41 research outputs found

    Solidago graminifolia (L.) Elliott on anthropogenic sites of the Silesian Upland (Poland)

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    The aim of this paper is to show the distribution of Solidago graminifolia (L.) Elliott in the Silesian Upland and to examine the floristic composition of phytocoenoses with its participation. This species was recorded on anthropogenic habitats such as: open-cast quarry, railway embankment and ditches. The floristic diversity of phytocoenoses can be explained by two environmental gradients: soil fertility (marked on I PCA axis) and moisture and soil reaction (marked on II PCA axis). Phytocoenoses which develop in the open-cast quarry are the richest in species and the most differentiated. In their floristic composition meadow species (particularly from the Molinetalia order) occurred with high frequency. Phytocoenoses which grow in wet places, with a high ground water level, are distinguished by species from the Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae and Phragmitetea classes, whereas in those which are confined to drier places short-lived species from the Stellarietea mediae class can be found

    Plant communities with Helianthus tuberosus L. in the towns of the Upper Silesian Industrial region (southern Poland)

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    The aims of the research were: to show the floristic composition of patches with participation of Helianthus tuberosus, to find the major environmental gradients in species composition of these patches and to compare plant communities with this species from Poland with those recorded in neighbouring European countries. Fifty four phytosociological releves, made in a variety of ruderal habitats in the towns of the Upper Silesian Industrial Region (Poland), were analysed using the Correspondence Analysis (CA). To identify the main environmental gradients in the floristic composition of releves the CA site scores were correlated, using the Kendall correlation coefficient, with the following explanatory variables: Shannon II' index of species diversity, the number of species from the Convolvuletalia sepium order, the Calystegion sepium alliance, the Onopordetalia acanthii order, the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, the Stellarietea mediae class; mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, moisture, temperature, soil reaction and nitrogen. Two major gradients in species data were detected: (i) from plant communities of abandoned meadows of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class to nitrophilous communities of the Convolvuletalia sepium order and (ii) a gradient related to the number of species of the Stellarietea mediae class and to the indicator value for light. Helianthus tuberosus stands recorded in European countries can be divided into two separate groups. The first group is differentiated by species of the Onopordetalia acanthii order and higher participation of meadow species from the Molinio- Arrhenatheretea and Stellarietea mediae classes. The second group is characterized by a high frequency of nitrophilous species from the Convolvuletalia sepium order

    Do small-scale gaps in calcareous grassland swards facilitate seedling establishment?

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    in this study we analyzed gaps originated in different seasons of the year vs. places of close vegetation in calcareous grasslands in terms of their suitability for seedling germination and establishment. Gaps, irrespective of the time of their origin, significantly promoted seedling emergence as compared with close swards. However, the season of gap creation influenced the rate of seedling germination/emergence. Seedlings occurred more frequently in autumn and spring gaps than in the summer ones. The highest mean number of seedlings and of their species were noted in autumn openings. However, the subsequent survival of seedlings in autumn gaps was low. on the contrary, in spring gaps juveniles occurred with the significantly highest mean number, frequency and species richness. The above results pointed to the positive, although very limited role of artificially created gaps as places favouring seedlings establishment

    Changes in the vascular flora of a postflotation zinc-lead ore spoil heap of the "Orzeł Biały" mining and smelting works in Bytom (Silesian Upland) after 15 years

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    A study on vascular flora of a Zn–Pb ore spoil heap of the “Orzeł Biały” mining and smelting works in Bytom, Poland, was carried out in the 2017–2018 growing seasons. The aim of this study was to: (i) present the characteristics of current vascular flora that colonizes the Zn–Pb heap, (ii) describe its dynamic tendencies and directions of changes after 15 years, and (iii) identify species that can be useful for planting as a part of biological reclamation. Ninety-two mostly native species of vascular plants, belonging to 36 families and 77 genera, were found on the examined heap. In the spectrum of life forms, hemicryptophytes prevailed over therophytes and geophytes. The most numerous ecological groups were ruderal and meadow species. As regards life strategies, highly competitive species and taxa with mixed CSR strategies dominated. The basic mode of seed dispersal was anemochory. In terms of habitat preferences, species associated with moderately light, warm, fresh, neutral, and medium fertility soil dominated in the species composition of the studied flora. In 2017–2018 compared to the 2002 growing season, statistically significant differences were found in the origin, life forms, ecological groups, life strategies, mode of seed dispersal of species and their habitat preferences relative to light, temperature, pH, and productivity. Frequently recorded pseudometallophytes (Agrostis capillaris, Cardaminopsis arenosa, Daucus carota, Deschampsia caespitosa, Leontodon hispidus, Plantago lanceolata, Silene vulgaris, Rumex acetosa) can be used for planting as part of biological reclamation of the area

    Share of grasses in plant communities, which developed in chosen quarries of Silesian Upland

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    The aim of the research conducted in dolomite quarries in the Tarnowicki Plateau (Silesian Uplands) was: to show the share of grasses in the fl oristic lists and their structural role in examined phytocoenoses; to compare plant communities of the study objects with those recorded on other industrial wastelands; to fi nd those grass species, which enabled to distinguished lower units among plant communities. In 15 recorded plant communities occurred from 0 (Potametum natantis) to 13 grass species (ruderal phytocoenoses of the Onopordion acanthii alliance and shrub community). The share of grasses in the fl oristic lists reached generally less than 15%. The lowest share in the plant cover (less than 6%) had grasses mainly in the communities of the Phragmitetea class, more than 10% in communities of the Artemisietea vulgaris class and shrub community and the highest in those communities, where grasses were dominants or co-dominants in patches or had higher frequency and cover in some lower units (variants) e.g.: Alopecurus aequalis. Calamagrostis epigejos, Arrhenatherum elatius, Phragmites australis, Poa compressa and P. palustris commonly occurred in analysed plant communities

