149 research outputs found

    Nonparametric detection of signals causing arbitrary changes in the accompanying noise backgrounds

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    The detection of signals in the presence of noise is an important problem in the field of communications. The detection problem is concerned with the design of systems which determine only the presence or absence of a signal which occurs with background noise. An example of considerable importance, which is encountered quite frequently in practice, is the radar detection problem. In the radar problem it is desired to determine the presence of a target by detecting the presence of a radar return signal in noise. Another example is the seismic exploration problem which utilizes the detection of reflected signals from different depths of rock formations. In the past, most of the work in signal detection (1)-(5) has been limited to situations in which the signals were assumed to be of known deterministic form and the noise was assumed to be of known statistical form. This type of detection, which deals with signals and noise of known form, will be denoted as parametric detection (2). In some detection problems the information required by the detectors may be available. However, in other situations there may be much less information; for example, the statistical form of the noise may be unknown. In such cases, the parametric detectors become inappropriate. Thus, there is a need for a theory of detection systems which require much less a priori information than the parametric detectors. This detector, when the signal and noise are not completely known is called a nonparametric detector (2). The nonparametric detector originates from nonparametric statistical methods which are well covered in the literature (15)-(48). These nonparametric statistical methods (nonparametric detectors) have previously been applied to the problem of signal detection (6)-(14), but not nearly as extensively as the parametric detectors. These nonparametric detectors however, have been limited to the detection of signals which only change the dc level of the noise distribution when the signals are added to the noise. In this paper, nonparametric detectors will be considered, which not only will detect one specific class of signals, for example, signals which change the dc level of the noise distribution, but in general will detect signals which change the noise distribution in any respect. The signals will be assumed to be of the familiar additive variety (60). Using the goodness criterion of Asymptotic Relative Efficiency (A.R.E.) (9, 10, 14, 20), these nonparametric detectors are compared to the corresponding optimum parametric detectors, which are optimum in gaussian noise and gaussian signal plus noise. The A.R.E. of one detector with respect to another is an indication of how many more sample points on the observation interval one detector requires than the other to detect a weak signal with the same error levels. For a given noise distribution and a given signal plus noise distribution, the optimum detector is defined as that detector which requires the least number of sample points to achieve the desired accuracy. After the theory of these nonparametric detectors is developed, a nonparametric detector is used for the detection of a Frequency Modulated (FM) signal (49)-(59) in the presence of background noise under conditions of low(\u3c1) and extremely low (\u3c\u3c1) signal to noise ratios. Since many FM detection problems restrict attention to messages which are assumed to be expressed in a binary coded form (Binary Frequency Shift Keyed) or in r-ary coded form (Multiple Frequency Shift Keyed) (49)-(59), attention will be limited to FM signals of this form --Introduction, pages 1-3


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    Market-based environmental policies have been forwarded as alternatives to current pollution control policies. Implementation of the "polluter pays" principle and governmental enforcement of pollution clean-up have led to astronomical environmental liabilities and clean-up costs, which may threaten the survival of many productive ventures, unless producers can spread pollution risk through insurance. An emission constrained target MOTAD LP (TMLP) model showed that pollution insurance for irrigation farmers can be a feasible and efficient solution to agricultural salinization problems in the Loskop Valley, and fairly low salinity standards with pollution insurance will still be reconcilable with profitable farming. Pollution insurance appears to hold promise for applying the "polluter pays" principles also to non-point pollution. Site specific studies are needed for pollution policy, and more research is needed on pollution standards.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Gap Analysis Towards Service Quality in PT Djasa Sumatera

