1,112 research outputs found

    Investigations on alternative substances for control of apple scab - Results from Conidia germinating tests and experiments with plant extracts

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    The intention of this research project, which was supported within the "Bundesprogramm Ă–kologischer Landbau", was to find alternatives for the control of Venturia inaequalis for the organic fruitgrower. Beside the investigations on reducing the ascospore potential on fallen leaves, experiments were conducted in laboratory, greenhouses and in orchard to test direct control of scab with different plant extracts, concentrations and methods of extraction. Extracts from Inula viscosa, Quillaja saponaria-bark, citrus-species (AGROMIL) and Saponaria officinalis revealed a distinct efficacy against apple scab in greenhouse studies on apple seedlings. ELOT-VIS, CHITOPLANT, COMCAT, MOOSEXTRAKT, SILIOPLANT und FZB 24 did not show sufficient efficacy with the application schedule used for control of scab. Mixtures of Quillaja-saponine and sulphur reduced effectively apple scab incidence. In an experiment concerning rain stability Citrus-extract and Quillaja-saponine showed a lower efficacy against scab after a simulated rain of 5 mm. The screening of different supplements to Citrus-extract as surfactants and adhesives revealed GREEMAX and BIOPLUSS as promising additives. Both combinations showed an efficacy comparable to copperoxychloride corresponding to 400 g elementary copper per ha

    Investigations on alternative substances for control of apple scab - results from sanitation trials

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    The intention of this research project, which was supported within the "Bundesprogramm Ă–kologischer Landbau", was to look for alternatives in organic fruit growing to control apple scab, Venturia inaequalis. One important part of the investigations was the application of different substances like microbiological nutrient media, enzymes usually used for production of fruit juices and organic fertilizers on their effect on the ascospore potential on depots of fallen leaves. Some substances like TRYPTIC SOY BROTH increased the decomposition of the leaves significantly, other like BACTOFIL B and HUMOFIX showed nearly no effect on the decomposition, but reduced the ascospore potential in early spring by 80 % compared to the untreated control

    Tone-activated, remote, alert communication system

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    Pocket sized transmitter, frequency modulated by crystal derived tones, with integral loop antenna provides police with easy operating alert signal communicator which uses patrol car radio to relay signal. Communication channels are time shared by several patrol units

    A discriminative model for understanding natural language route directions

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    To be useful teammates to human partners, robots must be able to follow spoken instructions given in natural language. However, determining the correct sequence of actions in response to a set of spoken instructions is a complex decision-making problem. There is a "semantic gap" between the high-level symbolic models of the world that people use, and the low-level models of geometry, state dynamics, and perceptions that robots use. In this paper, we show how this gap can be bridged by inferring the best sequence of actions from a linguistic description and environmental features. This work improves upon previous work in three ways. First, by using a conditional random field (CRF), we learn the relative weight of environmental and linguistic features, enabling the system to learn the meanings of words and reducing the modeling effort in learning how to follow commands. Second, a number of long-range features are added, which help the system to use additional structure in the problem. Finally, given a natural language command, we infer both the referred path and landmark directly, thereby requiring the algorithm to pick a landmark by which it should navigate. The CRF is demonstrated to have 15% error on a held-out dataset, when compared with 39% error for a Markov random field (MRF). Finally, by analyzing the additional annotations necessary for this work, we find that natural language route directions map sequentially onto the corresponding path and landmarks 99.6% of the time. In addition, the size of the referred landmark varies from 0m[superscript 2] to 1964m[superscript 2] and the length of the referred path varies from 0m to 40.83m.United States. Office of Naval Research (MURIs N00014-07-1-0749

    LDA+DMFT computation of the electronic spectrum of NiO

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    The electronic spectrum, energy gap and local magnetic moment of paramagnetic NiO are computed by using the local density approximation plus dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT). To this end the noninteracting Hamiltonian obtained within the local density approximation (LDA) is expressed in Wannier functions basis, with only the five anti-bonding bands with mainly Ni 3d character taken into account. Complementing it by local Coulomb interactions one arrives at a material-specific many-body Hamiltonian which is solved by DMFT together with quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) simulations. The large insulating gap in NiO is found to be a result of the strong electronic correlations in the paramagnetic state. In the vicinity of the gap region, the shape of the electronic spectrum calculated in this way is in good agreement with the experimental x-ray-photoemission and bremsstrahlung-isochromat-spectroscopy results of Sawatzky and Allen. The value of the local magnetic moment computed in the paramagnetic phase (PM) agrees well with that measured in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase. Our results for the electronic spectrum and the local magnetic moment in the PM phase are in accordance with the experimental finding that AFM long-range order has no significant influence on the electronic structure of NiO.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; published versio

