168 research outputs found

    Dvě koncepce myšlení v díle H. Arendtové

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    Ve své diplomové se zaměřím na pojetí myšlení u Hannah Arendtové. Zejména se pokusím ukázat, že v díle Arendtové jsou přítomny dvě odlišné koncepce myšlení. První koncepce se opírá o komunikaci a svět. Podle této koncepce myšlení vychází ze společného světa a má sloužit k vybudování politických vztahů mezi lidmi. Druhá koncepce myšlení na rozdíl od první tvrdí, že myšlení je podle své definice mimosvětskou činností a nemůže sloužit k politickým účelům s výjimkou mimořádných případů. Porovnání těchto různých koncepcí myšlení bude uskutečněno na základě analýzy další mentální schopnosti člověka - soudů. Budu hájit tezi, myšlení ztratí možnost a schopnost pronikat do společného světa, protože schopnost soudů přebírá řadu funkcí, které dříve vykonávalo myšlení.Ve své diplomové se zaměřím na pojetí myšlení u Hannah Arendtové. Zejména se pokusím ukázat, že v díle Arendtové jsou přítomny dvě odlišné koncepce myšlení. První koncepce se opírá o komunikaci a svět. Podle této koncepce myšlení vychází ze společného světa a má sloužit k vybudování politických vztahů mezi lidmi. Druhá koncepce myšlení na rozdíl od první tvrdí, že myšlení je podle své definice mimosvětskou činností a nemůže sloužit k politickým účelům s výjimkou mimořádných případů. Porovnání těchto různých koncepcí myšlení bude uskutečněno na základě analýzy další mentální schopnosti člověka - soudů. Budu hájit tezi, myšlení ztratí možnost a schopnost pronikat do společného světa, protože schopnost soudů přebírá řadu funkcí, které dříve vykonávalo myšlení.Institute of Philosophy and Religious StudiesÚstav filosofie a religionistikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Socio-Economic Analysis of Disproportions and Disbalances of the Raw Material Export Model in Post-Soviet Russia

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    The article provides a socio-economic analysis showing how the export-raw material model of economic growth adopted in post-Soviet Russia affects the socio-economic situation within the country in the context of an unprecedented global recession that is gaining momentum due to COVID-19. As a working hypothesis, the authors propose that the Russian Federation, where the extraction and export of mineral raw materials are the basis of its social and economic growth, has led to numerous production imbalances. This not only lowers the quality and growth potential of Russia's future GDP but also undermines its macroeconomic stability and makes its national economy prone to oil shocks due to the dramatic global recession and lower demand for hydrocarbons. The paper builds a linear regression model to assess the dependence of Russia's GDP on oil exports from 1996 to 2019. Besides, the authors obtained statistically significant regression equations confirming the theoretical assertion that the dependence of the rates of socio-economic growth on the export of natural raw materials reduces the quality and efficiency of state and public institutions since those in power are trying to legislatively facilitate their access to resources, which, in turn, significantly reduces the potential for economic growth. The article confirms the need for a transition to a new (neo-industrial) socio-economic paradigm since this will help overcome the production imbalance that has developed in the Russian economy, ensure long-term socio-economic growth, and increase its efficiency. Proposals are formulated for the formation of economic conditions for neo-industrial economic development, the basis of which should be innovativeness, environmental friendliness, and inclusiveness

    Flexible metasurface for improving brain imaging at 7T

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    Ultra-high field MRI offers unprecedented detail for non-invasive visualization of the human brain. However, brain imaging is challenging at 7T due to the B1+_1^+ field inhomogeneity, which results in signal intensity drops in temporal lobes and a bright region in the brain center. This study aims to evaluate using a metasurface to improve brain imaging at 7T and simplify the investigative workflow. Two flexible metasurfaces, each comprising a periodic structure of copper strips and parallel-plate capacitive elements printed on an ultra-thin substrate, were optimized for brain imaging and implemented via PCB. We considered two setups: (1) two metasurfaces located near the temporal lobes; and (2) one metasurface placed near the occipital lobe The effect of metasurface placement on the transmit efficiency and specific absorption rate was evaluated via electromagnetic simulation studies with voxelized models. In addition, their impact on SNR and diagnostic image quality was evaluated in vivo for male and female volunteers. Placement of metasurfaces near the regions of interest led to an increase in homogeneity of the transmit field by 5%\% and 10.5%\% in the right temporal lobe and occipital lobe for a male subject, respectively. SAR values changed insignificantly and were under recommended limits. In vivo studies also confirmed the numerically predicted improvement in field distribution and receive sensitivity in the desired ROI. Optimized metasurfaces enable homogenizing transmit field distribution in the brain at 7T. The proposed lightweight and flexible structure has the potential to provide MR examination with higher diagnostic value images

