1,858 research outputs found

    Coherent X-radiation along the velocity of a relativistic electron in a bounded periodic multilayer medium

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    In the present work a theory of the coherent X-radiation generated by the relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in Laue scattering geometry is built The expressions are derived for spectral-angular distribution of the radiation in direction of the particle velocity. The comparative analysis of the spectral-angular density of the radiation is carried out for an artificial periodic structure and a single crystal in similar conditions. It is shown, that the spectral peak of the parametric X-radiation in the artificial periodic layered structure in the forward direction (FPXR) will be considerably wider than the one in a single crystal target which can make its experimental detection and investigation appreciably easieryesBelgorod State Universit

    Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in the artificial periodic multilayer medium

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron crossing the artificial periodic medium in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral and angular characteristics of radiation in the direction of Bragg scattering are obtained and investigated. By analogy with the radiation emission in a crystalline medium this radiation is considered as the result of coherent summation of the contributions of two radiation mechanisms: parametric (PXR) and diffracted transition (DTR). It is shown that the yield of DTR from layered target can be more than one order higher than the yield in single crystal radiator, under similar conditions. The manifestations of the Borrmann effect for DTR in the artificial multilayer environment are demonstrated for a Laue scattering geometryyesBelgorod State Universit

    Coherent X-ray radiation generated by a relativistic electron in an artificial periodic structure

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation from a relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral-angular radiation parameters are obtainedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Буддизм в Центральной Азии и России: история и современность

