19 research outputs found

    Pleurotus eryngii: isolamento, cultivo e exopolissacarídeos

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    Orientador: Marcello IacominiCo-orientador: Eliane R. CarboneroMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológica

    Macrofungos Agaricales em áreas de manejo florestal na Amazônia Central

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    This thesis is an ecological and taxonomic account of Agaricales macrofungi in a terra firme forest at the Estação Experimental de Manejo Florestal do INPA (ZF-2). Over a two year period 669 basidiomes (fruiting bodies) were collected in eight transects (5 × 50 m each), located in primary and secondary forests. A total of 290 species/ mophospecies were identified during the study. The macrofungal composition was different among primary and secondary forests, and this difference was also observed among seasons and collection year. In the dry season, the secondary forest presented the lowest macrofungal richness and abundance when compared with primary forest. In relation to substrate type (trunk, branches, leaves and soil), basidiome richness of leaf litter guilds was higher in secondary forest plots, whereas, in contrast, soil guild richness was greater in primary forest. Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi were the most representative group in this study, and taxonomic descriptions using macro and microscopic characters complemented with molecular data, ITS (internal trancribed spacer), were carried out in these groups. The taxonomic stage resulted in description of six new species for Tetrapyrgos (provisional names: T. albonigripes, T. brevipileocystidiata, T. brunneolucida, T. cystidiacrassa, T. pileobrunnea, and T. pseudonigripes) and T. longicystidiata as newly registered new recording to Amazonia. Marasmius calvocystidiatus (provisional name) is described as new species and its sister species M. horridulus, which just its type specimen was known is recollected. Nine species with rhizomorph are described, among them, M. cupressiformis, M. populiformis e M. microdendron. In addition, 37 taxa of Marasmius are presented, from which 21 are describe at the species level. For the species included in Omphalotaceae (Gymnopus, Marasmiellus and Rhodocollybia), we restrict to the presentation of molecular data and synopses about them. Overall, this work intends to open up paths for future studies of macrofungal taxonomy and ecology in the Amazon basin.Esta tese refere-se ao estudo de macrofungos Agaricales em floresta de terra firme na Estação Experimental de Manejo Florestal do INPA (ZF-2). Durante o período de dois anos, 669 basidiomas (corpos de frutificação) foram coletados nos oito transectos (5 × 50 m cada) localizados em áreas de floresta primária e secundária. Um total de 287 espécies/morfotipos foram identificados durante o estudo. A composição de macrofungos foi diferente entre floresta primária e secundária, diferindo também de acordo com a estação e o ano da coleta. A detecção de macrofungos foi muito baixa na estação seca, principalmente na floresta secundária. Observou-se que, em relação aos substratos (troncos, galhos, folhas e solo), a floresta primária apresentou maior índice de riqueza e diversidade para “solo”. Por outro lado, no substrato “folhas”, estes índices foram maiores para floresta secundária. Os fungos marasmioides e gymnopoides apresentaram um número expressivo de espécies/morfotipos. Em virtude disso, a descrição morfológica usando caracteres macro e microscópicos aliada aos dados moleculares com sequenciamento da região ITS (internal trancribed spacer) foi realizada para estas espécies. Esta etapa do trabalho resultou na descrição de seis espécies novas de Tetrapyrgos (nomes provisórios: T. albonigripes, T. brevipileocystidiata, T. brunneilucida, T. cystidiacrassa, T. pileobrunnea, e T. pseudonigripes) e no registro de nova ocorrência para a Amazônia de T. longicystidiata. Marasmius calvocystidiatus (nome provisório) é descrito como nova espécie, cuja espécie irmã, Marasmius horridulus, é recoletada pela primeira vez após sua descrição. Nove espécies de Marasmius que apresentam a formação de rizomorfos foram descritas, dentre estas, M. cupressiformis, M. populiformis e M. microdendron. Além disso, foram também descritos 37 táxons de Marasmius da seção Marasmius, dos quais 21 em nível de espécie. Em relação às espécies compreendidas em Omphalotaceae (Gymnopus, Marasmiellus e Rhodocollybia), restringiu-se à apresentação de dados moleculares e sinopses. De modo geral, o presente trabalho abre veredas que, espera-se que, possam auxiliar novos estudos interessados na compreensão de macrofungos da Amazônia

    Filling in the gaps of the papilionoid legume phylogeny: The enigmatic Amazonian genus Petaladenium is a new branch of the early-diverging Amburaneae clade