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    Abstract. Freight forwarder industry has grown along with Indonesian’s needs to distribute products. In order to sustain in the industry, PT Djasa Sumatera has to evaluate its service so that they can improve it. The purpose of the research is to calculate the customer gap of PT. Djasa Sumatera through examination of the service quality dimensions. This study also intends to examine the customer gap and the impact of service quality dimensions toward the degree of customer satisfaction for PT. Djasa Sumatera. This study used quantitative approach by distributing a survey to 50 respondents of the PT Djasa Sumatera’s consumer in the first quarter of 2016. The respondents are the person who directly involved with PT Djasa Sumatera. The author adopted service quality dimensions for Business-to-Business to measure reliability, competence, consultative selling, credibility, price, responsiveness, geographical presence and tangibles as the dimension (Westbrook and Peterson, 1998). This study asses the customer expectation and customer perception to calculate the gap score. Findings show that there are gaps for all service dimensions is negative. [IF1] It means that the delivery service that has been provided by PT Djasa Sumatera is not in accordance to costumer’s expectation. The widest gap is credibility, also responsiveness dimensions has the highest expectation than the others. This means PT Djasa Sumatera could focus on these two dimensions to close the gap score. In the chapter five, the author made a recommendation for service improvement that can be pursued by PT Djasa SumateraKeywords : Service Quality, Business-to-Business, Freight Forwarde

    Gap Analysis Towards Service Quality in PT Djasa Sumatera

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    Abstract. Freight forwarder industry has grown along with Indonesian’s needs to distribute products. In order to sustain in the industry, PT Djasa Sumatera has to evaluate its service so that they can improve it. The purpose of the research is to calculate the customer gap of PT. Djasa Sumatera through examination of the service quality dimensions. This study also intends to examine the customer gap and the impact of service quality dimensions toward the degree of customer satisfaction for PT. Djasa Sumatera. This study used quantitative approach by distributing a survey to 50 respondents of the PT Djasa Sumatera’s consumer in the first quarter of 2016. The respondents are the person who directly involved with PT Djasa Sumatera. The author adopted service quality dimensions for Business-to-Business to measure reliability, competence, consultative selling, credibility, price, responsiveness, geographical presence and tangibles as the dimension (Westbrook and Peterson, 1998). This study asses the customer expectation and customer perception to calculate the gap score. Findings show that there are gaps for all service dimensions is negative. [IF1] It means that the delivery service that has been provided by PT Djasa Sumatera is not in accordance to costumer’s expectation. The widest gap is credibility, also responsiveness dimensions has the highest expectation than the others. This means PT Djasa Sumatera could focus on these two dimensions to close the gap score. In the chapter five, the author made a recommendation for service improvement that can be pursued by PT Djasa SumateraKeywords : Service Quality, Business-to-Business, Freight Forwarde

    Influence of ICT integration on content preparation by ICT and Non-ICT trained teachers in secondary schools in Machakos County, Kenya

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    The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning has become a necessity and an opportunity for improving and enhancing acquisition of knowledge by learners. The integration of ICT in teachers’ pedagogical practices has the potential to transform the teaching and learning process. ICTs have become vital tools for teachers to enhance learning through the teachers’ pedagogical aspect of content preparation in classroom. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of ICT integration on content preparation by ICT and Non-ICT trained teachers in secondary schools. The study’s specific objectives were to assess the status of teachers’ integration of ICT in content preparation and to establish the influence of ICT integration on content preparation by ICT and Non-ICT trained teachers in secondary schools. The hypothesis of the study was; ICT integration does not significantly influence content preparation by ICT and Non-ICT trained teachers in secondary schools in Machakos County, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The sample size comprised of 180 principals, 360 teachers and 398 students. Data was collected using questionnaires, observation schedule, and document analysis. Content validity of the research instruments was ascertained through analysis by experts in comparative education and piloting of the research instruments. Reliability was ascertained by testing and re-testing the instruments. Data analysis was done by use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Responses from the observation schedule and document analysis guide were organized into themes and integrated with rest of the data for purposes of triangulation. Pearson’s Product Moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the level and strength of the relationship between ICT integration and teachers’ content preparation. Pearson chi test was employed to determine the levels of significance between the variables. The study established that ICT trained teachers profoundly embraced the use of ICT skills to prepare e-based learning activities which enhanced their content preparation leading to more innovative lessons due to the acquisition of pedagogical ICT training. The study concluded that ICT integration significantly influenced teachers’ content preparation by ICT and Non-ICT trained teachers. ICT trained teachers’ integration of ICT in their content preparation was significantly higher at (p) 0.002 than their Non-ICT trained counterparts at (p) 0.045. It was concluded that ICT trained teachers integrated ICT in their content preparation more than Non-ICT trained teachers in secondary schools. Hence the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on the findings and conclusions the study recommended that, The Ministry of Education (MOE) and other ICT training agencies should provide ICT in-service training programs to ensure that all teachers acquire ICT skills to utilize ICT in content preparation for quality education