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    The article considers the history of Buddhism in Central Asia and in Russia. It outlines the main periods of development and special features of Buddhism in the region, its influence on the local culture. It explorers the contemporary state of the Buddhist sangha in Russia and Central Asian countries.Central Asia has played an important role in the development of Buddhism as a world religion. In I-III centuries A.D. missionaries from Central Asia carried out the sermon of the Buddhist teachings. The archeological findings illustrate the massive spread of Buddhism on the wide territories of the region which were part of the Kushan Kingdom. The second period of the flourishing of Buddhist teaching falls on the V – first part of the VIII centuries, when the geography on Buddhism in the region expanded, and it peacefully co-existed with other religions.By IX century, when the territories of the contemporary Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tadjikistan stayed under the rule of Umayyad and Abbaside Caliphate, Islam eventually ousted Buddhism from these lands.The third period of rise of Buddhism in the region started with the appearance of Dzungars who aspired to take hold of the lands of Kazahstan. From 1690 to 1760 Central Asian region had become an area of struggle for the hegemony between the Buddhist Dzungarian khanate and China. The Dzungars promoted the spread of Buddhism in the Eastern part of Kazahstan and Northern part of Eastern Turkestan. The entry of Western Turkestan into the Russian Empire put an end to external threats and internal feudal strife. It gave the start to the process of consolidation of the Central Asian nations, which recognized their belonging to Muslim Ummah. In the absence of Dzungar and Chinese factors the influence of Buddhism in the region almost stopped.By the end of the XX century with the renaissance of religiosity on the post-Soviet space the interest to Buddhism slightly raised. However, at the present moment the number of the Buddhists in the region is insignificant. Among the followers of Buddhism the main place is taken by the Korean diaspora, residing in Central Asia since 1937. There also exist some single neo-Buddhist communities in the region.Buddhism made its contribution to the development of the unique socio-cultural identity of Russia as Eurasian by it’s nature. Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, as well as several parts of Altai, Irkutsk and Chita regions represent historical areas of the spread of Buddhist teaching. At the present moment the Russian Buddhist sangha contains of the major independent centers in Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, Moscow and St.Petersburg.Buddhism plays and important part in socio-cultural space of Russia, gradually moving far beyond the borders of the regions of its traditional location. Popularity of the Buddhist philosophy derives from the range of grounds, among which are the closeness of some of its principles to contemporary scientific ideas, first of all to cognitive sciences, as well as openness to dialogue with other cultural and religious traditions, humanism, ethics of non-violence and ideas of common responsibility.В статье рассматривается история буддизма в Центральноазиатском регионе и в России. Выделяются основные периоды и особенности распространения буддизма, его влияния на культуру местного населения. Исследуется современное состояние буддийской сангхи России и стран Центральной Азии.Центральноазиатский регион сыграл важную роль в становлении буддизма в качестве мировой религии. В I-III вв. н.э. миссионеры из Центральной Азии осуществляли проповедь буддийского учения. Археологические находки свидетельствуют о том, что в период вхождения значительной части региона в состав Кушанского царства распространение буддизма становится массовым. Второй этап расцвета приходится на Vпервую половину VIII вв., когда происходит расширение географии буддизма в регионе, мирно сосуществовавшего с другими религиями. Когда к IX в. территории современных Узбекистана, Киргизии, Туркменистана и Таджикистана подпали под владычество Омейядского и Аббасидского халифатов, ислам постепенно вытеснил буддизм с этих земель.Третий этап распространения буддизма в регионе связан с приходом туда джунгар, стремившихся завладеть территорией Казахстана. С 1690 по 1760 гг. Центральноазиатский регион стал ареной борьбы за гегемонию между буддийским Джунгарским ханством и Китаем. Джунгары способствовали распространению буддизма в восточной части Казахстана и северной части Восточного Туркестана. Вхождение Западного Туркестана в состав Российской империи положило конец внешней угрозе и феодальным междоусобицам. Начался процесс консолидации центральноазиатских наций, осознававших свою принадлежность к мусульманской умме. В отсутствии джунгарского и китайского фактора распространение буддизма в регионе практически прекратилось.Интерес к буддизму в регионе вновь возник только в XX в. с возрождением религиозности на постсоветском пространстве. Однако на сегодняшний день количество буддистов в Центральной Азии незначительно. Среди последователей буддийского учения центральное место занимает корейская диаспора, проживающая в Центральной Азии с1937 г., а также единичные необуддийские общины.Буддизм внес свою лепту в формирование уникальной социокультурной идентичности России как евразийской по своей сути. Исторические области распространения буддийского учения – Бурятия, Калмыкия, Тува, а также некоторые районы Алтая, Иркутской и Читинской  областей.  На  сегодняшний  день  российская  буддийская  сангха  состоит из самостоятельных центров, среди которых наиболее крупные расположены в Бурятии, Калмыкии, Туве, а также в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Буддизм занимает важное место в общественной и культурной жизни России, заметно преодолевая границы регионов его традиционного распространения. Популярность буддийской философии обусловлена рядом причин, среди которых близость некоторых ее принципов современной научной мысли, и прежде всего, когнитивным наукам, а также открытость диалогу с другими культурно-религиозными традициями, гуманизм, этика ненасилия и идеи всеобщей ответственности

    Creation of Structural Polymer Composite Materials for Functional Application Using Physicochemical Modification

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    The various aspects of physico-chemical modification of the components of structural materials of functional application based on classical composites and nanocomposites are analyzed. Potential applications of such materials are briefly described. Ultrasonic cavitation treatment is considered as a basic method of physical modification when obtaining the indicated classes of composites. The influence of ultrasonic treatment modes on the technological and operational properties of reactoplastic polymers, as well as on the hardening of reinforced composites based on them, is investigated. Technical means of ultrasonic cavitation processing of liquid binders and polymer composites based on them are briefly described. An effective spectrum of interrelated structural and technological parameters of ultrasonic treatment has been characterized, which is established by calculation and experimentally-statistically. The design issues of the technological processes of obtaining polymer composites of functional application are analyzed. The efficiency of creating carbon fiber composite materials, as well as the prospects for creating of these materials based on reinforcing fabric with nanomodified fillers is described. The methods of obtaining functional nanomodified carbon-composites with improved physicomechanical and operational properties, in particular with increased strength and electrical conductivity, are characterized. The effectiveness of the ultrasonic treatment and production of nanomodified thermoplastic composite materials by extrusion method is considered. Some issues of forming products from intelligent polymer composites are analyzed. The results of the survey can be used in the design of advanced technologies for the creation of functional polymer composites of functional application

