37 research outputs found

    Changes in microbial (Bacteria and Archaea) plankton community structure after artificial dispersal in grazer-free microcosms

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    Microbes are considered to have a global distribution due to their high dispersal capabilities. However, our knowledge of the way geographically distant microbial communities assemble after dispersal in a new environment is limited. In this study, we examined whether communities would converge because similar taxa would be selected under the same environmental conditions, or would diverge because of initial community composition, after artificial dispersal. To this aim, a microcosm experiment was performed, in which the temporal changes in the composition and diversity of different prokaryoplankton assemblages from three distant geographic coastal areas (Banyuls-sur-Mer in northwest Mediterranean Sea, Pagasitikos Gulf in northeast Mediterranean and Woods Hole, MA, USA in the northwest Atlantic), were studied. Diversity was investigated using amplicon pyrosequencing of the V1-V3 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA. The three assemblages were grown separately in particle free and autoclaved Banyuls-sur-mer seawater at 18 Ā°C in the dark. We found that the variability of prokaryoplankton community diversity (expressed as richness, evenness and dominance) as well as the composition were driven by patterns observed in Bacteria. Regarding community composition, similarities were found between treatments at family level. However, at the OTU level microbial communities from the three different original locations diverge rather than converge during incubation. It is suggested that slight differences in the composition of the initial prokaryoplankton communities, resulted in separate clusters the following days even when growth took place under identical abiotic conditions

    Core vs. diet -associated and postprandial bacterial communities of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) midgut and feaces

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Eleni Mente was awarded a visiting fellowship by Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS). Part of Eleniā€™s Nikouliā€™s work in this paper was carried out under the program ā€œScholarships of IKY in the Marine and Inland Management of Water Resourcesā€ and was co-funded by EEA grantsā€“ Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (85%) and the General Secretariat for Investments and Development (15%). The authors declare no competing interests.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Changes in Heterotrophic Picoplankton Community Structure after Induction of a Phytoplankton Bloom under Different Light Regimes

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    Bacterial and archaeal diversity and succession were studied during a mesocosm experiment that investigated whether changing light regimes could affect the onset of phytoplankton blooms. For this, 454-pyrosequencing of the bacterial V1-V3 and archaeal V3-V9 16S rRNA regions was performed in samples collected from four mesocosms receiving different light irradiances at the beginning and the end of the experiment and during phytoplankton growth. In total, 46 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with ā‰„1% relative abundance occurred (22-34 OTUs per mesocosm). OTUs were affiliated mainly with Rhodobacteraceae, Flavobacteriaceae and Alteromonadaceae. The four mesocosms shared 11 abundant OTUs. Dominance increased at the beginning of phytoplankton growth in all treatments and decreased thereafter. Maximum dominance was found in the mesocosms with high irradiances. Overall, specific bacterial OTUs had different responses in terms of relative abundance under in situ and high light intensities, and an early phytoplankton bloom resulted in different bacterial community structures both at high (family) and low (OTU) taxonomic levels. Thus, bacterial community structure and succession are affected by light regime, both directly and indirectly, which may have implications for an ecosystem's response to environmental changes

    Increased contribution of parasites in microbial eukaryotic communities of different Aegean Sea coastal systems

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    Background-Aim: Protistan communities have a major contribution to biochemical processes and food webs in coastal ecosystems. However, related studies are scarce and usually limited in specific groups and/or sites. The present study examined the spatial structure of the entire protistan community in seven different gulfs and three different depths in a regional Mediterranean Sea, aiming to define taxa that are important for differences detected in the marine microbial network across the different gulfs studied as well as their trophic interactions. Methods: Protistan community structure analysis was based on the diversity of the V2ā€“V3 hypervariable region of the 18S rRNA gene. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified using a 97% sequence identity threshold and were characterized based on their taxonomy, trophic role, abundance and niche specialization level. The differentially abundant, between gulfs, OTUs were considered for all depths and interactions amongst them were calculated, with statistic and network analysis. Results: It was shown that Dinophyceae, Bacillariophyta and Syndiniales were the most abundant groups, prevalent in all sites and depths. Gulfs separation was more striking at surface corroborating with changes in environmental factors, while it was less pronounced in higher depths. The study of differentially abundant, between gulfs, OTUs revealed that the strongest biotic interactions in all depths occurred between parasite species (mainly Syndiniales) and other trophic groups. Most of these species were generalists but not abundant highlighting the importance of rare species in protistan community assemblage. Conclusion: Overall this study revealed the emergence of parasites as important contributors in protistan network regulation regardless of depth

    Tenebrio molitor larvae meal inclusion affects hepatic proteome and apoptosis and/or autophagy of three farmed fish species

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    Acknowledgements Financial support for the trial on European sea bass was provided by the AQUAEXEL Project PROINSECTLIFE (Ref. No. 0013/03/05/15B), the AQUAEXEL Project INDIFISH (Ref. No. 0125/08/05/15/TNA), and by the University of Turin (ex 60%) Grant (Es. fn. 2014). NP (Scholarship Code: 1752) has been fnancially supported by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of Greece and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and MM by the Operational Programme ā€œHuman Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learningā€ in the context of the project ā€œStrengthening Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate Researchā€ (MIS-5000432) as implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (Ī™ĪšĪ„). Tanks to Evelyn Argo and Craig Pattinson (University of Aberdeen) for providing help with 2DE. EM was fnancially supported by Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS) visiting Fellowship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Everything is not everywhere: can marine compartments shape phytoplankton assemblages?