    Excessive Social Inequality as a Serious Challenge to the Demographic Security of Mod-ern Russia with Considering the Supply Chain Strategy Effects

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    The article substantiates the idea that increasing social inequality and persistent large-scale poverty in post-Soviet Russia should be considered as one of the main reasons for the low birth rate in the country and a serious challenge to ensuring its demographic security. The authors propose a concept of demographic security and outline its primary indicators and their threshold values—the methodological basis for diagnosing and forecasting demographic processes from the perspective of Russia’s national and economic security. The authors analyzed the influence of excessive social inequality on the demographics in the country for the period from 1990 to 2018. The authors used a step-by-step analysis algorithm and built a multiple regression equation that reflects the impact of various socio-economic factors, including excessive inequality and deformation of people’s social behavior, on life expectancy. The equation has a high explanatory power (the adjusted coefficient of determination isṜ2= 0.914).Thus, it can be used as the methodological basis when proposing measures for maintaining and increasing life potential of society that is an optimal solution for ensuring demographic security in present conditions. The study presents recommendations on the development of an active national socio-economic policy aimed at overcoming excessive social inequality in Russia and ensuring its demographic security

    Low-frequency (ELF–VLF) radio atmospherics study at the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station

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    This paper describes the results of the atmospherics measurements in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) and very low-frequency (VLF) frequency ranges performed at the Akademik Vernadsky station (64.26W; 65.25S) during February–April 2019. The main objective of the study was the implementation of a single-site technique for monitoring the lower ionosphere parameters and locating globally distributed powerful lightning discharges.У даній статті описано результати вимірювань атмосфериків в діапазонах наднизькочастотних (ННЧ) і дуже низькочастотних (ДНЧ), виконаних на Українській антарктичній станції (УАС) «Академік Вернадський» (64.26 W; 65.25 S) протягом лютого—квітня 2019 року. Основною метою дослідження була реалізація однопозиційного методу для моніторингу параметрів нижньої іоносфери та локації потужних грозових розрядів, розподілених по всій планеті

    Relationship of variations of the total electron content of ionosphere in magnetically conjugated regions with precipitation of high-energy charged particles

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    Purpose. A qualitative and quantitative study of the correlation of space-time changes of the total electron content of the ionosphere with variations in the energetic electron flux during a significant increase of the solar wind density and velocity. Determination of the conditions when the increase of the intensity of the flux of energetic electrons can be accompanied by the appearance of large-scale inhomogeneities of the ionosphere observed in magnetically conjugated regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres.Мета. Якісне та кількісне дослідження кореляції просторово-часових змін повного електронного вмісту з варіаціями потоку енергійних електронів під час істотного збільшення щільності і швидкості сонячного вітру. Визначення умов, за яких збільшення інтенсивності потоку енергійних електронів може супроводжуватися виникненням великомасштабних неоднорідностей іоносфери, що спостерігаються у магнітосполучених регіонах північної та південної півкуль


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    In article the phenomenon of objectification of the work of art in culture, in particular in the period of «literaturocentrizm» is investigated. «The art thing» in the sphere of political culture is analyzed. An attempt to consider censorship not only, and not so much in biographic or historical measurements how many to define it as a certain constant of culture which has procedural character is made. The phenomenon of censorship is studied as certain «influence» on art «thing», on the sphere of the author.This work was supported by Grant RFFI №17-03-00613 «The Phenomenon of object in the information culture».В статье исследуется феномен овеществления художественного произведения в культуре, в частности в период «литературоцентризма». Анализируется «художественная вещь» в сфере политической культуры. Предпринимается попытка рассмотреть цензуру не только, и не столько в биографическом или историческом измерениях, сколько определить еѐ как некую константу культуры, которая имеет процессуальный характер. Феномен цензуры изучается как некое «влияние» на художественную «вещь», на сферу автора.Статья подготовлена в рамках гранта РФФИ №17-03-00613 «Феномен вещи в информационной культуре