944 research outputs found

    Admission predictors for success in a mathematics graduate program

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    There are many factors that can influence the outcome for students in a mathematics PhD program: bachelor's GPA (BGPA), bachelor's major, GRE scores, gender, Under-Represented Minority (URM) status, institution tier, etc. Are these variables equally important predictors of a student's likelihood of succeeding in a math PhD program? In this paper, we present and analyze admission data of students from different groups entering a math PhD program at a southern California university. We observe that some factors correlate with success in the PhD program (defined as obtaining a PhD degree within a time-limit). According to our analysis, GRE scores correlate with success, but interestingly, the verbal part of the GRE score has a higher predictive power compared to the quantitative part. Further, we observe that undergraduate student GPA does not correlate with success (there is even a slight negative slope in the relationship between GPA and the probability of success). This counterintuitive observation is explained once undergraduate institutions are separated by tiers: students from "higher tiers" have undergone a more rigorous training program; they on average have a slightly lower GPA but run a slightly higher probability to succeed. Finally, a gender gap is observed in the probability to succeed with female students having a lower probability to finish with a PhD despite the same undergraduate performance, compared to males. This gap is reversed if we only consider foreign graduate students. It is our hope that this study will encourage other universities to perform similar analyses, in order to design better admission and retention strategies for Math PhD programs.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 4 table


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    The article examines the current state and problems of international logistic, identifies the features of document circulation (paper and electronic) in the process of promoting commodity-material and related flows, and formulates approaches to the creation of an integration information platform in Russia


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    The article examines the current state and problems of international logistic, identifies the features of document circulation (paper and electronic) in the process of promoting commodity-material and related flows, and formulates approaches to the creation of an integration information platform in Russia

    Разработка механизма формирования дополнительных возможностей сетевой проектной группы как основы конкурентных преимуществ ИТ-компании

