48 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis study examined preadolescents' and adolescents' narratives about their interpersonal conflicts with parents and friends as a window into the processes of the youths' individuation and connectedness in these close relationships. One hundred eight participants, 18 males and 18 females in each of three age groups (ages 10, 14, and 17), provided three narrative accounts relating to a time when they disagreed with their mother, their father, and their best friend. It was found that the youths' conceptions of their individuation and connectedness increased in complexity with age. Relationship context; differences were also found for both individuation and connectedness: Allusions to individuated desires were more common in the child-parent than the friendship narratives, and allusions to connectedness were more common in the friendship than in the child-parent narratives. Additionally, girls referred to disturbances in their connectedness to others more frequently than boys. The findings contribute to our understanding of the facilitative role of conflicts for individuation and connectedness processes across development as well as the ways in which different relationships provide somewhat different, but to an extent overlapping, context;s for these developmental processes

    Differensial hisobning asosiy teoremalari

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    Ushbu maqolada hosilani differensial hisobni teoeremalariga tatbiq qilinishi keltirilgan. Teoremalar yordamida hosilaning nollari yoki ildizlarini, chekli ayirmalardan foydalanib mavjud nuqtani topishlar tushuntirilgan

    Cyclic nucleotides in tissues during long-term hypokinesia

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    Male Wistar rates were kept hypokinetic by placing them in small containers for 22 days. Blood plasma cAMP content was subsequently found increased, and cGMP content decreased, in the experimental animals. Liver and thymus cAMP content was similar in the control and experimental animals. There was a 20 and 38% decrease of cAMP content in the kidneys and spleen, respectively. Hypokinesia's reduction of cyclic nucleotides seems to inhibit RNA and protein synthesis

    An Examination of the Association of Selected Toxic Metals with Total and Central Obesity Indices: NHANES 99-02

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    It is conceivable that toxic metals contribute to obesity by influencing various aspects of metabolism, such as by substituting for essential micronutrients and vital metals, or by inducing oxidative stress. Deficiency of the essential metal zinc decreases adiposity in humans and rodent models, whereas deficiencies of chromium, copper, iron, and magnesium increases adiposity. This study utilized the NHANES 99-02 data to explore the association between waist circumference and body mass index with the body burdens of selected toxic metals (barium, cadmium, cobalt, cesium, molybdenum, lead, antimony, thallium, and tungsten). Some of the associations were significant direct relationships (barium and thallium), and some of the associations were significant inverse relationships (cadmium, cobalt, cesium, and lead). Molybdenum, antimony, and tungsten had mostly insignificant associations with waist circumference and body mass index. This is novel result for most of the toxic metals studied, and a surprising result for lead because high stored lead levels have been shown to correlate with higher rates of diabetes, and obesity may be a key risk factor for developing diabetes. These associations suggest the possibility that environmental exposure to metals may contribute to variations in human weight gain/loss. Future research, such as prospective studies rather than the cross-sectional studies presented here, is warranted to confirm these findings

    Maternal blood cadmium, lead and arsenic levels, nutrient combinations, and offspring birthweight

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    Abstract Background Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) are common environmental contaminants that have been associated with lower birthweight. Although some essential metals may mitigate exposure, data are inconsistent. This study sought to evaluate the relationship between toxic metals, nutrient combinations and birthweight among 275 mother-child pairs. Methods Non-essential metals, Cd, Pb, As, and essential metals, iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), copper (Cu), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) were measured in maternal whole blood obtained during the first trimester using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Folate concentrations were measured by microbial assay. Birthweight was obtained from medical records. We used quantile regression to evaluate the association between toxic metals and nutrients due to their underlying wedge-shaped relationship. Ordinary linear regression was used to evaluate associations between birth weight and toxic metals. Results After multivariate adjustment, the negative association between Pb or Cd and a combination of Fe, Se, Ca and folate was robust, persistent and dose-dependent (p < 0.05). However, a combination of Zn, Cu, Mn and Mg was positively associated with Pb and Cd levels. While prenatal blood Cd and Pb were also associated with lower birthweight. Fe, Se, Ca and folate did not modify these associations. Conclusion Small sample size and cross-sectional design notwithstanding, the robust and persistent negative associations between some, but not all, nutrient combinations with these ubiquitous environmental contaminants suggest that only some recommended nutrient combinations may mitigate toxic metal exposure in chronically exposed populations. Larger longitudinal studies are required to confirm these findings

    Voland and Ostap Bender: The Comparative Aspect.

