7 research outputs found

    Myelodysplastic syndromes – Incidence in Finland in 1997-2016

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a diverse group of clonal hematopoietic stem cell diseases that may progress to acute myeloid leukaemia. Here, we present incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes based on a nationwide, registry-based study. A total of 1,906 MDS cases were reported to the Finnish Cancer Registry during 1997-2016. We analysed the age-standardized incidence rates using the new European standard population, incidence trend and changes in trend by sex, age group and calendar year using Poisson regression and joinpoint regression. The average age-standardized incidence rate was 3.92 per 100,000 person-years. The incidence of MDS increased in a linear-quadratic fashion across 10-year age groups and was higher among men (5.43 versus 3.14 per 100,000). The incidence trend increased during the first 15 years followed by a decline towards the end of the study period. A similar trend was found in subgroups by sex and age. Our results show a similar or slightly higher MDS incidence in Finland as in other Western countries, with an increasing trend, but some decrease in the end. The increasing incidence may reflect improved reporting and coding, or there could be a genuine increase in MDS over time.Myelodysplastiset oireyhtymät (MDS) muodostavat monimuotoisen ryhmän luuytimen kantasolujen sairauksia, jotka noin kolmanneksella potilaista etenevät akuutiksi myelooiseksi leukemiaksi (AML). Arvioimme tässä valtakunnallisessa rekisteripohjaisessa tutkimuksessa myelodysplastisten oireyhtymien ilmaantuvuutta ja ilmaantuvuuden muutoksia suomalaisessa väestössä 20 vuoden tutkimusajanjakson aikana. Suomen Syöpärekisteriin kirjattiin yhteensä 1906 MDS-tapausta vuosina 1997–2016. Ikäryhmittäin jaotellut tapausmäärät kerättiin pohjoismaisesta NORDCAN-tietokannasta. MDS:n ilmaantuvuustrendiä sekä sen muutoksia analysoitiin Poisson- ja Joinpoint-regressioanalyyseillä. Tilastoanalyysit suoritettiin Stata-ohjelmalla. Ikävakioitujen ilmaantuvuustiheyksien määrittämisessä käytettiin uutta Euroopan standardiväestöä. Ilmaantuvuusanalyysit toteutettiin koko tutkimusväestölle sekä erikseen rajatuille alaryhmille vertaillen toisiinsa eri sukupuolia, kymmenvuotisikäryhmiä ja viisivuotisajanjaksoja. MDS:n ikävakioitu ilmaantuvuustiheys Suomessa oli tutkimusajanjaksolla 3,92 tapausta 100 000 henkilövuotta kohti. Nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä ilmaantuvuuden kasvu oli lineaarista, kun taas vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä ilmaantuvuuskasvu kääntyi kvadraattiseksi. Ilmaantuvuustiheys oli korkeampi miehillä kuin naisilla. Ikävakioitu ilmaantuvuustiheys oli miehillä 5,43 ja naisilla 3,14 tapausta 100 000 henkilövuotta kohti. Ilmaantuvuustrendi oli nouseva tutkimusajanjakson ensimmäisten 15 vuoden ajan. Sen jälkeen trendi kääntyi laskevaksi. Samanlainen trendi oli nähtävissä myös tarkasteltaessa erikseen sukupuolia ja ikäryhmiä. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat, että MDS:n ilmaantuvuus Suomessa on samankaltainen tai hieman suurempi, kuin muissa länsimaissa. Ilmaantuvuustrendi on pääosin kasvava mutta viimeisinä tutkimusvuosina laskusuuntainen. Ilmaantuvuuden kasvussa voi olla kyse todellisesta MDS:n lisääntymisestä väestössä tai vaihtoehtoisesti se voi olla seurausta kehityksestä MDS:n luokittelussa ja raportoinnissa syöpärekisteriin

    Incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes in Finland 1997-2016

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a diverse group of clonal hematopoietic stem cell diseases that may progress to acute myeloid leukemia. Here, we present incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes based on a nationwide, registry-based study. A total of 1906 MDS cases were reported to the Finnish Cancer Registry during 1997-2016. We analysed the age-standardized incidence rates using the new European standard population, incidence trend and changes in trend by sex, age group and calendar year using Poisson regression and joinpoint regression. The average age-standardized incidence rate was 3.92 per 100,000 person-years. The incidence of MDS increased in a linear-quadratic fashion across 10-year age groups and was higher among men (5.43 versus 3.14 per 100,000). The incidence trend increased during the first 15 years followed by a decline towards the end of the study period. A similar trend was found in subgroups by sex and age. Our results show a similar or slightly higher MDS incidence in Finland as in other Western countries, with an increasing trend, but some decrease in the end. The increasing incidence may reflect improved reporting and coding, or there could be a genuine increase in MDS over time.Peer reviewe

    Effects of phosphonium-based ionic liquids on phospholipid membranes studied by small-angle X-ray scattering