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    The article shows the relevance of creating network project teams to improve the efficiency of project management. The purpose and objectives of the study is to create a mechanism for the formation of additional capabilities of network design teams to improve competitive advantages. The paper presents the results of experiments conducted by Jonathan Cummings and Carol Pletcher on the observations of several successful and unsuccessful design structures in the conditions of creating new products, communicating with customers and working on increasing operational performance. The results of the experiment revealed the advantages and disadvantages of network design structures and formed the requirements for an ideal project management system. The results of the experiments determined the additional capabilities of network design teams that form the competitive advantages of IT companies. These capabilities are presented as an external and internal resource of the network project team. The article develops a scheme of response of network structure to external influences. This scheme will further determine the competitive advantages of network design structures by creating new competencies. The response of the conventional and network project team to the need for new competencies is also reflected in the present work. The mechanism of compensation of the revealed shortcomings and formation of additional opportunities of network design structures is presented. A schematic diagram of the cause-and-effect relationships of processes and subsystems that make up the mechanism of increasing competitiveness through the use of a network approach.En este artículo se muestra la importancia de crear equipos de diseño de red para mejorar la gestión de proyectos. Se ha identificado el objetivo y la tarea del estudio de crear un mecanismo para la creación de nuevas capacidades de los equipos de proyectos en red para aumentar las ventajas competitivas. Se presentan los resultados de los experimentos realizados por Jonathan Cummings y Carol Fletcher tras observar el trabajo de varias estructuras de diseño exitosas y fallidas en el contexto de la creación de nuevos productos, la comunicación con los clientes y el trabajo para aumentar los indicadores operativos. Los resultados del experimento revelaron las ventajas y desventajas de las estructuras de diseño de red y permitieron formar los requisitos para un sistema de gestión de proyectos ideal. Los resultados de los experimentos determinan las capacidades adicionales de los equipos de diseño de red, que forman las ventajas competitivas de las empresas de TI. Estas características se presentan como un recurso externo e interno del equipo de diseño de red. Se ha desarrollado un esquema de respuesta de la estructura de red a los impactos externos. Este esquema en el futuro hará posible determinar las ventajas competitivas de las estructuras de diseño de red mediante la creación de nuevas competencias. La respuesta de los equipos de proyectos convencionales y de red a la necesidad de nuevas competencias también se refleja en este artículo. Asimismo, se proporciona un mecanismo para compensar las deficiencias detectadas y crear más capacidad para las estructuras de diseño de red. Se ha elaborado un marco de referencia para los vínculos causales entre los procesos y los subsistemas que constituyen un mecanismo para aumentar la competitividad mediante un enfoque basado en la red.Este artigo mostra a importância de criar equipes de design de rede para melhorar o gerenciamento de projetos. O objetivo e a tarefa do estudo foram identificados para criar um mecanismo para a criação de novas capacidades das equipes de projeto de rede para aumentar as vantagens competitivas. Os resultados dos experimentos realizados por Jonathan Cummings e Carol Fletcher são apresentados após observar o trabalho de várias estruturas de design bem-sucedidas e malsucedidas no contexto de criação de novos produtos, comunicação com os clientes e trabalho para aumentar os indicadores operacionais. Os resultados do experimento revelaram as vantagens e desvantagens das estruturas de projeto de rede e permitiram formar os requisitos para um sistema ideal de gerenciamento de projetos. Os resultados dos experimentos determinam as capacidades adicionais das equipes de design de rede, que formam as vantagens competitivas das empresas de TI. Essas características são apresentadas como um recurso externo e interno da equipe de design de rede. Um esquema de resposta da estrutura da rede aos impactos externos foi desenvolvido. Este esquema permitirá, no futuro, determinar as vantagens competitivas das estruturas de projeto de rede, criando novas competências. A resposta das equipes de projetos convencionais e de rede à necessidade de novas competências também é refletida neste artigo. Além disso, é fornecido um mecanismo para compensar as deficiências detectadas e criar mais capacidade para as estruturas de projeto de rede. Uma estrutura de referência para os elos causais entre processos e subsistemas que constituem um mecanismo para aumentar a competitividade por meio de uma abordagem baseada em rede foi desenvolvida.В статье показана актуальность создания сетевых проектных групп для повышения эффективности управления проектами. Выявлена цель и задачи исследования по созданию механизма формирования дополнительных возможностей сетевых проектных групп по повышению конкурентных преимуществ. Представлены результаты экспериментов, проведенных Джонатаном Каммингсом и Кэролом Плетчером по наблюдениям за работой нескольких успешных и неуспешных проектных структур в условиях создании новых продуктов, коммуникации с клиентами и при работе над увеличением показателей оперативной деятельности. По результатам эксперимента выявлены достоинства и недостатки сетевых проектных структур и сформированы требования к идеальной системе управления проектом. По результатам экспериментов определены дополнительные возможности сетевых проектных групп, формирующие конкурентные преимущества ИТ - компаний. Данные возможности представлены в виде внешнего и внутреннего ресурса сетевой проектной группы. Разработана схема реагирования сетевой структуры на внешние воздействия. Данная схема в дальнейшем и будет определять конкурентные преимущества сетевых проектных структур путем создания новых компетенциях. Схема реагирования обычной и сетевой проектной группы на необходимость в новых компетенциях также отражена в работе. Представлен механизм компенсации выявленных недостатков и формирования дополнительных возможностей сетевых проектных структур. Разработана принципиальная схема причинно-следственных связей процессов и подсистем, составляющих механизма повышения конкурентоспособности за счет использования сетевого подхода

    Разработка системы мотивации и поддержания успешности внутренних и внешних взаимодействий сетевой проектной группы

