29 research outputs found
Hochschulgeographien und Geographielehrpläne für die Sekundarstufe in Slowenien
In this empirically based study the syllabuses of geography instruction are evaluated by academics at the university level. They had to evaluate the objectives and terminology of physical geography, human geography and regional geography in the syllabus of geography instruction in secondary schools in Slovenia. The terminology as well as the objectives for human geography and in a lesser way for physical geography was quite criticized. The evaluation of the regional geography was ambiguous.In einer empirisch angelegten Studie wurden Lehrende an den Universitäten Sloweniens nach der inhaltlichen und terminologischen Bewertung aktueller Lehrpläne für Geographie an Sekundarschulen befragt. Themen und Begriffskataloge der Humangeographie entsprachen am wenigsten dem wissenschaftlichen universitären Standard. Für Themen aus dem Bereich der Physischen Geographie wurden auch erhebliche Diskrepanzen zwischen Schulcurriculum und Inhalten universitärer Lehrerbildung konstatiert. Die Bewertung regionalgeographischer Inhalte schwankte zwischen Ablehnung, Gleichgültigkeit und Bejahung.V pričujoči empirično utemeljeni študiji predstavljamo rezultate evalvacije učnega načrta za geografijo v splošni gimnaziji v Sloveniji z vidikov akademikov na univerzitetni ravni. Evalvirali so učne cilje in terminologijo fizične geografije, družbene geografije in regionalne geografije. Terminologija in učni cilji družbene geografije ter v manjši meri fizične geografije so bili precej kritizirani. Evalvacija regionalne geograrafije je bila dualistična.Peer Reviewe
Primijenjena ekonomska geografija u slovenskim gimnazijama
Within the contribution ”Applicative Economic Geography in General Grammar School in Slovenia”, the selection of learning objectives in the syllabus for geography in general grammar school in Slovenia are presented. The selection of objectives relates to economic geography. This article presents the results of generic comparative analysis of learning objectives within the framework of the quoted substantive area of syllabi, which have been issued during the period from the emergence of Slovenia as an independent state (1992, 1998 and 2008).
We present here the results of the evaluation of quoted learning objectives from the viewpoint of social needs and, respectively, the applicability of the quoted learning objectives, as well as the results of the evaluation of current learning objectives from the viewpoint of teaching practice in the general grammar school on the part of teachers of geography in the general grammar schools.U okviru priloga „Primijenjena ekonomska geografija u slovenskim gimnazijama”, predstavljen je odabir ciljeva učenja u nastavnom programu za geografiju u slovenskim gimnazijama. Odabir ciljeva odnosi se na ekonomsku geografiju. Ovaj članak predstavlja
rezultate generičke komparativne analize ciljeva učenja u okviru navedenog područja nastavnih programa izdanih u periodu od slovenske neovisnosti (1992., 1998. i 2008).
U članku se sagledavaju rezultati navedenih ciljeva učenja s gledišta društvenih potreba odnosno njihova primjenjivost. Također, sagledavaju se i rezultati evaluacije trenutnih ciljeva učenja s gledišta nastavničke prakse profesora geografije u gimnazijama
Slovenian national minorities and emigrants in selected primary school curricula and textbooks
The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics, along with some textbooks for these subjects. The purpose of the paper is to determine whether these subjects include material on Slovenian national minorities and emigrants and objectives closely related to such material, which content and objectives are included and to what extent. Pupils in Slovenian primary school address real issues concerning Slovenian national minorities and emigrants, while the message and quantitative representation differ, depending on the basic definition and purpose of the subject. In addition to curricula and textbooks, the behaviour and attitude of pupils to Slovenians abroad is influenced primarily by teachers and their knowledge of their own subject and other subjects, their understanding of the processes of knowledge construction and knowledge of the school vertical and the horizontal
Sustainable rural development as an educational starting point in general grammar schools in Slovenia
Education is a very important basis of sustainable development. That is why the selected learning objectives in the syllabus for geography in general grammar schools in Slovenia will be analysed within this contribution (general grammar school in Slovenia is a secondary school with a general-educational emphasis that does not provide vocational education, but prepares students aged 15 to 19 for further education at universities). We have selected learning objectives that relate to economic geography as a general geography topic, with special emphasis on learning objectives that refer to agriculture, rural areas and sustainable development.
