41 research outputs found

    The impact of plant plyphenols on platelet activation and their aggregation with endothelial, blood and malignant cels

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    Trombociti imaju važnu ulogu u patogenezi kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti. Uticaj biološki aktivnih sastojaka namirnica na aktivaciju trombocita i njihovu heterotipsku agregaciju predstavlja jedan od potencijalnih mehanizama njihove uloge u prevenciji hroničnih bolesti i promociji zdravlja. Rezultati interventnih dijetarnih studija potvrđuju uticaj polifenola na funkciju trombocita. Protočna citometrija predstavlja jednu od najoptimalnijih metoda ispitivanja uticaja dijetarnih sastojaka na trombocite. Osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje uticaja biljaka koje sadrže polifenole na aktivaciju trombocita i njihovu agregaciju sa leukocitima, u in vitro eksperimentalnim uslovima, kao i nakon konzumacije namirnica biljnog porekla, koje predstavljaju dijetarni izvor polifenola. Primenom protočne citometrije pokazano je da u in vitro eksperimentalnim uslovima svi ispitivani ekstrakti (ekstrakt koprive, mirođije, šarplaninskog čaja, kelja, nara, japanske jabuke i aronije) pokazuju efekte su na neki od analiziranih parametara aktivacije trombocita i njihove agregacije sa monocitima i neutrofilima, kod zdravih ispitanika ili ispitanika sa metaboličkim sindromom. Na najveći broj parametara delovali su ekstrakti kelja i mirođije, a u tom smislu najmanje izraženo delovanje pokazao je ekstrakt nara. Ispitivanjem delovanja metabolita pokazano je da svi ispitivani metaboliti: kvercetin-3-glukuronid, 3’-metil-kvercetin-3-glukuronid, kvercetin-3’-sulfat i sulforafan-cistein-glicin pokazuju efekte na neki od parametara aktivacije trombocita i njihove agregacije sa monocitima i neutrofilima, kod zdravih ispitanika ili ispitanika sa metaboličkim sindromom. Sulforafan-cistein-glicin delovao je na veći broj parametara u odnosu na metabolite kvercetina. Delovanje 3’-metil-kvercetin-3-glukuronida bilo je izraženije u odnosu na delovanje ostalih metabolita kvercetina. Nakon ispitivanja delovanja jednokratne konzumacije namirnica koje predstavljaju dijetarni izvor polifenola pokazano je da konzumacija soka od aronije kod zdravih ispitanika dovodi do smanjenja aktivacije trombocita i to smanjenjem procenta Pselektin- pozitivnih trombocita u bazalnim uslovima, kao i smanjenjem procenta i gustine ovog adhezionog receptora nakon ex vivo delovanja adenozin-difosfata i arahidonske kiseline kao agonista...Platelets have an important role in the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular and malignant diseases. The impact of bioactive dietary compounds on platelet activation and their aggregation with leukocytes is one of the potential mechanisms of their role in health promotion and the prevention of chronic diseases. The results of dietary intervention studies confirm the effect of polyphenols on platelet function. Flow cytometry is considered to be one of the most advantageous methods in investigation of dietary compounds effects on platelets. The main aim of this study was the evaluation of potential effects of polyphenol - rich plants on platelets activation and their aggregation with leukocytes, in in vitro experimental setting and after the consumption of plant foods, as dietary sources of polyphenols. All investigated plant extracts (extracts of nettle, dill, mountain tea, kale, pomegranate, persimmon and chokeberry) affected some of the analyzed parameters of platelets activation and their aggregation with monocytes and neutrophils, in healthy subjects or subjects with metabolic syndrome The most effective were kale and dill extracts, influencing most of the parameters evaluated by flow cytometry, while the least effective was pomegranate extract. All investigated metabolites: quercetin - 3 - glucuronide, 3' - methyl - quercetin - 3 - glucuronide, quercetin - 3' - sulfate and sulforaphane - cysteine - glycine have shown the effects on some parameters of platelet activation and their aggregation with monocytes and neutrophils, in healthy subjects or subjects with metabolic syndrome. The most effective was sulforaphane - cysteine - glycine, influencing most of the analyzed parameters . 3' - methyl - quercetin - 3 - glucuronide showed more pronounced effects compared to the effects of other metabolites of quercetin. Dietary intervention studies investigating the effects of single consumption of plant-based foods as dietary sources of polyphenols have shown that consumption of chokeberry juice beneficially influenced platelet activation status by reducing the percentage of P - selectin - positive platelets under basal conditions, as well as reducing he percentage and density of P - selectin after ex vivo agonistic action of adenosine diphosphate and arachidonic acid..

