479 research outputs found

    Data Protection

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    What is information? Information is a resource, regardless of its presentation perceived by the person and / or special devices as a reflection of the material world of the facts in communication process (GOST 7.0-99). There are 3 properties of information: integrity, availability and confidentiality

    Comparative analysis of knowledge transfer barriers from headquarters to foreign subsidiaries in a MNC

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    Knowledge transfer between organizational units in international settings helps to build competitive advantage for MNCs. However, knowledge does not flow easily within the organization owing to existence of knowledge transfer impediments. Moreover, knowledge transfer from headquarter to subsidiaries is considered as an important factor for the daughter units’ successful operation. Nevertheless, the previous research presumed that knowledge transfer barriers are identical for all subsidiaries. Therefore, there was two research questions stated in this study. The first one was focused to examine whether knowledge transfer barriers differ in the case of each subsidiary. The second one was dedicated to investigate what factors can affect this difference. Empirical study was conducted through qualitative research method taken place in case study by means of semi-structured personal and phone interviews. There was 12 interviews organized in total: 6 with subsidiary and headquarter managers; and 6 with parent and daughter companies’ employees. The results showed that there are some barriers which will always exist between headquarter and subsidiaries, such as transmission channels, market, cultural and linguistic difference owing to the fact that it is an international transfer. On the other hand, knowledge barriers can vary due to social capital difference between parties and diverse subsidiary characteristics. Study showed that strong personal ties have significant positive effect on efficiency of knowledge transfer, trust building and relationships’ formation. Research showed that such subsidiaries’ specifications as difference in size, age, mode of entry, level of autonomy, and geographical distance determine a variety among knowledge transfer barriers. The results also showed the importance of efficient transmission channels, proper Human Resource Management practices and headquarter role as knowledge transfer facilitator.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Redefining media agendas: topic problematization in online reader comments

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    Media audiences representing a significant portion of the public in any given country may hold opinions on media-generated definitions of social problems which differ from those of media professionals. The proliferation of online reader comments not only makes such opinions available but also alters the process of agenda formation and problem definition in the public space. Based on a dataset of 33,877 news items and 258,121 comments from a sample of regional Russian newspapers we investigate readers' perceptions of social problems. We find that the volume of attention paid to issues or topics by the media and the importance of those issues for audiences, as judged by the number of their comments, diverge. Further, while the prevalence of general negative sentiment in comments accompanies such topics as disasters and accidents that are not perceived as social problems, a high level of sentiment polarization in comments does suggest issue problematization. It is also positively related to topic importance for the audience. Thus, instead of finding fixed social problem definitions in the reader comments, we observe the process of problem formation, where different points of view clash. These perceptions are not necessarily those expressed in media texts since the latter are predominantly “hard” news covering separate events, rather than trends or issues. As our research suggests, problematization emerges from readers’ background knowledge, external experience, or values

    IL-22 Gets to the Stem of Colorectal Cancer

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    Cytokines can provide survival and proliferation signals to cancer cells, thus promoting tumor progression. In this issue of Immunity, Kryczek et al. (2014) reveal that interleukin-22 can also promote “stemness” in human colorectal cancer via transcription factor STAT3-mediated epigenetic regulation of stem cell genes

    Сакральний простір роману м. Матіос «солодка даруся»

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    У статті розкриваються складові просторового виміру роману крізь призму їх сакрального змісту. Аналіз проводиться на основі народних уявлень українців про світобудову й функціональне призначення окремих просторових об’єктів, що переосмислюються авторкою в контексті змалювання соціальної дійсності на західноукраїнських землях у 30–70-х рр. ХХ ст. (The article reveals components of spatial dimensions in the novel through the prism of their sacred filling. The analysis is based on the popular representations of the Ukrainian people conserning the universe and the functionality of some individual spatial objects. The author reinterprets them in the context of describing social reality in the western part of Ukraine in the thirties-seventies of the twentieth century.

    Правове регулювання опіки та піклування за законодавством України

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    Кольцова Я. А. Правове регулювання опіки та піклування за законодавством України / Я. А. Кольцова // Римське право як підґрунтя сучасного права Європи : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 27 травня 2016 р.) / за заг. ред. Є. О. Харитонова ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2016. - С. 189-191