44 research outputs found

    Preparation of surfactant-free nanoparticles of methacrylic acid copolymers used for film coating

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    The aim of the present study was to prepare surfactant-free pseudolatexes of various methacrylic acid copolymers. These aqueous colloidal dispersions of polymeric materials for oral administration are intended for film coating of solid dosage forms or for direct manufacturing of manoparticles. Nanoparticulate dispersions were produced by an emulsification-diffusion method involving the use of partially water-miscible solvents and the mutual saturation of the aqueous and organic phases prior to the emulsification in order to reduce the initial thermodynamic instability of the emulsion. Because of the self-emulsifying properties of the methacrylic acid copolymers, it was possible to prepare aqueous dispersions of colloidal size containing up to 30% wt/vol of Eudragit RL, RS, and E using 2-butanone or methyl acetate as partially water-miscible solvents, but without any surfactant. However, in the case of the cationic Eudragit E, protonation of the tertiary amine groups by acidification of the aqueous phase was necessary to improve the emulsion stability in the absence of surfactant and subsequently to prevent droplet coalescence during evaporation. In addition, a pseudolatex of Eudragit E was used to validate the coating properties of the formulation for solid dosage forms. Film-coated tablets of quinidine sulfate showed a transparent glossy continuous film that was firmly attached to the tablet. The dissolution profile of quinidine sulfate from the tablets coated with the Eudragit E pseudolatex was comparable to that of tablets coated with an acetonic solution of Eudragit E. Furthermore, both types of coating ensured similar taste masking. The emulsification-evaporation method used was shown to be appropriate for the preparation of surfactant-free colloidal dispersions of the 3 types of preformed methacrylic acid copolymers; the dispersions can subsequently be used for film coating of solid dosage form

    Diversité agro-morphologique précoce d’hybrides d’autofécondation F3 de cocotier (Cocos nucifera L.) impliquant l’écotype Nain Vert Sri Lanka (NVS) tolérant à la maladie du Jaunissement Mortel

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    Objectif : Appréhender précocement la diversité agro-morphologique de trois hybrides de cocotier issus d’autofécondation d’écotype Nain. En effet, la caractérisation agro-morphologique complète d’une plante pérenne comme le cocotier se fait sur une longue période qui peut couvrir 12 à 14 ans selon les variétés ; d’où l’utilisation des évaluations précoces pour prédire le potentiel agronomique à l’âge adulte des cocotiers.Méthodologie et résultats : Vingt et un caractères agro-morphologiques ont été mesurés sur les semences matures et jeunes plants des hybrides de 3ème génération d’autofécondation (F3) NRC x NVS et NVP05 x NVS et 2ème génération d’autofécondation (F2) NJM x NJM (témoin) créés en Côte d’Ivoire. Deux pools génétiques différents, dont l’un rassemble les hybrides F3 impliquant l’écotype Nain Vert Sri Lanka (NVS) tolérant à la maladie du Jaunissement Mortel (JM) et l’autre le témoin F2 NJM x NJM sensible au JM, ont été trouvés. De même, trois types de caractères agro-morphologiques ont été impliqués dans la différenciation des hybrides tolérant et sensible au JM.Conclusion et application des résultats : Les deux pools génétiques (tolérants et sensibles au JM) identifiés ainsi que leurs caractères agro-morphologiques (types I, II et III) spécifiques pourraient être exploités dans la recherche de QTLs associés à la tolérance au JM du cocotier.Mots clés : cocotier hybride Nain x Nain, caractérisation précoce, jaunissement mortel, QTL, Côte d’Ivoir

    Évaluation des dégâts de Analeptes trifasciata (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) sur les anacardiers dans les régions du Béré et de l’Iffou (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Objectif : L’objectif de l’étude était d’évaluer les dégâts et de fournir une base de données relative à Analeptes trifasciata, ravageur de l’anacardierMéthodologie et résultats : Pour évaluer les dommages de Analeptes trifasciata, des prospections ont été menées dans des vergers d’anacarde des sous-préfectures de Bouandougou, Ouellé et Tiéningboué d’avril à mai 2015. Il ressort de ces prospections que les dégâts du Cerambycidae sont observés dans toutes les plantations visitées. Cet insecte occasionne d’importantes pertes de branches d’anacardiers allant de 1,20 ± 0,42 à 3,90 ± 1,20 avec des diamètres pouvant atteindre 16,60 ± 0,70 à 19,10 ± 0,87 cm. Le stade phénologique le plus sensible et attractif des anacardiers aux attaques du Cerambycidae est la floraison, coïncidant avec la fin de la saison des pluies. Les branches sectionnées par le ravageur sont éliminées par brûlage respectivement à 30%, 0% et 20% par les producteurs de Bouandougou, Ouellé et Tiéningboué.Conclusion et application : Il ressort de cette étude que Analeptes trifasciata cisaille les branches de l’anacardier à la floraison en début de saison sèche. On peut conseiller aux producteurs de toujours bruler les branches qu’ils entassent dans les plantations afin d’éliminer oeufs, larves et adultes du ravageur. Mais l’utilisation de la lutte mécanique consistant à tuer le ravageur à l’aide de machette ou d’une houe est aussi important et pour cela ils doivent parcourir quotidiennement les champs à la recherche du ravageur.Mots-clés : Anacarde, Analeptes trifasciata, Cerambycidae, dégâts, Côte d’Ivoir

    Metastatic ovarian tumor of a lung cancer at the hospital center of Chauny (France): a case report