    Desarrollo de la alfabetización intercultural de los docentes en el sistema de educación vocacional adicional

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    The general trends of contemporary education include the desire to integrate and universalize social relations. This study aims to explain that the process leads to the intensification of intercultural interaction between representatives of different cultural communities. The expansion of intercultural contacts in the modern world emphasizes the importance of achieving mutual understanding between people of different cultures. The study concludes that multicultural education should become an inseparable part of general education, including additional professional education, since interpersonal relationships take place in a multiethnic and multicultural environment.Las tendencias generales de la educación contemporánea incluyen el deseo de integrar y universalizar las relaciones sociales. Este estudio pretende explicar que el proceso conduce a la intensificación de la interacción intercultural entre representantes de diferentes comunidades culturales. La expansión de los contactos interculturales en el mundo moderno enfatiza la importancia de lograr el entendimiento mutuo entre personas de diferentes culturas. El estudio concluye que la educación multicultural debería convertirse en una parte inseparable de la educación general, incluida la e ucación profesional adicional, ya que las relaciones interpersonales tienen lugar en un entorno multiétnico y multicultural

    Use of Physicochemical Modification Methods for Producing Traditional and Nanomodified Polymeric Composites with Improved Operational Properties

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    Various aspects of the methods of physical and physicochemical modification of components of filled thermo-plastic composite materials are analyzed, aimed at improving the surface properties of the fillers and the technological properties of the polymer matrix during their interaction. It is noted that the improvement of the interfacial interaction of the components of polymer reactoplastic composites, including adhesive strength, is a key factor for improving the reliability of the cured filled composite. As a promising area of research, a modification of the surface of the reinforcing fibrous filler and the technological characteristics of the liquid polymer binder, aimed at increasing their contact properties in the composite was chosen. The effectiveness of the physical method of modifying the components of composites in the form of low-frequency ultrasonic processing is described. The peculiarities of cluster formation and physicochemical modification of epoxy polymers filled with dispersed fillers are analyzed. Attention is focused on the effectiveness of ultrasonic processing in cavitation mode for deagglomeration and uniform distribution of nanoparticles in a liquid medium during the creation of nanocomposites. Experimentally confirmed the improvement of the technological properties of liquid epoxy polymers, modified by ultrasound, used for the impregnation of oriented fibrous fillers, as well as the improvement of the physicomechanical properties of the sonicated epoxy matrices


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    Development of automatic designing system for power supply of industrial enterprises is considered in the paper. Its complete structure and principle of operation are determined and established. Modern graphical interface and data scheme are developed, software is completely realized. Methodology and software correspond to the requirements of the up-to-date designing, describe a general algorithm of program process and also reveals properties of automatic designing system objects. Automatic designing system is based on module principle while using object-orientated programming. Automatic designing system makes it possible to carry out consistently designing calculations of power supply system and select the required equipment with subsequent output of all calculations in the form of explanatory note. Automatic designing system can be applied by designing organizations under conditions of actual designing.Рассматриваются вопросы создания САПР электроснабжения промышленных предприятий. Определена и создана ее полная структура и принцип работы. Разработан современный графический интерфейс, полностью реализовано информационное обеспечение и разработана схема данных. Методико-математическое обеспечение соответствует требованиям современного проектирования, описывает общий алгоритм хода программы, а также выявляет свойства объектов САПР. САПР построена по модульному принципу, с использованием объектно-ориентированного программирования. САПР позволяет последовательно произвести проектировочные расчеты СЭС и подобрать необходимое оборудование с последующей выдачей всех расчетов в виде пояснительной записки. САПР может быть использована проектными организациями в условиях реального проектирования.