63 research outputs found

    Successful desensitization with human insulin in a patient with an insulin allergy and hypersensitivity to protamine: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Insulin allergy may occur in patients treated with subcutaneous applications of insulin preparations. Besides additives in the insulin preparation such as protamine, cresol, and phenol, the insulin molecule itself may be the cause of the allergy. In the latter case, therapeutic options are rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 68-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus received different insulin preparations subcutaneously while on oral medication. Six to eight hours after each subcutaneous application, he developed pruritic plaques with a diameter of >15 cm at the injection sites that persisted for several days. Allergologic testing revealed positive reactions against every insulin preparation and against protamine. Investigation of serum samples demonstrated IgG antibodies against human and porcine insulin. We treated the patient with human insulin using an ultra-rush protocol beginning with 0.004 IU and a rapid augmentation in dose up to 5 IU. Therapy was accompanied by antihistamine therapy. Subsequent conversion to therapy with glargine insulin (6 IE twice daily) was well-tolerated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As reported in this case, desensitization with subcutaneously administered human insulin using an ultra-rush protocol in patients with an insulin allergy may present an easy form of therapy that is successful within a few days.</p

    Keratinocyte Apoptosis in Epidermal Remodeling and Clearance of Psoriasis Induced by UV Radiation

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    Psoriasis is a common chronic skin disorder, but the mechanisms involved in the resolution and clearance of plaques remain poorly defined. We investigated the mechanism of action of UVB, which is highly effective in clearing psoriasis and inducing remission, and tested the hypothesis that apoptosis is a key mechanism. To distinguish bystander effects, equal erythemal doses of two UVB wavelengths were compared following in vivo irradiation of psoriatic plaques; one is clinically effective (311 nm) and one has no therapeutic effect on psoriasis (290 nm). Only 311 nm UVB induced significant apoptosis in lesional epidermis, and most apoptotic cells were keratinocytes. To determine clinical relevance, we created a computational model of psoriatic epidermis. Modeling predicted apoptosis would occur in both stem and transit-amplifying cells to account for plaque clearance; this was confirmed and quantified experimentally. The median rate of keratinocyte apoptosis from onset to cell death was 20 minutes. These data were fed back into the model and demonstrated that the observed level of keratinocyte apoptosis was sufficient to explain UVB-induced plaque resolution. Our human studies combined with a systems biology approach demonstrate that keratinocyte apoptosis is a key mechanism in psoriatic plaques clearance, providing the basis for future molecular investigation and therapeutic development

    Mutations in the ELANE Gene are Associated with Development of Periodontitis in Patients with Severe Congenital Neutropenia

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    # The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Background Patients with severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) often develop periodontitis despite standard medical and dental care. In light of previous findings that mutations in the neutrophil elastase gene, ELANE, are associated with more severe neutropenic phenotypes, we hypothesized an association between the genotype of SCN and development of periodontitis. Methods Fourteen Swedish patients with SCN or cyclic neutropenia harboring different genetic backgrounds were recruited for periodontal examination. Peripheral blood, gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), and subgingival bacterial Thomas Modéer and Katrin Pütsep have contributed equally to the study

    Delamination buckling in composite plates: an analytical approach to predict delamination growth

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    An analytical modelling approach is presented which is capable of determining the post-buckling responses as well as the onset of delamination growth of multi-layered composite plates with an embedded circular delamination. In order to overcome current drawbacks of analytical models regarding embedded delaminations, the model employs a problem description in cylindrical coordinates and a novel geometric representation of delamination growth in conjunction with a Rayleigh-Ritz formulation and the so-called crack-tip element analysis. The modelling approach is applied to study the compressive response of composite plates with thin-film delaminations loaded under radial compressive strain. Post-buckling responses and the onset of delamination growth are determined for several layups. The results are in very good agreement with finite element simulations while requiring low computational cost

    Electrosynthèse organique (fonctionnalisation allylique et aromatisation électro-assistées d'oléfines par les radicaux aminoxyles)

