165 research outputs found

    The Impact of Different Competitive Environments on Pacing and Performance.

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    Purpose: In real-life competitive situations, athletes are required to continuously make decisions about how and when to invest their available energy resources. This study attempted to identify how different competitive environments invite elite short-track speed skaters to modify their pacing behaviour during head-to-head competition. Methods: Lap times of elite 500, 1000 and 1500 m short-track speed skating competitions between 2011–2016 (n=34095 races) were collected. Log-transformed lap and finishing times were analysed with mixed linear models. The fixed effects in the model were sex, season, stage of competition, start position, competition importance, event number per tournament, number of competitors per race, altitude, and time qualification. The random effects of the model were Athlete identity and the residual (within-athlete race-to-race variation). Separate analyses were performed for each event. Results: Several competitive environments, such as the number of competitors in a race (a higher number of competitors evoked most likely a faster initial pace; CV=1.9-9.3%), the stage of competition (likely to most likely, a slower initial pace was demonstrated in finals; CV=-1.4-2.0%), the possibility of time qualification (most likely a faster initial pace; CV=2.6-5.0%) and competition importance (most likely faster races at the Olympics; CV=1.3-3.5%), altered the pacing decisions of elite skaters in 1000 and 1500 m events. Stage of competition and start position affected 500 m pacing behaviour. Conclusion: As demonstrated in this study, different competitive environments evoked modifications in pacing behavior, in particular in the initial phase of the race, emphasizing the importance of athlete-environment interactions, especially during head-to-head competitions

    Pacing and opponents: the regulation of exercise intensity during competition

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    The goal-directed regulation of the exercise intensity over an exercise bout has been shown to be an essential determinant for performance. During their competition, exercisers are required continuously to make decisions about how and when they are going to invest their limited available energy resources. The regulation of the exercise intensity is an intriguing area of sport science research, and a complex one as demonstrated by the multitude of different theories regarding pacing that are around attempting to explain how this is done. Previous research revealed optimal pacing strategies in time trial exercise and the importance of feedback regarding the internal bodily state. The present thesis adds onto this knowledge by highlighting the external world around the exerciser and its effect on pacing. This has been done by focusing on arguably the most important external variable in competitions: the opponent. It has been shown how opponents could invite exercisers to adjust their pacing behaviour in real-life competitions and in controlled laboratory situations. Moreover, it has been illustrated that even the same opponent could evoke different pacing responses and alter the information-seeking behaviour, depending on the competitive situation that is presented towards the exerciser. It has been demonstrated how an accumulation of preceding race efforts could impact the pacing and performance of elite athletes during their competition. Finally, the reciprocal interaction in pacing decision-making between the effect of an opponent and the internal state of the exerciser was demonstrated, providing novel insights into the regulatory mechanism of exercise regulation. The present findings of this thesis emphasizes the importance of what is happening around the exerciser for the outcome of the decision-making process involved in pacing, and highlight the necessity to incorporate human-environment interactions into models that attempt to explain the regulation of exercise intensity

    Will the Conscious–Subconscious Pacing Quagmire Help Elucidate the Mechanisms of Self-Paced Exercise? New Opportunities in Dual Process Theory and Process Tracing Methods

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    The extent to which athletic pacing decisions are made consciously or subconsciously is a prevailing issue. In this article we discuss why the one-dimensional conscious–subconscious debate that has reigned in the pacing literature has suppressed our understanding of the multidimensional processes that occur in pacing decisions. How do we make our decisions in real-life competitive situations? What information do we use and how do we respond to opponents? These are questions that need to be explored and better understood, using smartly designed experiments. The paper provides clarity about key conscious, preconscious, subconscious and unconscious concepts, terms that have previously been used in conflicting and confusing ways. The potential of dual process theory in articulating multidimensional aspects of intuitive and deliberative decision-making processes is discussed in the context of athletic pacing along with associated process-tracing research methods. In attempting to refine pacing models and improve training strategies and psychological skills for athletes, the dual-process framework could be used to gain a clearer understanding of (1) the situational conditions for which either intuitive or deliberative decisions are optimal; (2) how intuitive and deliberative decisions are biased by things such as perception, emotion and experience; and (3) the underlying cognitive mechanisms such as memory, attention allocation, problem solving and hypothetical thought

    Methods to Recruit Hard-to-Reach Groups: Comparing Two Chain Referral Sampling Methods of Recruiting Injecting Drug Users Across Nine Studies in Russia and Estonia

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    Evidence suggests rapid diffusion of injecting drug use and associated outbreaks of HIV among injecting drug users (IDUs) in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe. There remains a need for research among non-treatment and community-recruited samples of IDUs to better estimate the dynamics of HIV transmission and to improve treatment and health services access. We compare two sampling methodologies “respondent-driven sampling” (RDS) and chain referral sampling using “indigenous field workers” (IFS) to investigate the relative effectiveness of RDS to reach more marginal and hard-to-reach groups and perhaps to include those with the riskiest behaviour around HIV transmission. We evaluate the relative efficiency of RDS to recruit a lower cost sample in comparison to IFS. We also provide a theoretical comparison of the two approaches. We draw upon nine community-recruited surveys of IDUs undertaken in the Russian Federation and Estonia between 2001 and 2005 that used either IFS or RDS. Sampling effects on the demographic composition and injecting risk behaviours of the samples generated are compared using multivariate analysis. Our findings suggest that RDS does not appear to recruit more marginalised sections of the IDU community nor those engaging in riskier injecting behaviours in comparison with IFS. RDS appears to have practical advantages over IFS in the implementation of fieldwork in terms of greater recruitment efficiency and safety of field workers, but at a greater cost. Further research is needed to assess how the practicalities of implementing RDS in the field compromises the requirements mandated by the theoretical guidelines of RDS for adjusting the sample estimates to obtain estimates of the wider IDU population