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    The effects of ionic liquids on model phospholipid membranes were studied by small-angle X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurements. Multilamellar 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes and large unilamellar vesicles composed of L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (eggPC) and L-alpha-phosphatidylglycerol (eggPG) (80:20 mol%) or eggPC, eggPG, and cholesterol (60:20:20 mol%) were used as biomimicking membrane models. The effects of the phosphonium-based ionic liquids: tributylmethylphosphonium acetate, trioctylmethylphosphonium acetate, tributyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium acetate, and tributyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium chloride, were compared to those of 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate. With multilamellar vesicles, the ionic liquids that did not disrupt liposomes decreased the lamellar spacing as a function of concentration. The magnitude of the effect depended on concentration for all studied ionic liquids. Using large unilamellar vesicles, first a slight decrease in the vesicle size, then aggregation of vesicles was observed by DLS for increasing ionic liquid concentrations. At concentrations just below those that caused aggregation of liposomes, large unilamellar vesicles were coated by ionic liquid cations, evidenced by a change in their zeta potential. The ability of phosphonium-based ionic liquids to affect liposomes is related to the length of the hydrocarbon chains in the cation. Generally, the ability of ionic liquids to disrupt liposomes goes hand in hand with inducing disorder in the phospholipid membrane. However, trioctylmethylphosphonium acetate selectively extracted and induced a well-ordered lamellar structure in phospholipids from disrupted cholesterol-containing large unilamellar vesicles. This kind of effect was not seen with any other combination of ionic liquids and liposomes. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Pesticide Residue Fast Screening Using Thermal Desorption Multi-Scheme Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TD-MION MS) with Selective Chemical Ionization

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    In this work, the detection characteristics of a large group of common pesticides were investigated using a multi-scheme chemical ionization inlet (MION) with a thermal desorption unit (Karsa Ltd.) connected to an Orbitrap (Velos Pro, Thermo Fisher Scientific) mass spectrometer. Standard pesticide mixtures, fruit extracts, untreated fruit juice, and whole fruit samples were inspected. The pesticide mixtures contained 1 ng of each individual target. Altogether, 115 pesticides were detected, with a set of different reagents (i.e., dibromomethane, acetonylacetone, and water) in different polarity modes. The measurement methodology presented was developed to minimize the common bottlenecks originating from sample pretreatments and nonetheless was able to retrieve 92% of the most common pesticides regularly analyzed with standardized UHPLC-MSMS (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) procedures. The fraction of detected targets of two standard pesticide mixtures generally quantified by GC-MSMS (gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) methodology was much less, equaling 45 and 34%. The pineapple swabbing experiment led to the detection of fludioxonil and diazinon below their respective maximum residue levels (MRLs), whereas measurements of untreated pineapple juice and other fruit extracts led to retrieval of dimethomorph, dinotefuran, imazalil, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole, fludioxonil, and diazinon, also below their MRL. The potential for mutual detection was investigated by mixing two standard solutions and by spiking an extract of fruit with a pesticide’s solution, and subsequently, individual compounds were simultaneously detected. For a selected subgroup of compounds, the bromide (Br-) chemical ionization characteristics were further inspected using quantum chemical computations to illustrate the structural features leading to their sensitive detection. Importantly, pesticides could be detected in actual extract and fruit samples, which demonstrates the potential of our fast screening method.Peer reviewe

    Bioremediation of contaminated soil and groundwater by in situ biostimulation

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    Bioremediation by in situ biostimulation is an attractive alternative to excavation of contaminated soil. Many in situ remediation methods have been tested with some success; however, due to highly variable results in realistic eld conditions, they have not been implemented as widely as they might deserve. To ensure success, methods should be validated under site-analogous conditions before full scale use, which requires expertise and local knowledge by the implementers.The focus here is on indigenous microbial degraders and evaluation of their performance. Identifying and removing biodegradation bottlenecks for degradation of organic pollutants is essential. Limiting factors commonly include:lack of oxygen or alternative electron acceptors, low temperature, and lack of essential nutrients. Additional factors: the bioavailability of the contaminating compound, pH, distribution of the contaminant, and soil structure and moisture, and in some cases, lack of degradation potential which may be amended with bioaugmentation. Methods to remove these bottlenecks are discussed. Implementers should also be prepared to combine methods or use them in sequence. Chemical/physical means may be used to enhance biostimulation. The review also suggests tools for assessing sustainability, life cycle assessment, and risk assessment. To help entrepreneurs, decision makers, and methods developers in the future, we suggest founding a database for otherwise seldom reported unsuccessful interventions, as well as the potential for articial intelligence (AI) to assist in site evaluation and decision-making.Peer reviewe

    Pesticide Residue Fast Screening Using Thermal Desorption Multi-Scheme Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TD-MION MS) with Selective Chemical Ionization

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    In this work, the detection characteristics of a large group of common pesticides were investigated using a multi-scheme chemical ionization inlet (MION) with a thermal desorption unit (Karsa Ltd.) connected to an Orbitrap (Velos Pro, Thermo Fisher Scientific) mass spectrometer. Standard pesticide mixtures, fruit extracts, untreated fruit juice, and whole fruit samples were inspected. The pesticide mixtures contained 1 ng of each individual target. Altogether, 115 pesticides were detected, with a set of different reagents (i.e., dibromomethane, acetonylacetone, and water) in different polarity modes. The measurement methodology presented was developed to minimize the common bottlenecks originating from sample pretreatments and nonetheless was able to retrieve 92% of the most common pesticides regularly analyzed with standardized UHPLC–MSMS (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) procedures. The fraction of detected targets of two standard pesticide mixtures generally quantified by GC–MSMS (gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) methodology was much less, equaling 45 and 34%. The pineapple swabbing experiment led to the detection of fludioxonil and diazinon below their respective maximum residue levels (MRLs), whereas measurements of untreated pineapple juice and other fruit extracts led to retrieval of dimethomorph, dinotefuran, imazalil, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole, fludioxonil, and diazinon, also below their MRL. The potential for mutual detection was investigated by mixing two standard solutions and by spiking an extract of fruit with a pesticide’s solution, and subsequently, individual compounds were simultaneously detected. For a selected subgroup of compounds, the bromide (Br–) chemical ionization characteristics were further inspected using quantum chemical computations to illustrate the structural features leading to their sensitive detection. Importantly, pesticides could be detected in actual extract and fruit samples, which demonstrates the potential of our fast screening method