    Tunneling gap of laterally separated quantum Hall states

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    We use a method of matched asymptotics to determine the energy gap of two counter-propagating, strongly interacting, quantum Hall edge states. The microscopic edge state dispersion and Coulomb interactions are used to precisely constrain the short-distance behavior of an integrable field theory, which then determines the low energy spectrum. We discuss the relationship of our results to the tunneling measurements of Kang et al., Nature 403, 59 (2000).Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Telescopic actions

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    A group action H on X is called "telescopic" if for any finitely presented group G, there exists a subgroup H' in H such that G is isomorphic to the fundamental group of X/H'. We construct examples of telescopic actions on some CAT[-1] spaces, in particular on 3 and 4-dimensional hyperbolic spaces. As applications we give new proofs of the following statements: (1) Aitchison's theorem: Every finitely presented group G can appear as the fundamental group of M/J, where M is a compact 3-manifold and J is an involution which has only isolated fixed points; (2) Taubes' theorem: Every finitely presented group G can appear as the fundamental group of a compact complex 3-manifold.Comment: +higher dimension

    Grounding Verbs of Motion in Natural Language Commands to Robots

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    To be useful teammates to human partners, robots must be able to follow spoken instructions given in natural language. An important class of instructions involve interacting with people, such as “Follow the person to the kitchen” or “Meet the person at the elevators.” These instructions require that the robot fluidly react to changes in the environment, not simply follow a pre-computed plan. We present an algorithm for understanding natural language commands with three components. First, we create a cost function that scores the language according to how well it matches a candidate plan in the environment, defined as the log-likelihood of the plan given the command. Components of the cost function include novel models for the meanings of motion verbs such as “follow,” “meet,” and “avoid,” as well as spatial relations such as “to” and landmark phrases such as “the kitchen.” Second, an inference method uses this cost function to perform forward search, finding a plan that matches the natural language command. Third, a high-level controller repeatedly calls the inference method at each timestep to compute a new plan in response to changes in the environment such as the movement of the human partner or other people in the scene. When a command consists of more than a single task, the controller switches to the next task when an earlier one is satisfied. We evaluate our approach on a set of example tasks that require the ability to follow both simple and complex natural language commands. Keywords: Cost Function; Spatial Relation; State Sequence; Edit Distance; Statistical Machine TranslationUnited States. Office of Naval Research (Grant MURI N00014-07-1-0749

    Toward understanding natural language directions

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    Speaking using unconstrained natural language is an intuitive and flexible way for humans to interact with robots. Understanding this kind of linguistic input is challenging because diverse words and phrases must be mapped into structures that the robot can understand, and elements in those structures must be grounded in an uncertain environment. We present a system that follows natural language directions by extracting a sequence of spatial description clauses from the linguistic input and then infers the most probable path through the environment given only information about the environmental geometry and detected visible objects. We use a probabilistic graphical model that factors into three key components. The first component grounds landmark phrases such as "the computers" in the perceptual frame of the robot by exploiting co-occurrence statistics from a database of tagged images such as Flickr. Second, a spatial reasoning component judges how well spatial relations such as "past the computers" describe a path. Finally, verb phrases such as "turn right" are modeled according to the amount of change in orientation in the path. Our system follows 60% of the directions in our corpus to within 15 meters of the true destination, significantly outperforming other approaches.United States. Office of Naval Research (MURI N00014-07-1-0749

    S-COL: A Copernican turn for the development of flexibly reusable collaboration scripts

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    Collaboration scripts are usually implemented as parts of a particular collaborative-learning platform. Therefore, scripts of demonstrated effectiveness are hardly used with learning platforms at other sites, and replication studies are rare. The approach of a platform-independent description language for scripts that allows for easy implementation of the same script on different platforms has not succeeded yet in making the transfer of scripts feasible. We present an alternative solution that treats the problem as a special case of providing support on top of diverse Web pages: In this case, the challenge is to trigger support based on the recognition of a Web page as belonging to a specific type of functionally equivalent pages such as the search query form or the results page of a search engine. The solution suggested has been implemented by means of a tool called S-COL (Scripting for Collaborative Online Learning) and allows for the sustainable development of scripts and scaffolds that can be used with a broad variety of content and platforms. The tool’s functions are described. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and ease of script reuse with S-COL, we describe the flexible re-implementation of a collaboration script for argumentation in S-COL and its adaptation to different learning platforms. To demonstrate that a collaboration script implemented in S-COL can actually foster learning, an empirical study about the effects of a specific script for collaborative online search on learning activities is presented. The further potentials and the limitations of the S-COL approach are discussed
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