    Probiotici, prebiotici i sinbiotici

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    There has been increasing interest in the preventive and therapeutic uses of prebiotics, probiotics and sinbiotics as their combinations. Their health-promoting and therapeutic properties have been shown in numerous clinical studies and investigations. For that reason and because of the long history of their use they are increasingly accepted by the consumers, especially in the form of food. This article reviews the most frequently used probiotics and prebiotics, the proposed mechanisms and beneficial effects and different criteria in the process of selection and use as simbiotics. Future research should be focused on clinical trials investigating all potential effects, definition of appropriate methods for their selection, investigation of potential micro organisms and agents with positive effects on gut health, issues regarding safety, dosing, mechanisms and appropriate application.Interesovanje za probiotike, prebiotike i njihove kombinacije (sinbiotike) povećava se iz dana u dan. Brojni pozitivni efekti na ljudsko zdravlje potvrđeni su velikim brojem eksperimenata i kliničkih ispitivanja. Zahvaljujući tome, ali i činjenici da u osnovi imaju dugu istoriju primene, oni su sve više prihvaćeni od strane potrošača, i prevazilaze granice komplementarne medicine, zauzimajući značajno mesto kako u promociji zdravlja i prevenciji bolesti, tako i u terapiji simptoma pojedinih bolesti. U ovom radu predstavljeni su najčešće korišćeni probiotici i prebiotici, osnovni mehanizminjihovog delovanja, potvrđeni i predloženi efekti u preventivi i terapiji pojedinih bolesti, kao i kriterijumi u njihovoj selekciji. Buduća istraživanja u ovoj oblasti pre svega obuhvataju veći broj kliničkih studija i istraživanja, razvoj metoda za procenu efikasnosti i selekciju optimalnih kandidata, tehnološka usavršavanja proizvodnje kao i ispitivanja bezbednosti, optimalne doze i primerene upotrebe ovih agenasa

    Rezidualni sumpor-dioksid u uzorcima suvog voća sa beogradskog tržišta

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    Sulphiting agents have been used in food production for centuries. Sulphites are added to food as antimicrobial, antibrowning agents or antioxidants. Their use became an issue of concern when certain sensitive individuals exhibited adverse reactions to sulphite residues in foods. Sulphites also exert a number of different anti-nutritive effects. Like other ingredients, sulfites must be declared in the ingredient statement. Among all sulphite-containing foods, the highest contributors to the dietary intake are dried fruits and wine. The aim of this work was to determine residual levels of total sulphur dioxide in dried fruit samples in order to examine the risk of exceeding the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for sulphites by consuming this type of food. The other scope of the study was to investigate compliance with food labeling in order to insure consumer protection. The determination was performed on all samples by colorimetric para-rosaniline method, according to the official method of analysis of AOAC 963.20 (AOAC 2002).Twelve different samples of dried fruit were analyzed. Results showed that dried fruit is very rich source of sulphites. The range of residual sulphur-dioxide was very large, from nondetectable levels (in three samples) to 1847.3 mgSO2/kg. In ten of twelve samples SO2 levels were under national Maximum Permitted Level (MPL). SO2 content was above MPL in dried bananas sample and dried sweet coconut. Just eight of twelve fruit samples had label declarations of sulfite content but the determined levels of sulfites were significantly above the declared levels.Sulfiti se u različitim hemijskim formama koriste vekovima kao aditivi u proizvodnji hrane. Oni imaju antimikrobno delovanje, koriste se za sprečavanje enzimskog i neenzimskog tamnjenja namirnica i kao antioksidansi. Mogu se javiti i kao prirodni sastojci namirnica. Primenu sulfita kao aditiva ograničava činjenica da konzumiranje hrane koja sadrži sulfite kod određenog broja astmatičara dovodi do pogoršanja simptoma. Veliki broj namirnica sadrži sulfite, ali se smatra da najveći doprinos dnevnom unosu daju vino i suvo voće. Cilj ovog rada je određivanje rezidualnog sumpor-dioksida u uzorcima suvog voća sa beogradskog tržišta. Određivanje je urađeno oficijelnom kolorimetrijskom metodom sa p-rozanilin hidrohloridom AOAC 963.20 (AOAC 2002). Rezultati su pokazali da je suvo voće značajan izvor sulfita i nivo rezidualnog sulfita se kretao od nedektibilnih vrednosti do 1847.3 mg SO2/kg. U dva od analiziranih dvanaest uzoraka, nivo rezidualnog sumpor-dioksida prevazilazio je propisane MDK vrednosti za ove vrste uzoraka. Osam uzoraka suvog voća je imalo deklarisan sadržaj SO2 ali su nadene vrednosti bile znatno veće od deklarisanih. S obzirom na redovnu upotrebu sulfita u proizvodnji suvog voća, može se zaključiti da je neophodno da proizvođači hrane, posebno prerađevina od voća, imaju razvijen sistem kontrole nivoa sulfita u proizvodima koji ce se naći na tržištu kao i obavezu da u saglasnosti sa važećim propisima, prisustvo sulfita bude deklarisano

