641 research outputs found

    Evaluating Evidence of Childhood Abuse as a Function of Expert Testimony, Judge’s Instructions, and Sentence Recommendation

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    In the current study we examined how jurors utilize evidence of childhood abuse as a function of expert testimony and sentence recommendation. We also varied the specificity of instructional language in the context of mitigating circumstances. We predicted jurors who impose a life sentence would rate evidence of childhood abuse as significantly more important in determining sentence compared to jurors who impose the death penalty. Furthermore, we expected this effect to be moderated by expert testimony. Testimony of childhood abuse increased importance ratings of non-statutory mitigating circumstances. This effect was more evident for jurors who imposed a life sentence compared to those who imposed the death penalty. In addition, specific instructional language influenced how jurors considered circumstances related to the defendant’s life

    Considering Constitutionally Relevant Evidence: An Assessment of Childhood Physical Abuse as a Non-Statutory Mitigating Circumstance

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    The present study examines the role of a specific instruction designed to guide jurors on non-statutory mitigating circumstances in determining sentence recommendation. To date, there is no research examining whether specific instructions provide more guidance, and improve jurors’ discretion compared to the current general instructions. We predicted that specific mitigating instructions would increase confidence in life sentencing compared to generic instructions as well as revised instructions. We also predicted that expert testimony of childhood physical abuse would minimize death penalty recommendations. Contrary to our predictions, we found that exposure to generic instructions increased confidence in a life sentence. In addition, perceptions of the defendant and mood predicted confidence in sentence. Positive mood predicted high levels of confidence in a death sentence

    La huella del montaje: Aby Warburg, Aldo Van Eyck, Jerzy Grotowski: recorridos a partir del Atlas Mnemosyne

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    La tesis nace de una necesidad propia; aquella de levantar el lápiz de la mesa de trabajo y tomarse una pausa para reflexionar sobre el “qué”, el “cómo” y el “por qué” del oficio del arquitecto. Asimismo, su mayor ambición es poder volver a la misma mesa conscientemente. La del arquitecto es una labor que se suele decir que oscila entre varios terrenos, sobre todo entre ciencia y arte. Esta posición no concluyente da, por un lado, la oportunidad a cada arquitecto de auto-posicionarse, otorgando a la arquitectura la capacidad de reinventarse constantemente; sin embargo, y por el otro lado, esta oscilación tiene a menudo la consecuencia de no poder definir con exactitud el contenido y las competencias de la propia disciplina. La cuestión, pues, es: ¿en qué consiste el campo de conocimiento que el arquitecto tiene que ser capaz de dominar? Aquella, mientras no se responde, con más urgencia, se busca su respuesta.Peer Reviewe

    Stability analysis of construction and demolition waste (CDW) deposits in theabandoned quarry of Profitis Ilias, Kozani, Greece.

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    Τα εγκαταλειμμένα λατομεία αποτελούν συχνά χώρους ανεξέλεγκτης διάθεσης απορριμμάτων, δημιουργώντας κινδύνους λόγω πιθανών μετακινήσεων μαζών. Ένα παλιό λατομείο, κοντά στην πόλη της Κοζάνης, έχει πληρωθεί με 772.000 m3 υλικών κατεδαφίσεων ποικίλης σύστασης (αδρανή, ξύλα, μέταλλα, πλαστικά, τούβλα, υλικά εκσκαφών κλπ) σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα μεγεθών, από άργιλο έως ογκόλιθους. Το μέγεθος των τεμαχών, καθώς και η ύπαρξη κενών επηρεάζουν τη συμπεριφορά των πρανών των αποθέσεων, την αντοχή και την αποστράγγιση τους. Η ανάλυση ευστάθειας τέτοιων υλικών πρέπει να λαμβάνει υπόψη παράγοντες όπως η σύσταση, ο βαθμός συμπύκνωσης, το υλικό κάλυψης, η υγρασία, η διαπερατότητα, η αντοχή και η πίεση των πόρων. Οι παράμετροι διατμητικής αντοχής επιλέχθηκαν βάσει της βιβλιογραφίας από εξειδικευμένες δοκιμές πεδίου σε παρόμοια υλικά. Οι αναλύσεις ευστάθειας που πραγματοποιήθηκαν υπολόγισαν πολλές ασταθείς ζώνες μικρού πάχους και εύρους. Για αυτό το λόγο, ακολούθησε ανάστροφη ανάλυση στις θέσεις των χαρτογραφημένων ρωγμών, με σκοπό τον υπολογισμό των μηχανικών παραμέτρων κατά την αστοχία. Δεδομένου ότι, η γωνία τριβής και η πυκνότητα βασίστηκαν σε βιβλιογραφικά δεδομένα, εξετάστηκε η τιμή της συνοχής των υλικών. Παρόλο που οι αποθέσεις αποτελούνται από χαλαρά ετερογενή υλικά, τα οποία δεν έχουν συμπυκνωθεί, παρατηρείται κάποια συνοχή των υλικών λόγω της "αλληλεμπλοκής" των ποικίλου μεγέθους συστατικών των αποθέσεων.Abandoned quarries become favourable sites for uncontrolled waste dumps, causing major safety hazards because of potential mass movements. An old quarry, near the town of Kozani, is filled with 772.000 m3 Construction and Demolition Wastes (CDW), containing a variety of materials (aggregates, wood, metals, plastics, bricks, soil etc.), in a wide range of fragment sizes, from clay to boulders. The size of particles and voids influence the behaviour of the filled slope, affecting both shear strength and drainage characteristics. Major factors that should be considered in a stability analysis for CDW, include waste material and soil cover composition, overall degree of compaction, moisture contented, permeability, pore pressure and shear strength parameters. Shear strength parameters were chosen by bibliographic references based on specialized field tests of similar materials. The analyzed profiles computed slip zones of low thickness and range. Therefore, successive back analysis was conducted to the sites of mapped cracks, aimed to determinate the mechanical properties of the slope during the failure. Since, friction angle and bulk density were retained for back analysis, the cohesion was examined. Although deposits are composed of loose heterogeneous materials, which have not been condensed, cohesion exists owing to the "interlocking" of the varying particle size of materials


