88 research outputs found

    Critical and depathologising inputs on psychological assessment of gender diversity

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    Psychology’s emphasis on individual experience has created idealised prototypes for gender identity, promulgated through traditional tools of psychological evaluation. Transgender and gender nonconforming people have been urged to fit into binary concep-tions of such evaluations, at least until the recent depathologisation approved by the World Health Organization. Thepresent theoretical studyexamineshow psychological discourses around gender diversity and corporeality have been transformed. To this effect, it appealsto four arguments: to the activist mobilisation against homogeneous definitions of transness, to theapplicability of taxonomic systems’ categories, to the resistances against psychometrictests’ validity scales, and lastly, to issues concerning cross-cultural adaptation of terms, meas-urementsand conceptions of bodilyand gender identity.El énfasis de la psicología en la vivencia individual ha generado prototipos idealizados sobre la identidad de género,promulgados a través de las herramientastradicionalesde evaluaciónpsicológica. Las personas transgénero y género no-conforme se han visto presio-nadas a encajar en las concepciones binarias de dichas evaluaciones, hasta la reciente despa-tologización aprobada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En el presente trabajo teóricose examina cómo se fueron transformando los discursos sobre la diversidad de género y la corporalidad en psicología. Para ello, se apela a cuatro argumentos: la movilizaciónacti-vistacontra las definiciones homogéneasde lo trans, la aplicabilidad de las categorías de los sistemas taxonómicos, las resistencias contralas escalas de validez delos test psicométricosy, por último, cuestiones de adaptación intercultural de términos, medicionesy concepciones del cuerpo y la identidad de género

    Gender Migration, Passing and Post-Recessionary Intelligibility

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    The postfeminist, post-recessionary era marks a shift to interiority. Unintelligible, excluded, alienated and precarious bodies remain out of this register. Those bodies combat the classification systems that are unable to open up to the multiplicities of corporeal experience. After the latest modifications of the diagnostic manual ICD in 2018, a door has been seemingly been opened institutionally for trans identities and corporealities. Nonetheless, through a social stance, those who have access to services, knowledge, or social support are those who enter the margins of passing. This text examines the tensions between the conquestof intelligibility and the free exploration of the non-binary. We perform a critical, positioned reading of some theoretical proposals that have recently altered our understanding of trans people. The notion of «dispossession» is key for this reading. The text surrounds these positionings through three readings: a representational, a systemic-prospective, and a crosscultural one. La era postfeminista post-recesionaria marca un giro a la interioridad, fuera de cuyo registro quedan cuerpos ininteligibles, excluidos, desarraigados y precarios. Esos cuerpos combaten sistemas de clasificación que no se abren a la multiplicidad de experiencias corporales. Después de las últimas modificaciones del manual diagnóstico CIE en 2018, se ha abierto supuestamente una puerta al cambio a nivel institucional para las identidades y corporalidades trans. No obstante, a nivel social, quienes tienen acceso a servicios, conocimiento y apoyo social son les que entran en los márgenes del passing. El texto examina la tensiónentre la conquista de la inteligibilidad y la libre exploración de lo no binario. Se realiza una lectura crítica y posicionada de propuestas teóricas que han cambiado últimamente la forma de percibir lo trans. La noción de «desposesión» es clave para esta lectura. El texto rodea dichos posicionamientos operando con tres lecturas: una representacional, una sistémicaprospectiva, y una intercultural

    Robles, Lola. Identidades confinadas: La construcciĂłn de un conflicto entre feminismo, activismo trans y teorĂ­a queer

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    Este artículo reseña: Robles, Lola. Identidades confinadas: La construcción de un conflicto entre feminismo, activismo trans y teoría queer. Útero Libros, Castellón, 2021, 232 pp. ISBN: 978-84-949949-6-

    Acetarsol in the management of mesalazine refractory ulcerative proctitis: a tertiary-level care experience

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    © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Background Mesalazine-refractory ulcerative proctitis is common, with a significant proportion of the patients requiring escalation to immunomodulators or biological therapy. Three small preliminary cohort studies suggested good clinical efficacy for the organic arsenic derivative acetarsol in the management of proctitis. Our aim was to describe our experience on the use of acetarsol in proctitis and to review all existing evidence on its safety and efficacy.Patients and methodsWe retrospectively reviewed clinical records of all ulcerative colitis patients exposed to acetarsol at Nottingham University Hospitals since 2012. Clinical response was determined basing on physicians' global assessments and patients' improvement over the baseline (reduction in stool frequency and rectal bleeding). Clinical remission was defined as total resolution of symptoms including bleeding cessation. Serum arsenic, C-reactive protein and faecal calprotectin levels reviewed when available. Nonparametric analysis performed.ResultsTwenty-eight (16 males) patients with median (range) age 39 (35) and 9 (19) years disease duration received acetarsol suppositories for proctitis. All had failed mesalazine or corticosteroid topical therapy, with 50% having additionally failed immunomodulators. Median treatment duration was 70 (64) days. 16/28 were prescribed acetarsol more than once. 67.9% achieved clinical response and 46.4% clinical remission. 32.1% required treatment escalation to steroids, thiopurines or antitumour necrosis factor agents. 6/28 patients stopped acetarsol due to side effects.ConclusionAcetarsol could be an effective and safe option in the management of refractory proctitis. A definitive trial with long-term safety follow-up is required to investigate the efficacy and safety of this promising drug

    Work-related Stress and Burnout Factors of Principals in Regional Greece: A Historical Perspective

