25 research outputs found

    A genetic approach for building different alphabets for peptide and protein classification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this paper, it is proposed an optimization approach for producing reduced alphabets for peptide classification, using a Genetic Algorithm. The classification task is performed by a multi-classifier system where each classifier (Linear or Radial Basis function Support Vector Machines) is trained using features extracted by different reduced alphabets. Each alphabet is constructed by a Genetic Algorithm whose objective function is the maximization of the area under the ROC-curve obtained in several classification problems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The new approach has been tested in three peptide classification problems: HIV-protease, recognition of T-cell epitopes and prediction of peptides that bind human leukocyte antigens. The tests demonstrate that the idea of training a pool classifiers by reduced alphabets, created using a Genetic Algorithm, allows an improvement over other state-of-the-art feature extraction methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The validity of the novel strategy for creating reduced alphabets is demonstrated by the performance improvement obtained by the proposed approach with respect to other reduced alphabets-based methods in the tested problems.</p

    How to find simple and accurate rules for viral protease cleavage specificities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Proteases of human pathogens are becoming increasingly important drug targets, hence it is necessary to understand their substrate specificity and to interpret this knowledge in practically useful ways. New methods are being developed that produce large amounts of cleavage information for individual proteases and some have been applied to extract cleavage rules from data. However, the hitherto proposed methods for extracting rules have been neither easy to understand nor very accurate. To be practically useful, cleavage rules should be accurate, compact, and expressed in an easily understandable way.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new method is presented for producing cleavage rules for viral proteases with seemingly complex cleavage profiles. The method is based on orthogonal search-based rule extraction (OSRE) combined with spectral clustering. It is demonstrated on substrate data sets for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease and hepatitis C (HCV) NS3/4A protease, showing excellent prediction performance for both HIV-1 cleavage and HCV NS3/4A cleavage, agreeing with observed HCV genotype differences. New cleavage rules (consensus sequences) are suggested for HIV-1 and HCV NS3/4A cleavages. The practical usability of the method is also demonstrated by using it to predict the location of an internal cleavage site in the HCV NS3 protease and to correct the location of a previously reported internal cleavage site in the HCV NS3 protease. The method is fast to converge and yields accurate rules, on par with previous results for HIV-1 protease and better than previous state-of-the-art for HCV NS3/4A protease. Moreover, the rules are fewer and simpler than previously obtained with rule extraction methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A rule extraction methodology by searching for multivariate low-order predicates yields results that significantly outperform existing rule bases on out-of-sample data, but are more transparent to expert users. The approach yields rules that are easy to use and useful for interpreting experimental data.</p

    A Network-Based Multi-Target Computational Estimation Scheme for Anticoagulant Activities of Compounds

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    BACKGROUND: Traditional virtual screening method pays more attention on predicted binding affinity between drug molecule and target related to a certain disease instead of phenotypic data of drug molecule against disease system, as is often less effective on discovery of the drug which is used to treat many types of complex diseases. Virtual screening against a complex disease by general network estimation has become feasible with the development of network biology and system biology. More effective methods of computational estimation for the whole efficacy of a compound in a complex disease system are needed, given the distinct weightiness of the different target in a biological process and the standpoint that partial inhibition of several targets can be more efficient than the complete inhibition of a single target. METHODOLOGY: We developed a novel approach by integrating the affinity predictions from multi-target docking studies with biological network efficiency analysis to estimate the anticoagulant activities of compounds. From results of network efficiency calculation for human clotting cascade, factor Xa and thrombin were identified as the two most fragile enzymes, while the catalytic reaction mediated by complex IXa:VIIIa and the formation of the complex VIIIa:IXa were recognized as the two most fragile biological matter in the human clotting cascade system. Furthermore, the method which combined network efficiency with molecular docking scores was applied to estimate the anticoagulant activities of a serial of argatroban intermediates and eight natural products respectively. The better correlation (r = 0.671) between the experimental data and the decrease of the network deficiency suggests that the approach could be a promising computational systems biology tool to aid identification of anticoagulant activities of compounds in drug discovery. CONCLUSIONS: This article proposes a network-based multi-target computational estimation method for anticoagulant activities of compounds by combining network efficiency analysis with scoring function from molecular docking

    The Chemical Information Ontology: Provenance and Disambiguation for Chemical Data on the Biological Semantic Web

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    Cheminformatics is the application of informatics techniques to solve chemical problems in silico. There are many areas in biology where cheminformatics plays an important role in computational research, including metabolism, proteomics, and systems biology. One critical aspect in the application of cheminformatics in these fields is the accurate exchange of data, which is increasingly accomplished through the use of ontologies. Ontologies are formal representations of objects and their properties using a logic-based ontology language. Many such ontologies are currently being developed to represent objects across all the domains of science. Ontologies enable the definition, classification, and support for querying objects in a particular domain, enabling intelligent computer applications to be built which support the work of scientists both within the domain of interest and across interrelated neighbouring domains. Modern chemical research relies on computational techniques to filter and organise data to maximise research productivity. The objects which are manipulated in these algorithms and procedures, as well as the algorithms and procedures themselves, enjoy a kind of virtual life within computers. We will call these information entities. Here, we describe our work in developing an ontology of chemical information entities, with a primary focus on data-driven research and the integration of calculated properties (descriptors) of chemical entities within a semantic web context. Our ontology distinguishes algorithmic, or procedural information from declarative, or factual information, and renders of particular importance the annotation of provenance to calculated data. The Chemical Information Ontology is being developed as an open collaborative project. More details, together with a downloadable OWL file, are available at http://code.google.com/p/semanticchemistry/ (license: CC-BY-SA)

    Utilizing maximal frequent itemsets and social network analysis for HIV data analysis

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    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a deadly disease which is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus attacks patients immune system and effects its ability to fight against diseases. Developing effective medicine requires understanding the life cycle and replication ability of the virus. HIV-1 protease enzyme is used to cleave an octamer peptide into peptides which are used to create proteins by the virus. In this paper, a novel feature extraction method is proposed for understanding important patterns in octamer's cleavability. This feature extraction method is based on data mining techniques which are used to find important relations inside a dataset by comprehensively analyzing the given data. As demonstrated in this paper, using the extracted information in the classification process yields important results which may be taken into consideration when developing a new medicine. We have used 746 and 1625, Impens and schilling data instances from the 746-dataset. Besides, we have performed social network analysis as a complementary alternative method

    Artificial intelligence systems based on texture descriptors for vaccine development

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    The aim of this work is to analyze and compare several feature extraction methods for peptide classification that are based on the calculation of texture descriptors starting from a matrix representation of the peptide. This texture-based representation of the peptide is then used to train a support vector machine classifier. In our experiments, the best results are obtained using local binary patterns variants and the discrete cosine transform with selected coefficients. These results are better than those previously reported that employed texture descriptors for peptide representation. In addition, we perform experiments that combine standard approaches based on amino acid sequence. The experimental section reports several tests performed on a vaccine dataset for the prediction of peptides that bind human leukocyte antigens and on a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). Experimental results confirm the usefulness of our novel descriptors. The matlab implementation of our approaches is available at http://bias.csr.unibo.it/nanni/TexturePeptide.zip