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    Šis darbs ir veltīts Volanda un Ostapa Bendera mākslas tēlu salīdzināmi sastatāmajam aspektam M. Bulgakova darbā „Meistars un Margarita” un I. Ilfa un J. Petrova darbos „Divpadsmit krēsli” un „Zelta teļš”. Darba mērķis ir uz analīzes pamata salīdzināt vienu ar otru abus varoņus. Darba autore salīdzina romānu varoņus un uz salīdzināmas analīzes pamata noskaidro kopīgas un atšķirīgas šo personāžu iezīmes. Darbs sastāv no divām nodaļām: pirmajā nodaļā tiek apkopoti, analizēti, sistematizēti un izskatīti romāniem un to varoņiem veltīti darbi. Otrajā nodaļā varoņu tēli tiek atklāti salīdzināmi sastatāmajā aspektā. Viņā realizēsies liktie mērķi un uzdevumi. Šis pētījums var ieinteresēt speciālistus: bibliogrāfus, mākslas zinātniekus, literatūras zinātniekus un rakstniekus.The research is devoted to the comparative analysis of the literary images of Voland and Ostap Bender in M. Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita' and I. Ilf and E. Petrov's 'The Twelve Chairs' and 'The Little Golden Calf'. The aim of the research is to compare both characters and to elicit differences and similarities of their literary images. The paper consists of two chapters. The first chapter summarizes, systematizes and reviews previous research on the novels and their characters. The aims and goal of the research are achieved in the second chapter, which provides comparative analysis of both characters. Present research can be used by bibliographers, art critics, literary critics and writers

    Voland and Ostap Bender: The Comparative Aspect.

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    Šis darbs ir veltīts Volanda un Ostapa Bendera mākslas tēlu salīdzināmi sastatāmajam aspektam M. Bulgakova darbā „Meistars un Margarita” un I. Ilfa un J. Petrova darbos „Divpadsmit krēsli” un „Zelta teļš”. Darba mērķis ir uz analīzes pamata salīdzināt vienu ar otru abus varoņus. Darba autore salīdzina romānu varoņus un uz salīdzināmas analīzes pamata noskaidro kopīgas un atšķirīgas šo personāžu iezīmes. Darbs sastāv no divām nodaļām: pirmajā nodaļā tiek apkopoti, analizēti, sistematizēti un izskatīti romāniem un to varoņiem veltīti darbi. Otrajā nodaļā varoņu tēli tiek atklāti salīdzināmi sastatāmajā aspektā. Viņā realizēsies liktie mērķi un uzdevumi. Šis pētījums var ieinteresēt speciālistus: bibliogrāfus, mākslas zinātniekus, literatūras zinātniekus un rakstniekus.The research is devoted to the comparative analysis of the literary images of Voland and Ostap Bender in M. Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita' and I. Ilf and E. Petrov's 'The Twelve Chairs' and 'The Little Golden Calf'. The aim of the research is to compare both characters and to elicit differences and similarities of their literary images. The paper consists of two chapters. The first chapter summarizes, systematizes and reviews previous research on the novels and their characters. The aims and goal of the research are achieved in the second chapter, which provides comparative analysis of both characters. Present research can be used by bibliographers, art critics, literary critics and writers

    Improvement of the pedagogical professional competence in the use of ICT in teachers' work at the comprehensive school