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    Work-related stress and burnout is a reality in modern society, because the lack of time and the high work demands seem increasingly intensified. Thus, the study of working conditions and the factors that affect the physical and mental health becomes even more imperative. Professions that are particularly stressful are those where there is daily contact with people, for example, doctors, nurses, social workers, or school leaders. Besides administrative and official duties, modern principals perform additional functions such as the organization and management of schools, the coordination of people who are involved in the teaching and operational process and they intervene to reform and upgrade the work of their schools. In addition, they must have skills like cooperation ability, be knowledgeable in the psychology of individuals and groups, have perceptual and observation ability, administrative imagination and energy, have managerial experience and solid scientific training. Since burnout is the result of chronic work-related stress, the purpose of this study is to record the specific factors that create professional stress to school leaders and their correlation with burnout and other features, like gender or experience. This study has been conducted in a number of primary-education schools of a central region in Greece, where generally there are no monitoring practices followed, concerning the work stress of educators and their relevant support. Thus, it is perceived as a prerequisite for the designing of any supportive services and activities, if necessary


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    The present article investigates the alternative means of funding for schools in Europe. Because of the economic restrictions for several European countries in recent years, schools internationally seek alternatives in order to improve the current situation, beyond government funding. These alternatives are broadly classified in European Union and private-sector resources, including the concepts of “Virtual Enterprise” and “Open School”. The relevant policies of several European countries are also presented, as an example indicating that the alternative means for the funding of schools are innovative but realistic proposals.  Article visualizations

    Risk Factor Analysis for Crossing Failure in Primary Antegrade Wire-Catheter Approach for Femoropopliteal Chronic Total Occlusions

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    Introduction: Antegrade wire-catheter crossing remains the primary approach for femoropopliteal interventions. Nonetheless, data reporting on crossing failure are limited. Aim of this study is to identify risk factors for antegrade crossing failure in patients with femoropopliteal chronic total occlusions (CTOs). Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective analysis. Patients with femoropopliteal CTOs treated between May 2018 and February 2020 were included into this study. Primary endpoint of this analysis was primary crossing success defined as successful antegrade crossing without the use of retrograde access, crossing or re-entry devices. The assisted crossing success was additionally analyzed. A logistic regression analysis identified risk factors for failed primary antegrade crossing. Results: Data from 300 patients were analyzed. The majority (n=183, 61%) presented with lifestyle limiting claudication. The mean lesion length was 180 mm [interquartile range (IQR) 100–260 mm], whereas the median CTO length was 100 mm (IQR=50–210 mm). A chronic total occlusion crossing approach based on plaque morphology (CTOP) type I configuration was observed in 9% (n=26) of the lesions, type II in 61% (n=183), type III in 8% (n=25), and type IV in 66 CTOs (n= 66, 22%). Severe calcification based on the Peripheral Arterial Calcium Scoring Scale (PACSS), Peripheral Academic Research Consortium (PARC), and 360° grading systems was identified in 17%, 24%, and 28% of the lesions, respectively. A contralateral femoral access was used in 278 cases (93%). The primary crossing success amounted to 70% (n=210). The use of a re-entry device in 28 patients (9%) or of a combined antegrade–retrograde approach in 11% (n=34) of the cases increased the assisted crossing success to 89% (n=267). The presence of calcification (odds ratio [OR]=4.2, 95% CI=1.7–10.2) or of circumferential calcium (OR=2.5, 95% CI=1.3–4.9), a CTOP class ΙΙΙ or ΙV (OR=1.9, 95% CI=1.4–2.6), a proximal superficial femoral artery (SFA) occlusion (OR=3.5, 95% CI=1.7–7.4) and a CTO at P3 (OR=4.1, 95% CI=1.5–10.8) were associated with an increased risk for antegrade crossing failure. Conclusions: In this study, chronic total occlusions (CTO) morphology, calcification burden, and lesion’s location were identified as independent risk factors for failed antegrade crossing. Nonetheless, the use of alternative crossing strategies significantly increased the overall crossing success

    AI-Powered Interfaces for Extended Reality to support Remote Maintenance

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    High-end components that conduct complicated tasks automatically are a part of modern industrial systems. However, in order for these parts to function at the desired level, they need to be maintained by qualified experts. Solutions based on Augmented Reality (AR) have been established with the goal of raising production rates and quality while lowering maintenance costs. With the introduction of two unique interaction interfaces based on wearable targets and human face orientation, we are proposing hands-free advanced interactive solutions in this study with the goal of reducing the bias towards certain users. Using traditional devices in real time, a comparison investigation using alternative interaction interfaces is conducted. The suggested solutions are supported by various AI powered methods such as novel gravity-map based motion adjustment that is made possible by predictive deep models that reduce the bias of traditional hand- or finger-based interaction interface

    A Rare Case of Paraneoplastic Syndrome Presented with Severe Gastroparesis due to Ganglional Loss

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    Paraneoplastic syndromes are rare initial manifestations of a neoplastic disorder that may precede the actual detection of an overt cancer. These syndromes can generally involve any organic system of the human body with gastroparesis being the commonest manifestation of the paraneoplastic involvement of the neuronal bodies of the gastrointestinal tract in cancer patients. Gastroparesis is the result of an autoimmune destruction of the nerve plexus of the stomach that causes nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms such as intractable vomiting and abdominal discomfort that interfere with patients' quality of life and are often ascribed to psychological factors. Thus, if not suspected, it easily evades the diagnostic thought especially in those cases where the diagnostic work up has not detected any apparent cause. Consequently, it should always be considered in patients with diagnosed or suspected cancer who complain of unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms. In our report, so as to increase the clinical awareness of this rare clinical entity, we present the case of a 70-year-old Caucasian female who presented in our hospital with severe gastroparesis that was later proven to be associated with an overt small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and we discuss the existing knowledge of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of this disorder
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