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    This article shows the relevance of creating external and internal interactions to improve the efficiency of network project groups. It has been identified the development goal of the motivation system and supporting the success of the internal and external interactions of the network project group. The causes of conflict situations at the different group life cycle stages have been defined. There have been considered the situations of the personal qualities influence of employees on the interaction quality within the group and on the result of its effective work to improve the company competitiveness. There have been considered the situations of personal employees’ qualities influence on the interaction quality within the group and on the result of its effective work to improve the company competitiveness. It has been proposed the anticipatory and corrective actions taken system to remedy deficiencies taking into account the peculiarities of the different group life cycle stages. The main shortcomings of the network project group work have been shown, which are difficult to eliminate, since they are closely related to positive qualities. The proactive measures system has been proposed, the adoption of which must be prepared before the project start or in the early of its life cycle stages. It also has been presented the measures taken in the process of the group's functioning on the situation of problems reducing the success of the internal and external interactions. The involvement problems in the employees’ group and their enthusiasm to projects have been considered. The participants groups have been selected according to their involvement degree in project activities. The scheme has been developed for motivating and maintaining the success of internal and external interactions of the network project group.Este artículo muestra la relevancia de crear interacciones externas e internas para mejorar la eficiencia de los equipos de proyectos de red. En el documento se identifica el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de motivación y mantener el éxito de las interacciones internas y externas. Asimismo, se determinan las causas de las situaciones de conflicto en diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del grupo. Por otro lado, se consideran las situaciones de influencia de las cualidades personales de los empleados en la calidad de la interacción dentro del grupo y en el resultado de su trabajo efectivo para mejorar la competitividad de la empresa. En el presente trabajo se ha propuesto un sistema de acciones proactivas y correctivas tomadas para corregir las deficiencias teniendo en cuenta las características de las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del grupo. Se muestran los principales inconvenientes del grupo de proyectos de red, que son difíciles de eliminar (1-3), porque están estrechamente relacionados con las cualidades positivas. A su vez, se propone un sistema de medidas proactivas, cuya adopción debe prepararse antes del inicio del proyecto o en las primeras etapas de su ciclo de vida. El documento también presenta las medidas tomadas en el curso del funcionamiento del grupo en caso de problemas de reducción del éxito de las interacciones. Asimismo, se toman en consideración los problemas de participación en el grupo de empleados y su entusiasmo por los proyectos, se resaltan los grupos de participantes según el grado de su participación en las actividades del proyecto y se desarrolla un esquema para motivar y mantener el éxito de las interacciones internas y externas del equipo de proyecto de la red.Este artigo mostra a relevância de criar interações externas e internas para melhorar a eficiência das equipes de projeto de rede. O documento identifica o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema de motivação e manter o sucesso das interações internas e externas. Além disso, as causas das situações de conflito são determinadas em diferentes fases do ciclo de vida do grupo. Por outro lado, são consideradas as situações de influência das qualidades pessoais dos empregados na qualidade da interação dentro do grupo e no resultado de seu efetivo trabalho para melhorar a competitividade da empresa. No presente trabalho, um sistema de ações proativas e corretivas tomadas para corrigir as deficiências foi proposto levando-se em consideração as características das diferentes etapas do ciclo de vida do grupo. As principais desvantagens do grupo de projetos de rede são mostradas, que são difíceis de eliminar (1-3), porque estão intimamente relacionadas às qualidades positivas. Ao mesmo tempo, é proposto um sistema de medidas pró-ativas, cuja adoção deve ser preparada antes do início do projeto ou nos primeiros estágios de seu ciclo de vida. O documento também apresenta as medidas tomadas no decorrer da operação do grupo em caso de problemas de redução do sucesso das interações. Da mesma forma, os problemas de participação no grupo de funcionários e seu entusiasmo pelos projetos são levados em consideração, os grupos de participantes são destacados de acordo com o grau de participação nas atividades do projeto e um esquema é desenvolvido para motivar e manter o sucesso. das interações internas e externas da equipe de projeto da rede.В статье показана актуальность создания внешних и внутренних взаимодействий для повышения эффективности работы сетевых проектных групп. Выявлена цель разработки системы мотивации и поддержания успешности внутренних и внешних взаимодействий сетевой проектной группы. Определены причины возникновения конфликтных ситуаций на разных этапах жизненного цикла группы. Рассмотрены ситуации влияния личных качеств сотрудников на качество взаимодействия внутри группы и на результат её эффективной работы по повышению конкурентоспособности компании. Предложена система упреждающих и принимаемых по ситуации мероприятий по устранению недостатков с учетом особенностей разных этапов жизненного цикла группы. Показаны основные недостатки работы сетевой проектной группы, которые трудно устранить, т.к. они тесно связаны с положительными качествами. Предложена система мер упреждающего характера, принятие которых необходимо подготовить до старта проекта или на первых этапах его жизненного цикла. Также представлены меры, принимаемые в процессе функционирования группы по ситуации возникновения проблем снижения успешности внутренних и внешних взаимодействий. Рассмотрены проблемы вовлеченности в группу сотрудников и их увлеченностью проектами. Выделены группы участников по степени их вовлеченности в проектную деятельность. Разработана схема мотивации и поддержания успешности внутренних и внешних взаимодействий сетевой проектной группы