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    The idea that ā€˜everything is everywhere, but the environment selects' has been seminal in microbial biogeography, and marine phytoplankton is one of the prototypical groups used to illustrate this. The typical argument has been that phytoplankton is ubiquitous, but that distinct assemblages form under environmental selection. It is well established that phytoplankton assemblages vary considerably between coastal ecosystems. However, the relative roles of compartmentalization of regional seas and site-specific environmental conditions in shaping assemblage structures have not been specifically examined. We collected data from coastal embayments that fall within two different water compartments within the same regional sea and are characterized by highly localized environmental pressures. We used principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) and asymmetric eigenvector maps (AEM) models to partition the effects that spatial structures, environmental conditions and their overlap had on the variation in assemblage composition. Our models explained a high percentage of variation in assemblage composition (59ā€“65%) and showed that spatial structure consistent with marine compartmentalization played a more important role than local environmental conditions. At least during the study period, surface currents connecting sites within the two compartments failed to generate sufficient dispersal to offset the impact of differences due to compartmentalization. In other words, our findings suggest that, even for a prototypical cosmopolitan group, everything is not everywhere

    Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives for an Ecologically Meaningful Classification Based on Phytoplankton of the Status of Greek Lakes, Mediterranean Region

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    The enactment of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) initiated scientific efforts to develop reliable methods for comparing prevailing lake conditions against reference (or nonimpaired) states, using the state of a set biological elements. Drawing a distinction between impaired and natural conditions can be a challenging exercise. Another important aspect is to ensure that water quality assessment is comparable among the different Member States. In this context, the present paper offers a constructive critique of the practices followed during the WFD implementation in Greece by pinpointing methodological weaknesses and knowledge gaps that undermine our ability to classify the ecological quality of Greek lakes. One of the pillars of WDF is a valid lake typology that sets ecological standards transcending geographic regions and national boundaries. The national typology of Greek lakes has failed to take into account essential components. WFD compliance assessments based on the descriptions of phytoplankton communities are oversimplified and as such should be revisited. Exclusion of most chroococcal species from the analysis of cyanobacteria biovolume in Greek lakes/reservoirs and most reservoirs in Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus is not consistent with the distribution of those taxa in lakes. Similarly, the total biovolume reference values and the indices used in classification schemes reflect misunderstandings of WFD core principles. This hampers the comparability of ecological status across Europe and leads to quality standards that are too relaxed to provide an efficient target for the protection of Greek/transboundary lakes such as the ancient Lake Megali Prespa

    The effect of organic and conventional production methods on sea bream growth, health and body composition: A field experiment

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    This study aimed to develop a better understanding of organic sea bream aquaculture production in Greece, in particular its consequences for fish growth, health and body composition, and to propose and update standards for sustainable organic sea bream farming. Gilthead sea bream were kept in sea cages at densities of 4 kg mā€“3 (organic) and 15 kg mā€“3(conventional), and were fed organically produced feed (45% crude protein, 14% fat) or conventional feed (46% crude protein, 17% fat). The amino acid profile of the conventional diet, particularly the lysine content, which is one of most important dietary amino acids for sea bream, appeared to be unsatisfactory. ā€œOrganicā€ sea bream stored less fat content in their white muscle than the conventional sea bream. The liver lipid content was lower and the hepatosomatic index was higher for the organic sea bream. The microbiological analysis showed that both Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli on the skin were below the enumeration detection limit in both the organic and conventional sea bream. Total viable counts on the skin and muscle of both the organically and conventionally cultured sea bream were approximately 3 log cfu gā€“1, which is well below the acceptable limit (7 log cfu gā€“1) for marine species. The results showed that the combination of a low stocking density and feed with a different ingredient composition but similar nutritional value resulted in similar growth rates and nutrient profiles of the final product. Further research on nutrition is required to provide information on setting the appropriate standards for organic sea bream aquaculture to ensure that the final product is in line with the consumersā€™ preferences

    Gut Bacterial Communities in Geographically Distant Populations of Farmed Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) and Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    This study investigated the profile of the autochthonous gut bacterial communities in adult individuals of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax reared in sea cages in five distantly located aquaculture farms in Greece and determine the impact of geographic location on them in order to detect the core gut microbiota of these commercially important fish species. Data analyses resulted in no significant geographic impact in the gut microbial communities within the two host species, while strong similarities between them were also present. Our survey revealed the existence of a core gut microbiota within and between the two host species independent of diet and geographic location consisting of the Delftia, Pseudomonas, Pelomonas, Propionibacterium, and Atopostipes genera