25 research outputs found

    Constant Congestion Brambles

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    A bramble in an undirected graph GG is a family of connected subgraphs of GG such that for every two subgraphs H1H_1 and H2H_2 in the bramble either V(H1)V(H2)V(H_1) \cap V(H_2) \neq \emptyset or there is an edge of GG with one endpoint in V(H1)V(H_1) and the second endpoint in V(H2)V(H_2). The order of the bramble is the minimum size of a vertex set that intersects all elements of a bramble. Brambles are objects dual to treewidth: As shown by Seymour and Thomas, the maximum order of a bramble in an undirected graph GG equals one plus the treewidth of GG. However, as shown by Grohe and Marx, brambles of high order may necessarily be of exponential size: In a constant-degree nn-vertex expander a bramble of order Ω(n1/2+δ)\Omega(n^{1/2+\delta}) requires size exponential in Ω(n2δ)\Omega(n^{2\delta}) for any fixed δ(0,12]\delta \in (0,\frac{1}{2}]. On the other hand, the combination of results of Grohe and Marx and Chekuri and Chuzhoy shows that a graph of treewidth kk admits a bramble of order Ω~(k1/2)\widetilde{\Omega}(k^{1/2}) and size O~(k3/2)\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(k^{3/2}). (Ω~\widetilde{\Omega} and O~\widetilde{\mathcal{O}} hide polylogarithmic factors and divisors, respectively.) In this note, we first sharpen the second bound by proving that every graph GG of treewidth at least kk contains a bramble of order Ω~(k1/2)\widetilde{\Omega}(k^{1/2}) and congestion 22, i.e., every vertex of GG is contained in at most two elements of the bramble (thus the bramble is of size linear in its order). Second, we provide a tight upper bound for the lower bound of Grohe and Marx: For every δ(0,12]\delta \in (0,\frac{1}{2}], every graph GG of treewidth at least kk contains a bramble of order Ω~(k1/2+δ)\widetilde{\Omega}(k^{1/2+\delta}) and size 2O~(k2δ)2^{\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(k^{2\delta})}


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    The study material included 152 mandibles of female fallow deer aged 3 to 12. Each mandible was characterized by 15 measurements. Based on the Principal Components Analysis it was concluded that the size and dimensional constitution of the mandible change with age. The following parameters are subjected to most significant changes: total length, middle height of the ramus. Additionally, the method indicated that there is a moderate interdependency between the mandibular parameters and an eviscerated carcass mass. Pearson’s correlation coefficient allowed for determining moderate correlations between the carcass mass, mandible total length, breadth of the third molar and middle height of the ramus

    Randomized contractions meet lean decompositions

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    We show an algorithm that, given an nn-vertex graph GG and a parameter kk, in time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(k \log k)} n^{O(1)} finds a tree decomposition of GG with the following properties: * every adhesion of the tree decomposition is of size at most kk, and * every bag of the tree decomposition is (i,i)(i,i)-unbreakable in GG for every 1ik1 \leq i \leq k. Here, a set XV(G)X \subseteq V(G) is (a,b)(a,b)-unbreakable in GG if for every separation (A,B)(A,B) of order at most bb in GG, we have AXa|A \cap X| \leq a or BXa|B \cap X| \leq a. The resulting tree decomposition has arguably best possible adhesion size boundsand unbreakability guarantees. Furthermore, the parametric factor in the running time bound is significantly smaller than in previous similar constructions. These improvements allow us to present parameterized algorithms for Minimum Bisection, Steiner Cut, and Steiner Multicut with improved parameteric factor in the running time bound. The main technical insight is to adapt the notion of lean decompositions of Thomas and the subsequent construction algorithm of Bellenbaum and Diestel to the parameterized setting.Comment: v2: New co-author (Magnus) and improved results on vertex unbreakability of bags, v3: final changes, including new abstrac

    Short- and mid-term outcome of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with advanced age

