206 research outputs found

    Multi-thermal dynamics and energetics of a coronal mass ejection in the low solar atmosphere

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    The aim of this work is to determine the multi-thermal characteristics and plasma energetics of an eruptive plasmoid and occulted flare observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). We study an event from 03-Nov-2010 (peaking at 12:20UT in GOES soft X-rays) of a coronal mass ejection and occulted flare which demonstrates the morphology of a classic erupting flux rope. The high spatial, and time resolution, and six coronal channels, of the SDO/AIA images allows the dynamics of the multi-thermal emission during the initial phases of eruption to be studied in detail. The Differential Emission Measure (DEM) is calculated, using an optimised version of a regularized inversion method (Hannah & Kontar 2012), for each pixel across the six channels at different times, resulting in emission measure maps and movies in a variety of temperature ranges. We find that the core of the erupting plasmoid is hot (8-11, 11-14MK) with a similarly hot filamentary "stem" structure connecting it to the lower atmosphere, which could be interpreted as the current sheet in the flux rope model, though is wider than these models suggest. The velocity of the leading edge of the eruption is 597-664 km s−1^{-1} in the temperature range ≥\ge3-4MK and between 1029-1246 km s−1^{-1} for ≤\le2-3MK. We estimate the density (in 11-14 MK) of the erupting core and stem during the impulsive phase to be about 3×1093\times10^9 cm−3^{-3}, 6×1096\times10^9 cm−3^{-3}, 9×1089\times10^8 cm−3^{-3} in the plasmoid core, stem and surrounding envelope of material. This gives thermal energy estimates of 5×10295\times10^{29} erg, 1×10291\times10^{29} erg and 2×10302\times10^{30} erg. The kinetic energy for the core and envelope is slightly smaller. The thermal energy of the core and current sheet grows during the eruption, suggesting continuous influx of energy presumably via reconnection.Comment: Submitted to A&A: in revisio

    Solar Physics with the Square Kilometre Array

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    The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the largest radio telescope ever built, aiming to provide collecting area larger than 1 km2^2. The SKA will have two independent instruments, SKA-LOW comprising of dipoles organized as aperture arrays in Australia and SKA-MID comprising of dishes in South Africa. Currently the phase-1 of SKA, referred to as SKA1, is in its late design stage and construction is expected to start in 2020. Both SKA1-LOW (frequency range of 50-350 MHz) and SKA1-MID Bands 1, 2, and 5 (frequency ranges of 350-1050, 950-1760, and 4600-15300 MHz, respectively) are important for solar observations. In this paper we present SKA's unique capabilities in terms of spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution, as well as sensitivity and show that they have the potential to provide major new insights in solar physics topics of capital importance including (i) the structure and evolution of the solar corona, (ii) coronal heating, (iii) solar flare dynamics including particle acceleration and transport, (iv) the dynamics and structure of coronal mass ejections, and (v) the solar aspects of space weather. Observations of the Sun jointly with the new generation of ground-based and space-borne instruments promise unprecedented discoveries.Comment: Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    LOFAR observations of fine spectral structure dynamics in type IIIb radio bursts

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    Solar radio emission features a large number of fine structures demonstrating great variability in frequency and time. We present spatially resolved spectral radio observations of type IIIb bursts in the 30−8030-80 MHz range made by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). The bursts show well-defined fine frequency structuring called "stria" bursts. The spatial characteristics of the stria sources are determined by the propagation effects of radio waves; their movement and expansion speeds are in the range of 0.1-0.6c. Analysis of the dynamic spectra reveals that both the spectral bandwidth and the frequency drift rate of the striae increase with an increase of their central frequency; the striae bandwidths are in the range of ~20-100 kHz and the striae drift rates vary from zero to ~0.3 MHz s^-1. The observed spectral characteristics of the stria bursts are consistent with the model involving modulation of the type III burst emission mechanism by small-amplitude fluctuations of the plasma density along the electron beam path. We estimate that the relative amplitude of the density fluctuations is of dn/n~10^-3, their characteristic length scale is less than 1000 km, and the characteristic propagation speed is in the range of 400-800 km/s. These parameters indicate that the observed fine spectral structures could be produced by propagating magnetohydrodynamic waves

    Hard X-ray footpoint sizes and positions as diagnostics of flare accelerated energetic electrons in the low solar atmosphere

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    The hard X-ray (HXR) emission in solar flares comes almost exclusively from a very small part of the flaring region, the footpoints of magnetic loops. Using RHESSI observations of solar flare footpoints, we determine the radial positions and sizes of footpoints as a function of energy in six near-limb events to investigate the transport of flare accelerated electrons and the properties of the chromosphere. HXR visibility forward fitting allows to find the positions/heights and the sizes of HXR footpoints along and perpendicular to the magnetic field of the flaring loop at different energies in the HXR range. We show that in half of the analyzed events, a clear trend of decreasing height of the sources with energy is found. Assuming collisional thick-target transport, HXR sources are located between 600 and 1200 km above the photosphere for photon energies between 120 and 25 keV respectively. In the other events, the position as a function of energy is constant within the uncertainties. The vertical sizes (along the path of electron propagation) range from 1.3 to 8 arcseconds which is up to a factor 4 larger than predicted by the thick-target model even in events where the positions/heights of HXR sources are consistent with the collisional thick-target model. Magnetic mirroring, collisional pitch angle scattering and X-ray albedo are discussed as potential explanations of the findings.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The influence of albedo on the size of hard X-ray flare sources

