10 research outputs found

    Analyse des DĂ©terminants de la RĂ©silience aux Changements Climatiques des Cultivateurs du DĂ©partement de Fresco, CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Climate change is a global challenge facing all of humanity. Farmers, in addition to the many problems they already face, are now facing this new phenomenon. Adaptation currently seems to be one of the best alternatives. The analysis of this adaptation called resilience allows us to know the explanatory factors. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to analyse the climate change resilience of farmers in the Fresco department. Based on Bennett's theory of adaptive dynamics, the working hypothesis is that resilient farmers in Fresco department adopt short cycle crops and combine crops to cope with climate change. Two hundred and sixty (260) respondents, determined by judgment sampling, participated in the study. The investigative tools are documentary research, observation and interview. As for data analysis, the processing method is qualitative and quantitative. In terms of results, it is noted that some crops such as maize, rice, cassava, eggplants, tomatoes, etc., improved by the Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) allow farmers in the Fresco area through their short production cycle to not only have access to the local market, but also to maximize their income. In addition, the crop associations currently practiced in this area promote the improvement of productivity through optimal soil use and protection of plantations through extended vegetation cover.Les changements climatiques sont un dĂ©fi mondial auquel toute l’humanitĂ© entiĂšre est confrontĂ©e. Les cultivateurs, en plus des nombreux problĂšmes auxquels ils sont dĂ©jĂ  confrontĂ©s, doivent dĂ©sormais faire face Ă  ce nouveau phĂ©nomĂšne. L'adaptation semble ĂȘtre actuellement l'une des meilleures alternatives. L’analyse de cette adaptation appelĂ©e rĂ©silience permet d’en connaitre les facteurs explicatifs. C’est dans cette perspective que la prĂ©sente Ă©tude s’inscrit, avec pour objectif d’analyser la rĂ©silience aux changements climatiques des cultivateurs dans le dĂ©partement de Fresco. Sur la base de la thĂ©orie des dynamiques adaptatives de Bennett, l’hypothĂšse de travail est que les cultivateurs rĂ©silients du dĂ©partement de Fresco adoptent des cultures Ă  cours cycle et associent les cultures pour faire face aux changements climatiques. Deux cents soixante (260) personnes enquĂȘtĂ©es, dĂ©terminĂ©es par Ă©chantillonnage de jugement ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude. Les outils d’investigation sont la recherche documentaire, l’observation et l’entretien. Quant Ă  l’analyse des donnĂ©es, le mode de traitement est qualitatif et quantitatif. Au niveau desrĂ©sultats, on retient que certaines cultures comme le maĂŻs, le riz, le manioc, les aubergines, la tomate, etc., amĂ©liorĂ©es par le Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) permettent aux cultivateurs dans la zone de Fresco par leur cycle de production court d’avoir non seulement accĂšs au marchĂ© local, mais aussi de maximiser leurs revenus. Aussi, les associations culturales actuellement pratiquĂ©es dans cette zone favorisent l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© grĂące Ă  une utilisation optimale du sol et une protection des plantations grĂące une couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale prolongĂ©e

    Landsat 8 Oli Satellite Imagery Mapping and Analysis of Bedrock Fracture Networks in the Departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi (Central Cote d’Ivoire)

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    This study focuses on the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi located in central CĂŽte d'Ivoire where the problem of drinking water supply is a growing reality. Its objective is to map and analyze the fracturing likely to develop underground aquifers from Landsat 8 OLI data. The set of techniques (color composition, directional and gradient filters) used resulted in the enhancement of linear structures present on satellite images, allowing a better mapping of geological features. The linear map obtained, after the different treatments, is very dense and includes 2063 lineaments. The validation of these different linear structures was made on the basis of the drillings already carried out, from the data of the geophysics. The analysis of the fracture networks has highlighted two dominant directions which are N0°-10° (N-S) and N90°-100° (E-W) highlighting the heterogeneity of the geological formations.  These results constitute an essential contribution to the exploitation of groundwater resources in the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi

    Landsat 8 oli Satellite Imagery Mapping and Analysis of Bedrock Fracture Networks in the Departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi (Central Cote d’Ivoire)

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    This study focuses on the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi located in central CĂŽte d'Ivoire where the problem of drinking water supply is a growing reality. Its objective is to map and analyze the fracturing likely to develop underground aquifers from Landsat 8 OLI data. The set of techniques (color composition, directional and gradient filters) used resulted in the enhancement of linear structures present on satellite images, allowing a better mapping of geological features. The linear map obtained, after the different treatments, is very dense and includes 2063 lineaments. The validation of these different linear structures was made on the basis of the drillings already carried out from the data of the geophysics. The analysis of the fracture networks emphasized two dominant directions, namely: N0°-10° (N-S) and N90°-100° (E-W), which highlights the heterogeneity of the geological formations.  These results constitute an essential contribution to the exploitation of groundwater resources in the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi

    Landsat 8 Oli Satellite Imagery Mapping and Analysis of Bedrock Fracture Networks in the Departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi (Central Cote d’Ivoire)

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    This study focuses on the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi located in central CĂŽte d'Ivoire where the problem of drinking water supply is a growing reality. Its objective is to map and analyze the fracturing likely to develop underground aquifers from Landsat 8 OLI data. The set of techniques (color composition, directional and gradient filters) used resulted in the enhancement of linear structures present on satellite images, allowing a better mapping of geological features. The linear map obtained, after the different treatments, is very dense and includes 2063 lineaments. The validation of these different linear structures was made on the basis of the drillings already carried out, from the data of the geophysics. The analysis of the fracture networks has highlighted two dominant directions which are N0°-10° (N-S) and N90°-100° (E-W) highlighting the heterogeneity of the geological formations.  These results constitute an essential contribution to the exploitation of groundwater resources in the departments of Yamoussoukro and Toumodi

    Electric Dragged of Geophysics in The Framework of Groundwater Prospecting. Case of An Experience in Cote d'Ivoire.

