56 research outputs found

    Pengaruh E-Service Quality dan E-Recovery Service Quality terhadap E-Satisifaction Serta Implikasinya pada E-Loyalty Pelanggan Maskapai Penerbangan Air Asia

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    The research objective is to be achieved (1) To determine the relationship E-service quality, E-recovery service quality customer Airlines Air Asia and (2) To determine the effect of E-service quality, E-recovery service quality of the customer E-Satisfaction Customer Airlines Air Asia and its impact on customer E-Loyalty. The study population is customer Air Aviation Services Asia which are members of the backpacker communitys and the study sample was taken as many as 349 people. This sample was taken by random sampling. Data processing technique using path analysis. The results showed that in fact the electronic-based services after the transaction should be further improved. Therefore it is proven that the electronic-based services in theory and research results proved able to satisfy customers who eventually become loyal customers, however there are still some elements of the service that should be improved by the company. Keywords: e-service quality; e-recovery; e-satisfaction; e-loyalit

    Analisa Kegagalan Blade Baris Terakhir Pada Rotor Turbine Uap Tipe Condensing

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    Blades dari turbin uap merupakan komponen penting dalam pembangkit listrik. Analisa kegagalan blade turbin bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kehandalan sistem turbin secara umum. Kegagalan blade baris terakhir tekanan rendah yang terjadi pada turbine uap type condensing diawali dengan naiknya vibrasi secara mendadak pada area belakang dari 5μm menjadi 51μm. Analisa dan pengujian yang dilakukan adalah analisa steam purity, pengujian mechanical stress dan pengujian metallurgy (analisa material, fractography dan microstructure). Dari hasil analisa steam purity didapat bahwa kandungan silica/ SiO2 yang diambil dari beberapa titik pengambilan sample ditemukan melebihi dari batas maximum yang diperbolehkan sesuai dengan standard VGB (Vereinigung der Großkesselbesitzer)/ Asosiasi pengguna boiler ukuran besar di German; yaitu < 0.02 mg/l. Penuaan material ditemukan dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan melalui analisa metallurgy microstructure

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Lingkungan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kota Bandung

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    This research was conducted at the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) in Bandung. The results of preliminary studies indicate that the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Hospital Bandung is not optimal. Not optimal performance Civil Servants (PNS), presumably because the compensation is not timely and still not meet the expectations of employees, is still a relatively low employee motivation and job satisfaction of employees is low. Departing from the above phenomena problem formulated in this study as follows: How compensation, how the work motivation, job satisfaction and how how employee performance. How much influence compensation, employee motivation, job satisfaction on the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Bandung either individually or simultaneously. The method used is the descriptive and verification method, the number of respondents 183 people. The data analysis technique used is the correlation technique to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between the study variables and path analysis techniques to determine the effect, directly or indirectly, the independent variable on the dependent variable. In the operationalization used SPSS 17.0. and 8:30 LISREL program. The results showed that compensation is in the category is not appropriate, work motivation is at a low category, job satisfaction is at a low category and performance are the unfavorable category. The direct effect of compensation on the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Environment Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Bandung at 15.26%, the indirect influence through the motivation of 7.04% and an indirect effect through the satisfaction of 5.26%, so that the total effect of 27.56%. Direct influence on the performance of work motivation of 9.12%, the indirect effect through compensation of 7.04% and an indirect effect through job satisfaction of 3.00%, so that the total effect of 19.16%. The direct effect of job satisfaction on the performance of 13.31% and an indirect effect through compensation of 5.26% and an indirect effect through the work motivation of 3.00%, so that the total effect of 21.57%. Keywords: compensation; motivation; job satisfaction; performanc

    Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Pemerintahan Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung

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    . The district government in today\u27s globalization era must have effective competence and management. Service is one of choice of marketing strategy to create consumer satisfaction. Katapang is one of the bonded industrial areas in South Bandung. The number of residents in Kecamatan Katapang is 117,113 people consisting of the male population as many as 60,430 people and female population as much 56,683 people (BPS of Bandung Regency, 2013). The research approach used is quantitative with data collection technique is done by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. Discussion of data using a Cartesian diagram. The results of the discussion show that the overall importance level of 3.795 while the overall performance given of 2.73, means that service performance is still below the standard of basic services and not basic services to the population

    Hubungan Antara Motivasi Berkompetisi Dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik Pada Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga

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    Credit Semester System give opportunity for students to finish their study faster than usual. For finish all of task greatly, the students should manage times really good to do not academic procrastination. Which one factor that influence academic procrastination is motivation. The purpose of this research is to know the relation between competing motivation with academic procrastination in students of 1 Senior High School Salatiga City which had using Credit Semester System, and how much competing motivation give effective contribution to academic procrastination. Population research is students of 1 Senior High School Salatiga who had use Credit Semester System as long as their study, numbered 451 in 17 classroom. The sampling technique is done by cluster random sampling. Collecting data on this research is using academic procrastination scale (29 item α = 0,917) and competing motivation (29 item α = 0,889). Data analysis performed by simple regression analysis, Based on analysis of data obtained is the correlation coefficient value (rxy) -0,657 with p = (