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    Background: In patients treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), age is recognized as one of the most important risk factors. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether early and mid-term results of TAVI were worse in patients over 85 year old compared with the younger population. Methods: From September 2010 to November 2015, 162 consecutive patients (mean age 78.4 ± 7.1 years, 47.5% females) underwent TAVI in our Institution. Patients were divided into two groups: 1) elderly (≥ 85 year old) and 2) younger patients (< 85 year old). Primary clinical study endpoints were the fol­lowing: death, myocardial infarction, stroke, major and minor access site, and bleeding complications. The secondary endpoints included: pacemaker implantation rate, paravalvular leakage, acute kidney injury, and duration of hospitalization. Results: Twenty-six patients were 85 or older (mean 87.5 ± 2.1). In the remaining 136 (84%), the average age was 76.7 ± 6.4. Baseline clinical profiles were similar in both groups, though history of pre­vious cardiac surgery (p = 0.0047) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p = 0.0099) were more common in the younger group, and glomerular filtration rate was lower in the older group (p = 0.045). Major, life threatening and minor bleeding complications, as well as vascular access site complications did not differ between the two groups. Rates of myocardial infarction and stroke were comparably low in both groups. Similar results were also found in the incidence of secondary endpoints. In-hospital mortality and 1-year mortality did not differ between groups. Conclusions: TAVI in patients aged 85 and older is still a relatively safe procedure and age itself should not be a discriminatory factor in TAVI qualification. (Cardiol J 2017; 24, 4: 358–363

    The Osteometry of Equine Third Phalanx by the Use of Three-Dimensional Scanning: New Measurement Possibilities

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    This study consisted in analyzing the asymmetry between bilateral third phalanges (coffin bones) in cold-blood horses based on the angle range of the plantar margin of the bone. The study employed a scanner projecting a hybrid set of images, consisting of sinusoidal stripes preceded by a Gray code sequence. As it turned out, three-dimensional scanning can be used to effectively determine the angle range for a selected portion of the studied bone. This provides broad possibilities for osteometric studies, as it enables the determination of angle distribution in a given fragment. The results obtained indicate a weak correlation between age and bilateral third-phalanx asymmetry in terms of the angle range of the plantar margins and no correlation between body weight and the asymmetry described

    Tervuren, czyli belgijskie lustro [Tervuren. The Belgian Mirror]

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    Tervuren. The Belgian Mirror The paper describes the history and the ideology of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, founded in 1898. The role of the museum and its exhibition is analysed in the context of Belgian history, taking into account the tensions between Flemings and Walloons as well as changes in the attitude towards Africa and Africans. The author proposes to divide the history of the evolution of the RMCA exhibition into four stages: from the colonial exhibition to the current reconstruction of the museum. Tervuren, czyli belgijskie lustro Artykuł opisuje historię i ideologię powstałego w 1898 roku Królewskiego Muzeum Afryki Cen­tralnej w Tervuren w Belgii. Znaczenie muzeum i jego wystawy jest analizowane w kontekście belgij­skiej historii, z uwzględnieniem napięć pomiędzy zamieszkującymi Belgię Flamandami i Walonami, a także zmiany postaw wobec Afryki i jej mieszkańców. Autor proponuje podzielić ewolucję muzeum na cztery etapy: od wystawy kolonialnej po obecną przebudowę

    The Responsibility for the Human Rights Violation in the Truth Commission Proceedings 1974-2007

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    Rozprawa rozpatruje fenomen komisji prawdy, która w ostatnich dwóch dekadach XX wieku stała się powszechnie używanym instrumentem sprawiedliwości okresu transformacji. Do najbardziej znanych komisji należą te powstałe w Argentynie, Chile i RPA. Niemniej szereg innych instytucji, zarówno oficjalnych, jak i prywatnych określano w literaturze oraz dyskursie publicystycznym jako komisje prawdy. Podstawą dla analiz jest robocza definicja komisji prawdy, zgodnie z którą oznacza ona nadzwyczajną i ograniczoną w czasie instytucję publiczną powołaną w okresie transformacji (zarówno w procesie demokratyzacji, jak i budowy pokoju) dla zbadania zakresu naruszeń praw człowieka dokonanych w poprzednim okresie, której procedura ukierunkowana jest na ofiary tych naruszeń.This thesis aims to examine the phenomena of the truth commission which became a commonly used measure of transitional justice in the last two decades of the 20th century. The truth commission has to be considered in the framework of the transitional justice. Among the most known truth commissions there are those in Argentina, Chile and South Africa. However, there were a lot of formal or informal institutions which were – in the literature or in the journalistic discourse – called “truth commission”. In this thesis, the truth commission is defined as an extraordinary, victim-centered and limited in time public institution set up during the transition (both democratization and peace-building) aimed at examining the scope of human rights violations in the past. According to the analysis the truth commission could be justified as the mechanism of responsibility for human rights violations only under certain conditions, when the retributive justice is suspended