38 research outputs found


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    The demands of modern society are setting up the prospects of the dynamic development of the innovative environment that combines vocational training with advanced science and competitive businesses. In turn, these trends necessitate the use of an integrative approach to the vocational training in higher education. The structure of the integrative approach implemented in the framework of a certain basic learning discipline produces multiple links at four levels of integration: interdisciplinary, intra-disciplinary, interpersonal, intrapersonal. The paper discusses the experience gained with the integrative approach applied to the basic mathematical program for first-year students trained for the BA degree in Economics at Financial University. Three components of the integrative approach are described. The first is a “socio-cultural” aspect related to the review-and-entertaining mathematics within the propedeutics of the future research. The second component of the integrative approach represented by the design activity is concerned with solution of practice-oriented tasks using the mathematical apparatus studied by first-year students. Finally, the third component of the approach referred to as the case-method aiming at mathematical solution of situational problems develops the ability to formulate a problem independently, structurize the information, find an optimal solution and prove its optimality.Потребности современного общества задают перспективу динамичного развития инновационной среды, объединяющей профессиональное образование с передовой наукой и конкурентоспособным бизнесом. В свою очередь, эти тенденции вызывают необходимость интегративного подхода к профессиональной подготовке в системе высшего образования. Структура интегративного подхода, осуществляемого в рамках некоторой базовой образовательной дисциплины, реализует многообразие связей на четырех уровнях интеграции: междисциплинарном, внутридисциплинарном, межличностном, внутриличностном. В статье обсуждается опыт интегративного подхода к базовой математической подготовке на 1-м курсе бакалавриата экономики Финансового университета при Правительстве РФ. Авторы характеризуют три элемента интегративного подхода. Первый из них, «социокультурный» аспект, связан с выполнением обзорно-занимательных работ математической тематики в рамках пропедевтики будущих научных исследований. Второй элемент интегративного подхода в форме проектной деятельности затрагивает решение практико-ориентированных задач с использованием изучаемого первокурсниками математического аппарата. Наконец, третий элемент подхода, кейс-метод решения ситуационных задач математическими средствами, развивает умение самостоятельно формулировать проблему, структурировать информацию, находить оптимальное решение и обосновывать его оптимальность

    Elucidation of a masked repeating structure of the O-specific polysaccharide of the halotolerant soil bacteria Azospirillum halopraeferens Au4

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    Abstract An O-specific polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of the lipopolysaccharide isolated by the phenol-water extraction from the halotolerant soil bacteria Azospirillum halopraeferens type strain Au4. The polysaccharide was studied by sugar and methylation analyses, selective cleavages by Smith degradation and solvolysis with trifluoroacetic acid, one-and two-dimensional 1 H and 13 C NMR spectroscopy. The following masked repeating structure of the O-specific polysaccharide was established: →3)- where non-stoichiometric substituents, an O-methyl group (~45%) and a side-chain glucose residue (~65%), are shown in italics. 63


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    The article is devoted to the development of classification of the subordinate entities of the Russian Federation based on the data of the State statistical reporting for 2005-2011 and aimed at assessment of financial solvency of regions concerning budget backing, attracting of investments, promoting export-import relationship between foreign countries and their fiscal policy in the relations with the federal center. The main achievement is a new approach to formation of integrated characteristics (indexes) which work equally well during different periods of development of the economy (range 2005-2011 contains upswing, crisis and an initial stage of its surmounting). As a result 4 indexes reflecting separate sides of affluence of regions were designed, and common criteria of classification were created on their base. As a result all the regions were divided into 6 well interpreted classes. Shows non-conditionality the classification by regressions on indicators of well-being and evaluated regression of recent on financial indicators.Статья посвящена разработке классификации субъектов Российской Федерации, основанной на данных государственной статистики за 2005-2011 гг. и нацеленной на оценку финансовой состоятельности регионов относительно обеспеченности бюджета, привлечения инвестиций, развития экспортно-импортных связей с зарубежными странами и их финансовой политики в отношениях с федеральным центром. Главным достижением является новый подход к формированию интегральных характеристик (индексов), которые одинаково хорошо работают в разные периоды развития экономики (диапазон 2005-2011 гг. содержит подъем, кризис и начальную стадию выхода из него). В итоге были сконструированы четыре индекса, отражающие отдельные грани финансового «благополучия» регионов, и на их базе сформированы достаточно простые критерии классификации. В результате все регионы разделены на шесть хорошо интерпретируемых классов. Показана необусловленность полученной классификации регрессиями по показателям благосостояния и оценены регрессии последних по финансовым индикаторам