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di PT Trisna Naga Asih. Faktor promosi yang efektif dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen, yang dapat berdampak pada kinerja penjualan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan populasi konsumen PT Trisna Naga Asih yang berjumlah 115 orang, untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner kepada 53 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Kuesioner berisi pernyataan-pernyataan terkait promosi seperti iklan, promosi penjualan, promosi langsung, dan promosi online. Selain itu, kuesioner juga mencakup pernyataan tentang keputusan pembelian produk yang meliputi preferensi merek, harga, dan kualitas produk. Hasil analisis data menggunakan metode regresi linear sederhana yang menunjukkan bahwa promosi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian di PT Trisna Naga Asih, dibuktikan dengan hasil pengolahan data yang menunjukan hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,791 atau 79,1% dan sisanya 20,9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci : Promosi, Keputusan Pembelian, Strategi Pemasaran, Konsumen. &nbsp; Abstract This research aims to determine the Influence of Promotion on Purchase Decisions at PT Trisna Naga Asih. Effective promotional factors can influence consumer purchasing decisions, which can impact the company's sales performance. This research employs a quantitative method with a population of 115 consumers at PT Trisna Naga Asih. Sample selection is done using the Slovin formula, and data collection is carried out through questionnaires distributed to 53 randomly selected respondents. The questionnaire contains statements related to promotions such as advertising, sales promotions, direct promotions, and online promotions. Additionally, the questionnaire also includes statements about product purchase decisions, including brand preferences, price, and product quality. The data analysis results, using a simple linear regression method, demonstrate that promotion significantly influences purchase decisions at PT Trisna Naga Asih. This is confirmed by the data processing results, which show a coefficient of determination of 0.791 or 79.1%, with the remaining 20.9% influenced by other factors. Keywords: Promotion, Purchase Decision, Marketing Strategy, Consumers.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Pengaruh Usability Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Menggunakan Teknik Critical incident (Studi Kasus www.aquajaya.com)

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    Abstrak Perkembangan website yang semakin pesat sangat membantu dalam kemudahan penyampaian dan penerimaan informasi. Salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan website menjadi website jual beli atau online shop. Setiap situs belanja online diharapkan membantu pengunjung laman untuk mencari barang atau informasi apapun yang dibutuhkan oleh pengunjung. Oleh karena itu setiap situs dituntut berkembang dan memperbaiki layanan pada antarmuka pengguna untuk lebih mempermudah akses informasi di dalamnya. Banyaknya pengunjung situs harus di imbangi dengan situs yang handal yang mampu dioperasikan oleh setiap pengunjung tanpa ada batasan pengguna. Agar kualitas situs tetap terjaga situs harus dilakukan evaluasi salah satunya adalah usability evaluation. Penulis menggukan metode CIT (critical incident Technique) untuk mengevaluasi situs www.aquajaya.com dikarenakan situs www.aquajaya.com masih dalam tahap pengembangan dan membutuhkan laporan kejadian saat website digunakan. Data diolah dengan menggunkan aplikasi SmartPLS 3.0 maka dapat memberikan beberapa rekomendasi kepada pemilik sebagai pengelola atau pengembang situs untuk meningkatkan kinerja situsnya. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi diperoleh bahwa usability tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Kata Kunci: usability, Usability Evaluation, Critical incident Technique (CIT), Online Shop, PLS

    Analisis Pengaruh Struktur Modal terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan

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    At this time, business growth requires proper companys financial strategy, especially by managing the capitalstructure to meet funding need of business operations. This research describes the impact of capital structure onfinancial performance of finance company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years 2009-2013. The dependent variable in this study is financial performance composed of return on assets ratio (ROA),return on equity ratio (ROE) and price-to-earnings ratio (PER).While the independent variable in the form ofcapital structure is the ratio of debt to total assets (DAR) and the ratio of debt to total equity (DER). The resultof panel data regression analysis showed that the capital structure has negative significant effect on financialperformance of ROA and ROE, but has positive significant effect on PER. Based on these results, the financecompanies should apply the precautionary principle in managing capital resources coming from debt financing,because the increased component of excessive debt in the capital structure of the company could lead to anincrease in the financial burden that affects the reduction in companys profit

    Analisis Investasi Penyediaan Air Baku untuk Pdam Tirta Dharma Duri (Intake Air Baku Sungai Rokan)

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    PDAM Tirta Dharma Duri is the only service provider of clean water Bengkalis thorn branch with sub-district service area Saber And District of Uptown. The PDAM Tirta Dharma spinesreceive water supply from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, with a small amount of clean water crisis that resulted in the service area. Responding to these conditions Bengkalis Governmentis determined to increase the supply of raw water to PDAM Tirta Dharma Thorns by building intake Sekapas River as one of the new raw water supply alternatives so that the water crisis that occurred can be overcome. This study examines the feasibility of the project Development of new raw water supply for PDAM Tirta Dharma Duris with intake Sekapas River. Investment feasibility indicator is the NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and BEP (Break Even Point) as well as a sensitivity analysis. The cost of investment in this study uses data DED (Enginering Details desing) from the consultant planner RP. 203,254,685,215.00 with the results of the feasibility of aninvestment analyst for all parameters indicate the scope for further investment, due to the interest rate that is used by 13% showed the feasibility indicator, namely the value of apositive NPV, BCR values above 1 (one), the IRR is more of 13% (interest investment loans) and BEP less than 21 years