197 research outputs found


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    The formation of food liquid medium structures containing at least 70 % of disperse particles with high dispersiveness has been considered. The possible formation mechanisms of food liquid medium structure when slow (hydrodynamic) and quick (acoustic) processes create favorable conditions for cavitation have been studied. The possibility to control these processes for initiation of mechanical and kinetic reactions that change the structure of the medium has been demonstrated. The invert syrup has been selected as the study object. The change in the invert syrup structure before and after such cavitation treatment has been recorded with the use of metallographic microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100. The decrease in disperse phase sizes from 2–3 µm to 0.1–0.4 µm along with establishing the high uniformity of component distribution as compared to the syrup without cavitation process treatment has been detected. The formation of food liquid medium structures containing at least 70 % of disperse particles with high dispersiveness has been considered. The possible formation mechanisms of food liquid medium structure when slow (hydrodynamic) and quick (acoustic) processes create favorable conditions for cavitation have been studied. The possibility to control these processes for initiation of mechanical and kinetic reactions that change the structure of the medium has been demonstrated. The invert syrup has been selected as the study object. The change in the invert syrup structure before and after such cavitation treatment has been recorded with the use of metallographic microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100. The decrease in disperse phase sizes from 2–3 µm to 0.1–0.4 µm along with establishing the high uniformity of component distribution as compared to the syrup without cavitation process treatment has been detected.

    Assessment of collecting activity of physically sorbed reagents on the example of easily floatable coking coal sludge

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    The article presents one of the new approaches to theoretical assessment of collecting ability of reagents. The efficiency of reagents-collectors with different chemical composition used for flotation of coking coals was studied. A comparative assessment of the flotation activity of kerosene, mineral oil, thermal gas oil, KETGOL and FLOTEK is given. The criteria of collecting activity of the above reagents-collectors for coal sludge flotation were specified. A correlation was established between the indicators of coal sludge flotation by the above reagents and their physical parameters. It is shown that the rate of spreading over water surface can characterize the flotation activity of reagents. Based on dependence of the collecting activity of a reagent on its rate of spreading along the “gas – liquid” interface and surface pressure, the main approaches to determining the structure and composition of molecules of an effective flotation collector can be determined. A new concept of the function performed by a physically sorbed collector in the elementary act of flotation and a criterion for the flotation activity of reagents used in coal sludge beneficiation are proposed. It is shown that the collector used in coal flotation, in addition to hydrophobizing the surface of the extracted particles, should reduce the induction time and remove the kinetic constraint on formation of a flotation aggregate

    Changes of the body functions during long-term hypokinesia

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    Prolonged hypokinesis (100-170 days) studied in 2000 rats kept in cages limiting their mobility provoked considerable changes in the gaseous and energetic metabolism: an elevation of the total gaseous metabolism and of the rate of O2 requirement by the muscles (in the late periods of hypokinesis) and a change in the intensity of tissue respiration of the liver and myocardium. There also proved to be a reduction in the level of phosphorylation and separation of oxidative phosphorylation in the myocardium, liver, and partially in the skeletal muscle. Prolonged hypokinesia led to changes in tissue metabolism: a disturbance of development of the animals, a marked delay and an increase in the weight of the organism and the muscular system, and disturbances of the mineral and protein metabolism. Prolonged hypokinesis also lead to exhaustion of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal cortex system

    The Development of the Concept of an Entrepreneurial University in Russian Higher Educational Establishments: New Method of Evaluation