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    Abstract — In crystalline basement area, geophysical exploration is to detect discontinuities in the bedrock. So hydrogeologists and Geophysicist proposed to study best the exploration direction to intersect fractures in which water is found. Thus, two different approaches have been tested in the exploration of groundwater in the view to compare their results. Both approaches aim to intersect fractures in the bedrock. The study covers some sites scattered throughout the entire Ivorian territory. Every approach was Funded by a bank: the Kreditantstalt FĂŒr Wiederaufbau (KfW) in 2004 and the West African Bank of Development in 2008. The electrical method of geophysics was used, particularly the simple electrical dragged was used to study the variations in the apparent electrical resistivity of the subsurface at a constant depth by lateral movement of instruments. After realizing the boreholes, the results showed that the first approach allowed to get the best water flow rate. Besides, the percentage of success is 69 % with this approach and it is 47% for the second approach. According to these results, Geophysicists are advised to prospect groundwater in a direction parallel to trough

    Development of a Model for Assessing Vulnerability to Pollution of Groundwater in Fissured Aquifers: The Case of the Ehania Watershed (South-Eastern Côte d’Ivoire)

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    International audienceThe protection of aquifers is a major concern for the authorities, especially in areas where there are large agro-industrial exploitations. The objective of this study is to define a new method of aquifer protection based on the characteristics of the structures of aquifers. The intrinsic vulnerability mapping method, PaPRI was used. It is a variant of the PaPRIKa method applied in karstic environment which has been adapted for its application in basement environment. This method uses three factors, including aquifer protection (P), using the soil cover, the unsaturated zone and the thickness of the alteration layer, (R) for the rock type and (I) for infiltration which including slope and drainage density. PAPRI is a method based on the weighting of different factors. The results obtained show 4 classes that evolve from low vulnerability classes (5% of the study area) to high and very high vulnerability classes (58%) and average vulnerability classes (37%). The classes of high and very high vulnerability, which indicate the zones that are very exposed to pollution, are more present in the central-northern part of the study area, with a few appearances towards the south. These zones could be related to topography due to the often very high slopes observed in the area. One of the advantages of this new method lies in the characterization of the alterations that strongly influence the migration of pollutants towards the water tables according to their nature and their thickness

    Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Requirement and Rice Productivity

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    Assessing the impact of climate change (CC) on agricultural production systems is mainly done using crop models associated with climate model outputs. This review is one of the few, with the main objective of providing a recent compendium of CC impact studies on irrigation needs and rice yields for a better understanding and use of climate and crop models. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of climate impact studies on agricultural production systems, with a particular focus on uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of crop models. Although the new generation global climate models (GCMs) are more robust than previous ones, there is still a need to consider the effect of climate uncertainty on estimates when using them. Current GCMs cannot directly simulate the agro-climatic variables of interest for future irrigation assessment, hence the use of intelligent climate tools. Therefore, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses must be applied to crop models, especially for their calibration under different conditions. The impacts of CC on irrigation needs and rice yields vary across regions, seasons, varieties and crop models. Finally, integrated assessments, the use of remote sensing data, climate smart tools, CO2 enrichment experiments, consideration of changing crop management practices and multi-scale crop modeling, seem to be the approaches to be pursued for future climate impact assessments for agricultural systems

    Study of Groundwater-river Interactions Using Hydrochemical Tracers in Fissured Rock: Case of the Lobo Watershed at NibĂ©hibĂ© (Central-West, CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    Water is a vital resource for all populations. However, there are warning signs that the water from the Lobo River used by SODECI to supply drinking water to the population is declining in quantity during the dry season and its quality is becoming poor due to climate variability and anthropogenic activities. However, the river is able to maintain a certain flow, probably with the contribution of groundwater. It is therefore a question of whether there is really a connection between surface water and groundwater. The aim of this study is to characterize the groundwater-river interactions based on the physico-chemical parameters of the Lobo watershed in Nibéhibé. The approach adopted is a coupled statistical-geochemical approach applied on data from two sampling campaigns (dry and rainy season). This coupled approach consisted, on the one hand, in understanding the chemical specificities within the water classes using the piper diagram and, on the other hand, in classifying the waters according to their physico-chemical similarity and highlighting the phenomena at the origin of the water mineralization using the Kohonen self-organized map (SOM). The results obtained from the piper diagram show that in both the wet and dry seasons, the chemical signature of the waters remains controlled by two main hydrochemical facies: the chlorinated calcium-magnesium nitrate hydrofacies and the bicarbonate calcium-magnesium hydrofacies. Kohonen's self-organized map has established that the mineralization of groundwater, under natural conditions, comes from the nature of the rocks crossed during infiltration and from the contact time between water and minerals. This work provides managers with decision-support tools for planning and searching for groundwater in support of surface water to reinforce the drinking water supply of the populations in this watershed.&nbsp