    Optimalna dijeta tokom trudnoće i dojenja

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    Nutritional needs of all pregnant women depend on the stage of maternal growth and development and pregnancy nutritional status. In general, pregnancy increases a women's total daily energy requirements by an average of 15%. A lactating women needs an additional energy intake per day. Protein requirements increase to provide essential amino acides for fetal development, blood volume expansion and growth of maternal tissues. Protein requirements increase during lactation because protein is an important component in breast milk. Requirements of lipids, during pregnancy, depending on caloric intake, and carbohydrates requirements increase during the second and third trimesters. Pregnancy and lactation increases the need for all water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins as well ( vitamin D must be taken very carefully). Requirements for minerals as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iodine and iron increase during pregnancy and lactation too.Period trudnoće i dojenja čini posebno stanje mladih, zdravih osoba ženskog pola u kojem je dizajniranje optimalne dijete od posebnog značaja, kako za buduću majku, tako i za dete. Bitni faktori koji utiču na dizajniranje optimalne dijete tokom trudnoće i dojenja uključuju godine starosti, način života, kulturu, okruženje, edukaciju, ali i ekonomski status. Generalno, u periodu trudnoće povećavaju se potrebe žene za unosom energetskih materija hranom i do 15 %. Tokom dojenja potrebe unosa energetskih nutrimenata se i dalje povećavaju. Period trudnoće obeležen je i povećanim unosom proteina u cilju snabdevanja organizma esencijelnim aminokiselinama koje su neophodne za razvoj fetusa, povećanje zapremine krvi i za rast specifičnih tkiva. Period dojenja takođe prati povećan unos proteina, jer proteini čine značajnu komponentu mleka majke. Potrebe unosa lipida, tokom trudnoće, prate energetski unos. Lipidi su značajan izvor neophodnih ω-3 i ω6 esencijelnih masnih kiselina. Povećane potrebe za ugljenim hidratima su posebno izražene tokom drugog i trećeg trimestra. U periodu kako trudnoće tako i dojenja potrebno je povećano unositi sve hidrosolubilne i liposolubilne vitamine. Potrebno je naglasiti da unos vitamina D bude pod kontrolom. Potrebe za mineralnim materijama, kao što su kalcijum. fosfor, cink, magnezijum, jod i gvožđe takođe se povećavaju tokom trudnoće i dojenja

    Dijetetska hrana namenjena bebama i maloj deci

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    Growth is associated with increases in weight, development indicates the progressive changes in tissues and organs functions. Nutritional factors during early development have short-term effects on growth but also exert longer-term effects. Dietetic foods are intended to satisfy particular nutritional requirements of specific groups of populations. The foodstuffs intended to satisfy the nutritional requirements of infants and young children are dietetic foods for infants and young children including infant formulae and follow-on formulae.Rast i razvoj deteta su asocirani procesi, dešavaju se paralelno i zajedno čine deo kvalitetnih promena mladog organizma. Kako će se, u ovako osetljivom periodu, odvijati svi procesi zavisi i od hrane koja se konzumira, odnosno da li se svi neophodni nutrimenti unose u pravo vreme u potrebnim količinama. Dijetetska hrana koja je namenjena bebama i maloj deci obuhvata infant formule, follow on formule i hranu za malu decu. Sve komponente koje se dodaju dijetetskoj hrani moraju biti strogo kontrolisane pozitivnim listama određenih direktiva

    Biological activity of Aronia melanocarpa antioxidants pre-screening in an intervention study design