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    Šajā darbā Jūs varat iepazīties ar skolotāja profesionālo kompetenci un to pilnveidi, ka arī ar IKT izmantošanu pedagoģiskā darbībā. Šīs bakalaura darbs sastāv no 3 daļām, secinājumiem, literatūras avotiem un pielikumiem. Pirmā daļa ir par kompetencēm pedagoga darbā, kur ir divas apakšnodaļas: 1. Vispārīgi par kompetenču būtību; 2. Kompetenču pieeja izglītībā. Otrā daļa ir par IKT izglītībā. Tur arī ir apakšnodaļas: 1. Digitālā kompetence un to pilnveide pedagogiem; 2. IKT izmantošanas iespējas mācību procesā un jaunais mācību saturs. Trešā daļa ir par pedagogu pieredzi darbā ar IKT pētījumu skolā “X”, tur ir apkopoti anketēšanas (pedagogiem un direktora vietniekam IT jomā) rezultāti. Darba autore: Daila Komolova Darba vadītājs: Ivars Muzis Darba nosaukums: Pedagoga profesionālās kompetences pilnveide IKT izmantošanā pedagoģiskā darbā vispārizglītojošā skolā Darba mērķis: saprast jaunā mācību satura būtību, lai pilnveidotu savas pedagoģiskās kompetences Darba pētījuma saturs un rezultāti: sastāv no anketēšanas. Anketas bija izveidotas skolotājiem un direktora vietniekam IT jomā, lai izpētītu IKT lietošanu stundas laikā digitālās kompetences pilnveidei, lai pilnveidotu visas parējās kompetences. Skolotāji izmanto tehnoloģijas gandrīz katru stundu, tomēr to izmantošana nav daudzpusīga, tas nozīmē, ka digitālā kompetence pilnveidojas, bet ne tik strauji cik vēlams. Pētījuma darba lapaspušu skaits: 69 Attēli: 23 Tabulas: 5 Bibliogrāfiskā sarakstā vienību skaits: 62 Pielikumu skaits: 3In this work you can get acquainted with the professional competence of the teacher and their improvement, as well as with the use of ICT in pedagogical work. This bachelor's thesis consists of 3 parts, conclusions, references and appendices. The first part is about the competencies of a teacher, where there are two subparts: 1. General idea about the nature of competences; 2. Competence approach in education. The second part is about ICT in education. There are also subdivisions: 1. Digital competence and its development for teachers; 2. Possibilities of using ICT in the learning process and new curriculum content. The third part is about the research of teachers’experience of working with ICT at school “X”, where the results of questionnaires (for teachers and deputy director in IT) are summarized. Author: Daila Komolova Supervisor: Ivars Muzis Title of the thesis: Improvement of the pedagogical professional competence in the use of ICT in teachers’work at the comprehensive school Aim of the thesis: to understand the essence of the new curriculum in order to improve its pedagogical competences Content and results of the research: consists of questionnaires. Questionnaires were developed for teachers and a deputy director in the IT field to explore the use of ICT at the lesson for the development of digital competence i order to develop all the other competences. Teachers use technology almost every hour, but their use is not versatile, which means that digital competence is developing, but not as fast as desired. Number of study pages: 69 Images: 23 Tables: 5 The number of items in the bibliography: 62 Number of attachments:

    The Screen Adaptation of "The Master and Margarita": The TV Series by V. Bortko.

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    Maģistra darbs ir veltīts romāna ekranizācijas problēmai - M.Bulgakova romāna “Meistars un Margarita” transformācijai kinotekstā (V.Bortko ekranizācija). Pētījuma autore atklāj galvenos literāra teksta transformācijas aspektus kinotekstā. Darbs ir strukturēts divās nodaļās. Pirmajā - aplūkoti ekranizācijas un literāra teksta transformācijas kinotekstā teorētiskie jautājumi, saikne strap literatūtu un kinomākslu. Otrajā nodaļā ir veikta salīdzinoša literārā teksta (M.Bulgakova romāns) un kinoteksta (V.Bortko ekranizācija) analīze, galveno uzmanību veltot literāro personāžu atveidei. Tāpat tiek aplūkoti daži citi ekranizācijas problēmas aspekti – romāna filosofijas pārnese un romāna domas atspoguļojums kinotekstā.This master's thesis is devoted to research of the transformation of literary artistic text of "Master and Margaret" by M. Bulgakov into cinematic context on the basis of the novel's screen version by B. Bortko. The author of the research explores the fundamental aspects of transformation of literary text into cinematext within the framework of complex analysis. The research paper consists of two chapters. The first chapter discusses the questions of screen adaptation and issues of text transformation from one art form to another. The second chapter presents the empirical analysis carried out on the basis of the goal and set objectives, determining the specificity of literary text adaptation to the cinematic language. The research can be used in further development of cinematology, film criticism, literary criticism and their teaching