1,088 research outputs found

    Farming for Health: Aspects from Germany

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    Until now, the term ‘Farming for Health’ is unknown in Germany but it would cover a wide spectrum of different kinds of social agriculture already existing in Germany, such as farms that integrate disabled people or drug therapy into their farming system, or farms that integrate children, pupils or older people. Relevant work in Germany is done in ‘Sheltered Workshops’, where supporting and healing powers of farming and gardening are used for disabled people with a diversity of work possibilities. Relevant activities also take place in work-therapy departments using horticultural therapy and in animalassisted therapy. There are an estimated number of 1000 different projects for mentally ill, disabled and elderly people in hospitals, Sheltered Workshops, on farms and other projects in Germany with a multitude of individual work places. The upcoming idea of Farming for Health may be met by the term ‘multifunctionality’ as one of the future goals of agriculture: to combine the production of cash crops with social functions, like providing space for recreation, care for landscapes and care for disabled people. Research showed that farms that work together with clients in their farming system have more time and financial support to integrate aims like caring for biotopes and landscape measures into their work schedule

    A Recovery-Oriented Approach for an Acute Psychiatric Ward: Is It Feasible and How Does It Affect Staff Satisfaction?

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    To evaluate professionals' attitudes to recovery and coercion, as well their satisfaction with working conditions before and after the implementation of a recovery-oriented ward concept on an admission ward. Longitudinal study design with two measurement times of the study sample, with a control group assessed at study end. Evaluating the implementation of the recovery concept, attitudes towards recovery, coercion, perceptions of the ward and working satisfaction were assessed with questionnaires and computed using Chi square and ANOVA variance analyses. The members of the intervention ward (n=17) did not differ from the control group (n=21), except that control group members were younger. The recovery-orientation of the study ward (ROSE questionnaire) increased significantly (alpha level=0.05) from study begin to study end (p=0.003), and compared to the control group (p=0.002). The attitudes towards coercion did not change significantly in the intervention group, but did so compared to the control group. The contentedness (GMI) and the satisfaction with working conditions (ABB) of the intervention group members compared to control group was significantly higher (GMI: p=0.004, ABB subscale working conditions: p=0.043, satisfaction: p=0.023). The study indicates that recovery-oriented principles can be implemented even in an acute admission ward, increasing team satisfaction with work, while attitudes towards coercion did not change significantly within this single-unit project

    Gold-Induced Desulfurization in a Bis(ferrocenyl) Alkane Dithiol

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    Thiol-modified ferrocenes on gold have been archetypical model systems for many fundamental charge transfer and other studies, since both thiol-gold and ferrocene redox chemistry are considered to be well-understood. Thus unexpectedly, we found that for a representative of a new class of flexibly linked bis-ferrocenyl compounds, namely, 1-10-bis­(1-ferrocenyl)­decane dithiol, surface immobilization on gold failed. Instead, in the presence of gold, molecular decomposition took place, resulting in sulfur-based adlayers and well-defined molecular elimination products, for which we provide spectroscopic evidence. Careful control experiments and comparison with related ferrocene compounds provide insight into the mechanism of the observed elimination reactions, as a combined effect of the molecular structure and the nature of the gold/sulfur bond. These findings, thus, have a broader impact on the design of molecular adlayers, for example, in the context of surface functionalization in sensing or the synthesis of gold nanoparticles

    Römer - Baiern - Franken. ArchÀologie, Namenforschung, Sprachgeschichte im Main-Donau-Raum

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    Der Band stellt ausgewĂ€hlte Aspekte der Ă€lteren Siedlungs- und Sprachgeschichte im Main-Donau-Raum in den Mittelpunkt. Durch die interdisziplinĂ€re Ausrichtung wird es möglich, archĂ€ologische Befunde mit den sprachlichen Spuren in den Namen in Beziehung zu setzen. In römischer Zeit teilte der Limes das nördliche Bayern. Die Frage nach römischen Namenspuren berĂŒhrt sich direkt mit der archĂ€ologischen Problematik der KontinuitĂ€t SpĂ€tantike-FrĂŒhmittelalter. Mit der wiederum durch Grabungen nachgewiesenen germanischen Siedlung hĂ€ngen zentrale sprachhistorische Probleme zusammen, insbesondere das der Entstehung des bairischen Sprachraums. Bairische Kennwörter wie Ertag fĂŒr Dienstag und Pfinztag fĂŒr Donnerstag weisen dabei auf ostgotische EinflĂŒsse, wĂ€hrend im System der Wochentagsbezeichnungen ansonsten die römischen Grundlagen dominieren. Vom Nordwesten her setzt sich seit der Merowingerzeit frĂ€nkischer Einfluss in Herrschaftsstrukturen durch, die bei einer aktuellen Grabung bei Gerolzhofen sichtbar geworden sind

    Distinct immune evasion in APOBEC‐enriched, HPV‐negative HNSCC

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    Immune checkpoint inhibition leads to response in some patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Robust biomarkers are lacking to date. We analyzed viral status, gene expression signatures, mutational load and mutational signatures in whole exome and RNA-sequencing data of the HNSCC TCGA dataset (n = 496) and a validation set (DKTK MASTER cohort, n = 10). Public single-cell gene expression data from 17 HPV-negative HNSCC were separately reanalyzed. APOBEC3-associated TCW motif mutations but not total single nucleotide variant burden were significantly associated with inflammation. This association was restricted to HPV-negative HNSCC samples. An APOBEC-enriched, HPV-negative subgroup was identified, that showed higher T-cell inflammation and immune checkpoint expression, as well as expression of APOBEC3 genes. Mutations in immune-evasion pathways were also enriched in these tumors. Analysis of single-cell sequencing data identified expression of APOBEC3B and 3C genes in malignant cells. We identified an APOBEC-enriched subgroup of HPV-negative HNSCC with a distinct immunogenic phenotype, potentially mediating response to immunotherapy

    Parallel processing of radio signals and detector arrays in CORSIKA 8

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    This contribution describes some recent advances in the parallelization of the generation and processing of radio signals emitted by particle showers in CORSIKA 8. CORSIKA 8 is a Monte Carlo simulation framework for modeling ultra-high energy particle cascades in astroparticle physics. The aspects associated with the generation and processing of radio signals in antennas arrays are reviewed, focusing on the key design opportunities and constraints for deployment of multiple threads on such calculations. The audience is also introduced to Gyges, a lightweight, header-only and flexible multithread self-adaptive scheduler written compliant with C++17 and C++20, which is used to distribute and manage the worker computer threads during the parallel calculations. Finally, performance and scalability measurements are provided and the integration into CORSIKA 8 is commented