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    The beneficial effects of black chokeberry fruits and juices in health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases shown in both epidemiological and dietary intervention studies are often connected with their antioxidant activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the total phenolics and anthocyanins content, chemical antioxidant activity (DPPH-assay), antioxidant protection in erythrocytes and anti-platelet activity in vitro of three different chokeberry products: commercial and fresh pure chokeberry juice and a crude lyophilized water-ethanol extract of chokeberry fruits, as part of their pre-clinical evaluation. The obtained results indicated differences in chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the investigated products. Cellular effects, including both in vitro anti-platelet and antioxidant effects, were not directly correlated with the chemical antioxidant activity and the results obtained in vitro for antiplatelet effects were only partially consistent with the results obtained in vivo, in a pilot intervention trial. In conclusion, chemical analyses and in vitro experiments on foods and their bioactive substances are a valuable pre-screening tool for the evaluation of their biological activity. However, extrapolation of the obtained results to the in vivo settings is often limited and influenced by the bioavailability and metabolism of native dietary compounds or interactions with differrent molecules within the human body

    Hormoni u namirnicama

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    Substances with hormonal activity in food can be of natural origin like hormones in milk and milk product and phytoestrogens, or residues of hormones used as growth promoters or drugs for farm animals. It is estimated that 60-80% of the total intake of hormones with food is from milk and milk products. During pregnancy levels of estrogens and progesterone are significantly increasing and becoming the highest before parturition. Results of the number of studies indicate that dietary intake of estrogens from milk and milk product can be the risk factor for hormone-dependent carcinomas, or same reproductive disorders. Phytoestrogens could have some benefitial effects on hormonal balance especially for women in menopause but additional investigations are needed for their safe use and appropriate dosing in food supplements. In some countries (USA, Canada, Australia) controlled use of hormones as growth promoters is legal, while in EU and Serbia the use of hormones in food production is strictly prohibited. To prevent the illegal use of hormones it is important to establish the national program for monitoring of residues of hormones in food.Hormoni u namirnicama mogu da budu prirodnog porekla kao što su hormoni u mleku i fitoestrogeni, ili rezidue hormonskih stimulatora rasta i lekova korišćenih u terapiji životinja. Procenjuje se da 60-80% ukupnog unosa hormona hranom potiče iz mleka i mlečnih proizvoda. U toku graviditeta nivo estrogena i progesterona se značajno povećava i maksimum postiže pred teljenje. Rezultati velikog broja studija ukazuju da dijetarni unos estrogena iz mleka i mlečnih proizvoda može da bude faktor rizika za hormon-zavisne karcinome, ali i za smanjenje reproduktivne spospobnosti, ginekomastiju kod dečaka i prevremeni pubertet kod devojčica. Smatra se da bi supstance sa hormonskom aktivnošću iz nekih namirnica biljnog porekla (fitoestrogeni) mogle da imaju pozitivan efekat u uspostavljanju hormonske ravnoteže kod žena u menopauzi ali su potrebna dodatna ispitivanja za njihovu bezbednu upotrebu i adekvatno doziranje u dijetetskim suplementima. U nekim zemljama (SAD, Kanada, Australija) dozvoljena je kontrolisana primena hormona kao stimulatora rasta životinja, dok je u EU i Srbiji njihova upotreba strogo zabranjena. Zbog ilegalnog korišćenja hormona u proizvodnji hrane potrebno je uspostaviti nacionalni program monitoringa rezidua hormona u namirnicama

    Effects of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet activation and their aggregation with monocytes and neutrophils

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that anthocyanins play an important role in the cardioprotective effects associated with consumption of anthocyanin-rich foods. These benefits may partly be attributed to their effects on platelets, significant contributors to cardiovascular disease development. This study aimed to investigate the impact of physiologically relevant concentrations of anthocyanins and their metabolites on platelet activation and platelet-leukocyte aggregation. Whole blood from seven healthy volunteers was treated with anthocyanins: cyanidin-3-arabinoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-galactoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside and peonidin-3-glucoside at 0.1 mu M concentration or gut metabolites: 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, protocatechuic, vanillic, ferulic and hippuric acids at 0.5 mu M, 0.2 mu M, 2 mu M, 1 mu M, 2 mu M concentration, respectively. Markers of adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet activation (P-selectin and GPIIb-IIIa expression) and platelet-monocyte and platelet-neutrophil aggregation were analyzed using flow cytometry. Cyanidin-3-arabinoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, and peonidin-3-glucoside decreased agonist-induced P-selectin expression, while cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-arabinoside reduced platelet-neutrophil aggregation. Hippuric and protocatechuic acids inhibited P-selectin expression, ferulic acid reduced platelet-monocyte aggregation, while 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde affected P-selectin expression, platelet-neutrophil and monocyte aggregation. Only cyanidin-3-glucoside and protocatechuic acid decreased GPIIb-IIIa expression. These results demonstrate the bioactivity of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites at physiologically relevant concentrations on platelet function and interaction with leukocytes, presenting mechanisms by which they contribute to the beneficial effects of habitual consumption of anthocyanin-rich foods on cardiovascular health

