1,216 research outputs found

    Bumblebees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus Latr.) of the thermal spring Pymvashor, north-east of European Russia

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    A bumblebee community was studied at Pymvashor, the only thermal spring in North European Russia. The bumblebee fauna comprised 12 species, which is a large number when compared to other native tundra ecosystems. Most of the species recorded were ubiquitous, 3 were forest species and 2 were typical tundra species. The presence of the ubiquitous and forest species in the bumblebee community appears to be due to the landscape features and the perennial impact of the hot springs, under the influence of which specific extrazonal ecosystems arise that are different from those typical of the tundra zone

    Implementation of party projects as a way to strengthen the image of a public organization

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    The purpose of the article was to identify the attitude of the population toward the Moscow Regional regional branch of the United Russia Party to improve the image of this public organization. Special sociological methods were used, including qualitative analysis of documents, secondary analysis of research results, survey methods. Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that the implementation of party projects is a significant tool for forming the image of political organizations. An attractive image of an organization is the most important condition for its political success, which helps to bring the electorate to its side

    Coercion, Violation of Privacy and Everyday Difficulties as the Cause of Patient Refusal Treatment in Psychiatric Hospitals in Russia

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    Treatment in a psychiatric hospital is accompanied by a restriction of independence, violation of privacy, coercion, which causes displeasure of patients. The aim of the study was to verify the scale of everyday problems, violations of privacy and coercion in a psychiatric hospital to develop recommendations for the organization of a therapeutic environment. The study included 191 patients in a psychiatric hospital. Anonymous questionnaire was used. Statistical processing of the database was carried out by nonparametric methods. The majority of patients (67%) estimated the conditions of stay in a psychiatric hospital at 7-10 points (10-point scale), but half of them complained about the need for self-purchase of drugs. A full night's sleep was disturbed by the snoring of others (56.5%), an uncomfortable bed (36.6%), bright light (26.2%). The poor diet was indicated by 45.5% of patients. Patients indicated coercion by medical staff: retention (11.5%), forced administration of drugs (12%), coercion to consent to treatment (22%), refusal to discharge from hospital (35.1%). It was reported that there was a violation of privacy in the toilet (36.6%), difficulties to observe the intimate hygiene (16.8%). These problems caused patients to refuse inpatient treatment if there was the possibility of outpatient treatment (65.2% of men and 52.6% of women). Despite the low level of claims of patients to living conditions, it is important to respect their rights in psychiatric hospitals to privacy, creating a comfortable living space, the organization of differentiated methods of observation by medical staff

    Genes of susceptibility to early neurodegenerative changes in the rat retina and brain: analysis by means of congenic strains

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    Contains the lists of RNO1 genes which are located within examined regions of rat chromosome 1 (Additional file 2: Tables S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5) (XLSX 349 kb

    Multifarious Trajectories in Plant-Based Ethnoveterinary Knowledge in Northern and Southern Eastern Europe

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    Over the last century in the European context, animal production has been transformed by the dynamics of centralization and decentralization due to political and economic factors. These processes have influenced knowledge related to healing and ensuring the welfare of domestic animals. Therefore, our study aimed to document and compare current and past ethnoveterinary practices, and to identify trajectories in ethnoveterinary knowledge in study regions from both northern and southern Eastern Europe. In the summers of 2018 and 2019, we conducted 476 interviews, recording the use of 94 plant taxa, 67 of which were wild and 24 were cultivated. We documented 452 use reports, 24 of which were related to the improvement of the quality or quantity of meat and milk, while the other 428 involved ethnoveterinary practices for treating 10 domestic animal taxa. Cattle were the most mentioned target of ethnoveterinary treatments across all the study areas, representing about 70% of all use reports. Only four plant species were reported in five or more countries (Artemisia absinthium, Hypericum spp., Linum usitatissimum, Quercus robur). The four study regions located in Northern and Southern Eastern Europe did not present similar ethnoveterinary knowledge trajectories. Bukovinian mountain areas appeared to hold a living reservoir of ethnoveterinary knowledge, unlike the other regions. Setomaa (especially Estonian Setomaa) and Dzukija showed an erosion of ethnoveterinary knowledge with many uses reported in the past but no longer in use. The current richness of ethnoveterinary knowledge reported in Bukovina could have been developed and maintained through its peculiar geographical location in the Carpathian Mountains and fostered by the intrinsic relationship between the mountains and local pastoralists and by its unbroken continuity of management even during the Soviet era. Finally, our results show some patterns common to several countries and to the veterinary medicine promoted during the time of the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet Union and its centralized animal breeding system, resulted in a decline of ethnoveterinary knowledge as highly specialized veterinary doctors worked in almost every village. Future research should examine the complex networks of sources from where farmers derive their ethnoveterinary knowledge

    The Implementation of Youth Social Programs for Patriotic Education Citizens of Russian Federation: Experience of Saint-Petersburg

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    The article analyzes the state policy in the field of patriotic education. Particular attention is paid to the program approach and the justification of the need to include the practice of patriotic education in nation-building and civic education. The authors consider theoretical bases of patriotic education and conducted a retrospective analysis of the state policy in the field of patriotic education in the USSR and Russia. The analysis of targets and scorecards of the last three state programs of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation leads to the conclusion that they have a mismatch targets and tools to achieve the goal. Latitude expected results covering the economic, political and social spheres, while specific measures are reduced, in most cases, to the military-patriotic work with schoolchildren and young people. This determines the importance and responsibility of regional youth social policy in the system of patriotic education in the Russian Federation and leads to the necessity to continuously improve the regulatory framework, to develop new mechanisms and improve the effectiveness of interventions. Program approach is considered as a basis of formation of system of patriotic education in St. Petersburg. The authors emphasize that the integration of patriotic education in a program to provide the public consent is a marker of a comprehensive transformation in this area. It is no longer about patriotic education per se, as it was in the previous Soviet and Russian tradition, but a more complex formation of patriotism in the context of national and civic identity. This is reflected in including in a variety of activities aimed at the development of civil and patriotic education of citizens in St. Petersburg system, as well as high values of indicators of the program


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    Objective: The study of mycobacterium susceptibility to the combined application of anti-tuberculosis drugs and "Alcohol Balsam" based on beekeeping products. Methods: The anti-tuberculosis activity of ATD (anti-tuberculosis drugs) and dietary supplements "Alcohol Balsam" combination was studied in in vitro experiment in 2016. The results of swabs microscopy were assessed by the amount of bacteria within microsopic view and intensity of the "curve". The growth of MBT (mycobacterium tuberculosis) surface culture in test tubes was determined visually according to the number of colonies on the surface of the breeding ground. The research scientists tested 11, 12, 13 and 14 days’ drug effects on mycobacterium culture. Findings: In case of the main anti-tuberculosis drugs and "Alcohol Balsam" combined application, the growth of drugsensitive and multidrug-resistant strains of tuberculosis bacterium is suppressed by 100% in earlier phases compared to the anti-tuberculosis drug application alone. Conclusions: Various dilutions of ‘Alcohol balsam’ based on beekeeping products being added to the breeding ground of the first and second line anti-tuberculosis drugs increase their drugs bactericidal effects. Moreover, in earlier phases they suppress the growth of drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant strains of tuberculosis mycobacterium in 100 % of cases. Thus, the efficacy and expediency of Galleria mellonella larvae based drugs application for human tuberculosis prevention and comprehensive treatment have been proved. Keywords: Treatment and prevention of tuberculosis; beekeeping products; Galleria mellonella larvae; Galleria mellonella; Mycobacterium tuberculosis
