341 research outputs found

    Physiochemical Analysis Of Some Portions Of Lake ALAU, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

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    Water samples from six (6) differimt locations (Lowojerij Man Chohnari Ngaiate, Ngunnuri Awa !sari and Abbari) around Lake Alan were collected and analyzed for physical (temperature. condudivity, tUrbidity. Colour, pH an4 Alkalinity) and chemical (Lead, Cadmium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Mercwy, Nickelj Copper, Chromium, Zinc and Arsenic) respectively .. Phosphate and sulphate levels were ~ determined. Result showed varying values with respect to locations. The pH ranged between 7.6±0.3 to 8.45±0.50mgll); Turbidity 6.0:1:0.80 to 12.3±6.NTIJ and Al~alinity 86.5±1.50 mg/1 to 95.3±1.50 mg/1 re.-pectively. Similarly, results showed varyii~ concentration values \Vith location C (Nga fate) having the highest concentration of lef!d 0.60±0.30ppm, Arsenic 0.30±0.03ppm, Copper 0.54±0.32ppm. as against other locatio~s: Also location B (Man Cllolmari) showed high values 44.7±3.00mgll and 8lJ4 98±1.40mg/l respectively thereby indicating high level of entrophication making the ru;~ not fit for aquatic. The results of other par..nneter examined tends to fall within the W{IO re1.:ommended standard . val~

    Elemental Analysis Of Some Cereal Plants Grown In North Eastern Nigeria For Possibilities Of Secondary Minerals Prospecting

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    The elemental contents of the rQOts and tops of (tissue arid )eat) of some plants bave been determined by solution experiments with colllJlllfF calculations of aq.Ieous species. Therntio ofrootsltopsofZn in Wheat is 150,Pblp.6. Cd.30 andAg,O.?. The ratio for Zn in sorghum is 80, Pb. 2.1, Cd; 37 and Agl is 2.3. Zinc and Lead, for example are apparently largely immobiHsed by precipitatitjltl. in root tissues of some of the cereal plants studied. These plants may then serve as sr-biochemical indicators of secondary minem.ls in this :ron

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Biskuit Jagung di Kelompok Wanita Tani Lestari Desa Subun Tua'lele, Kecamatan Insana Barat, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

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    Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk mengetahui gambaran  umum  USAha biskuit jagung di Kelompok Wanita Tani Lestari Desa Subun Tualele Kecamatan Insana Barat, dan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangannya. Metode analisis data yang digunakan  adalah 1) Analisis Deskriptif Kualitatif untuk mengetahui gambaran umum strategi pengembangan USAha biskuit jagung; 2) Analisis SWOT untuk mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang menjadi kekuatan,  kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dalam pengembangan USAha biskuit jagung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dalam pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelompok wanita tani lestari merupakan salah satu kelompok tani yang berada di desa subun  tualele, kecamatan insana barat, yang di bentuk pada Tahun 2000, dan  melakukan USAha biskuit jagung pada Tahun 2012,  yang semua anggotanya  terdiri dari para wanita dalam  melakukan  kegiatan  USAha  melalui pengolahan jagung menjadi biskuit jagung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari analisis SWOT  di peroleh titik koordinat (0,86, 1,02) yang mana koordinat ini berada pada kuadran 1 (agresif), artinya USAha biskuit jagung  pada kelompok Wanita Tani Lestari memiliki kekuatan dan peluang yang sangat baik, sehingga Kelompok Wanita Tani Lestari dapat memanfaatkan peluang dan kekuatan yang ada untuk mengembangkan USAha biskuit jagung selanjutnya. Mariks SWOT menghasilkan 4 alternatif strategi yaitu WT1,WT2,WT3,WT4.dan analisis QSPM di gunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan memilih strategi–strategi terbaik yang paling utama  di lakukan Kelompok Wanita Tani Lestari dalam mengembangkan USAha biskuit jagung yaitu strategi 1 (WT3). II (WT1), III (WT4), IV (WT2). ©2016 dipublikasikan oleh Agrimor

    Kinetic modeling of ethylbenzene isomerization using Bodenstein approximation technique