    Interdisciplinary study of the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia (1970–2022)*

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    Publisher Copyright: © V. Menshikov, J. Kudins, A. Kokarevica, V. Komarova, E. Cizo, 2023.The article aims at identifying the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia. The main research question is whether it is possible in the near future to increase fertility in Latvia, as planned in the “Strategy for the Reproduction of the Nation FAMILY — LATVIA — 2030 (2050)”. The authors conducted the mathematical analysis of fertility in Latvia for the medium-term period of 1970–2022 (53 years), which includes two decades of the so-called “Soviet era” and the period of independence after the collapse of the USSR. The study is based on the available data of the official Latvian statistics on the total fertility rate. The novelty of this interdisciplinary — demographic, economic and sociological — study is determined by the use of mathematical analysis to identify demographic trends, which is not typical for the publications of Latvian and foreign researchers. The study is also based on the theory of economic cycles to identify demographic fertility cycles and their phases in Latvia and to predict fertility rates in Latvia for the near future. Furthermore, the analysis of the sociological surveys data allowed to understand the main reason for the steady — in the medium-term perspective — linear decline in fertility in Latvia. This reason is value changes in the society, in which children are no longer at the center of the life value system of men and especially women in Latvia, i.e., are no longer considered necessary for the realization of their life goals and ambitions. Based on the results of the mathematical analysis of the medium-term fertility trend in Latvia, the authors believe that the decline in fertility in Latvia will continue for several more years before the bottom of the next demographic fertility cycle will be reached (and this bottom will be lower than the previous one, i.e., below 1.22 –1.25), and there will be an upturn in a linearly declining fertility trend. However, even this expected rise will not reach the previous peak; the next peak is likely to be below 1.74. Thus, the desired and even expected by the creators of the “Strategy for the Reproduction of the Nation” increase in fertility in Latvia to the level of 1.77 by 2027 is considered by the authors unattainable.Peer reviewe

    Management of socio-economic components of branding in the company

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    The article is devoted to defining of an essence of brand as the single whole integrity of socioeconomic promises to a consumer. In this connection the analysis of notion 'branding' is made. The authors give their own interpretation of branding as strategic process. The relationship between brand and consumer is revealed which is built in inter-influence from both sides. It is emphasized that the more stronger this relationship is the more stronger the brand will be. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Mathematical statistics functionally object model for monitoring and control

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    The paper chain is seen as a complex system that is subject to management. The complexity of the process of monitoring and control is caused mainly complicated objects. To describe the operation of the facility built its functional and static mathematical model that completely describes the state of the object. The functional and statistical models to determine the probabilistic characteristics of information and communication network as object management. The model allows direct determination of the probability of the phase-out of the facility