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    Restoration of abandoned quarry sites has been for quite a few years practiced in various places in Greece, mainly in the broader district of Athens, a wide range of rehabilitation solutions has been used by the local authorities in order to cover basic needs of the population (cultural and athletic centres, municipal storage and parking facilities for heavy vehicles, open theatres, municipal waste facilities, cemeteries etc.). Still restoration of abandoned quarries (aggregate material, marble, industrial minerals etc) remains a major problem for almost every prefecture and has to be solved gradually due to lack of the necessary funds, solving the most acute environmental problems and covering basic needs of the population for municipal facilities. In this paper the development of a methodology is presented for the elaboration of a priority list for the restoration/rehabilitation of numerous abandoned quarries comprised in a geographical or administrative entity. Using multi-criteria analysis and geographical information system we have concluded in a quick and cost effective method for the hierarchical classification of restoration sites. The establishment of an adequate set of criteria for the priority list is of main importance for the successful application of the method


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    In this paper we investigate the dimensions of emerging adulthood on medical students. Our aim is to explore special characteristics and possible differentiations between university medical students in comparison with other disciplines. We argue that university is a social context that plays a critical role on the development and shaping the identity of young students. In our case we examine medical students of a Greek peripheral university in order to trace the characteristics of their emerging adulthood. The research was conducted between November 2019-January 2020, with the participation of 110 students of School of Medicine of Patras University in Greece. The research tool was Arnett's IDEA questionnaire, adjusted by the researchers. The results confirmed the emerging adulthood characteristics of medical students, nevertheless interesting findings also revealed. It seems that demanding and/or difficult university programs with emphasis on practical experience during studies, foster young students to manifest adult characteristics earlier than their peers. Article visualizations

    Improving SMEs competitiveness with the use of Instagram Influencer Advertising and eWOM

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    Under Saudi Vision 2030, there will be a forthcoming increase in support to small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the current 20 percent of GDP to 35 percent. Thus, SMEs’ access to finance will become easier. At the same time, the cosmetics retail industry is expected to rapidly grow in the next few years because of the already mounting demand and availability of cosmetics through online channels. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of beauty Instagram influencers in advertising as a tool to increase competitiveness for SMEs. An exploratory research design was employed, and in-depth interviews conducted to gain a better understanding of female Saudi young adults’ perceptions of trust towards Instagram influencers, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), and advertising. Implications for SMEs managers are also discussed


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    The pandemic has killed at least 670,000 people since it hit China's Wuhan, and 17 million cases have been diagnosed. The United States, Brazil, Mexico and Britain have been hit hard by COVID-19 in recent weeks (7/2020) as their governments try to find an effective response. A pandemic is a health crisis that occurs once in a hundred years, the effects of which will be felt for decades (WHO). In the dramatic changes brought about by a crisis, unfortunately many people experience a time of stress and sadness like no other in their lives and then the most common diagnosis is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety Disorder (World Health Organization [WHO]), 2001). In this study we detect and categorize symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) associated with coronavirus disease 2019 in a student population.  Article visualizations