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    The ovary is an organ that can be the site of metastases for many cancers. In general, malignant ovarian tumors are primary; however, cases of extra gynecological metastatic tumors (breast, colon, stomach, and pancreas) have been reported. In most cases, the primary cancers of these ovarian tumors are gastrointestinal or gynecological, the lung being very rarely involved. We report a rare case of ovarian metastases of bronchial cancer discovered during an extensional assessment. The histological examination coupled with immunohistochemistry concludes that ovarian metastasis of small cell lung carcinoma. In addition to chemotherapy such as Taxol-Hycamtin, the management required cerebral radiotherapy for a cerebral metastasis detected

    Maternal mortality in the context of political free health care on pregnancy and birth to the Treichville teaching hospital, Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire

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    Background: Maternal mortality continues to be a drama in the countries of Sub Saharan Africa. Despite the efforts of the world through the millennium development goals (MDGs) 5 and 6, the situation remains very worrying in this region. If in developed countries, maternal mortality is an indicator of the quality of obstetric care, for poor countries, it is an indicator of social and economic development.Methods: Our study was designed to assess the impact of free support of pregnancy and childbirth on maternal mortality at treichville teaching hospital in Abidjan. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study of deaths of our service over the period September 2012 to August 2013 taking into account the hospital data.Results: During this period, we recorded 32 deaths per 3173 live births. Eight out of ten patients were younger than 35 years. And half had no education. 93.75% of patients were evacuated to another structure and more than half of the deaths occurred less than two hours after admission to our service. Bleeding causes dominate with 37.50% of postpartum haemorrhage.Conclusions: Maternal death rates in our service remain high despite the policy of free care and factors of this mortality remain unchanged for decades

    Panorama of fetal malformations at the maternity of Treichville teaching hospital (Abidjan - Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Background: Congenital malformation is responsible for spontaneous abortion, the birth of a child born dead or a child with disabilities that can lead to long-term disability and have a detrimental impact on the individual, his family and society. The etiologies are diverse. The discovery in our maternity is not rare. The absence and high cost of these prenatal diagnostic are a brake on the detection of congenital malformations. It is these various malformations diagnosed in the ante natal and at birth in our service that we describe in this work which aims to make their panorama.Methods: The purpose of this cross-sectional and descriptive study curried out between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2013 (10 years) was to describe the various congenital malformations observed at the maternity of the Gynecology and Obstetrics ward of the Treichville University Hospital Center and to identify the socio-demographic characteristics of mothers. This study concerned all women who had given birth at the Treichville University Hospital Center and whose child had a malformation.Results: During the period, 151 parturients gave birth to at least one child with a congenital malformation and among 30,698 newborns, 161 newborns (0.52%) had a malformation. Pregnant women were between 20 and 30 years old (66%), were primiparous in 46.4% of the cases, and 41.7% were housewives. The malformations were isolated in 101 newborns (62.4%), multiple in 60 newborns (37.6%), and dominated by those of the osteoarticular system and the nervous system. Fetal malformations had a poor prognosis in 77 cases (48%) and the fetus was stillborn in 44 cases (27%).Conclusions: Congenital malformations are a reality at the maternity clinic at Treichville. In our countries, the ultrasound stays a fundamental element for the congenital diagnosis of the malformations. A good training of the doctors in prenatal diagnosis is also necessary to make of good diagnoses who will allow a better care of new-born

    Isolation and Screening of Lactobacillus Plantarum Strains with Potential Probiotic Aptitudes from Neglected Edible Vegetable and Fruits of Côte D’Ivoire

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    Background: Lactofermentation by probiotics would help valorize ENUS (edible neglected and underutilized species). Probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered as vectors of molecules of nutrition-health interest. This study has isolated and screened Lactobacillus plantarum strains with potential probiotic aptitudes from neglected edible vegetableand fruits of Côte D’ivoire.Methods: Three L. plantarum strains (Pa6, A6, and Pe3) isolated from Ivorian ENUS (passion fruit, garlic and parsley) were isolated and screened for potential probiotic aptitudes from neglected edible vegetable and fruits of Côte D’ivoire.Results: The screening of three strains revealed that they presented interesting probiotic potentialities (hydrophobicity values higher than 65% and pH=2, 0.3% bile salt, antibiotic and intestinal microbial pathogens resistances, respectively). They also presented antioxidant (14.51±0.39-39.48±0.88%), anti-inflammatory (8.88±00.00% 78.61%±00.00%) and exopolysaccharide aptitudes, respectively. They synthetized degradinganti-nutritional- factor enzymes (phytase and tannase) and cell-walldegrading enzymes (amylase and cellulase). They fermented the indigestible sugar raffinose, survived at 6.5% NaCl for Pa6 and Pe3, pH=9 and 45°C for Pe3.Conclusion: These strains with such interesting technological properties would be suitable for industry in general, and particularly as starters for the controlled fermentation of Ivorian ENUS

    Prospection des eaux souterraines dans la région de Niellé (Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire): Efficience de la méthode de résistivité électrique

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    The National Office of Drinking Water (ONEP) has initiated a study at Niellé to strengthen the drinking water production capacity of this locality. The aim of this study is to identify cracks aquifers for the choice of highflowrate drill sites. The study consists in an analysis previous drilling, a prospective study by geophysics and selection of drilling sites. This work shows that the hydraulically active fractures in the region is optimal in the upper part of the fissured horizon located in the first thirty meters under saprolites. The electrical method was used to locate and characterize fractures in various directions including those oriented N164 °, N100 ° and N86 °. They were selected for the drilling site choice. A drilling was carried out with an hourly flow rate of 10.2 m3 / h. This work also showed that the fracture- geomorphological combination the combined study of fracking and geomorphological analysis allows precise selection of drilling sites