    Evidence for Escherichia coli DcuD carrier dependent FOF1-ATPase activity during fermentation of glycerol

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    During fermentation Escherichia coli excrete succinate mainly via Dcu family carriers. Current work reveals the total and N,N’-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibited ATPase activity at pH 7.5 and 5.5 in E. coli wild type and dcu mutants upon glycerol fermentation. The overall ATPase activity was highest at pH 7.5 in dcuABCD mutant. In wild type cells 50% of the activity came from the FOF1-ATPase but in dcuD mutant it reached ~80%. K+ (100 mM) stimulate total but not DCCD inhibited ATPase activity 40% and 20% in wild type and dcuD mutant, respectively. 90% of overall ATPase activity was inhibited by DCCD at pH 5.5 only in dcuABC mutant. At pH 7.5 the H+ fluxes in E. coli wild type, dcuD and dcuABCD mutants was similar but in dcuABC triple mutant the H+ flux decreased 1.4 fold reaching 1.15 mM/min when glycerol was supplemented. In succinate assays the H+ flux was higher in the strains where DcuD is absent. No significant differences were determined in wild type and mutants specific growth rate except dcuD strain. Taken together it is suggested that during glycerol fermentation DcuD has impact on H+ fluxes, FOF1-ATPase activity and depends on potassium ions

    Novel non-invasive algorithm to identify the origins of re-entry and ectopic foci in the atria from 64-lead ECGs: A computational study.

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    Atrial tachy-arrhytmias, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), are characterised by irregular electrical activity in the atria, generally associated with erratic excitation underlain by re-entrant scroll waves, fibrillatory conduction of multiple wavelets or rapid focal activity. Epidemiological studies have shown an increase in AF prevalence in the developed world associated with an ageing society, highlighting the need for effective treatment options. Catheter ablation therapy, commonly used in the treatment of AF, requires spatial information on atrial electrical excitation. The standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) provides a method for non-invasive identification of the presence of arrhythmia, due to irregularity in the ECG signal associated with atrial activation compared to sinus rhythm, but has limitations in providing specific spatial information. There is therefore a pressing need to develop novel methods to identify and locate the origin of arrhythmic excitation. Invasive methods provide direct information on atrial activity, but may induce clinical complications. Non-invasive methods avoid such complications, but their development presents a greater challenge due to the non-direct nature of monitoring. Algorithms based on the ECG signals in multiple leads (e.g. a 64-lead vest) may provide a viable approach. In this study, we used a biophysically detailed model of the human atria and torso to investigate the correlation between the morphology of the ECG signals from a 64-lead vest and the location of the origin of rapid atrial excitation arising from rapid focal activity and/or re-entrant scroll waves. A focus-location algorithm was then constructed from this correlation. The algorithm had success rates of 93% and 76% for correctly identifying the origin of focal and re-entrant excitation with a spatial resolution of 40 mm, respectively. The general approach allows its application to any multi-lead ECG system. This represents a significant extension to our previously developed algorithms to predict the AF origins in association with focal activities

    Defects in muscarinic receptor-coupled signal transduction in isolated parotid gland cells after in vivo irradiation: evidence for a non-DNA target of radiation

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    Radiation-induced dysfunction of normal tissue, an unwanted side effect of radiotherapeutic treatment of cancer, is usually considered to be caused by impaired loss of cell renewal due to sterilisation of stem cells. This implies that the onset of normal tissue damage is usually determined by tissue turnover rate. Salivary glands are a clear exception to this rule: they have slow turnover rates (>60 days), yet develop radiation-induced dysfunction within hours to days. We showed that this could not be explained by a hypersensitivity to radiation-induced apoptosis or necrosis of the differentiated cells. In fact, salivary cells are still capable of amylase secretion shortly after irradiation while at the same time water secretion seems specifically and severely impaired. Here, we demonstrate that salivary gland cells isolated after in vivo irradiation are impaired in their ability to mobilise calcium from intracellular stores (Ca2+i), the driving force for water secretion, after exposure to muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonists. Using radioligand-receptor-binding assays it is shown that radiation caused no changes in receptor density, receptor affinity nor in receptor-G-protein coupling. However, muscarinic acetylcholine agonist-induced activation of protein kinase C alpha (PKCα), measured as translocation to the plasma membrane, was severely affected in irradiated cells. Also, the phorbol ester PMA could no longer induce PKCα translocation in irradiated cells. Our data hence indicate that irradiation specifically interferes with PKCα association with membranes, leading to impairment of intracellular signalling. To the best of our knowledge, these data for the first time suggest that, the cells' capacity to respond to a receptor agonist is impaired after irradiation