    Learning Achievement: Illusions of Teacher-Centered Approaches in Primary Schools in Kenya

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    This paper interrogated learning achievement in primary schools in Kenya. The study critically appraised the Illusion of teacher-centered approaches in primary schools in Kenya. The study explored factors underlying the application of teacher-centered approaches and their effects on learning achievement among primary school pupils in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study further examined the assumptions underlying teacher centered pedagogical methods as well as the negative influences of teacher-centered approaches in Kenyan schools. Teacher-centered approaches don't address acquisition of practical skills, values, and attitudes in learners. The approaches merely concentrate on rote learning. The procedures pivot on the role of the teacher during the teaching and learning process. The world as global village, recognize primary education as the economic pillar of all countries worldwide. The United Nations (UN) also acknowledged the role played by education in economic development and promotion of peace development. Subsequently, the UN general assembly endorsed education as a fundamental human right in 1948. The purpose of the study is to interrogate the illusions of centered approaches in primary schools. The paper examined the influence of strained resources in the application of teacher-centered approaches. The article further assessed the role played by examinations oriented model in use of teacher-centered approaches in schools. Teacher competencies play crucial role in decided the type of approach to be applied when teaching. Appropriate procedures which are learner-centered enhance achievement of skills during the learning process. However, inappropriate methods which are teacher-centered affect knowledge retention negatively and lead to rote learning. The study was guided by transactional analysis theory as advanced Eric Berne in 1950 and the social learning theory as advanced by Albert Bandura in 1977. The qualitative property to be acquired is the learning achievement which is actualized through appropriate teaching approaches. Inputs which lead to learning achievement of learners are the independent variables of this study. The outputs culminate in outcomes of relevant teaching approaches which are learner-oriented approaches. Particular attention was given to the crises in inputs and processes that affect the production of learning achievement. These crises are reflected in oriented exam procedures, strained resources, teacher and teacher proficiency in the influence of relevant teaching approach. The study, therefore, focused on teaching approaches practiced by teachers in primary schools. The study adopted mixed methods of investigation. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research were used. The descriptive survey design was therefore selected. The target population of 11000 in Kakamega County, Kenya. The target population comprised of head teachers, and teachers. Purposive and simple random sampling was adopted to obtain the desired sample size of 384 respondents. It conformed to 1.96 level of confident. Using the descriptive survey design, data was collected using three sets of questionnaires. The reliability was estimated through use of Cranach's Alpha Coefficient using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Findings of the study revealed that teacher-centered approaches negatively affect pupils' learning achievement. It was therefore anticipated that this study would be significant as findings of the study may help in the formulation of education policies and legal framework which are geared towards curbing inequalities leading to usage the relevant teaching approaches in primary schools. The policy implementers would also understand and appreciate education policies within which they are supposed to operate in providing effective leadership and management practices in the realization of learning achievement amongst learners. The study is also significant to the field of comparative and International education as it provides data on the relevant approaches that influence learning achievement amongst learners. The study suggested moderate pressure to excel in school, as this can stifle a student's imagination, creativity and ultimate success the learning process. Inefficiency has infiltrated primary schools due to teacher-centered approaches. It was therefore recommended that the government should come up with a clear policy on pedagogical in-service courses. Keywords: Convectional, Learning achievement, Resources, and teachers' competencie