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    Ethylbenzene isomerization reaction is a significant reaction employed in the production of xylene isomers which are used as petrochemical feedstocks. The reaction which proceeds over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst is multi-pathway and multi-cycle in topology. Kinetic model for the reaction was developed in this study using the general rate equation approach. Bodenstein approximation, cross-to-square, and Y-to-delta transformation techniques were used to reduce the complex reaction network to a single cycle network. In addition, the general rate equation for reduced single cycle networks was applied to derive the model for the reaction. The Nelder-Mead simplex optimization technique was used to estimate the kinetic parameters in the model. The structure of the model developed indicates that the model reasonably represents the mechanism of the reaction although few anomalies were observed in the values of the kinetic parameters estimated. The activation energy obtained for the rate constants follows the expected trend for multi-step reactions

    Influence of urea-fortified corncob diets on growth performance and carcass characteristics in West African dwarf goats

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    The experiment was carried out to determine the effect of urea-fortified concentrate corncob diets on growth performance and carcass characteristics of West African dwarf (WAD) goats. Fifteen WAD goats with an average weight of 9.33 kg were studied. The animals were weighted and randomly assigned to five (5) treatments in a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments were of different levels i.e. 0%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% of urea in corncob-based concentrate diets. Results showed variation (P<0.05) in the live weight among all the treatments while no effect was observed in average daily weight gain, average daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio, carcass and non-carcass characteristics among the treatment groups. However, the physicochemical properties of the meat showed that meat water holding capacity, moisture, dry matter, crude fibre and ash were not influenced by urea but there was a significant  (P<0.05) difference in meat pH and meat crude protein among the treated groups. In conclusion, for better performance in the live weight gain of WAD goats, 3% best level inclusion of urea fortified corncob diet should be taken into cognizance. Keywords: Carcass characteristics; Corncob; Urea; West African Dwarf Goats; Nigeria

    The Essentiality and Locus of Social Media Policy in Nigeria

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    This is a critical essay that examines the essentially and locus of social media policy in Nigerian communication policy at the national and institutional levels. It theoretically examines the communication and media environments in Nigeria and how the complexity and peculiarity of the environment triggers the need for separate social media policy that will deal with how citizens in respective of their social, political and economic status should understand and use social media. The proposition is made within the argument of common interest theory, which provides a balanced submission between utilitarian and unitary approaches to social policies that discussed common interest as factor for the essentiality of policies such social media policy. The paper, after examining issues involved in the formulation, adoption and implementation, submitted that social media policy in Nigeria, should be standalone from broader communication policy because of its separate, popularity, acceptability and usability much more than the conventional media such as radio and television. Keywords: Social Media, Policy, Social Media Policy, Media Policy, Nigeria

    Analisis Metode Cycle Crossover (Cx) Dan Metode Partial Mapped Crossover (Pmx) Pada Penyelesaian Kasus Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp)

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    Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a form of a problem in optimizing the search for the shortest route by passing through every city in exactly one time. The problem of searching the shortest route of a location can be solved by using many other optimizing algorithms. In this research, genetics algorithm was used by using two crossover methods namely cycle crossover and partial-mapped crossover. The parameters used were crossover probability and mutation probability, the sum of the city, maximum generation, the sum of the population and also threshold. In this research two testing models were used. In the first one, in order to get the generation and the best fitness it used the 80% consistency stopping criteria, and in the second one, in order to get the best testing time, it  used the 100 and 500 maximum generation stopping criteria. The result of the first test showed that PMX method is better than the CX one. This was shown through the 8 times of testing which the result was the best PMX generation was 104,0469 and the CX was 350,4563. The second test resulted that the best testing time of the PMX time was 1,1035 second and the CX method was 2,2374 second, thus, it can be concluded that the solution brought by the PMX method is considered better than the CX


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    This research focuses on identifying the problems and prospects of Alau dam construction in Alau community on Konduga local government area of Borno state. The construction of the dam though, has contributed to the development of various activities in Alau community, but has also resulted in various problems as well as loss of lives and property, loss of arable agricultural land, forced resettlement and destruction of farmlands leading to low yield. Data was garnered based on questionnaire administration, interviews and observations. The questionnaire was administered based on households, taking 5% of the total of 1154 households; using systematic sampling technique which gives a sample households of 58. Data was collected on the general information of the respondents, problems, threats and benefits of the construction of Alau dam in Alau community. The data was presented in tables and analyses was done by extracting the major occurrences using percentages which then further discussed with recommendations made to harness the prospects and mitigate the problems
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