Randomized contractions meet lean decompositions


We show an algorithm that, given an nn-vertex graph GG and a parameter kk, in time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(k \log k)} n^{O(1)} finds a tree decomposition of GG with the following properties: * every adhesion of the tree decomposition is of size at most kk, and * every bag of the tree decomposition is (i,i)(i,i)-unbreakable in GG for every 1ik1 \leq i \leq k. Here, a set XV(G)X \subseteq V(G) is (a,b)(a,b)-unbreakable in GG if for every separation (A,B)(A,B) of order at most bb in GG, we have AXa|A \cap X| \leq a or BXa|B \cap X| \leq a. The resulting tree decomposition has arguably best possible adhesion size boundsand unbreakability guarantees. Furthermore, the parametric factor in the running time bound is significantly smaller than in previous similar constructions. These improvements allow us to present parameterized algorithms for Minimum Bisection, Steiner Cut, and Steiner Multicut with improved parameteric factor in the running time bound. The main technical insight is to adapt the notion of lean decompositions of Thomas and the subsequent construction algorithm of Bellenbaum and Diestel to the parameterized setting.Comment: v2: New co-author (Magnus) and improved results on vertex unbreakability of bags, v3: final changes, including new abstrac

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