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    Recent deep-level phylogenies of the basal papilionoid legumes (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) have resolved many clades, yet left the phylogenetic placement of several genera unassessed. The phylogenetically enigmatic Amazonian monospecific genus Petaladenium had been believed to be close to the genera of the Genistoid Ormosieae clade. In this paper we provide the first DNA phylogenetic study of Petaladenium and show it is not part of the large Genistoid clade, but is a new branch of the Amburaneae clade, one of the first-diverging lineages of the Papilionoideae phylogeny. This result is supported by the chemical observation that the quinolizidine alkaloids, a chemical synapomorphy of the Genistoids, are absent in Petaladenium. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ITS/5.8S and plastid matK and trnL intron agree with a new interpretation of morphology that Petaladenium is sister to Dussia, a genus comprising ~18 species of trees largely confined to rainforests in Central America and northern South America. Petaladenium, Dussia, and Myrospermum have papilionate flowers in a clade otherwise with radial floral symmetry, loss of petals or incompletely differentiated petals. Our phylogenetic analyses also revealed well-supported resolution within the three main lineages of the ADA clade (Angylocalyceae, Dipterygeae, and Amburaneae). We also discuss further molecular phylogenetic evidence for the undersampled Amazonian genera Aldina and Monopteryx, and the tropical African Amphimas, Cordyla, Leucomphalos, and Mildbraediodendron. © 2015 Elsevier Inc

    Pleurotus eryngii: isolamento, cultivo e exopolissacarídeos

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    Orientador: Marcello IacominiCo-orientador: Eliane R. CarboneroMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológica

    Sarcodon atroviridis sensu lato, a stipitate hydnoid from Amazonian campinarana, Roraima, Brazil

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    Sarcodon atroviridis sensu lato has a rich nomenclatural history as a result of its variable morphology. Here We discuss the species most plastic morphological characters as well as its ecology and distribution, and we report it for the first time from the State of Roraima, Brazil. Color images of the basidiomata, complete descriptions and microscopic images are also provided

    Water-soluble polysaccharides from Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida mycelial biomass

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    Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida known as Hiratake has a high nutritional value, presents medicinal and nutraceutical properties and it is one of the consumed mushrooms in Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize the chemical structure of polysaccharides found in mycelial biomass produced by submerged culture of P. ostreatus var. florida in order to compare with those found in P. ostreatus var. florida fruit bodies. Aqueous and alkali extracts obtained from mycelial biomass were purified, 13C NMR, GC-MS and chemical techniques were used to characterize three polysaccharide structures: a mannogalactan (MG-PfM) with α-d-Galp and 3-O-Me-α-d-Galp units, both (1→6)-linked, highly substituted at O-2 by D-Manp, a glycogen-like polymer (GLY-PfM) with α-d-Glp (1→4)-linked main chain, partially substituted at O-6 by α-d-Glcp side chains and a (1→3), (1→6) β-d-glucan (βGLC-PfM) with a main chain of β-d-Glcp (1→3)-linked units, partially substituted at O-6 by side chains of 6-O-substituted β-d-glucopyranosyl units, on an average of one to every two residues of the backbone. These results show the possibility to obtain similar and also different molecules from those found in the fruiting body of the same mushroom species, therefore the submerged culture of mushroom is a promising way to give raise molecules of interest. © 2014

    Structure and antinociceptive effects of β-d-glucans from Cookeina tricholoma

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    Structurally different water-insoluble (1 → 3),(1 → 6) β-d-glucans were isolated from aqueous and alkaline extracts of the mushroom-forming ascomycete Cookeina tricholoma, a wild edible mushroom found in Brazilian Amazon forest. The structures showed different substitution patterns, which may influence their extractability and consequently their conformation in solution, and different MW (4.3 × 105 Da, 3.7 × 105 Da and 8.2 × 105 Da, for ICW-Ct, IHW-Ct and IK2-Ct, respectively). The main-chains are composed of (1 → 3)-linked β-d-Glcp units O-6 substituted by side chains with different lengths of (1 → 6)-linked β-d-Glcp units (ICW-Ct and IHW-Ct) or by a combination of (1 → 6)-linked β-d-Glcp units and single units of β-d-Glcp (IK2-Ct). β-d-glucans with similar MW and showing only (1 → 6)-linked β-d-Glcp units as side chains (ICW-Ct and IHW-Ct) showed significant inhibition of neurogenic pain, 69 ± 11 and 57 ± 11% at the dose of 10 mg kg-1, respectively, in the model of nociception induced by intraplantar injection of formalin. © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd