674 research outputs found

    Aseptinen työskentely leikkausosastolla : digitaalinen oppimateriaali SMART Board -kosketustaululle

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    Opinnäytetyöni on tuotetyö ja se on toteutettu osana Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun Teho Pro -hanketta. Opinnäytetyöni tarkoitus on tuottaa digitaalista oppimateriaalia hyödyntäen SMART Notebook -ohjelmaa sekä digitaalista SMART Board -kosketusnäyttöä. Tuotteeni hyödynsaajat ja käyttäjäryhmät ovat perioperatiivista hoitotyötä opettavat opettajat sekä sairaanhoitaja-, terveydenhoitaja -ja kätilöopiskelijat. Oppimateriaali on suunnattu perustason perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kurssin opetukseen. Oppimateriaalilla on tarkoitus tuoda esille uudenlaisia tapoja esittää ja toteuttaa opetusta leikkaussaliaseptiikkaa koskien. Tarkemmin opinnäytetyössäni käsitellään kirurginen käsidesinfektio, steriilin takin pukeminen ja steriilin pöydän valmistaminen. Valitsin aiheekseni leikkaussaliosaston aseptisen työskentelyn, koska se on ajankohtainen niin potilasturvallisuuden kuin leikkausten mahdollistamisen näkökulmasta. Aihe on haastava esittää teoriassa mielenkiintoisesti ja interaktiivisesti. SMART Notebookin ja SMART Boardin avulla sain tähän mahdollisuuden. Opinnäytetyöni sisältää teoriaperustan kirurgisen käsidesinfektion tekemisestä, steriilin takin pukemisesta sekä steriilin pöydän valmistamisesta. Teoriaosio kattaa myös perusteet interaktiivisen ja digitaalisen oppimateriaalin kehittämiselle. Teoriatiedon pohjalta olen suunnitellut, kerännyt ja toteuttanut interaktiivisia tehtäviä, videoita ja oppimista tukevia teoriatieto-osioita kattavaksi oppimateriaalipaketiksi. Oppimateriaalin tehtävät voidaan suorittaa opettaja vetoisesti, pienissä kahden kolmen hengen ryhmissä, yksin tai koko luokan avustuksella.The object of this study was to produce digital study material for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The subject for the study covers surgical hand disinfection, sterile clothing, and preparation of a sterile table. This master thesis is a product that is a part of a project Teho Pro for creating study material that can be used in a digital learning environment. This study material is aimed for nursing students. The study material was created using SMART Notebook program and it can be presented with SMART board interactive white board. For my master thesis I gathered a comprehen-sive theoretical knowledge base, from which I created study material for the basic level course on perioperative nursing. For the study material I exploited many of the existing applications and activity templates of the SMART Notebook program. The study material is profound. It is innovative and implemented with a new approach with consideration for students with different learning styles. The study material is interactive and utilizes the latest technology in teaching equipment of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Technology is gaining its foothold in teaching and new teaching methods and different pedagogical means are in a time of transition. My master thesis is very timely and it brings new teaching methods for teachers at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences as well as providing students with new experiences and enthusiasm for learning. In the future, it would be applicable to write a thesis, which would explore the experiences of students on digital learning material and new teaching methods.Tämän kirjallisen työn lisäksi opinnäytetyöni sisältää digitaalisessa muodossa olevan oppimateriaalin, joka on Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun käytössä

    Quality Momentum : Evidence from Nordic Stock Markets

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    Multi-factor investing has gained wide attention in recent years from both investors and researchers. Prior research on multi-factor investing has found that combined strategies outperform single-factor strategies. Given the increased attention towards this field the primary objective of this study is to examine multi-factor investing in the context of momentum and quality, measured by profitability, in the Nordic stock markets from 1996 to 2020. Gross profitability has been suggested as the cleanest measure of profitability in prior research that outperforms other profitability measures in the power of predicting future returns. Furthermore, operating profitability and later an extension to operating profitability that amends it as a cash-based measure have challenged the position of gross profitability as a profitability measure with the most predicting power of future returns. Previous studies have concluded that combining gross profitability and momentum factors into a joint strategy provides excess returns in the U.S. stock markets. The scope for this study consists of Nordic stock markets including Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The purpose is to investigate the possibility of combining momentum and quality into a joint strategy and if exploiting a joint strategy enhances the performance compared to the Nordic Market index and single-factor strategies formed solely based on momentum and quality. The portfolios in this study are formed as long-only and as long-short portfolios, and quality in this study is measured by three profitability factors: gross profitability, operating profitability and cash-based operating profitability. This study contributes to the existing literature of multi-factor investing by providing evidence of a multi-factor strategy returns in the Nordic stock markets. In addition, it adds to the field of quality investing by comparing the performance of the different profitability measures in the Nordic stock markets. The results suggest that a joint strategy increases the performance of a portfolio compared to a single-factor portfolio during the sample period in the Nordic stock markets. The performance of the joint strategies is the highest when momentum is joint with gross profitability or cash- based operating profitability as a long-short portfolio. Combining the two factors, by utilizing either gross profitability or cash-based operating profitability as the quality measure, into a joint strategy offers investors excess returns and in addition a decreased risk compared to a portfolio based on solely momentum. The results propose that investors could increase their portfolio performance by accounting for quality of the underlying companies in addition to the past performance of the stock


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    A 3D map labeling system places 2D labels at a depth that is unoccluded by the labeled 3D element of the 3D map but may be occluded by a different 3D element. The 3D map labelling system renders back faces of a 3D model into a Z-buffer. The system then renders a label at a predetermined depth and performs a Z-test by testing the predetermined depth of the label against the Z-buffer. The system uses the Z-test to identify the occluded and unoccluded pixels in the label and uses this information to hide labels behind occluding elements, or style them differently, for example, with transparency

    NML Computation Algorithms for Tree-Structured Multinomial Bayesian Networks

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    Typical problems in bioinformatics involve large discrete datasets. Therefore, in order to apply statistical methods in such domains, it is important to develop efficient algorithms suitable for discrete data. The minimum description length (MDL) principle is a theoretically well-founded, general framework for performing statistical inference. The mathematical formalization of MDL is based on the normalized maximum likelihood (NML) distribution, which has several desirable theoretical properties. In the case of discrete data, straightforward computation of the NML distribution requires exponential time with respect to the sample size, since the definition involves a sum over all the possible data samples of a fixed size. In this paper, we first review some existing algorithms for efficient NML computation in the case of multinomial and naive Bayes model families. Then we proceed by extending these algorithms to more complex, tree-structured Bayesian networks

    Vuosikertomus 2009

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