    Vascular Flora Of The Anthropogenic Section Of The Kłodnica Valley In Gliwice (Silesian Upland)

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    Praca prezentuje wyniki badań florystycznych przeprowadzonych w dolinie Kłodnicy na obszarze miasta Gliwice. Flora obszaru badań liczy 152 taksony roślin, reprezentujące 44 rodziny. Przeważają w niej gatunki rodzime (71,1%) nad antropofitami (28,9%). Wśród antropofitów 15,1% stanowią kenofity, 10,5% archeofit, a 3,3% diafity. O synantropizacji flory doliny Kłodnicy świadczy wysoki udział gatunków ruderalnych (38,8%) i niewielki udział gatunków nadwodnych (4,6%), a także wysokie wartości wskaźników antropofityzacji (28,9%) i kenofityzacji (15,1%). Znacznym zagrożeniem dla różnorodności gatunkowej i funkcjonowania ekosystemów doliny Kłodnicy są odnotowywane z dużą częstością gatunki kenofitów, takie jak: Impatiens parviflora, Solidago canadensis i S. gigantea. Rośliny te stale zwiększają zajmowany areał, wnikają do zbiorowisk roślinnych i eliminują gatunki rodzime, w skrajnych przypadkach tworząc zwarte jednogatunkowe płaty

    Revitalization of urban riverside areas on the example of the Kłodnica valley in Gliwice

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    Wieloletnia presja antropogeniczna wywarła głębokie zmiany w krajobrazie doliny Kłodnicy w Gliwicach. W artykule przedstawiono różne warianty rewitalizacji doliny rzeki Kłodnicy, możliwe do realizacji w ramach funduszy unijnych, krajowych, partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego i budżetu obywatelskiego. Zdecydowana większość mieszkańców (81%) źle ocenia stan badanego odcinka doliny, wskazując na potrzebę jej rewitalizacji (76%). Zaproponowane w pracy rozwiązania, zgodne z koncepcją zielonej architektury, pozwoliłyby na odtworzenie potencjału ekohydrologicznego doliny Kłodnicy i stworzenie przyjaznej dla mieszkańców przestrzeni publicznej. Przywrócenie właściwego stanu ekosystemów rzeki umożliwiłoby uzyskanie wielu usług ekosystemowych (poprawa bezpieczeństwa powodziowego, poprawa warunków aerosanitarnych, estetyzacja krajobrazu), podnoszących jakość i standard życia mieszkańców. Przewidziane w projekcie obiekty i infrastruktura stanowiłyby interesującą ofertę spędzania czasu wolnego oraz służyłyby podniesieniu świadomości ekologicznej mieszkańców


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    The aim of this study was to understand the acclimatization mechanisms of photosynthetic apparatus in Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv grass during its expansion. Twelve populations differentiated by age: young (30-50 years old), intermediate age (ca. 100 y) and old (>300 y) were studied. It was confirmed that the decrease of the number of genotypes as a result of environmental stress and competition were reflected in changes in chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) parameters. The old stands were dominated by a few genotypes which seem to be the best acclimatized to the self-shading/competition by lowering their photosynthetic performance during light-phase of photosynthesis. On the other hand, the 'high-speed' photosynthetic rate observed in the young populations can be seen as acclimatization to very adverse conditions. Our results clearly confirm that ChlF is a powerful method of inferring physiological mechanisms of the expansion of tor grass. The Principal Component and Redundancy Analyses, followed with k-means classification, allowed to find the differentiation of groups of distinct ChlF parameters and enabled us to relate them to changes in genotypic diversity of populations. We conclude that the plastic morphological and physiological response to changeable habitat light conditions with its optimum in half-shade refers to its forest-steppe origin

    Effect of thermal activity on the differentiation of the vegetation of the “Ruda” postmining heap in Zabrze (Poland)

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the vegetation of the thermally active postmining heap “Ruda” in Zabrze (Poland). The aims of the study were: (i) to show the differentiation of the vegetation that has developed as a result of the thermal activity, and (ii) to determine the effect of thermal activity of the spoil heap on species richness and species diversity of the vegetation. Twelve plant communities were recorded on the heap. Thermal activity has a statistically significant impact on species richness (Z = 2.13, p = 0.03) and species diversity (Z = 2.29, p = 0.02). The species composition of plant communities reflects the habitat conditions, which are conditioned by thermal activity. As the distance from a zone with increased thermal activity increases, the degree of the spontaneous succession of vegetation and the complexity of the vegetation increase. Moreover, the share of annual species and kenophytes decreases in favor of perennial plants and apophytes. The number of plant communities (from four to eight), their species richness (number of species from 15 to 22) and species diversity (Shannon–Wiener diversity index from 1.81 to 2.19) also increase. A DCA analysis showed an increase in the shading, humidity and pH of the substrate, and the thickness of the dead organic matter within the gradient of the thermal activity