    STORWATTS: Compressed air energy storage system

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    The current problem with energy backup and grid stabilization systems is that both either require fuel and constant maintenance, such as diesel generators, or cannot perform at their peak operation and need constant replacement, like batteries. Our solution and the goal of the StorWatts senior design project was to design and create a small-scale compressed air energy storage system to be used in place of traditional energy backup and grid stabilization systems. The StorWatts system does not need fuel in order to store and generate power and therefore does not require constant refueling and maintenance. It also can work in most any climate, not needing environmental control like its battery counterparts. This allows for a standalone system that can perform reliably for years at a time. This StorWatts CAES system will convert electrical energy into mechanical energy by compressing air into a set of air storage tanks. When power is needed, the air will be released from the storage tanks through an expander. The expander, connected to a DC generator, will convert the stored energy into usable electric power. The StorWatts team, with a generous donation from the Biederer family, repurposed an old Briggs and Stratton four stroke gas engine into an air expander. The existing cylinder head was removed and redesigned to allow room for a thermocouple, a pressure transducer, a 500 psi safety release valve and two fast acting solenoids, one for inlet air and one for outlet exhaust air. The solenoids were controlled by an arduino with set open and close times. However, due to safety concerns and time restrictions, we unable to test the system above 70 psi. This created problems as the arduino was set for an inlet pressure of 500 psi. The engine was unable to turn over at 70 psi and no running information was obtained


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    This paper provides a critical appraisal of influence of teachers’ characteristics on learning achievement in primary schools in Kenya. The main objective of the study is to analyze the influence of teachers’ characteristics on quality education in primary schools. The paper examined the role played by pedagogy in influencing learning achievement. The paper also assessed the role played staff development in promotion of quality primary education. The paper further investigated the influence of class size in promotion of quality primary education. .Particular attention is given to the crises in inputs and processes that affect the output of quality primary education. This study uses the systems theory. Systems theory was advanced by Ludwig von Bertalnffy (1968). He emphasized that systems are open and interact with their environments to acquire qualitatively properties. Systems theory focuses on the arrangement of relations between the parts which connect them into a whole. It further provides an analysis of an organization. It recognized the influence of personnel in an environment on organizational structure and function. It focuses on environment and how changes can impact on the organizations. The study analyzed challenges that arise due to upsurge of enrolment in primary schools and how they affect quality education in primary schools in Kenya. Particular attention is given to the crises in inputs and processes that affect the output of quality primary education. These crises are reflected in class size, teacher establishment and physical resources that influence quality education. The paper adopted document analysis method. This is drawn from international and local legal instruments on quantitative and qualitative education. Local analysis of the basic education policies and the legal framework in Kenya was conducted. Studies conducted in Kenya on quantity and quality primary education was examined. The study further adopted mixed method approach. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research were used. Descriptive survey design was used to collect data from one set of questionnaires. The target population comprised of head teachers and teachers in primary schools. Using the sampling guide developed by Krejcie and Morgan (1970), a sample size of 36 head teachers and 144 teachers was selected. The total sample size for the study was 180. This conformed to the confidence Interval of 0.05, confidence level of 95 percent which is a Z-score of 1.96 and standard of deviation of 0.5. The reliability was estimated through use of Cranach's Alpha Coefficient using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. Findings of the study are significant to Kenya in particular and sub Saharan Africa in general, as they would assist to redress challenges of quality education arising from learners characteristics. The findings might help the policy formulators formulate education policies and the legal framework which are skewed towards teachers’ characteristics. The policy implementers would understand and appreciate education policies within which they are supposed to operate in providing effective pedagogical and teacher development practices in the implementation of quality education at primary level. The study is significant to the field of comparative and International education, since it provides data on what the Kenyan government is doing in promoting the development of quantitative and qualitative primary education. The entire education stakeholders would understand how to redress quality issues which arise due to teachers’ characteristics. This study is significant to the field of comparative and International education, since it provides data on how teachers’ characteristics influence quality education in primary schools in Kenya
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