966 research outputs found

    Spin transport in Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    We analyze spin transport in insulating antiferromagnets described by the XXZ Heisenberg model in two and three dimensions. Spin currents can be generated by a magnetic-field gradient or, in systems with spin-orbit coupling, perpendicular to a time-dependent electric field. The Kubo formula for the longitudinal spin conductivity is derived analogously to the Kubo formula for the optical conductivity of electronic systems. The spin conductivity is calculated within interacting spin-wave theory. In the Ising regime, the XXZ magnet is a spin insulator. For the isotropic Heisenberg model, the dimensionality of the system plays a crucial role: In d=3 the regular part of the spin conductivity vanishes linearly in the zero frequency limit, whereas in d=2 it approaches a finite zero frequency value.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Modulation Schemes for Cognitive Radio in White Spaces

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    In this paper we give an overview and a comparison of the possible waveforms for white space applications. Four physical layer schemes for cognitive radio are selected for study: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), DFT-Spread OFDM (DFTS-OFDM), Constant Envelope OFDM (CE-OFDM) and Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC). The comparison is mainly based on the side effects of various non-ideal analog components (power amplifier, local oscillator) and residual synchronization errors such as frequency offset. As we will show, each technique has different sensitivity to the various impairments. The comparisons will be performed via spectral density functions and bit error rates (BER)

    Bound States in the Continuum Realized in the One-Dimensional Two-Particle Hubbard Model with an Impurity

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    We report a bound state of the one-dimensional two-particle (bosonic or fermionic) Hubbard model with an impurity potential. This state has the Bethe-ansatz form, although the model is nonintegrable. Moreover, for a wide region in parameter space, its energy is located in the continuum band. A remarkable advantage of this state with respect to similar states in other systems is the simple analytical form of the wave function and eigenvalue. This state can be tuned in and out of the continuum continuously.Comment: A semi-exactly solvable model (half of the eigenstates are in the Bethe form

    What are spin currents in Heisenberg magnets?

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    We discuss the proper definition of the spin current operator in Heisenberg magnets subject to inhomogeneous magnetic fields. We argue that only the component of the naive "current operator" J_ij S_i x S_j in the plane spanned by the local order parameters and is related to real transport of magnetization. Within a mean field approximation or in the classical ground state the spin current therefore vanishes. Thus, finite spin currents are a direct manifestation of quantum correlations in the system.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Tone-activated, remote, alert communication system

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    Pocket sized transmitter, frequency modulated by crystal derived tones, with integral loop antenna provides police with easy operating alert signal communicator which uses patrol car radio to relay signal. Communication channels are time shared by several patrol units

    Measuring correlated electron dynamics with time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved photoemission experiments can reveal fascinating quantum dynamics of correlated electrons. However, the thermalization of the electronic system is typically so fast that very short probe pulses are necessary to resolve the time evolution of the quantum state, and this leads to poor energy resolution due to the energy-time uncertainty relation. Although the photoemission intensity can be calculated from the nonequilibrium electronic Green functions, the converse procedure is therefore difficult. We analyze a hypothetical time-resolved photoemission experiment on a correlated electronic system, described by the Falicov-Kimball model in dynamical mean-field theory, which relaxes between metallic and insulating phases. We find that the real-time Green function which describes the transient behavior during the buildup of the metallic state cannot be determined directly from the photoemission signal. On the other hand, the characteristic collapse-and-revival oscillations of an excited Mott insulator can be observed as oscillating weight in the center of the Mott gap in the time-dependent photoemission spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    S-COL: A Copernican turn for the development of flexibly reusable collaboration scripts

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    Collaboration scripts are usually implemented as parts of a particular collaborative-learning platform. Therefore, scripts of demonstrated effectiveness are hardly used with learning platforms at other sites, and replication studies are rare. The approach of a platform-independent description language for scripts that allows for easy implementation of the same script on different platforms has not succeeded yet in making the transfer of scripts feasible. We present an alternative solution that treats the problem as a special case of providing support on top of diverse Web pages: In this case, the challenge is to trigger support based on the recognition of a Web page as belonging to a specific type of functionally equivalent pages such as the search query form or the results page of a search engine. The solution suggested has been implemented by means of a tool called S-COL (Scripting for Collaborative Online Learning) and allows for the sustainable development of scripts and scaffolds that can be used with a broad variety of content and platforms. The tool’s functions are described. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and ease of script reuse with S-COL, we describe the flexible re-implementation of a collaboration script for argumentation in S-COL and its adaptation to different learning platforms. To demonstrate that a collaboration script implemented in S-COL can actually foster learning, an empirical study about the effects of a specific script for collaborative online search on learning activities is presented. The further potentials and the limitations of the S-COL approach are discussed

    Hydrogen Sulfide as a Toxic Product in the Small-Large Intestine Axis and its Role in IBD Development

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    The small-large intestine axis in hydrogen sulfide accumulation and testing of sulfate and lactate in the gut-gut axis of the intestinal environment has not been well described. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) of the Desulfovibrio genus reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide and can be involved in ulcerative colitis development. The background of the research was to find correlations between hydrogen sulfide production under the effect of an electron acceptor (sulfate) and donor (lactate) at different concentrations and Desulfovibrio piger Vib-7 growth, as well as their dissimilatory sulfate reduction in the intestinal small-large intestinal environment. METHODS: Microbiological, biochemical, and biophysical methods, and statistical processing of the results (principal component and cross-correlation analyses) were used. RESULTS: D. piger Vib-7 showed increased intensity of bacterial growth and hydrogen sulfide production under the following concentrations of sulfate and lactate: 17.4 mM and 35.6 mM, respectively. The study showed in what kind of intestinal environment D. piger Vib-7 grows at the highest level and produces the highest amount of hydrogen sulfide. CONCLUSIONS: The optimum intestinal environment of D. piger Vib-7 can serve as a good indicator of the occurrence of inflammatory bowel diseases; meaning that these findings can be broadly used in medicine practice dealing with the monitoring and diagnosis of intestinal ailments
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