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    Le présent mémoire est consacré à l électrosynthèse catalysée par les radicaux aminoxyles, appliquée à la fonctionnalisation et à l aromatisation d oléfines activées. La première partie concerne l étude de la réactivité de la forme oxoammonium du TEMPO vis-à-vis d oléfines modèles diversement activées. Les études voltammétriques et cinétiques font l objet de comparaisons systématiques. En présence d eau la fonctionnalisation allylique est obtenue. Dans le cas des cyclohexadiènes conjugués et non conjugués, l aromatisation est la principale voie d oxydation. L étude des paramètres expérimentaux permet de proposer un mécanisme réactionnel commun dans lequel l arrachement d hydrure allylique par les ions oxoammoniums est l étape clé. La deuxième partie du mémoire traite de l utilisation du système électrocatalytique pour l oxydation d oléfines grasses poly-insaturées. Les produits obtenus sont fonctionnalisés et présentent une conjugaison du système vinylique.The present work concern the electrosynthesis mediated by nitroxyl radicals, applied to the functionalization and aromatisation of activated olefins. The first part is a study of the reactivity of the oxoammonium form of TEMPO on several olefins more or less activated. Voltametric and kinetic studies are systematically compared in order to obtain informations on the reactivity. In presence of water, the allylic functionalization is obtained. In the case of conjugated and not conjugated cyclohexadiens, the aromatisation is the principal way of oxidation. The studies of experimental parameters allowed us to suggest a common mechanism were the key step is an allylic hydride abstraction. The second part of the work concerns the use of the electrocatalytic system for the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty esters. The products obtained are functionalized in allylic position and present a conjugation of the vinylic system.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quantitative identification of different single molecules by selective time-resolved confocal fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Using a confocal epi-illuminated microscope together with a pulsed laser, new applications of the recently developed, real-time spectroscopic technique BIFL (burst integrated fluorescence lifetime) are introduced. BIFL registers two different types of information on every detected photon with regard to the macroscopic time scale of a measurement and to the fluorescence lifetime. Thus, it is shown to be well suited to identify freely diffusing single dye molecules via their characteristic fluorescence lifetime. This allows for selective counting of dye molecules in an open volume element and opens up the possibility to quantify the relative concentration of the dye molecules, using a recently derived theoretical model, which analyzes the obtained burst size distribution of a sample survey. A closed theory is presented to calculate the probability of a specific dye to cause a fluorescence burst containing a certain number of detected photons. It considers the distribution of the excitation irradiance over the detection volume together with saturation effects of the fluorescence and of the detection electronics, the probability of different transit times through the detection volume, and the probability of multimolecule events. Using BIFL together with selective counting, the concentration of two dyes, Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G, in separate solutions and in a mixture were determined. The obtained results are consistent with the applied dye concentrations and with simultaneous measurements by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The introduced method is an appropriate tool for the complete characterization and quantitative analysis of a highly diluted sample in homogeneous assays

    Immunohistochemical localization of inflammatory cells and cell cycle proteins in the gills of Loma salmonae infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Microsporidial gill diseases particularly those caused by Loma salmonae incur significant economic losses to the salmonid aquaculture industry. The gill responses to infection include the formation of xenomas and the acute hyperplastic inflammatory responses once the xenomas rupture releasing infective spores. The aim of this work was to characterize the inflammatory responses of the gill to both the presence of the xenomas as well as the hyperplasia associated with L. salmonae infection in the rainbow trout gill following an experimental infection using immunohistochemistry. Hyperplastic lesions demonstrated numerous cells expressing PCNA as well as an apparent increased expression of caspase-3 and number of apoptotic cells (TUNEL positive cells). There was an expression of TNFα in individual cells within the gill and increased expression of a myeloid cell line antigen indicating the presence of granulocyte infiltration of both the hyperplastic lesions as well as the xenomas. Similar immune-reactivity was seen in gill EGCs. Hyperplastic gill lesions showed a marked infiltration of CD8+ cells and expression of MHC class I antigens. These findings suggest that L. salmonae xenomas may be subject to infiltration by the host immune cells as well as the mounting or a marked cellular cytotoxic immunoreaction in the resultant hyperplasia following xenoma rupture and spore release.acceptedVersio

    Restoring a maize root signal that attracts insect-killing nematodes to control a major pest

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    When attacked by herbivorous insects, plants emit volatile compounds that attract natural enemies of the insects. It has been proposed that these volatile signals can be manipulated to improve crop protection. Here, we demonstrate the full potential of this strategy by restoring the emission of a specific belowground signal emitted by insect-damaged maize roots. The western corn rootworm induces the roots of many maize varieties to emit (E)-β-caryophyllene, which attracts entomopathogenic nematodes that infect and kill the voracious root pest. However, most North American maize varieties have lost the ability to emit (E)-β-caryophyllene and may therefore receive little protection from the nematodes. To restore the signal, a nonemitting maize line was transformed with a (E)-β-caryophyllene synthase gene from orégano, resulting in constitutive emissions of this sesquiterpene. In rootworm-infested field plots in which nematodes were released, the (E)-β-caryophyllene-emitting plants suffered significantly less root damage and had 60% fewer adult beetles emerge than untransformed, nonemitting lines. This demonstration that plant volatile emissions can be manipulated to enhance the effectiveness of biological control agents opens the way for novel and ecologically sound strategies to fight a variety of insect pests
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