This contribution will present the results of generic comparative analysis of selected learning objectives in syllabi that were issued during the period since the emergence of Slovenia as an independent state (1992, 1998 and 2008). The results of the evaluation of quoted learning objectives from the viewpoint of social needs, educational guidelines and geographical science, as well as the results of the evaluation from the viewpoint of geography teachers in general grammar schools will also be examined. Educational problems associated with economic geography, sustainable development and rural areas will be highlighted accordingly
A comparative analysis of Slovenian and selected foreign syllabi for geography at the general secondary level of education
V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati primerjalne analize slovenskih učnih načrtov za geografijo v splošni gimnaziji iz let 1998 in 2008 ter izbranih tujih učnih načrtov za geografijo na splošnem sekundarnem nivoju izobraževanja. Kriteriji primerjalne analize so bili: struktura učnih načrtov, zastopanost učnih ciljev glede na globalne usmeritve (vedenje – geografsko znanje, geografske in kroskurikularne spretnosti in sposobnosti, vzgoja) ter izbor in razmestitev geografskih učnih vsebin po vertikali. Med učnimi načrti so razlike pri vseh kriterijih, vendar lahko na primeru slovenskih učnih načrtov zaznamo premike v smeri večje primerljivosti z angleškim učnim načrtom.This contribution presents the results of a comparative analysis of Slovenian syllabi of 1998 and 2008 for geography in general secondary school and selected foreign syllabi for geography at the general secondary level of education. The structure of syllabi, the representation of learning objectives in relation to the global orientation (geographical knowledge, geographical and cross-curricular skills and abilities, upbringing), as well as the vertical selection and arrangement of geographical learning content were the criteria for this comparative analysis. There are differences in all the criteria among various syllabi, but in the case of Slovenian syllabi shifts in the direction of greater comparability with the English syllabus can be perceived
Teacher educator\u27s professional development
This study examines the stages of teacher educators’ professional development. In a framework based on the literature on teacher professional development, we focus especially on the stages/levels of teacher educators’ professional development. The Results of an empirical study conducted at the University of Maribor in February 2012 indicate that there are no differences between the stages of professional development of teacher educators and non- teacher educators
Looking ahead - vision of the study of geography in Maribor
V prispevku so opisane perspektive Oddelka za geografijo Filozofske fakultete v Mariboru. Najprej so izpostavljene in opisane vsebinske raziskovalne perspektive, kot so jih izpostavili sedanji člani Oddelka za geografijo. V drugem delu so opisane študijske oz. pedagoške perspektive študija geografije v Mariboru po mnenju članov Oddelka. Na koncu sestavek vključuje razmislek o ovirah in razvojnih priložnostih Oddelka za geografijo v Mariboru.This article describes the perspectives of the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts Maribor. First, the article focuses on and describes the research perspectives which were pointed out by the present members of the Department of Geography. In the second part, study/pedagogical perspectives of studying geography in Maribor are described from the point of view of the members of the Department. To article concludes with a consideration of the obstacles and the development opportunities for the Department of Geography in Maribor
Applicative economic geography in general grammar school in Slovenia
Within the contribution "Applicative Economic Geography in General Grammar School in Slovenia", the selection of learning objectives in the syllabus for geography in general grammar school in Slovenia are presented. The selection of objectives relates to economic geography. This article presents the results of generic comparative analysis of learning objectives within the framework of the quoted substantive area of syllabi, which have been issued during the period from the emergence of Slovenia as an independent state (1992, 1998 and 2008). We present here the results of the evaluation of quoted learning objectives from the viewpoint of social needs and, respectively, the applicability of the quoted learning objectives, as well as the results of the evaluation of current learning objectives from the viewpoint of teaching practice in the general grammar school on the part of teachers of geography in the general grammar schools.U okviru priloga "Primijenjena ekonomska geografija u slovenskim gimnazijama" predstavljen je odabir ciljeva učenja u nastavnom programu za geografiju u slovenskim gimnazijama. Odabir ciljeva odnosi se na ekonomsku geografiju. Ovaj članak predstavlja rezultate generičke komparativne analize ciljeva učenja u okviru navedenog područja nastavnih programa izdanih u periodu od slovenske neovisnosti (1992., 1998. i 2008). U članku se sagledavaju rezultati navedenih ciljeva učenja s gledišta društvenih potreba odnosno njihova primjenjivost. Također, sagledavaju se i rezultati evaluacije trenutnih ciljeva učenja s gledišta nastavničke prakse profesora geografije u gimnazijama
Development of Slovene grammar school and position of geography, the subject in the grammar school curriculum
Razvoj slovenske gimnazije in položaja predmeta geografija v predmetniku gimnazije. Po ustanovitvi štiriletne izbirne gimnazije leta 1958 je bila institucija gimnazije podvržena pogostim spremembam, ki so bile največkrat posredno ali neposredno odraz družbenopolitičnih sprememb. S spremembami gimnazije kot institucije se je spreminjal tudi položaj predmeta geografija v njenem predmetniku. Od ustanovitve gimnazije do danes lahko zasledujemo upadanje števila obveznih ur geografije.After four grades elective grammar school was founded in 1958, the institution of grammar school has been a subject of frequent changes that repeatedly directly or indirectly reflected socio-political changes. Simultaneously with changes of grammar school as an institution, the position of geography as a subject in the curriculum has changed. Lessening of compulsory hours of geography has been followed from foundation of grammar school till today
Some characteristics of primary and secondary school geographical education in Maribor
V raziskavi smo obravnavali položaj geografskega izobraževanja na mariborskih osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Pozornost je posvečena položaju geografije v predmetnikih osnovnih in srednjih šol na območju Maribora. Posebnost predmeta geografija na aktualnem območju je opisana na podlagi analize udeleževanja mariborskih šol na geografskih tekmovanjih, s pomočjo ugotavljanja raziskovalne orientacije terenskega dela in ekskurzij ter s pomočjo analize sodelovanja mariborskih osnovnih in srednjih šol z Oddelkom za geografijo Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Mariboru.Our research deals with the situation of geographical education in primary and secondary schools in Maribor. Special attention has been paid to the situation of geography in the syllabuses of primary and secondary schools in the region of Maribor. The specificity of the subject geography in the stated region is described on the basis of the analysis of participating in geographic competitions, by means of establishing the research orientation of field work and excursions, and by means of the analysis of the co-operation of primary and secondary schools of Maribor with the Department of Geography at the Pedagogic Faculty of the University of Maribor