    Характеристика лямблиоза и энтеробиоза у детей Астраханской области

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    Purpose: assessment of the clinical and epidemiological situation of current invasions in children of the Astrakhan region. 315 outpatient cards of children were analyzed in 2016.The diagnosis of Giardiasis was made to 151 children, the diagnosis of Enterobiasis — 164. The age of all observed children ranged from 9 months to 17 years. The largest part was made up of children aged 3 to 14 years of age — 80.3%, among them enterobiasis was identified — in 46.7%, giardiasis — in 33.6% of cases. Most of the children  — 90.5% were from organized groups (they attended preschool institutions or school). The reasons for the examination of all children were varied. Some children — 63.5% went to the doctor with complaints  or clinical symptoms. Another part of the children — 33% of the diagnosis was made as a result of preventive examinations.In most cases — 78.7% various bad habits were identified. Thus, geophagy (the habit of eating the earth) was noted in 33.3% of children, and onigophagy (the habit of biting the nails) in 24.8%. In 21.3% of cases, bad habits were absent. Contact with pets was established in 22.9% of children. According to the ultrasound, most children with giardiasis (83.8%) had pathology (reactive changes of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder dyskinesia, etc.)In case of giardiasis niferator, albendazole was administered. In case of enterobiasis albendazole, pyrantel, and mebendazole were administered in age dosages. After antiparasitic treatment, in 91.4% of cases, the clinical symptoms of the disease completely disappeared, with giardiasis — in 85.4%, with enterobiasis — in 97% of cases.In 1.3% of children with giardiasis, after several courses of antiparasitic drugs, Giardia was found in feces in the absence of complaints and clinical symptoms, indicating a possible Giardia carrier parasite in children.С целью оценки клинико-эпидемиологической ситуации по актуальным инвазиям у детей Астраханской области было проанализировано 315 амбулаторных карт детей, обратившихся в 2016  г. Диагноз Лямблиоз был поставлен 151 ребенку, диагноз Энтеробиоз — 164.Возраст всех наблюдаемых детей составлял от 9 месяцев до 17 лет. Наибольшую часть составили дети в возрасте от 3 до 14 лет жизни — 80,3%, среди них энтеробиоз был выявлен в 46,7%, лямблиоз — в 33,6% случаев. Большинство детей — 90,5% были из организованных коллективов (посещали  детские дошкольные учреждения или школу). Причины обследования всех детей были разнообразными.  Часть  детей  — 63,5% обратились к специалисту в связи с наличием у них тех или иных клинических симптомов и жалоб. Другой части  детей  — 33% диагноз был выставлен в результате профилактических осмотров.В большинстве  случаев — 78,7% были выявлены различные вредные привычки. Так, геофагия (привычка есть землю) отмечалась у 33,3% детей, а онигофагия (привычка грызть ногти) — у 24,8%. В 21,3% случаев вредные привычки отсутствовали. Котакт с домашними животными был установлен  у 22,9% детей. По данным УЗИ, у большинства детей с лямблиозом (83,8%) отмечалась патология (реактивные изменения поджелудочной железы, печени, дискинезия желчного пузыря и др.).В качестве антипаразитарной  терапии при лямблиозе назначался нифуратель, альбендазол, при энтеробиозе — альбендазол, пирантел и мебендазол в возрастных дозировках. После лечения в 91,4% случаев клинические симптомы заболевания полностью исчезли, при лямблиозе — в 85,4%, при энтеробиозе — в 97% случаев.У 1,3% детей с лямблиозом после нескольких курсов антипаразитарными препаратами обнаруживались лямблии в фекалиях при отсутствии жалоб и клинических симптомов, что свидетельствует о возможном паразитоносительстве лямблий у детей