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    Стартовавшая летом 2021 года программа стратегического академического лидерства «Приоритет 2030», будучи логическим продолжением Проекта 5-100, значимо от него отличается. Если Проект 5-100 преимущественно был ориентирован на повышение глобальной конкурентоспособности российских вузов, то программа стратегического академического лидерства в первую очередь стимулирует вузы к активному включению в социально-экономическое развитие регионов Российской Федерации. Приоритеты новой программы созвучны концепции предпринимательского университета, разработанной Бертоном Кларком в книге «Создание предпринимательских университетов» (Москва, 2019. 240 с.), в которой акцентируется внимание на таких элементах вузовского развития, как усиленное управленческое ядро, расширенная периферия развития, диверсифицированная база финансирования, стимулируемые академические структуры и интегрированная предпринимательская культура. Все они имеют прямое отношение к функции вуза как драйвера регионального развития. За последние 15–20 лет мы настолько привыкли к концепции предпринимательского университета, что стали считать развитие наших вузов в этом направлении чем-то само собой разумеющимся. Но так ли это на самом деле? Действительно ли наши вузы развиваются в соответствии с этой концепцией? Насколько они готовы с этой точки зрения к решению задач программы «Приоритет 2030»? Для ответа на эти вопросы авторами статьи разработан новый инструментарий оценки развития высших учебных заведений в парадигме концепции предпринимательского университета. В представленной статье приведен подробный анализ того, насколько основные элементы данной концепции отражены в практике деятельности отечественных вузов. Результаты исследования показали, что во всех включенных в выборку ведущих вузах страны имеются признаки предпринимательского университета. Вместе с тем общая динамика движения в этом направлении невысока, что генерирует соответствующие риски для эффективной реализации в стране программы «Приоритет 2030». Разработанный авторами инструментарий может быть использован для дальнейшего анализа развития отечественных вузов согласно концепции предпринимательского университета.Launched in the summer of 2021 the «Priority 2030» Strategic Academic Leadership Program, despite being a logical extension of the Russian Academic Excellence Project, differs significantly from it in terms of its priorities. While the Russian Academic Excellence Project was primarily oriented on achieving the increase of the global competitiveness of Russian universities, the new Program primarily encourages universities to actively participate in the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation. The priorities of the new program happen to coincide a lot with the concept of an entrepreneurial university proposed by Burton R. Clark in his «Creating Entrepreneurial Universities». According to this concept, the attention is focused on such elements of university development as a strengthened material core, an expanded periphery of development, a diversified financial base, stimulated academic structures and integrated entrepreneurial culture. All of them are directly related to the function of the university as a driver of regional development. This concept has become so familiar to the general public in the recent decade that the notion of the development of universities according to it is seen as a matter of course. But are Russian universities indeed capable of following this concept in their development and are they in fact doing so? How prepared are they to actually achieve the goals set by the program «Priority 2030»? To answer these questions, the authors of the article have developed a new set of tools for accessing the development of higher educational establishments in the paradigm of the concept of entrepreneurial university. The article presents a detailed analysis of how the main elements of this concept are reflected in the practice of Russian universities. The results of the study showed that all leading universities have the characteristics of an entrepreneurial university. However, the development of the elements of an entrepreneurial university tends to be quite stretched out timewise, which creates corresponding risks affecting the effectiveness of the implementation of the «Priority 2030» project. The set of tools, suggested in the article, can be used for further analysis of the development of Russian higher educational establishments according to the concept of entrepreneurial university

    Numerical simulation of gas flow and droplet motion in a wave-plate eliminator of the separator-steam-generator system in the waste-heat-utilisation complex

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    This paper studied the droplet transport and deposition in the turbulent flow inside a wave-plate eliminator of the waste-heat utilisation complex (WHUC). The Lagrangian discrete particle approach was used to simulate the process of liquid separation from wet steam flow. Two different models for droplet-eddy interaction were tested using data from the available literature. The tested numerical model was used to predict the WHUC performance


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    The paper considers the issue of organizing the optimal process of waste disposal at a poultry farm in an ecological way. Also, the benefits of biogas plant building are considered and the reasons for its necessity from an environmental point of view are represented.В работе рассматривается вопрос организации оптимального процесса утилизации органических отходов на птицефабрике. Рассмотрен экологический аспект применения биогазовой установки, представлены основные преимущества и недостатки

    Fast Pre-Trigger Electronics of T0/Centrality MCP-Based Start Detector for ALICE

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    This work describes an alternative to the current ALICE baseline solution for a TO detector, still under development. The proposed system consists of two MCP-based T0/Centrality Start Detectors (backward-forward isochronous disks) equipped with programmable, TTC synchronized front-end electronic cards (FEECs) which would be positioned along the LHC colliding beam line on both sides of the ALICE interaction region. The purpose of this arrangement, providing both precise timing and fast multiplicity selection, is to give a pre-trigger signal at the earliest possible time after a central event. This pre-trigger can be produced within 25 ns. It can be delivered within 100 ns directly to the Transition Radiation Detector and would be the earliest L0 input coming to the ALICE Central Trigger Processor. A noise-free passive multichannel summator of 2ns signals is used to provide a determination of the collision time with a potential accuracy better than 10 ps in the case of Pb-Pb collisions, the limit coming from the electronics. Results from in-beam tests confirm the functionality of the main elements. Further development plans are presented

    Open Clusters Radial Velocity Estimations Using Convergence Point Method

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    В работе проводятся оценки средних лучевых скоростей для выборки звездных скоплений, полученные двумя независимыми методами. Прямые оценки проводятся по данным Gaia DR3 о лучевых скоростях. Косвенные оценки проводятся самосогласованным методом, основанным на методе точки схождения. Проводятся сравнение полученных значений и анализируются причины отклонений. Уточняются критерии применимости метода точки схождения для оценки средней лучевой скорости скопления.Estimations of open clusters average radial velocities are performed using two independent methods. Direct estimations are based on Gaia DR3 data on radial velocities. Indirect estimations are carried using self-consistent method based on convergence point method. Comparison of the results is performed as well as the deviations analysis. Criteria of the convergence point method applicability for cluster average radial velocity estimations are specified

    The Impact of Double Stars Formation Laws Related to the Components Masses on Their Position on a CMD

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    В работе исследуется зависимость количества звезд от их удаления от изохроны одиночных звезд на диаграмме «цвет — звездная величина». Рассматривались разные законы распределения двойных звезд по отношению масс компонент. Были получены распределения как сильно несогласующиеся с наблюдаемыми данными для Alessi 9, так и требующие дальнейшего рассмотрения.In this work dependence of stars quantity on their distance from single stars isochrone on a color magnitude diagram was investigated. Different double stars distribution laws in relation to the components masses were considered. Distributions both highly inconsistent with observed Alessi 9 data and requiring further consideration were received