60 research outputs found

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    The RacGAP β2-Chimaerin Selectively Mediates Axonal Pruning in the Hippocampus

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    SummaryAxon pruning and synapse elimination promote neural connectivity and synaptic plasticity. Stereotyped pruning of axons that originate in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) and extend along the infrapyramidal tract (IPT) occurs during postnatal murine development by neurite retraction and resembles axon repulsion. The chemorepellent Sema3F is required for IPT axon pruning, dendritic spine remodeling, and repulsion of DG axons. The signaling events that regulate IPT axon pruning are not known. We find that inhibition of the small G protein Rac1 by the Rac GTPase-activating protein (GAP) β2-Chimaerin (β2Chn) mediates Sema3F-dependent pruning. The Sema3F receptor neuropilin-2 selectively binds β2Chn, and ligand engagement activates this GAP to ultimately restrain Rac1-dependent effects on cytoskeletal reorganization. β2Chn is necessary for axon pruning both in vitro and in vivo, but it is dispensable for axon repulsion and spine remodeling. Therefore, a Npn2/β2Chn/Rac1 signaling axis distinguishes DG axon pruning from the effects of Sema3F on repulsion and dendritic spine remodeling

    Structural Homeostasis: Compensatory Adjustments of Dendritic Arbor Geometry in Response to Variations of Synaptic Input

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    As the nervous system develops, there is an inherent variability in the connections formed between differentiating neurons. Despite this variability, neural circuits form that are functional and remarkably robust. One way in which neurons deal with variability in their inputs is through compensatory, homeostatic changes in their electrical properties. Here, we show that neurons also make compensatory adjustments to their structure. We analysed the development of dendrites on an identified central neuron (aCC) in the late Drosophila embryo at the stage when it receives its first connections and first becomes electrically active. At the same time, we charted the distribution of presynaptic sites on the developing postsynaptic arbor. Genetic manipulations of the presynaptic partners demonstrate that the postsynaptic dendritic arbor adjusts its growth to compensate for changes in the activity and density of synaptic sites. Blocking the synthesis or evoked release of presynaptic neurotransmitter results in greater dendritic extension. Conversely, an increase in the density of presynaptic release sites induces a reduction in the extent of the dendritic arbor. These growth adjustments occur locally in the arbor and are the result of the promotion or inhibition of growth of neurites in the proximity of presynaptic sites. We provide evidence that suggest a role for the postsynaptic activity state of protein kinase A in mediating this structural adjustment, which modifies dendritic growth in response to synaptic activity. These findings suggest that the dendritic arbor, at least during early stages of connectivity, behaves as a homeostatic device that adjusts its size and geometry to the level and the distribution of input received. The growing arbor thus counterbalances naturally occurring variations in synaptic density and activity so as to ensure that an appropriate level of input is achieved

    SnapShot: Axon Guidance II

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    The Control of Semaphorin-1a-Mediated Reverse Signaling by Opposing Pebble and RhoGAPp190 Functions in Drosophila

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    SummaryTransmembrane semaphorins (Semas) serve evolutionarily conserved guidance roles, and some function as both ligands and receptors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the transduction of these signals to the cytoskeleton remain largely unknown. We have identified two direct regulators of Rho family small GTPases, pebble (a Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor [GEF]) and RhoGAPp190 (a GTPase activating protein [GAP]), that show robust interactions with the cytoplasmic domain of the Drosophila Sema-1a protein. Neuronal pebble and RhoGAPp190 are required to control motor axon defasciculation at specific pathway choice points and also for target recognition during Drosophila neuromuscular development. Sema-1a-mediated motor axon defasciculation is promoted by pebble and inhibited by RhoGAPp190. Genetic analyses show that opposing pebble and RhoGAPp190 functions mediate Sema-1a reverse signaling through the regulation of Rho1 activity. Therefore, pebble and RhoGAPp190 transduce transmembrane semaphorin-mediated guidance cue information that regulates the establishment of neuronal connectivity during Drosophila development

    Axon Dynamics during Neocortical Laminar Innervation

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    The cerebral cortex is a densely interconnected structure with neural circuits that form between cortical laminae and also between distinct cortical areas. However, the precise cell biological and developmental mechanisms that underlie the formation of these neural circuits remain unknown. Here, we visualize laminar innervation of the developing mouse cerebral cortex by layer II/III pyramidal neurons in real time, describing cytoskeletal dynamics during this process. We find that layer II/III pyramidal neurons achieve local laminar-specific innervation through the stabilization of collateral axon branches in target laminae. We also find that loss of neural activity does not abolish local laminar-specific innervation and that cells within the local environment are the likely source of cues that direct layer-specific cortical innervation

    Intra-chromosomal gene conversion induced by a DNA double-strand break in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    We have stimulated mitotic and meiotic gene conversion between non-tandem direct repeats of ADE4 by a defined double-strand break imparted in vivo to one of two copies of the gene. The experimental design permitted us to distinguish unambiguously between reciprocal intra-chromosomal crossing over and non-reciprocal break-join events that could accompany the induced conversions. We observed that (1) less than 10% of the induced conversion events are accompanied by intra-chromosomal crossing over in both mitosis and meiosis; (2) non-reciprocal break-join is not stimulated by the double-strand breaks; (3) a double-strand break in meiosis is repaired off intra-chromosomal homology (if available) with approximately sevenfold preference over repair off the homologous chromosome. Our observations, analyzed in the light of previous investigations of spontaneous inter and intra-chromosomal crossing over and gene conversion, lead to the view that chromosomal configuration constrains intra-chromosomal crossing over accompanying conversion between closely spaced repeated genes during resolution of the conversion intermediate