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    The demands of modern society are setting up the prospects of the dynamic development of the innovative environment that combines vocational training with advanced science and competitive businesses. In turn, these trends necessitate the use of an integrative approach to the vocational training in higher education. The structure of the integrative approach implemented in the framework of a certain basic learning discipline produces multiple links at four levels of integration: interdisciplinary, intra-disciplinary, interpersonal, intrapersonal. The paper discusses the experience gained with the integrative approach applied to the basic mathematical program for first-year students trained for the BA degree in Economics at Financial University. Three components of the integrative approach are described. The first is a “socio-cultural” aspect related to the review-and-entertaining mathematics within the propedeutics of the future research. The second component of the integrative approach represented by the design activity is concerned with solution of practice-oriented tasks using the mathematical apparatus studied by first-year students. Finally, the third component of the approach referred to as the case-method aiming at mathematical solution of situational problems develops the ability to formulate a problem independently, structurize the information, find an optimal solution and prove its optimality


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    The article is devoted to the development of classification of the subordinate entities of the Russian Federation based on the data of the State statistical reporting for 2005-2011 and aimed at assessment of financial solvency of regions concerning budget backing, attracting of investments, promoting export-import relationship between foreign countries and their fiscal policy in the relations with the federal center. The main achievement is a new approach to formation of integrated characteristics (indexes) which work equally well during different periods of development of the economy (range 2005-2011 contains upswing, crisis and an initial stage of its surmounting). As a result 4 indexes reflecting separate sides of affluence of regions were designed, and common criteria of classification were created on their base. As a result all the regions were divided into 6 well interpreted classes. Shows non-conditionality the classification by regressions on indicators of well-being and evaluated regression of recent on financial indicators

    Characteristics of Giardiasis and Enterobiаsis in children of Astrakhan region

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    Purpose: assessment of the clinical and epidemiological situation of current invasions in children of the Astrakhan region. 315 outpatient cards of children were analyzed in 2016.The diagnosis of Giardiasis was made to 151 children, the diagnosis of Enterobiasis — 164. The age of all observed children ranged from 9 months to 17 years. The largest part was made up of children aged 3 to 14 years of age — 80.3%, among them enterobiasis was identified — in 46.7%, giardiasis — in 33.6% of cases. Most of the children  — 90.5% were from organized groups (they attended preschool institutions or school). The reasons for the examination of all children were varied. Some children — 63.5% went to the doctor with complaints  or clinical symptoms. Another part of the children — 33% of the diagnosis was made as a result of preventive examinations.In most cases — 78.7% various bad habits were identified. Thus, geophagy (the habit of eating the earth) was noted in 33.3% of children, and onigophagy (the habit of biting the nails) in 24.8%. In 21.3% of cases, bad habits were absent. Contact with pets was established in 22.9% of children. According to the ultrasound, most children with giardiasis (83.8%) had pathology (reactive changes of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder dyskinesia, etc.)In case of giardiasis niferator, albendazole was administered. In case of enterobiasis albendazole, pyrantel, and mebendazole were administered in age dosages. After antiparasitic treatment, in 91.4% of cases, the clinical symptoms of the disease completely disappeared, with giardiasis — in 85.4%, with enterobiasis — in 97% of cases.In 1.3% of children with giardiasis, after several courses of antiparasitic drugs, Giardia was found in feces in the absence of complaints and clinical symptoms, indicating a possible Giardia carrier parasite in children