extensive scales.</p

    Monitoring student self-efficacy in a translation company simulation. A multilevel model approach.

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    This observational study tests a survey instrument for measuring translation students’ self-efficacy. A previously designed domain-specific self-efficacy scale is used to monitor the development of students’ self-efficacy in a one-year-long translation company simulation course. With multilevel modelling, the trajectories of domain-specific self-efficacy for project management and translationrelated tasks are contrasted with general self-efficacy. Differing trajectories of general and domainspecific self-efficacy measures illustrate the sensitivity of the domain-specific self-efficacy scale. At the same time, the results point to a need for more granular grades of difficulty in some translationrelated items. In addition, students’ initial levels of general self-efficacy were found to predict initial levels of domain-specific self-efficacy but not the rate of change. Finally, translation company simulation experience was found to be associated with a considerable rise in translation students’ project management self-efficacy, a more moderate rise in translation-related self-efficacy, and a modest rise in general self-efficacy.</p

    Auktorisoiduksi kääntäjäksi kääntäjäopintojen kautta. Esimerkkinä Turun yliopiston toimintatapa

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    Auktorisoidun kääntäjän oikeuden voi nykyään saada myös yliopistollisten kääntäjäopintojen perusteella. Kun uudesta tutkintojärjestelmästä on nyt noin kymmenen vuoden kokemus, on vähitellen mahdollista alkaa arvioida yliopistojen tarjoaman auktorisointiin johtavan koulutusväylän toimivuutta. Tarkastelussa käydään aluksi läpi seikkoja, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet ja vaikuttavat koulutusväylän muotoutumiseen ja asemaan. Lopuksi esitellään auktorisoidun kääntäjä yliopistollinen koulutusväylä sellaisena kuin se toteutuu Turun yliopistossa.</p

    Translation students’ conceptions of translation workflow in a simulated translation company environment

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    Translation graduates need organisational skills to be able to cooperate in translation service production workflows. This paper explores the development of translation students’ workflow conceptions in a simulated translation company learning environment. Using the standard ISO 17100 as a frame of reference for a content analysis of student essays, two research questions are answered: 1) How does working in a simulated translation company learning environment affect translation students’ workflow conceptions? 2) What kind of workflow conception profiles emerge in a simulated translation company learning environment? A quantitative comparison of essays written before and after a one-year-long translation company simulation course showed a progression from rudimentary conceptions with few workflow task mentions towards more detailed conceptions that are closer to the translation industry model. Further quantitative analysis of the changes in individual task mention values revealed clusters of workflow tasks associated with the duties of two different task roles, the translation specialist and the project manager. The results showed a tendency for some students to stay with the conception associated with the translation specialist role and for some students to develop a workflow conception associated with the project manager role.</p

    The Potential of Biomethane in Replacing Fossil Fuels in Heavy Transport : A Case Study on Finland

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    Electrification is a frequently discussed solution for reducing transport related carbon dioxide emissions. However, transport sectors such as aviation and heavy-duty vehicles remain dependent on on-board fuels. Here, biomethane is still a little exploited solution, and the case of heavy-duty vehicles is particularly underappreciated despite the recent technical advances and potentially notable emission reductions. This paper discusses the potential of biomethane in heavy-duty road transport in the case of Finland, where the utilization rate is low compared to the technical potential. To this end, the potential of biomethane production through both anaerobic digestion and gasification was calculated in three scenarios for the heavy-duty transport fleet, based on the literature values of biomethane potential and truck class fuel consumption. The authors find that approximately half of the heavy-duty transport in Finland could be biomethane fueled by 2030. The estimated production costs for biomethane (81-190 €/MWh) would be competitive with the current consumer diesel price (152 €/MWh). Utilizing the total biomethane potential in heavy-duty transport would furthermore decrease the respective carbon dioxide emissions by 50%. To accelerate the transition in the heavy-duty transport sector, a more comprehensive political framework is needed, taking into account both production and consumption.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Empowering translators through entrepreneurship in simulated translation bureaus

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    This paper reviews entrepreneurial activities that take place within the simulated translation bureaus of member institutions of the INSTB network and establishes a link between entrepreneurism, self-efficacy and perceived competence. Reusing pre-test and post-test data of a student survey, a first attempt is made to design and test a survey instrument for gauging the impact of a simulated translation bureau on perceived entrepreneurial competence and self-efficacy for planning, setting up, and managing a translating organisation in pedagogical translation company simulations. Tentative results suggest a positive effect of participation in translation company simulation modules on students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perceived competence. Because of the anonymity of the data, pre-test and post-test responses could not be paired. As a consequence, the statistical significance of the results could not be confirmed. </p

    The Cost-Effectiveness of Biologics for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis : A Systematic Review

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    Background and Objectives Economic evaluations provide information to aid the optimal utilization of limited healthcare resources. Costs of biologics for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are remarkably high, which makes these agents an important target for economic evaluations. This systematic review aims to identify existing studies examining the cost-effectiveness of biologics for RA, assess their quality and report their results systematically. Methods A literature search covering Medline, Scopus, Cochrane library, ACP Journal club and Web of Science was performed in March 2013. The cost-utility analyses (CUAs) of one or more available biological drugs for the treatment of RA in adults were included. Two independent investigators systematically collected information and assessed the quality of the studies. To enable the comparison of the results, all costs were converted to 2013 euro. Results Of the 4890 references found in the literature search, 41 CUAs were included in the current systematic review. While considering only direct costs, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of the tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) ranged from 39,000 to 1 273,000 (sic)/quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained in comparison to conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) in cDMARD naive patients. Among patients with an insufficient response to cDMARDs, biologics were associated with ICERs ranging from 12,000 to 708,000 (sic)/QALY. Rituximab was found to be the most cost-effective alternative compared to other biologics among the patients with an insufficient response to TNFi. Conclusions When 35,000 (sic)/QALY is considered as a threshold for the ICER, TNFis do not seem to be cost-effective among cDMARD naive patients and patients with an insufficient response to cDMARDs. With thresholds of 50,000 to 100,000 (sic)/QALY biologics might be cost-effective among patients with an inadequate response to cDMARDs. Standardization of multiattribute utility instruments and a validated standard conversion method for missing utility measures would enable better comparison between CUAs.Peer reviewe

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy and Safety of Existing TNF Blocking Agents in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background and Objectives: Five-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-blockers (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol and golimumab) are available for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Only few clinical trials compare one TNF-blocker to another. Hence, a systematic review is required to indirectly compare the substances. The aim of our study is to estimate the efficacy and the safety of TNF-blockers in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and indirectly compare all five currently available blockers by combining the results from included randomized clinical trials (RCT). Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted using databases including: MEDLINE, SCOPUS (including EMBASE), Cochrane library and electronic search alerts. Only articles reporting double-blind RCTs of TNF-blockers vs. placebo, with or without concomitant methotrexate (MTX), in treatment of RA were selected. Data collected were information of patients, interventions, controls, outcomes, study methods and eventual sources of bias. Results: Forty-one articles reporting on 26 RCTs were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Five RCTs studied infliximab, seven etanercept, eight adalimumab, three golimumab and three certolizumab. TNF-blockers were more efficacious than placebo at all time points but were comparable to MTX. TNF-blocker and MTX combination was superior to either MTX or TNF-blocker alone. Increasing doses did not improve the efficacy. TNF-blockers were relatively safe compared to either MTX or placebo. Conclusions No single substance clearly rose above others in efficacy, but the results of the safety analyses suggest that etanercept might be the safest alternative. Interestingly, MTX performs nearly identically considering both efficacy and safety aspects with a margin of costs.Peer reviewe