    The absence of immunoreactivity to donkey’s milk in patients with recurrent aphthous ulcers and immunoreactivity to cow’s milk

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    Despite the numerous benefits of milk constituents for human health a considerable number of the general population follow a milk-restricted diet due to clinically confirmed or self-assessed adverse reactions to cow’s milk consumption. Recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU) are currently one of the most common oral disorders, with a worldwide distribution and insufficiently defined etiology, which, among other factors, implies the immunological reaction to food proteins. The aim of this study was to determine the immune-reactivity to donkey’s milk proteins in patients with RAU and compare it to the reactivity towards the proteins from cow’s and goat’s milks, in a set of simultaneous experiments. Levels of serum IgA, IgG and IgE antibodies to the same quantity of the examined antigens were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results indicate that patients with RAU with increased immunity to cow’s milk proteins could consider the use of donkey’s milk as the best protein source

    Aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u eritrocitima zdravih trudnica, trudnica sa preeklampsijom i novorođenčadi

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome of unknown etiology and represents multisystem disorder. It is characterized by the increased blood pressure, proteinuria, and edema. Preeclampsia is a great risk for both mother and fetus. Disturbances of the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species antioxidants status is considered to be one of the causes of various pathological conditions of the reproductive system, including preeclampsia. The main objective of this study is to determine the activities of superoxide-dismutase and catalase in peripheral blood erythrocytes of the pregnant women with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women before delivery and umbilical cord blood erythrocytes of their babies immediately after the delivery. The results showed that the activity of superoxide dismutase in erythrocytes were statistically significantly lower in the group of patients with preeclampsia than in healthy pregnant women, as in the group of their babies compared to the babies of healthy pregnant women. Similarly, catalase activity was significantly lower in women with preeclampsia compared to the controls, as well as in erythrocytes of their babies compared to babies of healthy mothers. An observed difference in the antioxidant enzyme activities suggests a putative association between preeclampsia and decreased antioxidant status. Since the direct application of antioxidants did not give expected results of the data presented indicate the opportunity for the prevention of preeclampsia and alleviation of symptoms by dietary measures and life style changes in the population of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, directy targeting the enzymatic antioxidant system.Cilj ovog rada je određivanje aktivnosti superoksid-dizmutaze i katalaze u eritrocitima periferne krvi trudnica sa preeklampsijom i zdravih trudnica pre porođaja i krvi pupčanika njihovih beba neposredno posle porođaja. Preeklampsija je sindrom nepoznate etiologije i podrazumeva multisistemski poremećaj u organizmu trudnice. Karakteriše se povećanjem krvnog pritiska, edemom i proteinurijom i u ozbiljnijim slučajevima može doći do dramatičnog pogoršanja bolesti i ugrožavanja funkcije bubrega, jetre, mozga i hematoloških poremećaja. Preeklampsija predstavlja veliki rizik za zdravlje i majke i ploda. Poremećaj balansa između antioksidanasa i produkcije reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika smatra se jednim od uzroka različitih patoloških stanja reproduktivnog sistema, uključujući i preeklampsiju. Deo enzimskog sistema antioksidativne zaštite organizma čine enzimi superoksid- dizmutaza i katalaza, uključeni u regulaciju nivoa reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika.Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da je aktivnost superoksid-dizmutaze u eritrocitima statististički značajno niža u grupi ispitanica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na zdrave trudnice, kao i u grupi beba ispitanica sa preklampsijom u odnosu na bebe zdravih trudnica.Takođe, pokazano je da je aktivnost katalaze u eritrocitima statistički značajno niža kod trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, kao i kod njihovih beba u odnosu na bebe zdravih majki. Razlike u aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u ispitivanim grupama trudnica i njihovih beba ukazuje na povezanost preeklampsije i smanjenog antioksidativnog statusa. S obzirom da primena direktnih antioksidanasa nije dala očekivane rezultate prikazani podaci ukazuju na mogućnost prevencije ili ublažavanja komplikacija izazvanih preklampsijom dijetarnim merama i poboljšanjem stila života trudnica i žena u reproduktivnom periodu, usmerenim na jačanje mehanizama antioksidativne zaštite