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    Context: Hard X-rays from solar flares are an important diagnostic of particle acceleration and transport in the solar atmosphere. Any observed X-ray flux from on-disc sources is composed of direct emission plus Compton backscattered photons (albedo). This affects both the observed spectra and images as well as the physical quantities derived from them such as the spatial and spectral distributions of accelerated electrons or characteristics of the solar atmosphere. Aims: We propose a new indirect method to measure albedo and to infer the directivity of X-rays in imaging using RHESSI data. Methods: Visibility forward fitting is used to determine the size of a disc event observed by RHESSI as a function of energy. This is compared to the sizes of simulated sources from a Monte Carlo simulation code of photon transport in the chromosphere for different degrees of downward directivity and true source sizes to find limits on the true source size and the directivity. Results: The observed full width half maximum of the source varies in size between 7.4 arcsec and 9.1 arcsec with the maximum between 30 and 40 keV. Such behaviour is expected in the presence of albedo and is found in the simulations. A source size smaller than 6 arcsec is improbable for modest directivities and the true source size is likely to be around 7 arcsec for small directivities. Conclusions: While it is difficult to image the albedo patch directly, the effect of backscattered photons on the observed source size can be estimated. The increase in source size caused by albedo has to be accounted for when computing physical quantities that include the size as a parameter such as flare energetics. At the same time, the study of the albedo signature provides vital information about the directivity of X-rays and related electrons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, A&A (accepted

    Dynamics of electron beams in the solar corona plasma with density fluctuations

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    The problem of beam propagation in a plasma with small scale and low intensity inhomogeneities is investigated. It is shown that the electron beam propagates in a plasma as a beam-plasma structure and is a source of Langmuir waves. The plasma inhomogeneity changes the spatial distribution of the waves. The spatial distribution of the waves is fully determined by the distribution of plasma inhomogeneities. The possible applications to the theory of radio emission associated with electron beams are discussed

    Turbulent pitch-angle scattering and diffusive transport of hard-X-ray producing electrons in flaring coronal loops

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    Recent observations from {\em RHESSI} have revealed that the number of non-thermal electrons in the coronal part of a flaring loop can exceed the number of electrons required to explain the hard X-ray-emitting footpoints of the same flaring loop. Such sources cannot, therefore, be interpreted on the basis of the standard collisional transport model, in which electrons stream along the loop while losing their energy through collisions with the ambient plasma; additional physical processes, to either trap or scatter the energetic electrons, are required. Motivated by this and other observations that suggest that high energy electrons are confined to the coronal region of the source, we consider turbulent pitch angle scattering of fast electrons off low frequency magnetic fluctuations as a confinement mechanism, modeled as a spatial diffusion parallel to the mean magnetic field. In general, turbulent scattering leads to a reduction of the collisional stopping distance of non-thermal electrons along the loop and hence to an enhancement of the coronal HXR source relative to the footpoints. The variation of source size LL with electron energy EE becomes weaker than the quadratic behavior pertinent to collisional transport, with the slope of L(E)L(E) depending directly on the mean free path λ\lambda again pitch angle scattering. Comparing the predictions of the model with observations, we find that λ∼\lambda \sim(108−109)(10^8-10^9) cm for ∼30\sim30 keV, less than the length of a typical flaring loop and smaller than, or comparable to, the size of the electron acceleration region.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Regularized energy-dependent solar flare hard x-ray spectral index

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    The deduction from solar flare X-ray photon spectroscopic data of the energy dependent model-independent spectral index is considered as an inverse problem. Using the well developed regularization approach we analyze the energy dependency of spectral index for a high resolution energy spectrum provided by Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The regularization technique produces much smoother derivatives while avoiding additional errors typical of finite differences. It is shown that observations imply a spectral index varying significantly with energy, in a way that also varies with time as the flare progresses. The implications of these findings are discussed in the solar flare context.Comment: 13 pages; 5 figures, Solar Physics in pres

    Combined STEREO/RHESSI study of CME acceleration and particle acceleration in solar flares

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    Using the potential of two unprecedented missions, STEREO and RHESSI, we study three well observed fast CMEs that occurred close to the limb together with their associated high energy flare emissions in terms of RHESSI HXR spectra and flux evolution. From STEREO/EUVI and STEREO/COR1 data the full CME kinematics of the impulsive acceleration phase up to 4 Rs is measured with a high time cadence of less equal 2.5 min. For deriving CME velocity and acceleration we apply and test a new algorithm based on regularization methods. The CME maximum acceleration is achieved at heights h < 0.4 Rs, the peak velocity at h < 2.1 Rs (in one case as small as 0.5 Rs). We find that the CME acceleration profile and the flare energy release as evidenced in the RHESSI hard X-ray flux evolve in a synchronized manner. These results support the standard flare/CME model which is characterized by a feed-back relationship between the large-scale CME acceleration process and the energy release in the associated flare.Comment: accepted for Ap
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